blob: ff3d10fcddc8b757acb5d35d12fbab708a802d52 [file] [log] [blame]
:imagesdir: ../assets/images
= Hop Shortcuts
The table below lists the main shortcuts in Hop. Using them will save you a lot of time while working with Hop.
NOTE: If you are a Mac user, please be aware that the Mac keys must be used. Most of the times you can replace ctrl with cmd.
== General Shortcuts
[width="85%", cols="25%, 75%", options="header"]
|Ctr + n |Create a new work item
|Ctrl + o |Open a work item
|Ctr + s |Save a work item
|Ctrl + Shift + F5|Open the Metadata Exlporer Menu
|Ctrl + w |Close a work item
|Ctrl + q |Quit Hop
|Ctrl + z |Undo last change
|Ctrl + Shift + z |Redo last change
|Ctrl + a |Select all items in work item
|ESC|Unselect all items in work item
|Ctrl + f |Search the Hop Gui for something
|Ctrl + c |Copy an object
|Ctrl + v |Paste an object
|Ctrl + x |Cut an object
|DEL|Delete an object
|Alt + <-|Navigate to the previous file
|Alt + ->|Navigate to the next file
|F8|Execute work item
== Pipeline and Workflow Shortcuts
[width="85%", cols="30%, 70%", options="header"]
|Ctrl + HOME|Align all items to the specified grid side
|Ctrl + <-|Align all items on the canvas with the left-most selected in the selection.
|Ctrl + ->|Align all items on the canvas with the right-most selected in the selection.
|Ctrl + &uarr;|Align all items on the canvas with the top-most selected in the selection.
|Ctrl + &darr;|Align all items on the canvas with the bottom-most selected in the selection.
|Alt + ->|Distribute the selected items evenly between the left-most and right-most item in your selection.
|Alt + &uarr;|Distribute the selected items evenly between the up-most and down-most item in your selection.
|Ctrl + =|Zoom In on your canvas
|Ctrl + -|Zoom out on your canvas
|Ctrl + 0|Reset the zoom percentage to 100%