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= Workflow Run Configurations
== Description
Run configurations decouple the design and execution phases of Hop workflow development.
A workflow is a definition of _how_ data is processed, a run configurations defines _where_ the workflow is executed.
Hop supports a number of different runtime engines, each of which will be described in more detail in this section.
Each run configuration comes with its own set of parameters and configuration options, all of which are stored as Hop Metadata.
== Choosing a Run Configuration
When starting a new transformation click **New** next to 'Workflow run configuration'.
All run configurations have a name, description and an engine type, each engine type has its own set of configuration options.
Once created, run configurations are available from the 'Pipeline run configuration' list and are ready to use.
image::hop-gui/workflow/workflow-run-configuration.png[Workflow Run configuration, 75%, align="left"]
== Options
The tab contains the name, description and the dropdown list for the workflow engine types.
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Name|The name you want to use for this workflow run configuration.
|Description|A description you want to use for this workflow run configuration (optional).
|Engine type a|
The available engine types are:
*Local workflwo engine*: this configuration runs pipelines on your machine
*Remote workflow engine*: this configuration runs workflows on a Hop Server using a defined Run Configuration.