blob: 92bd2e031b32b73aae1f98feeda61b5218c1ee70 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 HugeGraph Authors
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import com.beust.jcommander.DynamicParameter;
import com.beust.jcommander.IParameterValidator;
import com.beust.jcommander.IStringConverter;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters;
import com.beust.jcommander.ParametersDelegate;
public class SubCommands {
private Map<String, Object> commands;
public SubCommands() {
this.commands = InsertionOrderUtil.newMap();
private void initSubCommands() {
this.commands.put("graph-list", new GraphList());
this.commands.put("graph-get", new GraphGet());
this.commands.put("graph-clear", new GraphClear());
this.commands.put("graph-mode-set", new GraphModeSet());
this.commands.put("graph-mode-get", new GraphModeGet());
this.commands.put("task-list", new TaskList());
this.commands.put("task-get", new TaskGet());
this.commands.put("task-delete", new TaskDelete());
this.commands.put("task-cancel", new TaskCancel());
this.commands.put("task-clear", new TaskClear());
this.commands.put("gremlin-execute", new Gremlin());
this.commands.put("gremlin-schedule", new GremlinJob());
this.commands.put("backup", new Backup());
this.commands.put("schedule-backup", new ScheduleBackup());
this.commands.put("dump", new DumpGraph());
this.commands.put("restore", new Restore());
this.commands.put("migrate", new Migrate());
this.commands.put("deploy", new Deploy());
this.commands.put("start-all", new StartAll());
this.commands.put("clear", new Clear());
this.commands.put("stop-all", new StopAll());
this.commands.put("auth-backup", new AuthBackup());
this.commands.put("auth-restore", new AuthRestore());
this.commands.put("help", new Help());
public Map<String, Object> commands() {
return this.commands;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Schedule backup task")
public static class ScheduleBackup {
@Parameter(names = {"--interval"}, arity = 1,
description =
"The interval of backup, format is: \"a b c d e\"." +
" 'a' means minute (0 - 59)," +
" 'b' means hour (0 - 23)," +
" 'c' means day of month (1 - 31)," +
" 'd' means month (1 - 12)," +
" 'e' means day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)," +
" \"*\" means all")
public String interval = "\"0 0 * * *\"";
@Parameter(names = {"--backup-num"}, arity = 1,
description = "The number of latest backups to keep")
public int num = 3;
@Parameter(names = {"--directory", "-d"}, arity = 1, required = true,
description = "The directory of backups stored")
public String directory;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Backup graph schema/data. If directory " +
"is on HDFS, use -D to set HDFS params. " +
"For example: " +
public static class Backup extends BackupRestore {
@Parameter(names = {"--split-size", "-s"}, arity = 1,
description = "Split size of shard")
public long splitSize = 1024 * 1024L;
private HugeTypes types = new HugeTypes();
@Parameter(names = {"--format"}, arity = 1,
validateWith = {FormatValidator.class},
description = "File format, valid is [json, text]")
public String format = "json";
@Parameter(names = {"--compress"}, arity = 1,
description = "compress flag")
public boolean compress = true;
@Parameter(names = {"--label"}, arity = 1,
description = "Vertex label or edge label, only valid when type " +
"is vertex or edge")
public String label;
@Parameter(names = {"--all-properties"}, arity = 1,
description = "All properties to be backup flag")
public boolean allProperties = false;
@Parameter(names = {"--properties"}, arity = 1,
description = "Vertex or edge properties to backup, " +
"only valid when type is vertex or edge")
public List<String> properties = ImmutableList.of();
public long splitSize() {
return this.splitSize;
public void splitSize(long splitSize) {
this.splitSize = splitSize;
public List<HugeType> types() {
return this.types.types;
public void types(List<HugeType> types) {
this.types.types = types;
public String format() {
return this.format;
public void format(String format) {
this.format = format;
public boolean compress() {
return this.compress;
public void compress(boolean compress) {
this.compress = compress;
public String label() {
return this.label;
public void label(String label) {
this.label = label;
public boolean allProperties() {
return this.allProperties;
public void allProperties(boolean allProperties) {
this.allProperties = allProperties;
public List<String> properties() {
