Merge pull request #53 from hansva/asf-site

diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile
index 382a0b3..eebc0d7 100644
--- a/Jenkinsfile
+++ b/Jenkinsfile
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@
                     rm -rf ./tmp
                     rm -rf ./hop
-                echo 'Generate new Navigation'
-                sh './'
+                /*echo 'Generate new Navigation'
+                sh './'*/
         stage('Deploy') {
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/nav.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/nav.adoc
index b6df330..eb615f7 100644
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/nav.adoc
+++ b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/nav.adoc
@@ -1,315 +1,324 @@
 * xref:getting-started.adoc[Getting Started]
 * xref:concepts.adoc[Concepts]
-* xref:hop-vs-kettle/index.adoc[Kettle -> Hop]
-** xref:hop-vs-kettle/hop-vs-kettle.adoc[Hop vs Kettle]
-** xref:hop-vs-kettle/if-you-know-kettle.adoc[If You Know Kettle/PDI]
-** xref:hop-vs-kettle/import-kettle-projects.adoc[Import Kettle/PDI projects in Hop]
+* xref:hop-gui/index.adoc[Hop Gui]
+** xref:hop-gui/file-browser.adoc[File Browser]
+** xref:hop-gui/perspectives.adoc[Perspectives]
+* xref:projects/projects.adoc[Projects]
+** xref:projects/environments.adoc[Environments]
+** xref:projects/metadata.adoc[Metadata]
+** xref:projects/advanced.adoc[Advanced Configuration]
+* xref:pipeline/pipelines.adoc[Pipelines]
+** xref:pipeline/hop-pipeline-editor.adoc[Pipeline Editor]
+** xref:pipeline/create-pipeline.adoc[Create a Pipeline]
+** xref:pipeline/run-preview-debug-pipeline.adoc[Run, Preview and Debug a Pipeline]
+** xref:pipeline/pipeline-run-configurations/pipeline-run-configurations.adoc[Pipeline Run Configurations]
+*** xref:pipeline/pipeline-run-configurations/beam-dataflow-pipeline-engine.adoc[Beam Google DataFlow]
+*** xref:pipeline/pipeline-run-configurations/beam-direct-pipeline-engine.adoc[Beam Direct]
+*** xref:pipeline/pipeline-run-configurations/beam-flink-pipeline-engine.adoc[Beam Flink]
+*** xref:pipeline/pipeline-run-configurations/beam-spark-pipeline-engine.adoc[Beam Spark]
+*** xref:pipeline/pipeline-run-configurations/local-pipeline-engine.adoc[Local Native]
+*** xref:pipeline/pipeline-run-configurations/remote-pipeline-engine.adoc[Remote Native]
+** xref:pipeline/metadata-injection.adoc[Metadata Injection]
+** xref:pipeline/transforms.adoc[Transforms]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/abort.adoc[Abort]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/checksum.adoc[Add a checksum]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/constant.adoc[Add Constants]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/addsequence.adoc[Add Sequence]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/fieldschangesequence.adoc[Add value fields changing sequence]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/addxml.adoc[Add XML]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/analyticquery.adoc[Analytic Query]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/append.adoc[Append Streams]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/beambigqueryinput.adoc[Beam BigQuery Input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/beambigqueryoutput.adoc[Beam BigQuery Output]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/beampublisher.adoc[Beam GCP Pub/Sub : Publish]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/beamsubscriber.adoc[Beam GCP Pub/Sub : Subscribe]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/beaminput.adoc[Beam Input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/beamconsume.adoc[Beam Kafka Consume]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/beamproduce.adoc[Beam Kafka Produce]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/beamoutput.adoc[Beam Output]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/beamtimestamp.adoc[Beam Timestamp]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/beamwindow.adoc[Beam Window]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/blockingtransform.adoc[Blocking transform]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/blockuntiltransformsfinish.adoc[Blocking until transforms finish]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/calculator.adoc[Calculator]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/dbproc.adoc[Call DB procedure]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/changefileencoding.adoc[Change file encoding]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/filelocked.adoc[Check if file is locked]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/webserviceavailable.adoc[Check if webservice is available]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/clonerow.adoc[Clone row]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/closure.adoc[Closure]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/coalesce.adoc[Coalesce]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/columnexists.adoc[Column exists]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/combinationlookup.adoc[Combination lookup/update]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/concatfields.adoc[Concat Fields]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/rowstoresult.adoc[Copy rows to result]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/creditcardvalidator.adoc[Credit card validator]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/csvinput.adoc[CSV File Input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/cubeinput.adoc[Cube input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/cubeoutput.adoc[Cube output]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/databasejoin.adoc[Database Join]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/databaselookup.adoc[Database Lookup]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/datagrid.adoc[Data Grid]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/validator.adoc[Data Validator]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/delay.adoc[Delay row]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/delete.adoc[Delete]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/detectemptystream.adoc[Detect Empty Stream]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/dimensionlookup.adoc[Dimension lookup/update]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/dummy.adoc[Dummy (do nothing)]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/dynamicsqlrow.adoc[Dynamic SQL row]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/edi2xml.adoc[Edi to XML]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/mailinput.adoc[Email Messages Input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/enhancedjsonoutput.adoc[Enhanced JSON Output]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/excelwriter.adoc[Excel writer]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/execprocess.adoc[Execute a process]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/execsqlrow.adoc[Execute row SQL script]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/sql.adoc[Execute SQL script]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/fake.adoc[Fake data]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/fileexists.adoc[File exists]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/filesfromresult.adoc[Files from result]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/filestoresult.adoc[Files to result]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/filterrows.adoc[Filter Rows]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/fuzzymatch.adoc[Fuzzy match]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/randomvalue.adoc[Generate Random Value]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/getxmldata.adoc[Get Data From XML]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/getfilenames.adoc[Get filenames]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/getfilesrowcount.adoc[Get files rowcount]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/getslavesequence.adoc[Get ID from slave server]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/recordsfromstream.adoc[Get records from stream ]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/rowsfromresult.adoc[Get Rows from Result]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/getsubfolders.adoc[Get SubFolder names]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/systemdata.adoc[Get System Info]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/gettablenames.adoc[Get table names]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/getvariable.adoc[Get variables]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/groupby.adoc[Group By]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/http.adoc[HTTP client]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/httppost.adoc[HTTP Post]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/detectlastrow.adoc[Identify last row in a stream]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/ifnull.adoc[If Null]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/injector.adoc[Injector]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/insertupdate.adoc[Insert / Update]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/javafilter.adoc[Java Filter]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/javascript.adoc[JavaScript]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/joinrows.adoc[Join Rows]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/jsoninput.adoc[JSON Input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/jsonoutput.adoc[JSON Output]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/ldapinput.adoc[LDAP Input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/ldapoutput.adoc[LDAP Output]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/ldifinput.adoc[LDIF Input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/loadfileinput.adoc[Load file content in memory]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/mail.adoc[Mail]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/mailvalidator.adoc[Mail Validator]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/memgroupby.adoc[Memory Group By]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/mergejoin.adoc[Merge Join]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/mergerows.adoc[Merge rows (diff)]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/metainject.adoc[Metadata Injection]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/metastructure.adoc[Metadata structure of stream]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/excelinput.adoc[Microsoft Excel input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/exceloutput.adoc[Microsoft Excel output]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/monetdbbulkloader.adoc[MonetDB Bulk Loader]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/mongodbinput.adoc[MongoDB Input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/mongodboutput.adoc[MongoDB Output]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/mqttpublisher.adoc[MQTT Publisher]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/mqttsubscriber.adoc[MQTT Subscriber]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/multimerge.adoc[Multiway Merge Join]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/nullif.adoc[Null If]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/numberrange.adoc[Number range]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/pgpdecryptstream.adoc[PGP decrypt stream]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/pgpencryptstream.adoc[PGP encrypt stream]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/pipelineexcecutor.adoc[Pipeline Executor]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/pgbulkloader.adoc[PostgreSQL Bulk Loader]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/processfiles.adoc[Process files]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/propertyinput.adoc[Read data (key, value) from properties files.]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/regexeval.adoc[Regex Evaluation]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/replacestring.adoc[Replace in String]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/reservoirsampling.adoc[Reservoir Sampling]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/rest.adoc[REST Client]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/denormaliser.adoc[Row Denormaliser]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/flattener.adoc[Row Flattener]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/rowgenerator.adoc[Row Generator]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/normaliser.adoc[Row Normaliser]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/ssh.adoc[Run SSH commands]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/sasinput.adoc[SAS Input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/selectvalues.adoc[Select Values]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/syslog.adoc[Send Message to Syslog]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/setvaluefield.adoc[Set field Value]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/setvalueconstant.adoc[Set field value to a constant]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/setvariable.adoc[Set Variables]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/sortedmerge.adoc[Sorted Merge]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/sort.adoc[Sort Rows]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/fieldsplitter.adoc[Split Fields]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/splitfieldtorows.adoc[Split fields to rows]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/sqlfileoutput.adoc[SQL File Output]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/streamlookup.adoc[Stream Lookup]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/streamschemamerge.adoc[Stream Schema Merge]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/stringoperations.adoc[String operations]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/stringcut.adoc[Strings cut]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/switchcase.adoc[Switch / Case]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/synchronizeaftermerge.adoc[Synchronize after merge ]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/tablecompare.adoc[Table Compare]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/tableexists.adoc[Table Exists]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/tableinput.adoc[Table Input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/tableoutput.adoc[Table Output]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/terafast.adoc[Teradata Bulk Loader]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/textfileinput.adoc[Text File Input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/textfileoutput.adoc[Text File Output]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/tokenreplacement.adoc[Token Replacement]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/uniquerows.adoc[Unique Rows]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/uniquerowsbyhashset.adoc[Unique Rows (HashSet)]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/update.adoc[Update]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/userdefinedjavaclass.adoc[User Defined Java Class]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/janino.adoc[User Defined Java Expression]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/valuemapper.adoc[Value Mapper]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/webservices.adoc[Web services lookup]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/workflowexecutor.adoc[Workflow Executor]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/propertyoutput.adoc[Write data to properties file]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/writetolog.adoc[Write to log]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/xmlinputstream.adoc[XML Input Stream (StAX) ]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/xmljoin.adoc[XML Join]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/xmloutput.adoc[XML Output]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/xsdvalidator.adoc[XSD Validator]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/xslt.adoc[XSL Transformation]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/yamlinput.adoc[Yaml Input]
+*** xref:pipeline/transforms/zipfile.adoc[Zip file]
+* xref:workflow/workflows.adoc[Workflows]
+** xref:workflow/create-workflow.adoc[Create a Workflow]
+** xref:workflow/run-debug-workflow.adoc[Run and Debug a Workflow]
+** xref:workflow/workflow-run-configurations/workflow-run-configurations.adoc[Workflow Run Configurations]
