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:documentationPath: /workflow/actions/
:language: en_US
= Upload files to FTPS
== Description
The Upload files to FTPS action can upload files to FTPS.
== Options
=== General Tab
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
|FTP server name / IP address|The FTP host.
|Port|The FTP port.
|Username|The FTP username.
|Password|The FTP password.
|Proxy host|The FTP proxy host.
|Proxy username|The FTP proxy username.
|Proxy password|The FTP proxy password.
|Connection type a|The type of connection to establish.
* Implicit SSL
* Authentication SSL
* Implicit SSL with crypted FTP connection
* Authentication TLS
* Implicit TLS
* Implicit TLS with crypted FTP connection
|Test connection|Test the connection.
|Binary mode|Whether or not to use binary mode.
|Timeout|The timeout period.
|Use active FTP connection|Whether or not to use an active FTP connection.
=== Files Tab
[width="90%", options="header"]
|Local directory|The directory of the source files.
|Wildcard (regular expression)|A regex wildcard.
|Remove files after transferal|Whether or not to remove the files after uploading.
|Don't overwrite files|Skip existing files.
|Remote directory|The directory in which to upload the files.
|Test folder|Test if folder exists