public void properties(List<String> properties) { = properties;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Restore graph schema/data. If directory" +
" is on HDFS, use -D to set HDFS params " +
"if needed. For example:" +
public static class Restore extends BackupRestore {
@Parameter(names = {"--clean"},
description = "Whether to remove the directory of " +
"graph data after restored")
public boolean clean = false;
private HugeTypes types = new HugeTypes();
public boolean clean() {
return this.clean;
public void clean(boolean clean) {
this.clean = clean;
public List<HugeType> types() {
return this.types.types;
public void types(List<HugeType> types) {
this.types.types = types;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Dump graph to files")
public static class DumpGraph extends BackupRestore {
@Parameter(names = {"--formatter", "-f"}, arity = 1,
description = "Formatter to customize format of vertex/edge")
public String formatter = "JsonFormatter";
@Parameter(names = {"--split-size", "-s"}, arity = 1,
description = "Split size of shard")
public long splitSize = 1024 * 1024L;
public String formatter() {
return this.formatter;
public long splitSize() {
return this.splitSize;
public void splitSize(long splitSize) {
this.splitSize = splitSize;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Migrate graph")
public static class Migrate extends BackupRestore {
@Parameter(names = {"--split-size", "-s"}, arity = 1,
description = "Split size of shard")
public long splitSize = 1024 * 1024L;
private HugeTypes types = new HugeTypes();
@Parameter(names = {"--target-url"}, arity = 1,
description = "The url of target graph to migrate")
public String targetUrl = "";
@Parameter(names = {"--target-graph"}, arity = 1,
description = "The name of target graph to migrate")
public String targetGraph = "hugegraph";
@Parameter(names = {"--target-user"}, arity = 1,
description = "The username of target graph to migrate")
public String targetUsername;
@Parameter(names = {"--target-password"}, arity = 1,
description = "The password of target graph to migrate")
public String targetPassword;
@Parameter(names = {"--target-timeout"}, arity = 1,
description = "The timeout to connect target graph to " +
public int targetTimeout;
@Parameter(names = {"--target-trust-store-file"}, arity = 1,
description = "The trust store file of target graph to " +
public String targetTrustStoreFile;
@Parameter(names = {"--target-trust-store-password"}, arity = 1,
description = "The trust store password of target graph " +
"to migrate")
public String targetTrustStorePassword;
@Parameter(names = {"--graph-mode", "-m"}, arity = 1,
converter = GraphModeConverter.class,
description = "Mode used when migrating to target graph, " +
"include: [RESTORING, MERGING]")
public GraphMode mode = GraphMode.RESTORING;
@Parameter(names = {"--keep-local-data"},
description = "Whether to keep the local directory of " +
"graph data after restored")
public boolean keepData = false;
public long splitSize() {
return this.splitSize;
public void splitSize(long splitSize) {
this.splitSize = splitSize;
public List<HugeType> types() {
return this.types.types;
public void types(List<HugeType> types) {
this.types.types = types;
public String targetUrl() {
return this.targetUrl;
public String targetGraph() {
return this.targetGraph;
public String targetUsername() {
return this.targetUsername;
public String targetPassword() {
return this.targetPassword;
public int targetTimeout() {
return this.targetTimeout;
public String targetTrustStoreFile() {
return this.targetTrustStoreFile;
public String targetTrustStorePassword() {
return this.targetTrustStorePassword;
public GraphMode mode() {
return this.mode;
public boolean keepData() {
return this.keepData;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "List all graphs")
public static class GraphList {
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Get graph info")
public static class GraphGet {}
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Clear graph schema and data")
public static class GraphClear {
private ConfirmMessage message = new ConfirmMessage();
public String confirmMessage() {
return this.message.confirmMessage;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Set graph mode")
public static class GraphModeSet {
private Mode mode = new Mode();
public GraphMode mode() {
return this.mode.mode;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Get graph mode")
public static class GraphModeGet {}