+** xref:workflow/actions.adoc[Actions]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/abort.adoc[Abort]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/addresultfilenames.adoc[Add filenames to result]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/as400command.adoc[AS/400 Command]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/checkdbconnection.adoc[Check Db connections]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/checkfilelocked.adoc[Check Files Locked]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/webserviceavailable.adoc[Check if Webservice is available]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/xmlwellformed.adoc[Check if XML file is well formed]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/filesexist.adoc[Checks if files exists]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/columnsexist.adoc[Columns exist in a table]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/copyfiles.adoc[Copy Files]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/copymoveresultfilenames.adoc[Copy Or Move Files from result]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/createfile.adoc[Create File]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/createfolder.adoc[Create Folder]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/pgpdecryptfiles.adoc[Decrypt files with PGP]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/delay.adoc[Delay]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/deletefile.adoc[Delete File]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/deleteresultfilenames.adoc[Delete filenames from result]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/deletefiles.adoc[Delete Files]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/deletefolders.adoc[Delete Folders]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/msgboxinfo.adoc[Display Msgbox info]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/dostounix.adoc[Dos To Unix]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/dtdvalidator.adoc[DTD Validator]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/dummy.adoc[Dummy]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/pgpencryptfiles.adoc[Encrypt files with PGP]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/repeat-end.adoc[End Repeat]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/evalfilesmetrics.adoc[Evaluate File Metrics]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/evaluatetablecontent.adoc[Evaluate rows number in a table]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/filecompare.adoc[File compare]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/fileexists.adoc[File Exists]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/folderisempty.adoc[Folder is Empty]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/folderscompare.adoc[Folders Compare]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/ftpdelete.adoc[FTP delete]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/ftp.adoc[Get a file with FTP]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/ftpsget.adoc[Get a file with FTPS]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/sftp.adoc[Get a file with SFTP]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/getpop.adoc[Get Mail from POP]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/http.adoc[Http Get]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/eval.adoc[JavaScript]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/mail.adoc[Mail]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/mailvalidator.adoc[Mail Validator]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/movefiles.adoc[Move Files]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/mssqlbulkload.adoc[MS SQL Server Bulk Loader]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/mysqlbulkfile.adoc[MySQL Bulk File]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/mysqlbulkload.adoc[MySQL Bulk Loader]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/pgpfiles.adoc[PGP Files]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/ping.adoc[Ping]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/pipeline.adoc[Pipeline]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/ftpput.adoc[Put a file with FTP]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/sftpput.adoc[Put a file with SFTP]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/repeat.adoc[Repeat]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/runpipelinetests.adoc[Run Pipeline Tests]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/syslog.adoc[Send information using Syslog]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/sendnagiospassivecheck.adoc[Send Nagios check]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/setvariables.adoc[Set Variables]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/shell.adoc[Shell Action]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/simpleeval.adoc[Simple Evaluation]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/snmptrap.adoc[Snmp Trap]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/sql.adoc[SQL Script Executor]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/start.adoc[Start]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/success.adoc[Success Action]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/tableexists.adoc[Table Exists]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/telnet.adoc[Telnet a host]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/truncatetables.adoc[Truncate Tables]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/unzip.adoc[Unzip]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/ftpsput.adoc[Upload files to FTPS]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/pgpverify.adoc[Verify file signature with PGP]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/waitforfile.adoc[Wait for file]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/waitforsql.adoc[Wait for SQL]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/workflow.adoc[Workflow]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/writetofile.adoc[Write to File]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/writetolog.adoc[Write to Log]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/xsdvalidator.adoc[XSD Validator]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/xslt.adoc[XSL Transformation]
+*** xref:workflow/actions/zipfile.adoc[Zip File]
+* xref:variables.adoc[Variables]
+* xref:vfs.adoc[Virtual File System]
+* xref:database/databases.adoc[Database Connections]
+** xref:database/databases/derby.adoc[Apache Derby]
+** xref:database/databases/as400.adoc[AS400]
+** xref:database/databases/cache.adoc[Cache]
+** xref:database/databases/clickhouse.adoc[ClickHouse]
+** xref:database/databases/db2.adoc[DB2]
+** xref:database/databases/exasol.adoc[Exasol]
+** xref:database/databases/firebird.adoc[firebird]
+** xref:database/databases/googlebigquery.adoc[Google BigQuery]
+** xref:database/databases/greenplum.adoc[Greenplum]
+** xref:database/databases/sqlbase.adoc[Gupta SQLBase]
+** xref:database/databases/h2.adoc[H2]
+** xref:database/databases/hypersonic.adoc[Hypersonic]
+** xref:database/databases/universe.adoc[IBM Universe]
+** xref:database/databases/infinidb.adoc[InfiniDB]
+** xref:database/databases/infobright.adoc[Infobright DB]
+** xref:database/databases/informix.adoc[informix]
+** xref:database/databases/ingres.adoc[ingres]
+** xref:database/databases/interbase.adoc[interbase]
+** xref:database/databases/kingbasees.adoc[kingbase es]
+** xref:database/databases/mariadb.adoc[Mariadb]
+** xref:database/databases/sapdb.adoc[MaxDB (SAP DB)]
+** xref:database/databases/monetdb.adoc[monetdb]
+** xref:database/databases/mssql.adoc[MS SqlServer]
+** xref:database/databases/mssqlnative.adoc[MS SqlServer (Native)]
+** xref:database/databases/mysql.adoc[MySql]
+** xref:database/databases/netezza.adoc[Netezza]
+** xref:database/databases/oracle.adoc[Oracle]
+** xref:database/databases/oraclerdb.adoc[Oracle RDB]
+** xref:database/databases/postgresql.adoc[PostgreSQL]
+** xref:database/databases/redshift.adoc[Redshift]
+** xref:database/databases/snowflake.adoc[Snowflake]
+** xref:database/databases/sqlite.adoc[SqLite]
+** xref:database/databases/sybase.adoc[Sybase]
+** xref:database/databases/sybaseiq.adoc[Sybase IQ]
+** xref:database/databases/teradata.adoc[Teradata]
+** xref:database/databases/vectorwise.adoc[Vectorwise]
+** xref:database/databases/vertica.adoc[Vertica]
 * xref:logging/logging-basics.adoc[Logging basics]
 ** xref:logging/logging-reflection.adoc[Logging reflection]
-* xref:hop-gui/index.adoc[Hop Gui]
-** xref:hop-gui/environments/environments.adoc[Hop Environments]
-** xref:hop-gui/pipelines/pipelines.adoc[Pipelines]
-*** xref:hop-gui/pipelines/hop-pipeline-editor.adoc[Pipeline Editor]
-*** xref:hop-gui/pipelines/create-pipeline.adoc[Create a Pipeline]
-*** xref:hop-gui/pipelines/run-preview-debug-pipeline.adoc[Run, Preview and Debug a Pipeline]
-*** xref:hop-gui/pipelines/pipeline-run-configurations/pipeline-run-configurations.adoc[Pipeline Run Configurations]
-**** xref:hop-gui/pipelines/pipeline-run-configurations/beam-dataflow-pipeline-engine.adoc[Beam Google DataFlow]
-**** xref:hop-gui/pipelines/pipeline-run-configurations/beam-direct-pipeline-engine.adoc[Beam Direct]
-**** xref:hop-gui/pipelines/pipeline-run-configurations/beam-flink-pipeline-engine.adoc[Beam Flink]
-**** xref:hop-gui/pipelines/pipeline-run-configurations/beam-spark-pipeline-engine.adoc[Beam Spark]
-**** xref:hop-gui/pipelines/pipeline-run-configurations/local-pipeline-engine.adoc[Local Native]
-**** xref:hop-gui/pipelines/pipeline-run-configurations/remote-pipeline-engine.adoc[Remote Native]
-*** xref:hop-gui/pipelines/metadata-injection.adoc[Metadata Injection]
-** xref:hop-gui/workflows/workflows.adoc[Workflows]
-*** xref:hop-gui/workflows/create-workflow.adoc[Create a Workflow]
-*** xref:hop-gui/workflows/run-debug-workflow.adoc[Run and Debug a Workflow]
-*** xref:hop-gui/workflows/workflow-run-configurations/workflow-run-configurations.adoc[Workflow Run Configurations]
-** xref:hop-gui/variables/variables.adoc[Variables]
-* xref:hop-run/index.adoc[Hop Run]
-* xref:hop-server/index.adoc[Hop Server]
-** xref:hop-server/web-service.adoc[Web Service]
+* xref:metadata-types/metadata-types.adoc[Metadata Types]
+** xref:metadata-types/data-set.adoc[Data Set]
+** xref:metadata-types/database-connection.adoc[Database Connection]
+** xref:metadata-types/partition-schema.adoc[Partition Schema]
+** xref:metadata-types/web-service.adoc[Web Service]
+* xref:password/passwords.adoc[Passwords]
+** xref:password/passwords/aespasswords.adoc[AES Two way password encoder]
 * xref:plugins/plugins.adoc[Plugins]
-** xref:plugins/transforms.adoc[Transform Plugins]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/abort.adoc[Abort]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/constant.adoc[Add Constants]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/addsequence.adoc[Add Sequence]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/addxml.adoc[Add XML]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/checksum.adoc[Add a checksum]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/fieldschangesequence.adoc[Add value fields changing sequence]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/analyticquery.adoc[Analytic Query]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/append.adoc[Append Streams]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/beambigqueryinput.adoc[Beam BigQuery Input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/beambigqueryoutput.adoc[Beam BigQuery Output]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/beampublisher.adoc[Beam GCP Pub/Sub : Publish]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/beamsubscriber.adoc[Beam GCP Pub/Sub : Subscribe]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/beaminput.adoc[Beam Input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/beamconsume.adoc[Beam Kafka Consume]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/beamproduce.adoc[Beam Kafka Produce]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/beamoutput.adoc[Beam Output]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/beamtimestamp.adoc[Beam Timestamp]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/beamwindow.adoc[Beam Window]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/blockingtransform.adoc[Blocking transform]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/blockuntiltransformsfinish.adoc[Blocking until transforms finish]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/csvinput.adoc[CSV File Input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/calculator.adoc[Calculator]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/dbproc.adoc[Call DB procedure]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/changefileencoding.adoc[Change file encoding]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/filelocked.adoc[Check if file is locked]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/webserviceavailable.adoc[Check if webservice is available]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/clonerow.adoc[Clone row]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/closure.adoc[Closure]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/coalesce.adoc[Coalesce]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/columnexists.adoc[Column exists]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/combinationlookup.adoc[Combination lookup/update]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/concatfields.adoc[Concat Fields]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/rowstoresult.adoc[Copy rows to result]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/creditcardvalidator.adoc[Credit card validator]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/cubeinput.adoc[Cube input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/cubeoutput.adoc[Cube output]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/datagrid.adoc[Data Grid]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/validator.adoc[Data Validator]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/databasejoin.adoc[Database Join]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/databaselookup.adoc[Database Lookup]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/delay.adoc[Delay row]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/delete.adoc[Delete]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/detectemptystream.adoc[Detect Empty Stream]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/dimensionlookup.adoc[Dimension lookup/update]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/dummy.adoc[Dummy (do nothing)]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/dynamicsqlrow.adoc[Dynamic SQL row]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/edi2xml.adoc[Edi to XML]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/mailinput.adoc[Email Messages Input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/enhancedjsonoutput.adoc[Enhanced JSON Output]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/excelwriter.adoc[Excel writer]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/sql.adoc[Execute SQL script]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/execprocess.adoc[Execute a process]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/execsqlrow.adoc[Execute row SQL script]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/fake.adoc[Fake data]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/fileexists.adoc[File exists]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/filesfromresult.adoc[Files from result]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/filestoresult.adoc[Files to result]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/filterrows.adoc[Filter Rows]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/fuzzymatch.adoc[Fuzzy match]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/randomvalue.adoc[Generate Random Value]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/getxmldata.adoc[Get Data From XML]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/getslavesequence.adoc[Get ID from slave server]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/rowsfromresult.adoc[Get Rows from Result]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/getsubfolders.adoc[Get SubFolder names]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/systemdata.adoc[Get System Info]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/getfilenames.adoc[Get filenames]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/getfilesrowcount.adoc[Get files rowcount]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/recordsfromstream.adoc[Get records from stream ]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/gettablenames.adoc[Get table names]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/getvariable.adoc[Get variables]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/groupby.adoc[Group By]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/httppost.adoc[HTTP Post]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/http.adoc[HTTP client]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/detectlastrow.adoc[Identify last row in a stream]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/ifnull.adoc[If Null]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/injector.adoc[Injector]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/insertupdate.adoc[Insert / Update]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/jsoninput.adoc[JSON Input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/jsonoutput.adoc[JSON Output]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/javafilter.adoc[Java Filter]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/javascript.adoc[JavaScript]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/joinrows.adoc[Join Rows]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/ldapinput.adoc[LDAP Input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/ldapoutput.adoc[LDAP Output]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/ldifinput.adoc[LDIF Input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/loadfileinput.adoc[Load file content in memory]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/mqttpublisher.adoc[MQTT Publisher]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/mqttsubscriber.adoc[MQTT Subscriber]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/mail.adoc[Mail]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/mailvalidator.adoc[Mail Validator]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/memgroupby.adoc[Memory Group By]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/mergejoin.adoc[Merge Join]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/mergerows.adoc[Merge rows (diff)]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/metainject.adoc[Metadata Injection]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/metastructure.adoc[Metadata structure of stream]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/excelinput.adoc[Microsoft Excel input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/exceloutput.adoc[Microsoft Excel output]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/monetdbbulkloader.adoc[MonetDB Bulk Loader]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/mongodbinput.adoc[MongoDB Input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/mongodboutput.adoc[MongoDB Output]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/multimerge.adoc[Multiway Merge Join]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/nullif.adoc[Null If]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/numberrange.adoc[Number range]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/pgpdecryptstream.adoc[PGP decrypt stream]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/pgpencryptstream.adoc[PGP encrypt stream]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/pipelineexcecutor.adoc[Pipeline Executor]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/pgbulkloader.adoc[PostgreSQL Bulk Loader]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/processfiles.adoc[Process files]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/rest.adoc[REST Client]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/propertyinput.adoc[Read data (key, value) from properties files.]