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:imagesdir: ../../assets/images
= Next Steps
You now know what Hop is and how to create your first workflows and pipelines.
There's a lot more to discover in Hop. Here are a couple of topics you may want to look into:
* xref:pipeline/pipelines.adoc[Pipelines] takes closer look at the various aspects of creating and running pipelines, and contains the entire list of transforms that are at your disposal
* xref:workflow/workflows.adoc[Workflows] takes a closer look at the various aspects of create and running workflows, and contains the entire list of actions that are at your disposal
* xref:projects/projects.adoc[Projects] explains how to work with projects and environments
* xref:vfs.adoc[VFS] explains how you can access resources in the 3 main cloud platforms: AWS, Azure and GCP.
* xref:logging/logging-basics.adoc[Logging] explains how to configure Hop for your desired log level and target platform