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:documentationPath: /workflow/actions/
:language: en_US
= Copy Or Move Files from result
== Description
This workflow action allows you to copy, move or delete a number of files and/or folders to alternate locations on your file system.
== Options
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
|Action|Choose Copy, Move or Delete
|Destination folder|Define the target folder
|Create destination folder|use this option to create the destination folder when it does not exist
|Replace existing file|use this option to overwrite existing files
|Remove source filenames from result|use this option to remove the processed filenames from the list of result filenames
|Add destination filenames to result|use this option to add the the processed target filenames to the list of result filenames
|Add date to filename|add the date to the target filename, e.g. yyyyMMdd
|Add time to filename|add the time to the target filename, e.g. HHmmss
|Specify date time format|allows you to specify your own date-time format, e.g. yyyyMMdd_HHmmss
|Add date before extension|when this option is not checked, the date/time is appended after the file extension
|Limit action to|Define include and exclude wildcards
|Success on a|Success condition : select one of these option:
* Success when all works fine
* Success when at least x files moved (specify x in the limit field below)
* Success when number of errors lesser than (specify the max number of errors in the limit field below)