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/regexeval.adoc[Regex Evaluation]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/replacestring.adoc[Replace in String]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/reservoirsampling.adoc[Reservoir Sampling]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/denormaliser.adoc[Row Denormaliser]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/flattener.adoc[Row Flattener]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/rowgenerator.adoc[Row Generator]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/normaliser.adoc[Row Normaliser]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/ssh.adoc[Run SSH commands]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/sasinput.adoc[SAS Input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/sqlfileoutput.adoc[SQL File Output]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/selectvalues.adoc[Select Values]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/syslog.adoc[Send Message to Syslog]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/setvariable.adoc[Set Variables]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/setvaluefield.adoc[Set field Value]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/setvalueconstant.adoc[Set field value to a constant]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/sort.adoc[Sort Rows]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/sortedmerge.adoc[Sorted Merge]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/fieldsplitter.adoc[Split Fields]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/splitfieldtorows.adoc[Split fields to rows]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/streamlookup.adoc[Stream Lookup]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/streamschemamerge.adoc[Stream Schema Merge]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/stringoperations.adoc[String operations]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/stringcut.adoc[Strings cut]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/switchcase.adoc[Switch / Case]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/synchronizeaftermerge.adoc[Synchronize after merge ]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/tablecompare.adoc[Table Compare]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/tableexists.adoc[Table Exists]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/tableinput.adoc[Table Input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/tableoutput.adoc[Table Output]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/terafast.adoc[Teradata Bulk Loader]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/textfileinput.adoc[Text File Input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/textfileoutput.adoc[Text File Output]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/tokenreplacement.adoc[Token Replacement]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/uniquerows.adoc[Unique Rows]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/uniquerowsbyhashset.adoc[Unique Rows (HashSet)]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/update.adoc[Update]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/userdefinedjavaclass.adoc[User Defined Java Class]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/janino.adoc[User Defined Java Expression]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/valuemapper.adoc[Value Mapper]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/webservices.adoc[Web services lookup]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/workflowexecutor.adoc[Workflow Executor]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/propertyoutput.adoc[Write data to properties file]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/writetolog.adoc[Write to log]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/xmlinputstream.adoc[XML Input Stream (StAX) ]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/xmljoin.adoc[XML Join]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/xmloutput.adoc[XML Output]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/xsdvalidator.adoc[XSD Validator]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/xslt.adoc[XSL Transformation]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/yamlinput.adoc[Yaml Input]
-*** xref:plugins/transforms/zipfile.adoc[Zip file]
-** xref:plugins/projects.adoc[Project Plugin]
-*** xref:plugins/projects/projects.adoc[Projects & Environments]
-** xref:plugins/passwords.adoc[Password Plugins]
-*** xref:plugins/passwords/aespasswords.adoc[AES Two way password encoder]
-** xref:plugins/databases.adoc[Database Plugins]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/as400.adoc[AS400]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/derby.adoc[Apache Derby]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/cache.adoc[Cache]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/clickhouse.adoc[ClickHouse]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/db2.adoc[DB2]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/exasol.adoc[Exasol]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/googlebigquery.adoc[Google BigQuery]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/greenplum.adoc[Greenplum]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/sqlbase.adoc[Gupta SQLBase]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/h2.adoc[H2]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/hypersonic.adoc[Hypersonic]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/universe.adoc[IBM Universe]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/infinidb.adoc[InfiniDB]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/infobright.adoc[Infobright DB]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/mssql.adoc[MS SqlServer]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/mssqlnative.adoc[MS SqlServer (Native)]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/mariadb.adoc[Mariadb]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/sapdb.adoc[MaxDB (SAP DB)]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/mysql.adoc[MySql]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/netezza.adoc[Netezza]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/oracle.adoc[Oracle]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/oraclerdb.adoc[Oracle RDB]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/postgresql.adoc[PostgreSQL]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/redshift.adoc[Redshift]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/snowflake.adoc[Snowflake]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/sqlite.adoc[SqLite]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/sybase.adoc[Sybase]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/sybaseiq.adoc[Sybase IQ]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/teradata.adoc[Teradata]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/vectorwise.adoc[Vectorwise]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/vertica.adoc[Vertica]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/firebird.adoc[firebird]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/informix.adoc[informix]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/ingres.adoc[ingres]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/interbase.adoc[interbase]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/kingbasees.adoc[kingbase es]
-*** xref:plugins/databases/monetdb.adoc[monetdb]
-** xref:plugins/actions.adoc[Action Plugins]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/as400command.adoc[AS/400 Command]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/abort.adoc[Abort]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/addresultfilenames.adoc[Add filenames to result]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/checkdbconnection.adoc[Check Db connections]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/checkfilelocked.adoc[Check Files Locked]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/webserviceavailable.adoc[Check if Webservice is available]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/xmlwellformed.adoc[Check if XML file is well formed]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/filesexist.adoc[Checks if files exists]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/columnsexist.adoc[Columns exist in a table]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/copyfiles.adoc[Copy Files]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/copymoveresultfilenames.adoc[Copy Or Move Files from result]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/createfile.adoc[Create File]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/createfolder.adoc[Create Folder]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/dtdvalidator.adoc[DTD Validator]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/pgpdecryptfiles.adoc[Decrypt files with PGP]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/delay.adoc[Delay]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/deletefile.adoc[Delete File]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/deletefiles.adoc[Delete Files]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/deletefolders.adoc[Delete Folders]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/deleteresultfilenames.adoc[Delete filenames from result]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/msgboxinfo.adoc[Display Msgbox info]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/dostounix.adoc[Dos To Unix]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/dummy.adoc[Dummy]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/pgpencryptfiles.adoc[Encrypt files with PGP]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/repeat-end.adoc[End Repeat]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/evalfilesmetrics.adoc[Evaluate File Metrics]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/evaluatetablecontent.adoc[Evaluate rows number in a table]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/ftpdelete.adoc[FTP delete]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/fileexists.adoc[File Exists]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/filecompare.adoc[File compare]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/folderisempty.adoc[Folder is Empty]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/folderscompare.adoc[Folders Compare]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/getpop.adoc[Get Mail from POP]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/ftp.adoc[Get a file with FTP]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/ftpsget.adoc[Get a file with FTPS]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/sftp.adoc[Get a file with SFTP]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/http.adoc[Http Get]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/eval.adoc[JavaScript]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/mssqlbulkload.adoc[MS SQL Server Bulk Loader]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/mail.adoc[Mail]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/mailvalidator.adoc[Mail Validator]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/movefiles.adoc[Move Files]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/mysqlbulkfile.adoc[MySQL Bulk File]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/mysqlbulkload.adoc[MySQL Bulk Loader]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/pgpfiles.adoc[PGP Files]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/ping.adoc[Ping]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/pipeline.adoc[Pipeline]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/ftpput.adoc[Put a file with FTP]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/sftpput.adoc[Put a file with SFTP]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/repeat.adoc[Repeat]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/runpipelinetests.adoc[Run Pipeline Tests]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/sql.adoc[SQL Script Executor]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/sendnagiospassivecheck.adoc[Send Nagios check]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/syslog.adoc[Send information using Syslog]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/setvariables.adoc[Set Variables]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/shell.adoc[Shell Action]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/simpleeval.adoc[Simple Evaluation]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/snmptrap.adoc[Snmp Trap]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/start.adoc[Start]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/success.adoc[Success Action]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/tableexists.adoc[Table Exists]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/telnet.adoc[Telnet a host]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/truncatetables.adoc[Truncate Tables]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/unzip.adoc[Unzip]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/ftpsput.adoc[Upload files to FTPS]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/pgpverify.adoc[Verify file signature with PGP]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/waitforsql.adoc[Wait for SQL]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/waitforfile.adoc[Wait for file]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/workflow.adoc[Workflow]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/writetofile.adoc[Write to File]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/writetolog.adoc[Write to Log]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/xsdvalidator.adoc[XSD Validator]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/xslt.adoc[XSL Transformation]
-*** xref:plugins/actions/zipfile.adoc[Zip File]
+** xref:plugins/external-plugins.adoc[External Plugins]
 * xref:samples/samples.adoc[Samples]
-** xref:samples/dummy-sample.adoc[Dummy Sample]
-* xref:faq/faq.adoc[Frequently Asked Questions]
-* xref:image-testpage.adoc[Image testing page]
+** xref:samples/dummy-sample.adoc[Dummy Sample]
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Abort
-== Description
-Use this action if you want to abort a workflow.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name of the action|The name of the workflow action. This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|Message|Message to add in log when aborting 
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Add filenames to result
-== Description
-This workflow action allows you to add a set of files or folders to the result list of the workflow action. That list of filenames can then be used in the various workflow actions all around.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|Include subfolders|Include subfolders of the selected folders 
-Copy previous results to?|Passes the results of the previous action to the arguments of this action. 