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Execute Gremlin statements")
public static class Gremlin extends GremlinJob {
private Aliases aliases = new Aliases();
public Map<String, String> aliases() {
return this.aliases.aliases;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Execute Gremlin statements as " +
"asynchronous job")
public static class GremlinJob {
private FileScript fileScript = new FileScript();
private GremlinScript cmdScript = new GremlinScript();
private Language language = new Language();
private Bindings bindings = new Bindings();
public String fileScript() {
return this.fileScript.script;
public String cmdScript() {
return this.cmdScript.script;
public String language() {
return this.language.language;
public Map<String, String> bindings() {
return this.bindings.bindings;
public String script() {
String script;
if (this.cmdScript() == null) {
E.checkArgument(this.fileScript() != null,
"Either --script or --file must " +
"be provided, but both are null");
script = this.fileScript();
} else {
E.checkArgument(this.fileScript() == null,
"Either --script or --file must " +
"be provided, but both are provided: " +
"'%s' and '%s'",
this.cmdScript(), this.fileScript());
script = this.cmdScript();
return script;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "List tasks")
public static class TaskList {
private TaskStatus status = new TaskStatus();
private Limit limit = new Limit();
public String status() {
if (this.status.status == null) {
return null;
return this.status.status.toUpperCase();
public long limit() {
return this.limit.limit;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Get task info")
public static class TaskGet {
private TaskId taskId = new TaskId();
public long taskId() {
return this.taskId.taskId;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Delete task")
public static class TaskDelete {
private TaskId taskId = new TaskId();
public long taskId() {
return this.taskId.taskId;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Cancel task")
public static class TaskCancel {
private TaskId taskId = new TaskId();
public long taskId() {
return this.taskId.taskId;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Clear completed tasks")
public static class TaskClear {
@Parameter(names = "--force",
description = "Force to clear all tasks, " +
"cancel all uncompleted tasks firstly, " +
"and delete all completed tasks")
private boolean force = false;
public boolean force() {
return this.force;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Install HugeGraph-Server and " +
public static class Deploy {
private Version version = new Version();
public InstallPath path = new InstallPath();
public DownloadURL url = new DownloadURL();
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Start HugeGraph-Server and " +
public static class StartAll {
private Version version = new Version();
public InstallPath path = new InstallPath();
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Clear HugeGraph-Server and " +
public static class Clear {
public InstallPath path = new InstallPath();
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Stop HugeGraph-Server and " +
public static class StopAll {
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Print usage")
public static class Help {
public static class BackupRestore {
@Parameter(names = {"--directory", "-d"}, arity = 1,
description = "Directory of graph schema/data, default is " +
"'./{graphname}' in local file system " +
"or '{}/{graphname}' in HDFS")
public String directory;
@Parameter(names = {"--log", "-l"}, arity = 1,
description = "Directory of log")
public String logDir = "./logs";
@Parameter(names = {"--thread-num", "-T"}, arity = 1,
validateWith = {PositiveValidator.class},
description = "Threads number to use, default is " +
"Math.min(10, Math.max(4, CPUs / 2))")
public int threadsNum;
private Retry retry = new Retry();
@DynamicParameter(names = "-D",
description = "HDFS config parameters")
private Map<String, String> hdfsConf = new HashMap<>();
public String directory() {
public String logDir() {
return this.logDir;
public int threadsNum() {
return this.threadsNum;
public int retry() {
return this.retry.retry;
public Map<String, String> hdfsConf() {
return this.hdfsConf;
public void directory(String directory) { = directory;
public void logDir(String logDir) {
this.logDir = logDir;
public void retry(int retry) {
this.retry.retry = retry;
public void hdfsConf(Map<String, String> hdfsConf) {
this.hdfsConf = hdfsConf;
