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:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
:language: en_US
= Add XML
== Description
The Add XML transform allows you to encode the content of a number of fields in a row in XML. This XML is added to the row in the form of a String field.
== Options
=== Content Tab
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Transform name|Name of the transform.
|Encoding|The encoding to use; this encoding is specified in the header of the XML file
|Output Value|The name of the new field that contains the XML
|Root XML element|The name of the root element in the generated element
|Omit XML header|Enable to not include the XML header in the output.
|Omit null values from the XML result|Do not add elements or attributes with null values. This is often used to limit the size of the target XML.
=== Fields Tab
The Fields tab is where you configure the output fields and their formats. The table below describes each of the available properties for a field.
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Fieldname|Name of the field
|Element name|The name of the element in the XML file to use
|Type|Type of the field can be either String, Date, or Number
|Format|Format mask with which to convert data; see Number Formats for a complete description of format specifiers
|Length|Output string is padded to this length if it is specified
|Precision|The precision to use
|Currency|Symbol used to represent currencies like $10,000.00 or E5.000,00
|Decimal|A decimal point can be a "." (10,000.00) or "," (5.000,00)
|Grouping|A grouping can be a "," (10,000.00) or "." (5.000,00)
|Null|The string to use in case the field value is null.
|Attribute|Make this an attribute (N means : element)
|Attribute parent name|You can specify the name of the parent element to add the attribute to if previous parameter attribute is set to Y.
If no parent name is specified, the attribute is set in the parent element.
== Use case
Below is data that comes in a variety of classes and which needs to be stored as XML in a database. You want to turn the raw data into the database layout below.
=== Raw data
[width="90%", options="header"]
[width="90%", options="header"]
=== Output Sample
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Id|X|Y|Class data
|3|4|7|<SHAPE type="circle"><COLOUR>blue</COLOUR><RADIUS> 5</RADIUS></SHAPE>
|1|6|3|<SHAPE type="rectangle"><COLOUR>blue</COLOUR><WIDTH> 4</WIDTH><LENGTH> 6</LENGTH></SHAPE>
|2|8|8|<SHAPE type="rectangle"><COLOUR>blue</COLOUR><WIDTH> 4</WIDTH><LENGTH>6</LENGTH></SHAPE>
|5|5|2|<SHAPE type="circle"><COLOUR>blue</COLOUR><RADIUS> 5</RADIUS></SHAPE>
== Metadata Injection Support
All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.