blob: 6e356e2567c48e777f2f3b98d73089d714060be4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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from typing import Literal, Dict, Any, List, Optional, Tuple
import jieba
import requests
from nltk.translate.bleu_score import sentence_bleu
from hugegraph_llm.models.embeddings.base import BaseEmbedding
from hugegraph_llm.models.rerankers.init_reranker import Rerankers
from hugegraph_llm.utils.log import log
def get_bleu_score(query: str, content: str) -> float:
query_tokens = jieba.lcut(query)
content_tokens = jieba.lcut(content)
return sentence_bleu([query_tokens], content_tokens)
def _bleu_rerank(query: str, results: List[str]) -> List[str]:
result_score_list = [[res, get_bleu_score(query, res)] for res in results]
result_score_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return [res[0] for res in result_score_list]
class MergeDedupRerank:
def __init__(
embedding: BaseEmbedding,
topk: int = 20,
graph_ratio: float = 0.5,
method: Literal["bleu", "reranker"] = "bleu",
near_neighbor_first: bool = False,
custom_related_information: Optional[str] = None,
priority: bool = False, # TODO: implement priority
assert method in ["bleu", "reranker"], f"Unimplemented rerank method '{method}'."
self.embedding = embedding
self.graph_ratio = graph_ratio
self.topk = topk
self.method = method
self.near_neighbor_first = near_neighbor_first
self.custom_related_information = custom_related_information
if priority:
raise ValueError(f"Unimplemented rerank strategy: priority.")
self.switch_to_bleu = False
def run(self, context: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
query = context.get("query")
if self.custom_related_information:
query = query + self.custom_related_information
context["graph_ratio"] = self.graph_ratio
vector_search = context.get("vector_search", False)
graph_search = context.get("graph_search", False)
if graph_search and vector_search:
graph_length = int(self.topk * self.graph_ratio)
vector_length = self.topk - graph_length
graph_length = self.topk
vector_length = self.topk
vector_result = context.get("vector_result", [])
vector_length = min(len(vector_result), vector_length)
vector_result = self._dedup_and_rerank(query, vector_result, vector_length)
graph_result = context.get("graph_result", [])
graph_length = min(len(graph_result), graph_length)
if self.near_neighbor_first:
graph_result = self._rerank_with_vertex_degree(
if self.switch_to_bleu:
context["switch_to_bleu"] = True
graph_result = self._dedup_and_rerank(query, graph_result, graph_length)
context["vector_result"] = vector_result
context["graph_result"] = graph_result
return context
def _dedup_and_rerank(self, query: str, results: List[str], topn: int) -> List[str]:
results = list(set(results))
if self.method == "bleu":
return _bleu_rerank(query, results)[:topn]
if self.method == "reranker":
reranker = Rerankers().get_reranker()
return reranker.get_rerank_lists(query, results, topn)
def _rerank_with_vertex_degree(
query: str,
results: List[str],
topn: int,
vertex_degree_list: Optional[List[List[str]]],
knowledge_with_degree: Dict[str, List[str]],
) -> List[str]:
if vertex_degree_list is None or len(vertex_degree_list) == 0:
return self._dedup_and_rerank(query, results, topn)
if self.method == "reranker":
reranker = Rerankers().get_reranker()
vertex_rerank_res = [
reranker.get_rerank_lists(query, vertex_degree) + [""] for vertex_degree in vertex_degree_list
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
log.warning(f"Online reranker fails, automatically switches to local bleu method: {e}")
self.method = "bleu"
self.switch_to_bleu = True
if self.method == "bleu":
vertex_rerank_res = [_bleu_rerank(query, vertex_degree) + [""] for vertex_degree in vertex_degree_list]
depth = len(vertex_degree_list)
for result in results:
if result not in knowledge_with_degree:
knowledge_with_degree[result] = [result] + [""] * (depth - 1)
if len(knowledge_with_degree[result]) < depth:
knowledge_with_degree[result] += [""] * (depth - len(knowledge_with_degree[result]))
def sort_key(res: str) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
return tuple(vertex_rerank_res[i].index(knowledge_with_degree[res][i]) for i in range(depth))
sorted_results = sorted(results, key=sort_key)
return sorted_results[:topn]