-|Clear result filenames?|This option clears the list of result files (from previous workflow actions) before creating a new list.
-|File/Folder|Specify the list of files or folders with wildcards (regular expressions) in this grid. You can add a different source/destination on each line.
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= AS/400 Command
-== Description
-This action is for executing a AS/400 CL Commands.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Server|Host name or IP address.
-|User name|The user name associated with AS/400 server account.
-|Password|The password associated the AS/400 server account.
-|Proxy host|Proxy server host name or IP address.
-|Proxy port|Proxy server port number.
-|Command to call|The command to run on the AS/400. If the command is not library qualified, the library list will be used to find the command.
-NOTE: This plugin tries to load the as400 library from the as400 database plugin.
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index c2e1d71..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/checkdbconnection.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Check Db connections
-== Description
-This workflow action allows you to verify connectivity with one or several databases.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|Connection|List of connections.
-|Wait|After the connection was opened, wait x (s, min, hrs).
-|Units of Time|Specify the unit of measurement for the length of time to remain connected.
-|Get connections|Get available connects. 
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index 519566e..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/checkfilelocked.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Check Files Locked
-== Description
-This workflow action goes over a list of files to see that if they are locked by another process.
-The way that it verified is by renaming a file to the same name as before.
-On certain operating systems (MS Windows systems in particular) this operation will fail if the file is locked.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|Settings: Include subfolders|Enable this option to also check files in subfolders of specified folders
-|Settings: Copy previous results to args? |Pass the result rows of a previous workflow action execution to the files list of this action.
-|Files/Folders |Here you can list a series of files or folders with wildcards.  |The wildcards are Java Regular expressions. For instance .*\.txt would check any file with a .txt extension.
-|Please note that you can use the Delete/Edit buttons to edit the list.
-You can also use the File/Folder and Wildcard actions right above the list to add new actions, browse for files and so on
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index 06f3d7e..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/columnsexist.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Columns exist in a table
-== Description
-This workflow action verifies that one or more columns exist in a database table.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|Connection|The database connection to use
-|Schema name|The schema of the table to use
-|Table name|The name of the table to use
-|Columns|The list of column names to verify (one or more)
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index b01ad91..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/copyfiles.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Copy Files
-== Description
-This workflow action copies one of more files or folders.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow Action Name|Indicates the name of the action.
-|Source Environment a|Indicates the file system or specific cluster on which the item you want to input can be found.  Options are Local and <Static>.
-* Local: Specifies that the item specified in the File/Folder field is in a file system that is local to Hop.
-* <Static>: Specifies that the item specified in the File/Folder field should use the path name in that field, exactly.  Use this if you already know a file path and you simply want to copy and paste it into the window.
-|Source File/Folder* *|The file or directory to copy from.  If you choose an option other than <Static> in the Source Environment field, click the button in the field to view the Open File window.
-|Wildcard|Defines the files that are copied in regular expression terms (instead of static file names), for instance: .*\.txt would be any file with a .txt extension.
-|Destination Environment a|Indicates the file system or specific cluster where you want the file to be placed.  Options are Local and <Static>.
-* Local: Specifies that the item specified in the File/Folder field is in a file system that is local to Hop.
-* <Static>: Specifies that the item specified in the File/Folder field should use the path name in that field, exactly.  Use this if you already know a file path and you simply want to copy and paste it into the window.
-|Destination File|Indicates the name of the destination environment. If you choose an option other than <Static> in the Destination Environment field, click the button in the field to view the Open File window. 
-== Settings
-|Include Subfolders|If selected, all subdirectories within the chosen directory will be copied as well
-|Destination is a file|Determines whether the destination is a file or a directory
-|Copy empty folders|If selected, will copy all directories, even if they are empty the Include Subfolders option must be selected for this option to be valid. (Wildcard MUST be blank for this to work)
-|Create destination folder|If selected, will create the specified destination directory if it does not currently exist
-|Replace existing files|If selected, duplicate files in the destination directory will be overwritten
-|Remove source files|If selected, removes the source files after copy (a move procedure)
-|Copy previous results to arguments|Copies the previous results to arguments.
-|Add files to result files name|Any files that are copied will appear as a result from this action; shows a list of files that were copied in this action
-== Open File
-|Open from Folder|Indicates the path and name of the directory you want to browse.  This directory becomes the active directory.
-|Up One Level|Displays the parent directory of the active directory shown in the Open from Folder field.
-|Delete|Deletes a folder from the active directory.
-|Create Folder|Creates a new folder in the active directory.
-|Name|Displays the active directory, which is the one that is listed in the Open from Folder field.
-|Filter|Applies a filter to the results displayed in the active directory contents. 
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--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/copymoveresultfilenames.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Copy Or Move Files from result
-== Description
-This workflow action allows you to copy, move or delete a number of files and/or folders to alternate locations on your file system.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Action|Choose Copy, Move or Delete
-|Destination folder|Define the target folder
-|Create destination folder|use this option to create the destination folder when it does not exist
-|Replace existing file|use this option to overwrite existing files
-|Remove source filenames from result|use this option to remove the processed filenames from the list of result filenames
-|Add destination filenames to result|use this option to add the the processed target filenames to the list of result filenames
-|Add date to filename|add the date to the target filename, e.g. yyyyMMdd
-|Add time to filename|add the time to the target filename, e.g. HHmmss
-|Specify date time format|allows you to specify your own date-time format, e.g. yyyyMMdd_HHmmss
-|Add date before extension|when this option is not checked, the date/time is appended after the file extension
-|Limit action to|Define include and exclude wildcards
-|Success on a|Success condition : select one of these option:
-* Success when all works fine
-* Success when at least x files moved (specify x in the limit field below)
-* Success when number of errors lesser than  (specify the max number of errors in the limit field below)
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index 45b25de..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
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-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Create File
-== Description
-You can use the Create a file action to create an empty file. This is useful for creating "trigger" files from within workflows.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|File name|The name and path of the file to create an empty file.
-|Fail if file exists|The workflow action will follow the failure outgoing hop when the file to be created already exists (empty or not) and this option is switched on. The default is on. 
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Create Folder
-== Description
-This workflow action simply creates a folder at the specified location.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Folder name|The name of the folder to create (can be a full path)
-|Fail if folder exists|If you enable this option, this workflow action will fail if the specified folder already exists. 
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Delay
-== Description
-This workflow action creates a delay between workflows.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Wait for|The delay to wait
-|Unit time|Specify the unit time (second, minute and hour) 
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Delete File
-== Description
-This workflow action deletes a file (empty or not).
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|File name|The name and path of the file to delete.
-|Fail if file doesn't exist|The workflow action will follow the failure outgoing hop when the file to be deleted does not exist anymore and this option is switched on. The default is off. 
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index 9b3d79d..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/deletefiles.adoc
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Delete Files
-== Description
-This workflow action deletes a set of files.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Include Subfolders|Also delete the subfolders in the folder selection
-|Copy previous results to args?|Enable this if the set of files comes from a previous workflow action (as part of the result files)
-|File/Folder|The file or folder to delete
-|Wildcard|The regular expression matching files to delete if the previous option is a folder.  For example to delete all files ending in .dat, the regular expression would be ".*\.dat$".  
-|Files/Folders|The complete list of files/folders to delete 
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-distributed with this work for additional information
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-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Delete Folders
-== Description
-This workflow action deletes a set of folders and their content.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Settings|Copy previous results to args: Enable this option if the folders you want to delete come from the result files of the previous action in the workflow.
-|Success on a|Success condition : select one of :
-* When no error reported : everything deleted just fine
-* When at least x folders processed : specify x in the Limit field below
-* When the number of errors less than : specify the max nr of errors in the limit field below
-|Folders a|This is the list of all the folders to delete.  You can use the Folder field and these buttons to maintain the list:
-* Add : add Folder field to the list of folders
-* Folder ... : select a folder
-* Delete : remove the selected folders from the list
-* Edit : move the selected folder to the Folder field for editing
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Delete filenames from result
-== Description
-Use this action to delete all the filenames that are in the result files list of the last workflow action.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|Limit action to| Enable this feature if you want to limit the deletion to certain filenames in the result file list.
-|Wildcard|The regular expression to limit the files to delete
-|Exclude wildcar|The regular expression to exclude certain files from being deleted.
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Dos To Unix
-== Description
-Convert files from Windows (DOS) Format (lines end with CR/LF) to Linux/Unix Format (lines end with LF) and vice versa. When the format is unknown, it has also a guess function and converts to the other format.
-== Options
-=== General
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Settings a|
-* Include Subfolders: also process sub-folders
-* Copy previous results to args : use the list of result files from the previous workflow action (actions) in stead of the static file list below.
-|Files / Folders a| 
-You can specify the list of files or folders with wildcards in this grid.
-You can add a different source/destination on each line.
-|Conversion a|
-This can be:
-* Windows to Unix: Convert files from Windows (DOS) Format (lines end with CR/LF) to Linux/Unix Format (lines end with LF)
-* Unix to Windows: Convert files from Linux/Unix Format (lines end with LF) to Windows (DOS) Format (lines end with CR/LF)
-* Guess: When the format is unknown, it converts to the other format.
-=== Advanced
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Success Condition|This action will follow the success path if the selected condition is true. Current options are: "Success if all files are processed", "Success if at least x files are processed", "Success when number of error files lesser than".
-|Nr Files|specifies the number of files that have to meet the selected condition from above
-|Add Filenames|Adds the filenames that meet the selected condition to the workflow output stream. Conditions are: "Do not add filenames", "Add all filenames", "Add only processed filenames" or "Add only error filenames" 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= DTD Validator
-== Description
-The DTD Validator action allows you to verify if an XML file corresponds to a certain structure or format according to a Document Type Definition or link:[DTD].
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|XML File name|The name of the XML file to validate
-|DTD Intern|Check this if the DTD is contained in the XML file
-|DTD File name|If the DTD is not internal, specify the DTD file to validate with.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Dummy
-== Description
-The Dummy action does nothing.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= JavaScript
-== Description
-Use the JavaScript action to calculate a boolean expression. The result can be used to determine which action will be executed next. You can use functions, procedure calls, ANDs, ampersands, ORs, EQUALs, etc. The Javascript workflow action evaluates and returns a true or false.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|JavaScript|The JavaScript field.
-== Evaluation
-The result of a JavaScript action is either true or false. In other words, it needs to end with a boolean expression.
-Here are a few possible evaluations to end your script with:
-lines_input > 100
-The following variables are available for the expression:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|```errors```|Number of errors in the previous workflow action (long).