public static class Url {
@Parameter(names = {"--url"}, arity = 1,
validateWith = {UrlValidator.class},
description = "The URL of HugeGraph-Server")
public String url = "";
public static class Graph {
@Parameter(names = {"--graph"}, arity = 1,
description = "Name of graph")
public String graph = "hugegraph";
public static class Username {
@Parameter(names = {"--user"}, arity = 1,
description = "Name of user")
public String username;
public static class Password {
@Parameter(names = {"--password"}, arity = 1,
description = "Password of user")
public String password;
public static class Timeout {
@Parameter(names = {"--timeout"}, arity = 1,
description = "Connection timeout")
public int timeout = 30;
public static class Protocol {
@Parameter(names = {"--protocol"}, arity = 1,
validateWith = {ProtocolValidator.class},
description = "The Protocol of HugeGraph-Server, allowed values " +
"are: http or https")
public String protocol = "http";
public static class TrustStoreFile {
@Parameter(names = {"--trust-store-file"}, arity = 1,
description = "The path of client truststore file used when " +
"https protocol is enabled")
public String trustStoreFile;
public static class TrustStorePassword {
@Parameter(names = {"--trust-store-password"}, arity = 1,
description = "The password of the client truststore file " +
"used when the https protocol is enabled")
public String trustStorePassword;
public static class ThrowMode {
@Parameter(names = {"--throw-mode"}, arity = 1,
description = "Whether the hugegraph-tools work " +
"to throw an exception")
public boolean throwMode = false;
public static class HugeTypes {
@Parameter(names = {"--huge-types", "-t"},
listConverter = HugeTypeListConverter.class,
description = "Type of schema/data. Concat with ',' if more " +
"than one. Other types include 'all' and " +
"'schema'. 'all' means all vertices, edges and " +
"schema. In other words, 'all' equals with " +
"'vertex, edge, vertex_label, edge_label, " +
"property_key, index_label'. 'schema' equals " +
"with 'vertex_label, edge_label, property_key, " +
public List<HugeType> types = HugeTypeListConverter.ALL_TYPES;
public static class InstallPath {
@Parameter(names = {"-p"}, arity = 1, required = true,
description = "Install path of HugeGraph-Server and " +
public String directory;
public static class DownloadURL {
@Parameter(names = {"-u"}, arity = 1,
description = "Download url prefix path of " +
"HugeGraph-Server and HugeGraph-Studio")
public String url = null;
public static class ConfirmMessage {
@Parameter(names = {"--confirm-message", "-c"}, arity = 1,
description = "Confirm message of graph clear is " +
"\"I'm sure to delete all data\". " +
"(Note: include \"\")",
required = true)
public String confirmMessage;
public static class Mode {
@Parameter(names = {"--graph-mode", "-m"}, arity = 1,
converter = GraphModeConverter.class,
description = "Graph mode, " +
required = true)
public GraphMode mode;
public static class FileScript {
@Parameter(names = {"--file", "-f"}, arity = 1,
converter = FileNameToContentConverter.class,
description = "Gremlin Script file to be executed, UTF-8 " +
"encoded, exclusive to --script")
public String script;
public static class GremlinScript {
@Parameter(names = {"--script", "-s"}, arity = 1,
description = "Gremlin script to be executed, " +
"exclusive to --file")
public String script;
public static class Language {
@Parameter(names = {"--language", "-l"}, arity = 1,
description = "Gremlin script language")
public String language = "gremlin-groovy";
public static class Bindings {
@Parameter(names = {"--bindings", "-b"}, arity = 1,
converter = MapConverter.class,
description = "Gremlin bindings, valid format is: " +
public Map<String, String> bindings = ImmutableMap.of();
public static class Aliases {
@Parameter(names = {"--aliases", "-a"}, arity = 1,
converter = MapConverter.class,
description = "Gremlin aliases, valid format is: " +
public Map<String, String> aliases = ImmutableMap.of();
public static class Version {
@Parameter(names = {"-v"}, arity = 1, required = true,
description = "Version of HugeGraph-Server and " +
public String version;
public static class Retry {
@Parameter(names = {"--retry"}, arity = 1,
validateWith = {PositiveValidator.class},
description = "Retry times, default is 3")
public int retry = 3;
public static class Limit {
@Parameter(names = {"--limit"}, arity = 1,
validateWith = {PositiveValidator.class},
description = "Limit number, no limit if not provided")
public long limit = -1;
