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:imagesdir: ../assets/images
= Hop Run
Hop Run is a command line tool to run your workflows and pipelines.
Hop Run can be launched through the script with the corresponding name in your Hop installation directory, either `` on Mac and Linux or `hop-run.bat` on Windows.
Except for the laucher script, all options are platform agnostic; there is no difference in the way hop-run works on any operating system.
== Hop Run Options
You can display Hop Run's options by running the command without any options.
If you're on Windows (tough luck), run `hop-run.bat`, on Mac and Linux, run ``.
You'll see the option listed in a similar output to the one below:
image::hop-run/hop-run-options.png[Hop Run - Options, align="left"]
The available options are listed in more detail in the table below:
[width="90%", options="header"]
|e|environment|The name of the environment to use. Check the[documentation on environments] for more details.
|f|file|The filename of the workflow or pipeline to run
|h|help|Displays this help message and quits.
|l|level|The debug level, one of NONE, MINIMAL, BASIC, DETAILED, DEBUG, ROWLEVEL
|o|printoptions|Print the used options
|p|parameters|A comma separated list of PARAMETER=VALUE pairs
|r|runconfig|The name of the Run Configuration to use. Check the[documentation on run configurations] for more details.
|s|system-properties|A comma separated list of KEY=VALUE pairs
== Examples