-|```lines_input```|Number of rows read from database or file (long).
-|```lines_output```|Number of rows written to database or file (long).
-|```lines_updated```|Number of rows updated in a database table (long).
-|```lines_read```|number of rows read from a previous pipeline transform (long).
-|```lines_written```|Number of rows written to a next pipeline transform (long).
-|```files_retrieved```|Number of files retrieved from an FTP server (long).
-|```exit_status```|The exit status of a shell script (integer).
-|```nr```|The workflow action number of the previous workflow action (long); increments at every next workflow action.
-|```is_windows```|use if Hop runs on Windows (boolean).
-|```parent_workflow```|The parent workflow of the current workflow action.
-|```__action__```|The current workflow action.
-== Variables
-Here is how you can evaluate the content of a variable string:
-parent_workflow.getVariable("NR_OF_ROWS") == 1000000;
-Since we have access to the parent_workflow object, we can also set variables in the parent workflow this way:
-parent_workflow.setVariable("NR_OF_ROWS", "1000000");
-For example you can do something like the following to manipulate variables within this workflow action:
-useDate = parent_workflow.getVariable("use_date").equals("1");
-if (useDate == 0) {
-  date = new java.util.Date();
-  date.setDate(date.getDate()-1); //Go back 1 full day
-  dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
-  newDateStr = dateFormat.format(date);
-  parent_workflow.setVariable("start_date", newDateStr);
-== Previous result
-When a workflow action finishes, the result of the execution will be a Result object exposed as "previous_result" to the JavaScript engine: 
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Expression|Alternative|Data type|Meaning
-|```previous_result.getResult()```||boolean|true if the previous workflow action was executed successfully, false if there was some error.
-|```previous_result.getExitStatus()```|exit_status|int|exit status of previous shell script workflow action
-|```previous_result.getActionNr()```|nr|int|The action number is increased every time a workflow action is executed.
-|```previous_result.getNrErrors()```|errors|long|the number of errors, also available as variable "errors".
-|```previous_result.getNrLinesInput()```|lines_input|long|The number of rows read from a file or database.
-|```previous_result.getNrLinesOutput()```|lines_output|long|The number of rows written to a file or database.
-|```previous_result.getNrLinesRead()```|lines_read|long|The number of rows read from previous transforms.
-|```previous_result.getNrLinesUpdated()```|lines_updated|long|The number of rows updated in a file or database.
-|```previous_result.getNrLinesWritten()```|lines_written|long|The number of rows written to next transform.
-|```previous_result.getNrLinesDeleted()```|lines_deleted|long|The number of deleted rows.
-|```previous_result.getNrLinesRejected()```|lines_rejected|long|The number of rows rejected and passed to another transform via error handling.
-|```previous_result.getRows()```||List<RowMetaAndData>|The result rows, see also below.
-|```previous_result.isStopped()```||boolean|Flag to signal if the previous previous workflow action stopped or not.
-|```previous_result.getResultFilesList()```||List<ResultFile>|The list of all the files used in the previous workflow action (or actions).
-|```previous_result.getNrFilesRetrieved()```|files_retrieved|int|The number of files retrieved from FTP, SFTP, etc.
-|```previous_result.getLogText()```||String|The log text of the execution of the previous workflow action and its children.
-|```previous_result.getLogChannelId()```||String|The ID of the log channel of the previous workflow action. You can use this to look up information on the execution lineage in the log channel log table.
-=== Rows
-The "rows" variable we expose to JavaScript helps you evaluate the result rows you passed to the next workflow action using the "Copy rows to result" transform.
-Here is an example script on how to use this array:
-var firstRow = rows[0];
-firstRow.getString("name", "").equals("Foo")
- This script will follow the green workflow hop is the expression evaluates to true.  This happens if field "name" contains String "Foo". 
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Evaluate File Metrics
-== Description
-The Evaluate File Metrics action can be used to evaluate the size or count of files.
-== Options
-=== General
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|Source files a|The source type.
-* Files/Folders
-* Filenames result
-* Previous result row
-|Wildcard|A regex wildcard.
-|File Result field|
-|Wildcard result field|
-|Include subfolders result field|
-|Evaluate a|Type of evaluation
-* Total files size
-* Total file count
-|File/Folder source|The file or folder path.
-|Wildcard|A regex wildcard.
-|Add|Add the source to the Files/Folders list.
-|File...|Browse the filesystem for a file.
-|Folder...|Browse the filesystem for a folder.
-|Files/Folders|A list of files and/or folders.
-|Delete|Delete a source from the list.
-|Edit|Edit a source.
-=== Advanced
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Scale a|
-* Bytes
-* KBytes
-* MBytes
-* GBytes
-|Success when a|
-* If value is equal to
-* If value is equal to
-* If value is small than
-* If value is smaller or equal
-* If value is greater than
-* If value is greater or equal
-* If value is between
-* If value in list
-* If value not in list
-|Value|The value to compare.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Evaluate rows number in a table
-== Description
-With this workflow action you can define the success condition that can be evaluated and branch the workflow process by the result.
-You can either just test the number of rows in a target table, or write a custom SQL statement.
-For the success condition you can check the number of rows if they are:
-* Equal to
-* Different from
-* Smaller than
-* Smaller or equal to
-* Greater than
-* Greater or equal to 
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Custom SQL|Check this option when you want to specify a custom SQL statement in the below field
-|Use variable substitution|Variables in the SQL statements will be substituted.
-|Clear list of result rows|Clears the internal list of result rows before executing.
-|Add rows to result|Adds all rows returned from the SQL statement within the internal list of result rows. This list of result rows can then be used in subsequent workflow actions to loop over or e.g. within a pipeline by the Get rows from result transform.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= File compare
-== Description
-You can use the File compare workflow action to compare the contents of 2 files and control the flow of the workflow by it. When the contents of the files are the same the success outgoing hop will be followed, else the failure hop will be followed.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
-|File name 1|The name and path of the file of the first file to compare.
-|File name 2|The name and path of the file of the second file to compare. 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= File Exists
-== Description
-Use the File exists action to verify that a specified file exists on the server on which Hop is running. You must provide the file name. Hop returns a True or False value depending on whether or not the file exists.
-The File Exists workflow action can be an easy integration point with other systems. For example, suppose you have a three-part data warehouse load process. The first part runs in PERL. You have batch scripts that accesses data from a remote location, performs first-level row processing, and outputs the data to a specified directory. You do not want to start the workflow until this is done, so you put the workflow on a scheduler. As soon as the task is complete, the file is placed in a well-known location so that the "file exists." That is the signal that launches the workflow for final processing.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
-|Filename field|Specify the filename and path of the file to verify. Click Browse to navigate to the source file or folder through the VFS browser.
-|Result fieldname|The field containing the result.
-|Add filename to result|Adds the filename to the result.
-|Include file type|Adds the type of file.
-|File type field|The field containing the type of file.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Checks if files exists
-== Description
-Use the Checks if files exists action to verify that specified files exist.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
-|File/folder name|The file or folder.
-|Add|Adds the file or folder to the Files/Folders table.
-|File...|Browse the filesystem for a file.
-|Folder...|Browse the filesystem for a folder.
-|Files/Folders|The table containing the files or folders to check.
-|Delete|Deletes the selected file or folder from the table.
-|Edit|Moves the file or folder from the table to the File/folder to the File/folder name edit field.
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@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
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-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Folder is Empty
-== Description
-The Folder is empty action verifies if a folder is empty, that there are no regular files or sub-folders in the folder.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
-|Folder name|The name of the folder to verify for emptiness.
-|Limit search to|Limits the search for files to those with a certain wildcard (regular expression)
-|Wildcard|The wildcard (regular expression) to limit the files to look for with, for example: .*\.txt$ 
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Folders Compare
-== Description
-The Folders Compare action compares two folders to determine if the content is identical; the result will either be true or false.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
-|Include Subfolders|Also compare the content of sub-folders.
-|Compare|Specify what to compare: All, Only files, Only folders, or Let me specify...
-|Wildcard|If you chose Let me specify in the previous option, you can specify the regular expression of files to compare.
-|Compare file size|Check this to compare file size, in opposed to just comparing folder names.
-|Compare file content|Checks if files have the same content. Note: this may cause slower processing speeds.
-|File/Folder name 1|This is the first file or folder to compare
-|File/Folder name 2|This is the second file or folder to compare 
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-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Get a file with FTP
-== Description
-Use the Get a File with FTP workflow action to retrieve one or more files from an FTP server. This workflow action does not "crawl" systems. It will not, for example, access a remote directory and go to other directories to find files that match a wildcard. This workflow retrieves files from one directory exclusively.
-== Options
-=== General
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|FTP server name/IP address|The name of the server or the IP address.
-|Server Port|Port number of the FTP server.
-|Username|The user name associated with FTP server account.
-|Password|The password associated the FTP server account.
-|Proxy host|Proxy server host name.
-|Proxy port|Proxy server port number.
-|Proxy username|Proxy server account user name.
-|Proxy password|Proxy server account password.
-|Binary mode|Enable if files must be transferred in binary mode.
-|Timeout|The FTP server timeout in seconds.
-|Use Active FTP connection|Enable if you are connecting to the FTP server using Active mode; you must set your firewall to accept connections to the port that your FTP client will open. The default is Passive mode.
-|Control Encoding|Encoding matters when retrieving file names that contain special characters. For Western Europe and the USA, ISO-8859-1 usually suffices. Select encoding that is valid for your server. 
-=== Files
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Remote directory|The remote directory on FTP server from which files are taken.
-|Wildcard (regular expression)|Regular expression when you want to select multiple files. For example: .txt$ : get all text files A.ENG:0-9.txt : files starting with A, ending with a number and .txt
-|Remove files after retrieval|Remove the files on the FTP server, but only after all selected files have been successfully transferred.
-|Move to Folder|Moves files to specified folder.
-|Create Folder|Creates folder that will contain files.
-|Target Directory|The directory where you want to place the retrieved files.
-|Include date in filename|Adds the system date to the filename (_20101231).
-|Include time in filename|Adds the system time to the filename (_235959).
-|Specify date time format|Enable to provide your own date/time format; the default is yyyyMMdd'_'HHmmss
-|Date time format|Select date time format.
-|Add date before extension|Adds date to the file name before the extension.
-|Don't overwrite files|Enable to skip, rename, or fail if a file with an identical name already exists in the target directory.
-|If file exists|Action to take if a file with an identical name already exists in the target directory.
-|Add filenames to result|Enable to add the file name(s) read to the result of this workflow.
-=== Advanced
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Success on|Sets conditions of success.
-|Limit files|Sets number of files associated with a condition of success.
-=== Socks Proxy
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Host|Socks Proxy host name.
-|Port|Socks Proxy port number.
-|Username|User name associated with the Socks Proxy account.
-|Password|Password associated with the Socks Proxy account.
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 733ff94..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/ftpdelete.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= FTP delete
-== Description
-Use the FTP delete action to delete files on an FTP server.
-== Options
-=== General
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|Protocol a|
-* FTP
-* SSH
-|FTP server name/IP address|The name of the server or the IP address.