public static class TaskStatus {
@Parameter(names = {"--status"}, arity = 1,
validateWith = TaskStatusValidator.class,
description = "Status of task")
public String status = null;
public static class TaskId {
@Parameter(names = {"--task-id"}, arity = 1, required = true,
validateWith = {PositiveValidator.class},
description = "Task id")
private long taskId;
public static class AuthBackupRestore {
private AuthTypes types = new AuthTypes();
@Parameter(names = {"--directory"}, arity = 1,
description = "Directory of auth information, default " +
"is './{auth-backup-restore}' in local " +
"file system or '{}/" +
"{auth-backup-restore}' in HDFS")
public String directory;
@DynamicParameter(names = "-D",
description = "HDFS config parameters")
private Map<String, String> hdfsConf = new HashMap<>();
private Retry retry = new Retry();
public List<HugeType> types() {
return this.types.types;
public void types(List<HugeType> types) {
this.types.types = types;
public int retry() {
return this.retry.retry;
public void retry(int retry) {
this.retry.retry = retry;
public String directory() {
public void directory(String directory) { = directory;
public Map<String, String> hdfsConf() {
return this.hdfsConf;
public void hdfsConf(Map<String, String> hdfsConf) {
this.hdfsConf = hdfsConf;
public static class AuthBackup extends AuthBackupRestore {
public static class AuthRestore extends AuthBackupRestore {
@Parameter(names = {"--strategy"},
converter = AuthStrategyConverter.class,
description = "The strategy needs to be chosen in the event " +
"of a conflict when restoring. Valid " +
"strategies include 'stop' and 'ignore', " +
"default is 'stop'. 'stop' means if there " +
"a conflict, stop restore. 'ignore' means if " +
"there a conflict, ignore and continue to " +
public AuthRestoreConflictStrategy strategy = AuthStrategyConverter.strategy;
@Parameter(names = {"--init-password"}, arity = 1,
description = "Init user password, if restore type include " +
"'user', please specify the init-password of " +
public String initPassword = StringUtils.EMPTY;
public AuthRestoreConflictStrategy strategy() {
return this.strategy;
public void strategy(AuthRestoreConflictStrategy strategy) {
this.strategy = strategy;
public String initPassword() {
return this.initPassword;
public void initPassword(String initPassword) {
this.initPassword = initPassword;
public static class AuthTypes {
@Parameter(names = {"--types", "-t"},
listConverter = AuthHugeTypeConverter.class,
description = "Type of auth data to restore and backup, " +
"concat with ',' if more than one. 'all' " +
"means all auth information. In other words, " +
"'all' equals with 'user, group, target, " +
"belong, access'. In addition, 'belong' or " +
"'access' can not backup or restore alone, if " +
"type contains 'belong' then should contains " +
"'user' and 'group'. If type contains 'access' " +
"then should contains 'group' and 'target'.")
public List<HugeType> types = AuthHugeTypeConverter.AUTH_ALL_TYPES;
public static class GraphModeConverter
implements IStringConverter<GraphMode> {
public GraphMode convert(String value) {
E.checkArgument(value != null && !value.isEmpty(),
"GraphMode can't be null or empty");
return GraphMode.valueOf(value);
public static class HugeTypeListConverter
implements IStringConverter<List<HugeType>> {
public static final List<HugeType> ALL_TYPES = ImmutableList.of(
HugeType.VERTEX, HugeType.EDGE
public static final List<HugeType> SCHEMA_TYPES = ImmutableList.of(
public List<HugeType> convert(String value) {
E.checkArgument(value != null && !value.isEmpty(),
"HugeType can't be null or empty");
String[] types = value.split(",");
if (types.length == 1 && types[0].equalsIgnoreCase("all")) {
return ALL_TYPES;
if (types.length == 1 && types[0].equalsIgnoreCase("schema")) {
List<HugeType> hugeTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (String type : types) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new ParameterException(String.format(
"Invalid --type '%s', valid value is 'all' or " +
"combination of 'vertex,edge,vertex_label," +
"edge_label,property_key,index_label'", type));
return hugeTypes;
public static class AuthHugeTypeConverter
implements IStringConverter<List<HugeType>> {
public static final List<HugeType> AUTH_ALL_TYPES = ImmutableList.of(
HugeType.TARGET, HugeType.GROUP,
HugeType.USER, HugeType.ACCESS,
public List<HugeType> convert(String value) {
E.checkArgument(value != null && !value.isEmpty(),
"HugeType can't be null or empty");
