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:documentationPath: /workflow/actions/
:language: en_US
= Decrypt files with PGP
== Description
This workflow action can be used to decrypt files.
== Options
=== General Tab
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
|GPG location|The signature file path.
|Include subfolders|Whether or not to include subfolders.
|Copy previous results to args|
|File/Folder source|The file to decrypt, can be added to the Files/Folders list using Add.
|File/Folder destination|The destination of the decrypted files.
|Wildcard|A regex wildcard.
|User ID|
|Files/Folders|The files to decrypt.
=== Destination File Tab
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Create destination folder|Whether or not to create the destination folder.
|Destination is a file|Whether or not the destination is a file.
|Do not keep folder structure|Whether or not to keep the folder structure.
|Add date to filename|Adds the date to the file name.
|Add time to filename|Adds the time to the file name.
|Specify Date time format|Whether or not to specify the date time format.
|Date time format|The format of the date time.
|Add date before extension|Before or after extension.
|If destination file exists a|
* Do nothing
* Overwrite the destination file
* Create file with unique name
* Delete source file
* Move source file to folder
* Fail
|Destination folder|The destination folder.
|Create folder|Whether or not to create the folder.
|Add date|Adds the date.
|Add time|Adds the time.
|Specify format|Whether or not to specify the date time format.
|Add date before extension|The format of the date time.
|If file exists in destination folder a|
* Do nothing
* Overwrite the destination file
* Create file with unique name
* Delete source file
* Move source file to folder
* Fail
=== Destination File Tab
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Success condition a|Which condition to validate for a successful run
* Success when all works
* Success when at least x files decrypted
* Success when number of errors lesser than
|Nr error lesser than|Success if errors lesser than.
|Add files to result files name|