-|Server Port|Port number of the FTP server.
-|Username|The user name associated with FTP server account.
-|Password|The password associated the FTP server account.
-|Connection type a| FTPS connection type.
-* FTP
-* Implicit SSL
-* Authentication SSL
-* Implicit SSL with crypted FTP connection
-* Authentication TLS
-* Implicit TLS
-* Implicit TLS with crypted FTP connection
-|Use proxy|Whether or not to use a proxy.
-|Proxy host|Proxy server host name.
-|Proxy port|Proxy server port number.
-|Proxy username|Proxy server account user name.
-|Proxy password|Proxy server account password.
-|Use Public Key|Whether or not to use a public key with an SSH connection.
-|Key file|The public key file.
-|Browse...|Browse the filesystem for a public key file.
-|Key passphrase|The public key passphrase.
-|Test connection|Tests the configured connection.
-=== Files
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Timeout|The timeout period.
-|Use active FTP connection|Enable if you are connecting to the FTP server using Active mode; you must set your firewall to accept connections to the port that your FTP client will open. The default is Passive mode.
-|Copy previous results to args?
-|Remote directory|The directory on the remote FTP server.
-|Check folder|Checks if the directory exists.
-|Wildcard (regular expression)
-|Success on a| The success condition
-* All works fine
-* At least we delete x files
-* Nr errors less than
-|Limit files|Sets a limit to the number of deleted files (default 10).
-=== Socks Proxy
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Host|Socks Proxy host name.
-|Port|Socks Proxy port number.
-|Username|User name associated with the Socks Proxy account.
-|Password|Password associated with the Socks Proxy account.
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@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Put a file with FTP
-== Description
-Use the Put a file with FTP action to upload a file to an FTP server.
-== Options
-=== General
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|FTP server name/IP address|The name of the server or the IP address.
-|Port|Port number of the FTP server.
-|Username|The user name associated with FTP server account.
-|Password|The password associated the FTP server account.
-|Proxy host|Proxy server host name.
-|Proxy port|Proxy server port number.
-|Proxy username|Proxy server account user name.
-|Proxy password|Proxy server account password.
-|Binary mode|Enable if files must be transferred in binary mode.
-|Timeout|The FTP server timeout in seconds.
-|Use Active FTP connection|Enable if you are connecting to the FTP server using Active mode; you must set your firewall to accept connections to the port that your FTP client will open. The default is Passive mode.
-|Control Encoding|Encoding matters when retrieving file names that contain special characters. For Western Europe and the USA, ISO-8859-1 usually suffices. Select encoding that is valid for your server. 
-=== Files
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Local directory|The local directory from which to upload.
-|Browse...|Browse the filesystem for a local directory.
-|Wildcard (regular expression)|
-|Remove files after transferal|Whether or not to remove files after they've been uploaded.
-|Don't overwrite files|Skip already existing files.
-|Remote directory|The remote directory.
-|Test folder|Test if the remote directory exists.
-=== Socks Proxy
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Host|Socks Proxy host name.
-|Port|Socks Proxy port number.
-|Username|User name associated with the Socks Proxy account.
-|Password|Password associated with the Socks Proxy account.
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Get a file with FTPS
-== Description
-The Get a file with FTPS action can get files with FTPS.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
-|FTP server name / IP address|The FTP host.
-|Port|The FTP port.
-|Username|The FTP username.
-|Password|The FTP password.
-|Proxy host|The FTP proxy host.
-|Proxy username|The FTP proxy username.
-|Proxy password|The FTP proxy password.
-|Connection type a|The type of connection to establish.
-* FTP
-* Implicit SSL
-* Authentication SSL
-* Implicit SSL with crypted FTP connection
-* Authentication TLS
-* Implicit TLS
-* Implicit TLS with crypted FTP connection
-|Test connection|Test the connection.
-|Binary mode|Whether or not to use binary mode.
-|Timeout|The timeout period.
-|Use active FTPS connection|Whether or not to use an active FTPS connection.
-=== Files Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Remote directory|The directory at the remote server.
-|Check folder|Check if folder exists.
-|Remove files after retrieval|Remove files at remote after download.
-|Move files after retrieval|Move files at remote after download
-|Move to folder|The folder in which moved files will be put.
-|Create folder|Whether or not to create the folder.
-|Target directory|The target directory.
-|Browse...|Browse the filesystem to a target directory.
-|Include date in filename| Whether or not to include the date in the file name.
-|Include time in filename|Whether or not to include the time in the filename.
-|Specify Date time format|
-|Date time format|The date time format.
-|Add date before extension|Add date before or after extension.
-|Don't overwrite files|Whether or not to overwrite existing files.
-|If files exists a|What to do if files already exist.
-* Skip
-* Give unique name to local file
-* Fail
-|Add filenames to result
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Upload files to FTPS
-== Description
-The Upload files to FTPS action can upload files to FTPS.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
-|FTP server name / IP address|The FTP host.
-|Port|The FTP port.
-|Username|The FTP username.
-|Password|The FTP password.
-|Proxy host|The FTP proxy host.
-|Proxy username|The FTP proxy username.
-|Proxy password|The FTP proxy password.
-|Connection type a|The type of connection to establish.
-* FTP
-* Implicit SSL
-* Authentication SSL
-* Implicit SSL with crypted FTP connection
-* Authentication TLS
-* Implicit TLS
-* Implicit TLS with crypted FTP connection
-|Test connection|Test the connection.
-|Binary mode|Whether or not to use binary mode.
-|Timeout|The timeout period.
-|Use active FTP connection|Whether or not to use an active FTP connection.
-=== Files Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Local directory|The directory of the source files.
-|Wildcard (regular expression)|A regex wildcard.
-|Remove files after transferal|Whether or not to remove the files after uploading.
-|Don't overwrite files|Skip existing files.
-|Remote directory|The directory in which to upload the files.
-|Test folder|Test if folder exists
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/getpop.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/getpop.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1745fb6..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/getpop.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Get Mail from POP
-== Description
-The Get Mail from POP action allows you to retrieve mails from a POP server and store them into one or more files.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Source Host|The host name or IP-address of the pop server.
-|Username|The username to log in with.
-|Password|The password to log in with.
-|Use POP with SSL|Check this if the POP server uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer, Encrypted).
-|Port|The port to run the SSL POP connection over.
-|Target directory|The directory in which you want to put the mail files.
-|Target filename pattern|The filename pattern (start of filename).
-|Retrieve|Select the e-mails to retrieve: all, unread or a selection of the first e-mails.
-|Retrieve the .. first emails|Allows you to specify the number of emails to retrieve if "first ... emails" is selected.
-|Delete emails after retrieval|Check this if you want to delete the mails on the pop server after retrieval. 
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/http.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/http.adoc
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@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Http Get
-== Description
-Use the HTTP action to retrieve a file from a Web server using the HTTP protocol. This workflow action could be used to access data on partner Web sites. For example, the daily data export or daily list of customers is located at a specified Web site. Also, SaaS providers may give you a URL to locate a report. You can call that URL to retrieve an Excel file or zip file that contains the data. Salesforce requires that you use SOAP APIs to retrieve data.
-If HTTP traffic is too heavy in your corporate environment, you may choose to use a proxy server with HTTP authentication.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|URL|The HTTP URL of the file to retrieve, or the directory name to store an uploaded file to.
-|Run for every result row?|Check this if you want to run this action for every row that was generated by a previous pipeline. Use the "Copy rows to result". If selected, an HTTP request will be made for each result. Otherwise, the file is only retrieved once
-|Input field which contains URL|If the "Run for every result row?" option is selected, the field specified here will determine the file URL for each row
-|Input field which contains upload file name|If the "Run for every result row?" option is selected, the field specified here will determine the local file that will be uploaded to the URL associated with the "Input field which contains URL" field.
-|Input field which contains destination file name|If the "Run for every result row?" option is selected, the field specified here will determine the local file where the result downloaded from the URL associated with the "Input field which contains URL" field.
-|Username|If the site requires authentication, use this username to log in
-|Password|If a username is defined, this is the password for it
-|Proxy server for upload|The URL of a proxy server that you want to connect to the HTTP URL through
-|Proxy port|If a proxy server is defined, this is the port number it listens on
-|Ignore proxy for hosts|A regular expression list of exceptions for proxy redirection. This may be useful when working on an intranet or VPN
-|Upload file|If you are uploading a file, this will be its name on the remote server
-|Target file|If you are downloading a file, this its name on your local filesystem
-|Append to specified target file?|If selected, and if the target file already exists, Hop will append all new data to the end of the file
-|Add date and time to file name?|If selected, the date and time of the HTTP request (in yyyMMdd_HHmmss format) will be added to the target filename
-|Target file extension|If the previous option is selected, this field specifies the extension (letters after the dot) of the target filename
-|Add filename to result filename|Any files that are copied will appear as a result from this action; shows a list of files that were copied in this action. 
-=== Headers Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|#|Order that the header should be processed
-|Name|The name of this HTTP header
-|Value|The actual header value to pass 
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Mail
-== Description
-Use the Mail action to send a text or HTML email with optional file attachments. This workflow action is used at the end of a workflow run in most instances. It can be used to announce both a workflow failure or success. For example, it is not uncommon at the end of a successful load, to send an email to a distribution list announcing that the load was successful and include a log file. If there are errors, an email can be sent to alert individuals on a distribution list.
-The Mail action requires an SMTP server. You can use authentication and security as part of the connection but you must have the SMTP credentials.
-You can attach files to your email messages such as error logs and regular logs. In addition, logs can be zipped into a single archive for convenience.
-== Options
-=== Addresses Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Destination Address|The destination for the email; you can specify multiple addresses if you separate them with a space.
-|Cc|An identical copy of the message is also sent to all the addresses listed in the Cc: field. To enter more than one address in the Cc: field, separate them with a space.
-|BCc|Send to a recipient whose email address does not appear in the message
-|Sender name|Name of the person sending the email
-|Sender address|Email address of the person sending the email
-|Reply to|Email address of the person to which to send a reply
-|Contact person|The name of the contact person to be placed in the email
-|Contact phone|The contact telephone number to be placed in the email 
-=== Server Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|SMTP Server|The SMTP server address
-|Port|The port on which the SMTP Server is running
-|Use Authentication|Enable to use authentication to the SMTP Server
-|Authentication user|SMTP user account name
-|Authentication password|SMTP user account password
-|Use Secure Authentication?|Enable to use secure authentication
-|Secure Connection Type|Select authentication type (SSL, TSL) 
-=== Email Message Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Include date in message?|Enable to include date in message
-|Only send comment in mail body?|If not enabled the email will contain information about the workflow and its execution in addition to the comment
-|Use HTML in mail body|The message is sent in HTML format
-|Encoding|Select encoding type
-|Manage Priority a|Enable to manage priority. Note: The support of this flag is depending on the mail server.
-* Priority
-* Importance
-* Sensitivity
-|Subject|Enter the subject of the mail into this field.
-|Comment| Enter the comment within the body of the mail into this field. 