String[] types = value.split(",");
if (types.length == 1 && types[0].equalsIgnoreCase("all")) {
List<String> typeList = Arrays.asList(types);
E.checkArgument(!typeList.contains(HugeType.BELONG.toString().toLowerCase()) ||
(typeList.contains(HugeType.USER.toString().toLowerCase()) &&
"Invalid --type '%s', if type contains 'belong'" +
" then 'user' and 'group' are required.", value);
E.checkArgument(!typeList.contains(HugeType.ACCESS.toString().toLowerCase()) ||
(typeList.contains(HugeType.GROUP.toString().toLowerCase()) &&
"Invalid --type '%s', if type contains 'access'" +
" then 'group' and 'target' are required.", value);
List<HugeType> hugeTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (String type : types) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"Invalid --type '%s', valid value is 'all' or " +
"combination of [user,group,target," +
"belong,access]", type));
return hugeTypes;
public static class AuthStrategyConverter
implements IStringConverter<AuthRestoreConflictStrategy> {
public static final AuthRestoreConflictStrategy strategy =
public AuthRestoreConflictStrategy convert(String value) {
E.checkArgument(value != null && !value.isEmpty(),
"Strategy can't be null or empty");
"Invalid --strategy '%s', valid value is " +
"'stop' or 'ignore", value);
return AuthRestoreConflictStrategy.fromName(value);
public static class MapConverter
implements IStringConverter<Map<String, String>> {
public Map<String, String> convert(String value) {
E.checkArgument(value != null && !value.isEmpty(),
"HugeType can't be null or empty");
String[] equals = value.split(",");
Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
for (String equal : equals) {
String[] kv = equal.split("=");
E.checkArgument(kv.length == 2,
"Map arguments format should be key=value, " +
"but got '%s'", equal);
result.put(kv[0], kv[1]);
return result;
public static class FileNameToContentConverter
implements IStringConverter<String> {
public String convert(String value) {
File file = FileUtils.getFile(value);
if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile() || !file.canRead()) {
throw new ParameterException(String.format(
"'%s' must be existed readable file", value));
String content;
try {
content = FileUtils.readFileToString(file, API.CHARSET);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ParameterException(String.format(
"Read file '%s' error", value), e);
return content;
public static class FormatValidator implements IParameterValidator {
private static final Set<String> FORMATS = ImmutableSet.of(
public void validate(String name, String value) {
if (!FORMATS.contains(value.toUpperCase())) {
throw new ParameterException(String.format(
"Invalid --format '%s', valid value is %s",
value, FORMATS));
public static class ProtocolValidator implements IParameterValidator {
private static final Set<String> PROTOCOLS = ImmutableSet.of(
public void validate(String name, String value) {
if (!PROTOCOLS.contains(value.toUpperCase())) {
throw new ParameterException(String.format(
"Invalid --protocol '%s', valid value is %s",
value, PROTOCOLS));
public static class TaskStatusValidator implements IParameterValidator {
public void validate(String name, String value) {
if (!TasksManager.TASK_STATUSES.contains(value.toUpperCase())) {
throw new ParameterException(String.format(
"Invalid --status '%s', valid value is %s",
value, TasksManager.TASK_STATUSES));
public static class UrlValidator implements IParameterValidator {
public void validate(String name, String value) {
String regex = "^((http)(s?)://)?"
// IP URL, like:
+ "(((25[0-5])|(2[0-4]\\d)|(1\\d\\d)|([1-9]\\d)|\\d)"
+ "(\\.((25[0-5])|(2[0-4]\\d)|(1\\d\\d)|([1-9]\\d)|\\d)){3}"
+ "|"
// Or domain name
+ "([0-9a-z_!~*'()-]+\\.)*[0-9a-z_!~*'()-]+)"
// Port
+ ":([0-9]|[1-9]\\d{1,3}|[1-5]\\d{4}|6[0-5]{2}[0-3][0-5])$";
if (!value.matches(regex)) {
throw new ParameterException(String.format(
"Invalid url value of args '%s': '%s'", name, value));
public static class DirectoryValidator implements IParameterValidator {
public void validate(String name, String value) {
File file = new File(value);
if (!file.exists() || !file.isDirectory()) {
throw new ParameterException(String.format(
"Invalid value of argument '%s': '%s'", name, value));
public static class PositiveValidator implements IParameterValidator {
public void validate(String name, String value) {
int retry = Integer.parseInt(value);
if (retry <= 0) {
throw new ParameterException(
"Parameter " + name + " should be positive, " +
"but got " + value);