Documentation updated to be6ccfb
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/dynamicsqlrow.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/dynamicsqlrow.adoc
index 39efe14..9e47517 100644
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/dynamicsqlrow.adoc
+++ b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/dynamicsqlrow.adoc
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 |SQL field name|Specify the field that contains the SQL to execute
 |Number of rows to return|Specify the number of records to return. 0 means, return all rows
 |Outer Join|- false: don't return rows where nothing is found  - true: at least return one source row, the rest is NULL
-|Replace variables|In case you want to use variables in the SQL, e.g. {openvart}able_name{closevar}, this option needs to be checked.
+|Replace variables|In case you want to use variables in the SQL, e.g. {openvar}table_name{closevar}, this option needs to be checked.
 |Query only on parameters change|If your SQL statements do not change a lot, check this option to reduce the number of physical database queries.
 |Template SQL|In Hop meta and data are separate so you have to specify the meta part in template SQL (field name and type).
 I mean any statement that returns the same row structure. 
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/filterrows.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/filterrows.adoc
index 24cb7cb..00cbb15 100644
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/filterrows.adoc
+++ b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/filterrows.adoc
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 :documentationPath: /pipeline/transforms/
 :language: en_US
+:openvar: {
+:closevar: }
 = Filter Rows
 == Description
@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@
 === Filtering special characters
-To filter special characters like explicit EOF (e.g. from old cobol files) Use a REGEX expression in the "filter row" transform with the syntax: "\x{1A}" where \x mean HEX representation and 1A into parenthesis is the EOF char to match in HEX.
+To filter special characters like explicit EOF (e.g. from old cobol files) Use a REGEX expression in the "filter row" transform with the syntax: "\x{openvar}1A{closevar}" where \x mean HEX representation and 1A into parenthesis is the EOF char to match in HEX.
 == Metadata injection support 
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/metainject.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/metainject.adoc
index 3146a7f..9b38489 100644
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/metainject.adoc
+++ b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/metainject.adoc
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 3. Optionally, select Use constant value to specify a constant value for the injected metadata through one of the following actions:
   - Manually entering a value.
   - Using an internal variable to set the value ({openvar}Internal.transform.Unique.Count{closevar} for example).
-  - Using a combination of manually specified values and parameter values ({openvarF}ILE_PREFIX{closevar}_{openvarF}ILE_DATE{closevar}.txt for example).
+  - Using a combination of manually specified values and parameter values ({openvar}FILE_PREFIX{closevar}_{openvar}FILE_DATE{closevar}.txt for example).
 ==== Injecting Metadata into the ETL Metadata Injection transform
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/sql.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/sql.adoc
index 459ce2f..281fcda 100644
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/sql.adoc
+++ b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/pipeline/transforms/sql.adoc
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 |SQL script to execute|Specify the SQL to execute. Separate statements by ; and use question marks as place holders for parameter.
 |Execute for each row?|Select this option to execute the SQL for each incoming row. In this case paramters can be used. When this option is unchecked, the SQL statement is executed at the transform initialization phase.
 |Execute as a single statement|This option does not split the statements by ; and will send the whole SQL to the database.
-|Variable substitution|In case you want to use variables in the SQL, e.g. {openvart}able_name{closevar}, this option needs to be checked.
+|Variable substitution|In case you want to use variables in the SQL, e.g. {openvar}table_name{closevar}, this option needs to be checked.
 |Bind parameters?|Check this option to bind parameters using prepared statements, otherwise this transform will perform a literal string replacement of the parameters.
 |Quote Strings?|This option adds quotes around the string according to the database dialect and also escapes special characters like CR, LF and the quote character itself.
 |Parameters|The list of used parameters that will replace the question marks in the query in the given order. So the first question mark will be replaced by the first parameter, the second question mark by the second parameter etc.
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/projects/projects.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/projects/projects.adoc
index 062d8da..d10dd22 100644
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/projects/projects.adoc
+++ b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/projects/projects.adoc
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
 * By referencing the ```samples``` project Hop knows where the project is located (```config/projects/samples```)
 * Since we know the location of the project, we can specify pipelines and workflows with a relative path
 * The project knows where its metadata is stored (```config/projects/samples/metadata```) so it knows where to find the ```Direct``` pipeline run configuration (```config/projects/samples/metadata/pipeline-run-configuration/Direct.json```)
-* This run configuration defines its own pipeline engine specific variables, in this case the output folder : ```DATA_OUTPUT=${PROJECT_HOME}/beam/output/```
+* This run configuration defines its own pipeline engine specific variables, in this case the output folder : ```DATA_OUTPUT={openvar}PROJECT_HOME{closevar}/beam/output/```
 * The output of the samples is as such written to ```config/projects/samples/beam/output```
 To reference an environment you can execute using ```-e``` or ```--environment```.  The only difference is that you'll have a number of extra environment variables set while executing.
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/dropboxinput.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/dropboxinput.adoc
index 2d240fc..9c5e088 100644
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/dropboxinput.adoc
+++ b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/dropboxinput.adoc
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 NOTE: create a Dropbox api key in the Dropbox[console].
-### Fields
+## Fields
 [width="90%", options="header"]
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/dropboxoutput.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/dropboxoutput.adoc
index a5f5b62..847d063 100644
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/dropboxoutput.adoc
+++ b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/dropboxoutput.adoc
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 NOTE: create a Dropbox api key in the Dropbox[console].
-### Fields
+## Fields
 [width="90%", options="header"]