-=== Attached Files Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Attach files to message?|Enable to attach a file to your email message
-|Select file type a|The files to send are defined within the internal files result set. Every file in this list is marked with a file type and you can select what type of file you want to send (see also the tips at the end of this document):
-* General
-* Log
-* Error line
-* Error
-* Warning
-|Zip files to single archive?|Enable to have attachments achived in a zip file
-|Name of the zip archive|Define the filename of your zip archive
-|Filename|Name of a single image file to add. Note: This works only when Use HTML format is defined in the EMail Message tab.
-|Content ID|Automatically entered
-|Image|The full path to image (used when embedding multiple images) Click Edit to edit the path; click Delete to delete the path to the image
-|Content ID|The image content ID (used when embedding multiple images) Click Edit to edit the content ID; click Delete to delete the Content ID 
-== Tips
-**How to attach a particular file to the e-mail**
-You can attach "Result Files" of a particular type(s) to the e-mail, either individually or as a single ZIP archive by checking the option "Attach files to message" and selecting the types to attach under "Select the result files types to attach".
-What is a Result File and how to create one? Well, just about any file created during a pipeline may become a Result File, you only need to mark it as such. There are several ways to do that:
-1. When creating a file with a transform that supports it, allow it to mark the file as a Result File.
-    For example the "Text file output" transform has the check-box "Add filenames to result" on the File tab for that purpose. The file type will be General.
-2. Use the transform "Set files in result" from the workflow category to mark a file as a result file of a particular type. This transforms expects the file name to be in a field (you can use e.g. "Generate Rows" in combination with "Add constants" to produce a row containing the file name).
-**Attaching pipeline's log**
-You may easily attach a log file with log of a pipeline run by the workflow prior to sending the mail as follows (suppose we have the workflow Start -> Pipeline -> Mail):
-1. In the Pipeline workflow action's options, check "Specify logfile?" and enter a name and extension for the file. You can also specify the desired log level.
-2. In the Mail workflow action's options, check "Attach files to message" and select (at least) the file type "Log".
-3. The next time the mail is send, it will have the pipeline's log attached. 
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@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
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-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Mail Validator
-== Description
-The Mail Validator action checks if an email address is valid or not. The checking process returns one result field (Boolean or String depending on your settings) and one additionnal field (String) containing errors string when email address is not valid.
-This action must receive input stream and add result fields in this input stream.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|email fieldname|Specify the name of the field that contains the email addresses to check. This field must be defined in a previous action. Dropdown the combo to select fieldname.
-|SMTP check?|By default, Hop will only check email address structure (using regular expression). If you want to perform a SMTP check, please select this option and fill Email sender (see after). Hop will extract domain name from the supplied email address (to check) and will try to get all exchangers from the domain name. Each exchanger will be queryed.
-|Time out|In order to perform a SMTP check, Hop will open a socket on the target SMTP host. Specify here the socket time out (by default 0).
-|Email sender|If you select "SMTP check?" option, this field is mandatory. Hop will need sender email address to query SMTP host.
-|Default SMTP server|If you know which SMTP server to query, please specify it here, Hop will then query only this one.
-|dynamic default SMTP?|IF you want to pass default SMTP server in a dynamic way, check this option.
-|Default SMTP field|If you select the previous option, you must fill this field. This field must be defined in a previous action. Dropdown the combo to select fieldname.
-|Result fieldname|Hop will store the result of the process in this field. The result will be Boolean (TRUE = the email address is valid, FALSE = the email address is unvalid) if "Result is a string" option is unchecked (see after).
-|Result is a string|This option will turn the ouput field into a String and when the email address is valid the output will contains the "Email is valid" field (see after) otherwise it will contains the "Email is not valid" field (see after).
-|Email is valid|If you selected the previous option, you must fill this field
-|Email is not valid|If you selected the previous option, you must fill this field
-|Errors field|When an email is address is unvalid, Hop return the reason. If you want to add it in the input stream, please give the field a name, otherwhise leave this field blank. 
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-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Move Files
-== Description
-The Move Files action allows you to move a number of files and/or folders to alternate locations on your file system.
-This works also on remote file systems (via VFS, e.g. with FTP.
-Example for a move (rename) of a file on a FTP server (username/password must be given for source and destination).
-* File source: \ftp://username:password@ftpserver/dir/testfile_partly.txt
-* File destination: \ftp://username:password@ftpserver/dir/testfile.txt
-* Check "Destination is a file" in the "Destination File" tab.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-In this tab you can specify the files and/or folders to move.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Settings a|
-* Include Subfolders: also move the content of sub-folders
-* Move empty folders : also move empty folders
-* Simulate : don't actually move anything, just see if it's possible at all.
-* Copy previous results to args : use the result files from the previous workflow action (actions) as files and/or folders to move.
-|Files / Folders |You can specify the list of files or folders with destinations and wildcards in this grid.
-You can add a different source/destination on each line.
-**NOTE**: You can use the "Add" button to add a line to the Files/Folders list 
-=== Destination File Tab
-In this tab you can specify the destination of the files and/or folders and their new filenames.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Destination file a|
-* Create destination folder : use this option to create the destination folder
-* Destination is a file
-* Do not keep folder structure : flatten the sub-folder structure if any sub-folders are used
-* Add date to destination filename (yyyyMMdd or 20091231)
-* Add time to destination filename (HHmmss or 235959)
-* Specify date time format : allows you to specify your own date-time format. The default is  yyyyMMdd'_'HHmmss
-* Add date before extension
-* If destination file exists: select one of these options:
-** Do nothing
-** Overwrite destination file
-** Create file with unique name
-** Delete source file
-** Move source file to folder : use the lower part of the dialog (next option in this grid)
-** Fail
-|Move to folder a|
-* Destination folder : the target folder to move to
-* Create folder
-* Add date
-* Add time
-* Specify format : allows you to specify your own date-time format. The default is  yyyyMMdd'_'HHmmss
-* If file exists in destination folder: select one of these options:
-** Do nothing
-** Overwrite file
-** Unique name
-** Fail
-=== Advanced Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Success on a|
-* Success condition : select one of these option:
-** Success when all works fine
-** Success when at least x files moved (specify x in the limit field below)
-** Success when number of errors lesser than  (specify the max number of errors in the limit field below)
-|Result files name|Add files to result files name : add the target file names to the list of result files of this workflow action for use in the next workflow actions. 
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/msgboxinfo.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/msgboxinfo.adoc
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Display Msgbox info
-== Description
-The Display Msgbox info action allow you to display a message box in a workflow. You can easily see where you are in the process. This workflow action is only available using the Graphical User Interface to execute the workflow.
-The message box displays "OK" and "Cancel" buttons.
-    Clicking on "OK" exits on the green hop
-    Clicking on "Cancel" exits on the red hop
-When the question cannot be asked (no Graphical User Interface), the action always exits on the green hop.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Message title|The title of the message
-|Message body|The message to display 
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/mssqlbulkload.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/mssqlbulkload.adoc
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-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= MS SQL Server Bulk Loader
-== Description
-The MS SQL Server Bulk Loader action can bulk load data from a file into MSSQL.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Connection|The database connection.
-|Edit...|Edit the database connection.
-|New...|Create a new database connection using the standard dialog.
-|Wizard...|Create a new database connection using the wizard dialog.
-|Target schema|The target schema.
-|Target table name|The target table.
-|Truncate table|Whether or not to truncate the table before starting the bulk load.
-|Source File name|The file to bulk load into MSSQL.
-|Browse...|Browse the filesystem to choose the source file.
-|Data file type|char, native, widechar, widenative
-|Fields terminated by|The field separation character.
-|Rows terminated by|The row termination character.
-=== Advanced Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Codepage|OEM, ACP, RAW, specific
-|Specific codepage|Code page to use when specific is selected.
-|Format file|Path to format file.
-|Browse|Browse the filesystem to choose a format file.
-|Fire triggers|
-|Check constraints|
-|Keep nulls|
-|Keep identity|
-|Start at line|At which line to start.
-|End at line|At which line to end.
-|Order by|Which field to order with.
-|Direction|Ordering ascending (asc) or descending (desc).
-|Error file|Path to the error file.
-|Browse...|Browse the filesystem to a error file location.
-|Add date time|Whether or not to add the date and time.
-|Max errors|
-|Batch size|
-|Rows per batch|
-|Add file to result filenames|
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= MySQL Bulk File
-== Description
-The MySQL Bulk File action can bulk load data from MySQL into a file.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Connection|The database connection.
-|Edit...|Edit the database connection.
-|New...|Create a new database connection using the standard dialog.
-|Wizard...|Create a new database connection using the wizard dialog.
-|Target schema|The target schema.
-|Target File name|The target file.
-|High Priority|The priority to load the file with.
-|Field separator|The field separator to use.
-|Fields enclosed by|The field enclosure to use.
-|Optionally enclosed|
-|Lines terminated by|The line termination string to use.
-|Names of columns|
-|Limit to the...first lines|
-|If file exists|Create new with unique name, Do Nothing, Fail
-|Add file to result filenames|
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= MySQL Bulk Loader
-== Description
-The MySQL Bulk Loader action loads data from a text file into a MySQL table.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Connection|The connection to the MySQL database to use.
-|Target schema|The schema of the table to load.
-|Target table name|The name of the table to load into.
-|Source file name|The name of the file to load.
-|Local|Check this if the file is local.
-|Priority|The priority to load the file with.
-|Fields terminated by|The field terminator to use.
-|Fields enclosed by|The field enclosure to use.
-|Fields escaped by|The escape character to use.
-|Lines started by|The line start string to use.
-|Lines terminated by|The line termination string to use.
-|Fields|The fields to load, separated by comma (,).
-|Replace data|Check this option if you want to replace the data in the target data.
-|Ignore the first ... lines|Ignores the first ... lines in the text file.
-|Add files to result|Check this option if you want to re-use the filename of the text file in a next workflow action. 
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/pgpdecryptfiles.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/pgpdecryptfiles.adoc
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Decrypt files with PGP
-== Description
-This workflow action can be used to decrypt files.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|GPG location|The signature file path.
-|Include subfolders|Whether or not to include subfolders.
-|Copy previous results to args|
-|File/Folder source|The file to decrypt, can be added to the Files/Folders list using Add.
-|File/Folder destination|The destination of the decrypted files.
-|Wildcard|A regex wildcard.
-|User ID|
-|Files/Folders|The files to decrypt.
-=== Destination File Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Create destination folder|Whether or not to create the destination folder.
-|Destination is a file|Whether or not the destination is a file.
-|Do not keep folder structure|Whether or not to keep the folder structure.
-|Add date to filename|Adds the date to the file name.
-|Add time to filename|Adds the time to the file name.
-|Specify Date time format|Whether or not to specify the date time format.
-|Date time format|The format of the date time.
-|Add date before extension|Before or after extension.
-|If destination file exists a|
-* Do nothing
-* Overwrite the destination file
-* Create file with unique name
-* Delete source file
-* Move source file to folder
-* Fail
-|Destination folder|The destination folder.
-|Create folder|Whether or not to create the folder.
-|Add date|Adds the date.
-|Add time|Adds the time.
-|Specify format|Whether or not to specify the date time format.
-|Add date before extension|The format of the date time.
