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= Hop Gui
The Apache Hop GUI is your local development environment to build, run, preview and debug workflows and pipelines.
== Start the Apache Hop GUI
As we've seen in xref:getting-started/hop-tools.adoc[Hop Tools], starting Hop-Gui is easy:
On Linux or Mac:
On Windows:
[source,shell script]
== Walking through the Hop GUI
After starting the Apache Hop GUI, you’ll be presented with the window below.
image:getting-started/gs-hop-gui-overview-1.png[Hop Gui Overview]
{nbsp} +
Let's divide the view into three parts:
image:getting-started/gs-hop-gui-overview-2.png[Hop Gui Overview]
* the **menu bar** includes options mainly for managing pipelines and workflows and the Apache Hop GUI configuration.
* the **main toolbar** includes the New option to create files (pipelines and workflows) and metadata, and the options to manage projects and environments.
* the **perspectives toolbar** includes switcher icons between the various perspectives.
Let's see how we can use Hop Gui to do what Hop is all about: create pipelines and workflows!
INFO: check the xref:../hop-gui/index.adoc[Hop Gui] section of the Hop documentation for a more detailed tour of the Hop Gui.