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:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
:language: en_US
= Fake data
== Description
This tranform type allows you to generate fake data using the Java Faker library which can be found link:[here] for full documentation. It can be used to generate pretty data for development, testing or showcasing a project.
For instance we could generate some random Pokémon data.
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Krabby|Snowpoint City
|Mankey|Sootopolis City
|Grimer|Five Island
|Drowzee|Five Island
|Onix|Dendemille Town
== Options
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Transform name|Name of the transform.
|Locale|A locale can be used to make the generated data more specific to a single location.
|Output field name|The name of the generated field.
|Type of fake data|The data category.
|Topic to generate|The topic within the data category to generate.
== Types of categories
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Address a|
- streetName
- streetAddressNumber
- streetAddress
- ...
|Ancient a|
- god
- primordial
- titan
- hero
|Animal a|
- name
|App a|
- name
- version
- author
|Aqua Teen Hunger Force a|
- character
|Artist a|
- name
|Avatar a|
- image
|Back To The Future a|
- character
- date
- quote
|Aviation a|
- aircraft
- airport
|Basketball a|
- teams
- coaches
- positions
- players
|Beer a|
- name
- style
- hop
- ...
|Bojack Horseman a|
- characters
- quotes
- tongueTwisters
|Book a|
- author
- title
- publisher
- genre
|Bool a|
- bool
|Business a|
- creditCardNumber
- creditCardType
- creditCardExpiry
|ChuckNorris a|
- fact
|Cat a|
- name
- breed
- registry
|Code a|
- isbnGs1
- isbnGroup
- isbnRegistrant
- ...
|Coin a|
- flip
|Color a|
- name
- hex
|Commerce a|
- color
- department
- productName
- ...
|Company a|
- name
- suffix
- industry
- ...
|Crypto a|
- md5
- sha1
- sha256
- sha512
|DateAndTime a|
- future
- between
- past
- birthday
|Demographic a|
- race
- educationalAttainment
- denonym
- sex
- maritalStatus
|Disease a|
- internalDisease
- neurology
- surgery
- ...
|Dog a|
- name
- breed
- sound
- ...
|DragonBall a|
- character
|Dune a|
- character
- title
- planet
- ...
|Educator a|
- university
- course
- secondarySchool
- campus
|Esports a|
- player
- team
- event
- ...
|File a|
- extension
- mimeType
- fileName
|Finance a|
- creditCard
- bic
- iban
- calculateIbanChecksum
- ...
|Food a|
- ingredient
- spice
- dish
- ...
|Friends a|
- character
- location
- quote
|FunnyName a|
- name
|GameOfThrones a|
- character
- house
- city
- ...
|Hacker a|
- abbreviation
- adjective
- noun
- ...
|HarryPotter a|
- character
- location
- quote
- ...
|Hipster a|
- word
|HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy a|
- character
- location
- marvinQuote
- ...
|Hobbit a|
- character
- thorinsConpany
- quote
- location
|HowIMetYourMother a|
- character
- catchPhrase
- highFive
- quote
|IdNumber a|
- valid
- invalid
- ssnValid
- ...
|Internet a|
- emailAddress
- safeEmailAddress
- domainName
- ...
|Job a|
- field
- seniority
- position
- keySkills
- title
|Kaamelott a|
- character
- quote
|LeagueOfLegends a|
- champion
- location
- quote
- ...
|Lebowski a|
- actor
- character
- quote
|LordOfTheRings a|
- character
- location
|Lorem a|
- character
- characters
- word
- words
- ...
|Matz a|
- quote
|Music a|
- instrument
- key
- chord
- genre
|Name a|
- name
- nameWithMiddle
- fullName
- ...
|Nation a|
- nationality
- language
- capitalCity
- flag
|Number a|
- randomDigit
- randomDigitNotZero
- numberBetween
- ...
|Options a|
- option
- nextElement
|Overwatch a|
- hero
- location
- quote
|PhoneNumber a|
- cellPhone
- phoneNumber
- ...
|Pokemon a|
- name
- location
|Princess Bride a|
- character
- quote
|Relationship Terms a|
- direct
- extended
- inLaw
- ...
|RickAndMorty a|
- character
- location
- quote
|Robin a|
- quote
|RockBand a|
- name
|Shakespeare a|
- hamletQuote
- asYouLikeItQuote
- kingRichardIIIQuote
- ...
|SlackEmoji a|
- people
- nature
- foodAndDrink
- ...
|Space a|
- planet
- moon
- galaxy
- ...
|StarCraft a|
- unit
- building
- character
- planet
|StarTrek a|
- character
- location
- specie
- ...
|Stock a|
- nsdqSymbol
- nyseSymbol
|Superhero a|
- name
- prefix
- suffix
- ...
|Team a|
- name
- creature
- state
- sport
|TwinPeaks a|
- character
- location
- quote
|University a|
- name
- prefix
- suffix
|Weather a|
- description
- temperatureCelsius
- temperatureFahrenheit
- temperature
|Witcher a|
- character
- witcher
- school
- ...
|Yoda a|
- quote
|Zelda a|
- game
- character
== Locales
- bg
- ca
- ca-CAT
- da-DK
- de
- de-AT
- de-CH
- en
- ...
- en-US
- ...
- nl
- ...