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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.hugegraph.util;
* Utility class for encoding longs in strings based on:
* @see <a href="">encode decode long to string</a>
public final class LongEncoding {
private static final String B64_SYMBOLS =
private static final String LENGTH_SYMBOLS = "0123456789ABCDEF";
private static final char SORTABLE_NEG = LENGTH_SYMBOLS.charAt(0);
private static final char SIGNED_NEG = '-';
private static final long FULL_LONG = Long.MIN_VALUE;
public static String encodeNumber(Object number) {
Number num = NumericUtil.convertToNumber(number);
long value = NumericUtil.numberToSortableLong(num);
return encodeSortable(value);
public static Number decodeNumber(String str, Class<?> clazz) {
long value = decodeSortable(str);
Number number = NumericUtil.sortableLongToNumber(value, clazz);
return number;
public static String encodeSortable(long num) {
boolean negative = false;
if (num < 0L) {
negative = true;
num += FULL_LONG;
String encoded = encode(num, B64_SYMBOLS);
int length = encoded.length();
E.checkArgument(length <= LENGTH_SYMBOLS.length(),
"Length symbols can't represent encoded number '%s'",
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length + 2);
if (negative) {
char len = LENGTH_SYMBOLS.charAt(length);
return sb.toString();
public static long decodeSortable(String str) {
E.checkArgument(str.length() >= 2,
"Length of sortable encoded string must be >=2");
boolean negative = str.charAt(0) == SORTABLE_NEG;
int lengthPos = 0;
if (negative) {
lengthPos = 1;
int length = B64_SYMBOLS.indexOf(str.charAt(lengthPos));
E.checkArgument(length == str.length() - lengthPos - 1,
"Can't decode illegal string '%s' with wrong length",
String encoded = str.substring(lengthPos + 1);
long value = decode(encoded, B64_SYMBOLS);
if (negative) {
value -= FULL_LONG;
return value;
public static String encodeSignedB64(long value) {
boolean negative = false;
if (value < 0L) {
negative = true;
if (value == FULL_LONG) {
return "-80000000000";
value = -value;
assert value >= 0L : value;
String encoded = encodeB64(value);
return negative ? SIGNED_NEG + encoded : encoded;
public static long decodeSignedB64(String value) {
boolean negative = false;
if (!value.isEmpty() && value.charAt(0) == SIGNED_NEG) {
negative = true;
value = value.substring(1);
long decoded = decodeB64(value);
return negative ? -decoded : decoded;
public static boolean validB64Char(char c) {
return B64_SYMBOLS.indexOf(c) != -1;
public static String encodeB64(long num) {
return encode(num, B64_SYMBOLS);
public static long decodeB64(String str) {
return decode(str, B64_SYMBOLS);
public static long decode(String encoded, String symbols) {
final int B = symbols.length();
E.checkArgument(B > 0, "The symbols parameter can't be empty");
long num = 0L;
for (char ch : encoded.toCharArray()) {
num *= B;
int pos = symbols.indexOf(ch);
if (pos < 0)
throw new NumberFormatException(String.format(
"Can't decode symbol '%s' in string '%s'",
ch, encoded));
num += pos;
return num;
public static String encode(long num, String symbols) {
final int B = symbols.length();
E.checkArgument(num >= 0L, "Expected non-negative number: %s", num);
E.checkArgument(B > 0, "The symbols parameter can't be empty");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
do {
sb.append(symbols.charAt((int) (num % B)));
num /= B;
} while (num != 0L);
return sb.reverse().toString();