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= Download and Install Hop
Hop is designed to be as easy and accessible to use as possible.
Getting and starting Hop couldn't be easier:
== Download
Download Hop from the[downloads page], where you can choose between a Hop release or a nightly build (Current Development Builds).
TIP: Development builds go through rigorous testing before a build is considered successful. Even though they are considered stable, you shouldn't run the latest nightly build in production without proper testing.
== Prerequisites
Hop is self contained, all you need is a Java runtime. Hop has been developed and tested with Java 8, but you shouldn't have any issues running Hop with Java 11. Check the[Java docs] to download and install a Java runtime for your operating system.
== Install
Unzip Hop to a folder of your choice. From that folder, you'll be able to run the different Hop <<../hop-tools.adoc, tools>> through their corresponding scripts.
Now that you have Hop installed, let's have a look at all of the Hop tools you have at your disposal.