blob: d3991f440c840688827230a090ef53146d548893 [file] [log] [blame]
:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
:language: en_US
= Data Validator
== Description
Data validation is typically used to make sure that incoming data has a certain quality. Validation can occur for various reasons, for example if you suspect the incoming data doesn't have good quality or simply because you have a certain SLA in place.
The Data Validator transform allows you to define simple rules to describe what the data in a field should look like. This can be a value range, a distinct list of values or data lengths.
This transform allows for an unlimited amount of validation rules to be applied in a single transform on the incoming data.
== Options
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Transform name|Name of the transform.
|Name of field to validate|The name of the field to validate
|Error code|The error code to pass to error handling for this validation rule. (overrides the default)
|Error description|The error description to pass to error handling for this validation rule. (overrides the default)
|Type a|
* Verify data type? : Check this if you want to specify a certain data type to match.
* Data type : specify the data type of the data specified in this dialog or the data type to verify
* Conversion mask : the mask to use to convert the data specified in this validation rule
* Decimal symbol: the decimal symbol to use to convert the data specified in this validation rule
|Data a|
This block of information contains the actual bulk of the validation rule
* Null allowed? : Disable this option if you don't want to allow null values in the data for the selected field.
* Max string length : Verify the length of the string-form of the data of the selected field, make sure it's shorter than or as long as the length specified here.
* Min string length : Verify the length of the string-form of the data of the selected field, make sure it's longer than or as long as the length specified here.
* Maximum value : Verify the data of the selected field and see if it's not higher than the maximum value specified here.
* Minimum value : Verify the data of the selected field and see if it's not lower than the minimum value specified here.
* Expected start string : the string value of the value we validate needs to start with this value (when specified)
* Expected end string : : the string value of the value we validate needs to end with this value (when specified)
* Regular expression expected to match : the string value of the value we validate needs to match this regular expression (when specified)
* Regular expression not allowed to match : the string value of the value we validate is not allowed to match this regular expression (when specified)
* Allowed values : Make sure that the data of the selected field is only one of the values in the list.
* You can use the buttons to the right to add or remove values from the list.
* Read allowed values from another transform? : enable this option to source the data from another transform in the pipeline.
* This effectively removes the need to hard code allowed values. You can now store them in a database table or a file somewhere.
* You also need to specify the transform and field to read from if this option is selected.
IMPORTANT : For every validation that sources data you need to specify a different transform to read from.
== Metadata Injection Support
All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.