blob: 61291417736493ca2dbfebf55f3ee157f9a21cd9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hugegraph.api;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.hugegraph.testutil.Assert;
import org.junit.Assume;
import org.junit.Test;
public class GremlinApiTest extends BaseApiTest {
private static String path = "/gremlin";
public void testPost() {
String body = "{" +
"\"gremlin\":\"g.V()\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
assertResponseStatus(200, client().post(path, body));
public void testGet() {
Map<String, Object> params = ImmutableMap.of("gremlin",
Response r = client().get(path, params);
Assert.assertEquals(r.readEntity(String.class), 200, r.getStatus());
public void testScript() {
String bodyTemplate = "{" +
"\"gremlin\":\"%s\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
String script = "schema=hugegraph.schema();" +
"schema.propertyKey('name').asText().ifNotExist().create();" +
"schema.propertyKey('age').asInt().ifNotExist().create();" +
"schema.propertyKey('city').asUUID().ifNotExist().create();" +
"schema.propertyKey('lang').asText().ifNotExist().create();" +
"schema.propertyKey('date').asText().ifNotExist().create();" +
"schema.propertyKey('price').asInt().ifNotExist().create();" +
"person=schema.vertexLabel('person').properties('name','age','city')." +
"useCustomizeUuidId().ifNotExist().create();" +
"knows=schema.edgeLabel('knows').sourceLabel('person').targetLabel" +
"('person')." +
"properties('date').ifNotExist().create();" +
"marko=hugegraph.addVertex(,'835e1153928149578691cf79258e90eb'" +
",T.label,'person','name','marko','age',29," +
"'city','135e1153928149578691cf79258e90eb');" +
"vadas=hugegraph.addVertex(,'935e1153928149578691cf79258e90eb'" +
",T.label,'person','name','vadas','age',27," +
"'city','235e1153928149578691cf79258e90eb');" +
String body = String.format(bodyTemplate, script);
assertResponseStatus(200, client().post(path, body));
String queryV = "g.V()";
body = String.format(bodyTemplate, queryV);
assertResponseStatus(200, client().post(path, body));
String queryE = "g.E()";
body = String.format(bodyTemplate, queryE);
assertResponseStatus(200, client().post(path, body));
public void testClearAndInit() {
String body = "{" +
"\"gremlin\":\"hugegraph.backendStoreFeatures()" +
" .supportsSharedStorage();\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
String content = assertResponseStatus(200, client().post(path, body));
Map<?, ?> result = assertJsonContains(content, "result");
Object data = ((List<Object>) assertMapContains(result, "data")).get(0);
boolean supportsSharedStorage = (boolean) data;
Assume.assumeTrue("Can't clear non-shared-storage backend",
body = "{" +
"\"gremlin\":\"" +
" if (!hugegraph.backendStoreFeatures()" +
" .supportsSharedStorage())" +
" return;" +
" def auth = hugegraph.hugegraph().authManager();" +
" def admin = auth.findUser('admin');" +
" hugegraph.clearBackend();" +
" hugegraph.initBackend();" +
" auth.createUser(admin);\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
assertResponseStatus(200, client().post(path, body));
body = "{" +
"\"gremlin\":\"hugegraph.serverStarted(" +
" GlobalMasterInfo.master('server1'))\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
assertResponseStatus(200, client().post(path, body));
public void testTruncate() {
String body = "{" +
"\"gremlin\":\"try {hugegraph.truncateBackend()} " +
"catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {}\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
assertResponseStatus(200, client().post(path, body));
public void testSetVertexProperty() {
String pkPath = "/graphs/hugegraph/schema/propertykeys/";
// Cardinality single
String foo = "{" +
"\"name\": \"foo\"," +
"\"data_type\": \"TEXT\"," +
"\"cardinality\": \"SINGLE\"," +
"\"properties\":[]" +
assertResponseStatus(202, client().post(pkPath, foo));
// Cardinality list
String bar = "{" +
"\"name\": \"bar\"," +
"\"data_type\": \"TEXT\"," +
"\"cardinality\": \"LIST\"," +
"\"properties\":[]" +
assertResponseStatus(202, client().post(pkPath, bar));
String vlPath = "/graphs/hugegraph/schema/vertexlabels/";
String vertexLabel = "{" +
"\"name\": \"person\"," +
"\"id_strategy\": \"CUSTOMIZE_STRING\"," +
"\"properties\": [\"foo\", \"bar\"]" +
assertResponseStatus(201, client().post(vlPath, vertexLabel));
// Not supply cardinality
String body = "{" +
"\"gremlin\":\"g.addV('person').property(, '1')" +
".property('foo', '123').property('bar', '123')\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
assertResponseStatus(200, client().post(path, body));
// Supply matched cardinality
body = "{\"gremlin\":\"g.addV('person').property(, '1')" +
".property(single, 'foo', '123')" +
".property(list, 'bar', '123')\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
assertResponseStatus(200, client().post(path, body));
// Supply unmatch cardinality
body = "{\"gremlin\":\"g.addV('person').property(, '1')" +
".property(list, 'foo', '123')" +
".property(list, 'bar', '123')\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
assertResponseStatus(400, client().post(path, body));
// NOTE: supply unmatch cardinality, but we give up the check
body = "{\"gremlin\":\"g.addV('person').property(, '1')" +
".property(single, 'foo', '123')" +
".property(single, 'bar', '123')\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
assertResponseStatus(200, client().post(path, body));
public void testFileSerialize() {
String body = "{" +
"\"gremlin\":\"File file = new File('test.text')\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
Response r = client().post(path, body);
String content = r.readEntity(String.class);
Assert.assertTrue(content, r.getStatus() == 200);
Map<?, ?> result = assertJsonContains(content, "result");
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
Map data = ((List<Map>) assertMapContains(result, "data")).get(0);
Assert.assertEquals("test.text", data.get("file"));
public void testVertexOrderByDesc() {
String body = "{" +
"\"gremlin\":\"g.V().order().by(desc)\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
Response response = client().post(path, body);
assertResponseStatus(200, response);
public void testVertexOrderByAsc() {
String body = "{" +
"\"gremlin\":\"g.V().order().by(asc)\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
Response response = client().post(path, body);
assertResponseStatus(200, response);
public void testEegeOrderByDesc() {
String body = "{" +
"\"gremlin\":\"g.E().order().by(desc)\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
Response response = client().post(path, body);
assertResponseStatus(200, response);
public void testEdgeOrderByAsc() {
String body = "{" +
"\"gremlin\":\"g.E().order().by(asc)\"," +
"\"bindings\":{}," +
"\"language\":\"gremlin-groovy\"," +
Response response = client().post(path, body);
assertResponseStatus(200, response);