blob: 6bf13b40799fc70ea45c3c48c2f3b994cab019a3 [file] [log] [blame]
:imagesdir: ../assets/images
= Work Items
From the 'New' menu, there are a number of work items you can create.
There are several ways to access the 'New Work Item' dialog:
* File -> New
* Click the 'New' icon in the upper left corner image:hop-gui/new.svg[New, 20, title="New", ]
You'll be presented with the dialog shown below:
image::hop-gui/new-work-item.png[New Work Item, width="75%"]
The work items you can create from this dialog are:
* Beam File Definition
* Data Set
* Git Repository
*[Hop Server]
* Partition Schema
* Pipeline
* Pipeline Run Configuration
* Pipeline Unit Test
* Relational Database Connection
* Workflow
* Workflow Run Configuration