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:documentationPath: /workflow/actions/
:language: en_US
= Delete Folders
== Description
This workflow action deletes a set of folders and their content.
== Options
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
|Settings|Copy previous results to args: Enable this option if the folders you want to delete come from the result files of the previous action in the workflow.
|Success on a|Success condition : select one of :
* When no error reported : everything deleted just fine
* When at least x folders processed : specify x in the Limit field below
* When the number of errors less than : specify the max nr of errors in the limit field below
|Folders a|This is the list of all the folders to delete. You can use the Folder field and these buttons to maintain the list:
* Add : add Folder field to the list of folders
* Folder ... : select a folder
* Delete : remove the selected folders from the list
* Edit : move the selected folder to the Folder field for editing