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:documentationPath: /workflow/actions/
:language: en_US
= Truncate Tables
== Description
The Truncate Tables action allows you to truncate one or several tables at once without writing 0 SQL command.
== Options
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
|Connection|Name of the database connection on which the tables reside. Use "Edit..." and "New..." to edit and/or create a new connection.
|Previous results to args?|Check this option if you want to get in a dynamic way tables to truncate from results of previous workflow action.
|Click here to return tables name list|This button will return all tables defined on the connection. Select tables (one or several) and press "OK". Tables name will be automatically added to "Selected tables" grid.
|Selected tables grid|Specify here the tables to truncate (insert it manually or use the previous button). If the table is in a different schema that the default one, please specify the schema name.
|Delete|Remove actions from grid (select one several actions and click on this button to remove it).
|OK|Click on this button to save workflow action settings changes
|Cancel|Discard workflow action settings changes