-|If file exists in destination folder a|
-* Do nothing
-* Overwrite the destination file
-* Create file with unique name
-* Delete source file
-* Move source file to folder
-* Fail
-=== Destination File Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Success condition a|Which condition to validate for a successful run
-* Success when all works
-* Success when at least x files decrypted
-* Success when number of errors lesser than
-|Nr error lesser than|Success if errors lesser than.
-|Add files to result files name|
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
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-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Encrypt files with PGP
-== Description
-This workflow action can be used to encrypt and sign files.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|GPG location|The signature file path.
-|Use ASCII mode|Whether or not to use ASCII mode when encrypting.
-|Include subfolders|Whether or not to include subfolders.
-|Copy previous results to args|
-|Action|Encrypt, Sign, Sign and Encrypt
-|File/Folder source|The file to encrypt, can be added to the Files/Folders list using Add.
-|File/Folder destination|The destination of the encrypted files.
-|Wildcard|A regex wildcard.
-|User ID|
-|Files/Folders|The files to encrypt.
-=== Destination File Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Create destination folder|Whether or not to create the destination folder.
-|Destination is a file|Whether or not the destination is a file.
-|Do not keep folder structure|Whether or not to keep the folder structure.
-|Add date to filename|Adds the date to the file name.
-|Add time to filename|Adds the time to the file name.
-|Specify Date time format|Whether or not to specify the date time format.
-|Date time format|The format of the date time.
-|Add date before extension|Before or after extension.
-|If destination file exists a|
-* Do nothing
-* Overwrite the destination file
-* Create file with unique name
-* Delete source file
-* Move source file to folder
-* Fail
-|Destination folder|The destination folder.
-|Create folder|Whether or not to create the folder.
-|Add date|Adds the date.
-|Add time|Adds the time.
-|Specify format|Whether or not to specify the date time format.
-|Add date before extension|The format of the date time.
-|If file exists in destination folder a|
-* Do nothing
-* Overwrite the destination file
-* Create file with unique name
-* Delete source file
-* Move source file to folder
-* Fail
-=== Destination File Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Success condition a|Which condition to validate for a successful run
-* Success when all works
-* Success when at least x files decrypted
-* Success when number of errors lesser than
-|Nr error lesser than|Success if errors lesser than.
-|Add files to result files name|
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-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= PGP Files
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Verify file signature with PGP
-== Description
-This workflow action can be used to verify a file link:[signature to ensure its authenticity].
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|GPG location|The signature file path.
-|Filename|The signed file path.
-|Use detached signature|Whether or not to use a detached signature.
-|Detached signature|
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@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
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-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Ping
-== Description
-The Ping action can be used to ping a host using the ICMP protocol. The result it true when the host is reachable, otherwise false.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Host name/IP|The name or the IP address of the host to ping
-|Ping type|Classic ping: This calls the ping as a command line of the operating system. The result is true when no packets (defined in the "Nr. packets to send" option) are lost.
-System ping: This option uses the Java implemented methods. The result is true when the host name can be resolved and the host is reachable within the given timeout period.
-System ping then classic ping: try both options (first the system ping and when that fails, try the classic ping)
-|Timeout (ms)|The timeout in ms when the system ping option is used.
-|Nr. packets to send|The number of packets to send (by default 2, only used by the Classic ping option).
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/pipeline.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/pipeline.adoc
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
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-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Pipeline
-== Description
-The Pipeline action runs a previously-defined pipeline within a workflow. This action is the access point from your workflow to your ETL activity (pipeline).
-An example of a common workflow includes getting FTP files, checking existence of a necessary target database table, running a pipeline that populates that table, and e-mailing an error log if a pipeline fails. For this example, the Pipeline action defines which pipeline to run to populate the table.
-== Options
-=== General
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Action name|Name of the action.
-|Pipeline|Specify your pipeline by entering in its path or clicking Browse.
-If you select a pipeline that has the same root path as the current pipeline, the variable ${Internal.Action.Current.Directory} will automatically be inserted in place of the common root path. For example, if the current pipeline's path is /home/admin/pipeline.hpl and you select a pipeline in the folder /home/admin/path/sub.hpl than the path will automatically be converted to ${Internal.Action.Current.Directory}/path/sub.hpl.
-Pipelines previously specified by reference are automatically converted to be specified by name.
-=== Options Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Run Configuration|The pipeline can run in different types of environment configurations. Specify a run configuration to control how the pipeline is executed.
-|Execute every input row|Runs the pipeline once for every input row (looping).
-|Clear results rows before execution|Makes sure the results rows are cleared before the pipeline starts. 
-|Clear results files before execution|Makes sure the results files are cleared before the pipeline starts. 
-|Wait for remote pipeline to finish|If you selected Server as your environment type, choose this option to block the workflow until the pipeline runs on the server.
-|Follow local abort to remote pipeline|If you selected Server as your environment type, choose this option to send the local abort signal remotely.
-=== Logging Tab
-By default, if you do not set logging, Hop will take generated log entries and create a log record inside the workflow. For example, suppose a workflow has three pipelines to run and you have not set logging. The pipelines will not log information to other files, locations, or special configurations. In this instance, the workflow runs and logs information into its master workflow log.
-In most instances, it is acceptable for logging information to be available in the workflow log. For example, if you have load dimensions, you want logs for your load dimension runs to display in the workflow logs. If there are errors in the pipelines, they will be displayed in the workflow logs. However, you want all your log information kept in one place, you must then set up logging.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Specify logfile|Specifies a separate logging file for running this pipeline.
-|Name|Specifies the directory and base name of the log file (C:\logs for example).
-|Extension|Specifies the file name extension (.log or .txt for example).
-|Log level|Specifies the logging level for running the pipeline. See Logging for more details.
-|Append logfile|Appends the logfile as opposed to creating a new one.
-|Create parent folder|Creates a parent folder for the log file if it does not exist.
-|Include date in filename|Adds the system date to the filename with format YYYYMMDD (_20051231). 
-|Include time in filename|Adds the system time to the filename with format HHMMSS (_235959). 
-=== Arguments Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Copy results to arguments|Copies the results from a previous pipeline as arguments of the pipeline using the Copy rows to result transform. If the Execute every input row option is selected then each row is a set of command-line arguments to be passed into the pipeline, otherwise only the first row is used to generate the command line arguments.
-|Arguments|Specify which command-line arguments will be passed to the pipeline. 
-=== Parameters Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Copy results to parameters  	Copies the results from a previous pipeline as parameters of the pipeline using the Copy rows to result transform. 
-|Pass parameter values to sub pipeline  	Pass all parameters of the workflow down to the sub-pipeline. 
-|Parameters 	Specify the parameter name passed to the pipeline.
-|Stream column name  	Specify the field of an incoming record from a previous pipeline as the parameter.
-|Value|Specify pipeline parameter values through one of the following actions:
-- Manually entering a value (ETL workflow for example).
-- Using another parameter to set the value (${Internal.workflow.Name} for example).
-- Using a combination of manually specified values and parameter values (${FILE_PREFIX}_${FILE_DATE}.txt for example).
-|Get Parameters|Get the existing parameters already associated by the pipeline.
\ No newline at end of file
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= End Repeat
-== Description
-This action allows you to a end repeating workflow which is executed by the Repeat action.
-It leaves a flag in the parent workflow to signal it can stop repeating at the next opportunity.
-*NOTE* The End Repeat action only works against its parent workflow when it's being executed by the Repeat action.
-This action has no options.  It works as a "Success" action and clears possible previous errors.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Repeat
-== Description
-This action allows you to repeat the pipeline or workflow of your choice until a certain condition.
-The condition is either:
-* A variable in the workflow is set or set to a certain value
-* The End Repeat action is executed in the specified repeating workflow
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|File to repeat|The filename of the pipeline or workflow to execute repeatedly.
-|Run configuration|The pipeline or workflow run configuration to use.
-*Please note* that if you set a variable on a remote server the value is currently not reported back so only local workflow engines are currently supported.
-|Stop repeating when this variable is set|Specify the variable you want to be checked before stopping the repeat loop
-|Optional variable value| Only stop repeating when the above variable is set and contains this exact value
-|Keep variable values after execution| This option keeps the variable values after a (repeating) pipeline or workflow execution to inject into the next iteration.
-|Logging file|In this group you can specify if you want to log to a file and how that should be done
-|Parameters/Variables to set|You can specify the values of any parameters or variables in this dialog.
-The values can contain variables themselves which will be resolved before every iteration.
-If the option ```Keep variable values after execution``` is set we evaluate the expression only once before the first execution of the file.
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-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Run Pipeline Tests
-== Description
-This action runs a series of pipeline unit tests.  The action is successful if all tests run without error. Errors are logged.
-== Options
-[width="75%", options="header"]
-|Action Name|The name of the action.
-|Test names|The names of the unit tests to execute
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Send Nagios check
-== Description
-The Send Nagios check action allows you to send passive checks to Nagios. You can send monitoring information e.g. about start and end processes within your workflow.
-It needs the NCSA addon installed on the Nagios server (NSCA is a Linux/Unix daemon allows you to integrate passive alerts and checks from remote machines and applications with Nagios. Useful for processing security alerts, as well as redundant and distributed Nagios setups.)
-More details and setup instructions for the Nagios NSCA addon can be found at the Nagios link:[Passive Checks documentation.]
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Host Name/IP Address|Nagios server name / IP Address
-|Server port|Nagios server port (often 5667).
-|Password|The password to connect to the Nagios server NSCA (shared between the Nagios server and the client). This field can be set empty when connections without password are allowed.
-|Connection Timeout|Fail after the specified connection timeout.
-|Response Timeout|Fail after the specified response timeout.
-|Host Name/IP Address|Define your sender host name / IP Address.
-|Service Name|Define the service name used to log the events.
-|Encryption mode|Encryption mode for the connection.
-|Level|Log level: Unknown, OK, Warning, Critical.
-|Message|The message to get logged. 
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Set Variables
-== Description
-The Set Variables action can be used to set variables at various scopes.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Name of properties file|The name of the properties file.
-|Variable scope a|
-* Valid in the Java Virtual machine
-* Valid in the current workflow
-* Valid in the parent workflow
-* Valid in the root workflow
-|Variable substitution|Whether or not to substitute variables.
-|Variables|A list of variables to set to a certain value at a certain scope.
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@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Get a file with SFTP
-== Description
-The Get a file with SFTP action can be used to retrieve one or more files from an FTP server using the Secure FTP protocol.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|SFTP-server name / IP|The name of the SFTP server or the IP address
-|Port|The TCP port to use. This is usually 22
-|User name|The user name to log into the SFTP server
-|Password|The password to log into the SFTP server
-|Use private keyfile|Indicates whether or not a private keyfile is to be used.
-|Private key filename|If "Use private keyfile" is checked then this field is enabled. The file can be browsed to using the browse button to the right of the field.  The Private Key should be in the PEM file format.  For PuTTY-based Private Keys, use PuTTYgen to convert the file into "OpenSSH" format.
-|Key passphrase|If "Use private keyfile" is checked then this field is enabled. If a passphrase is required then enter it here.
-|Remote directory|The remote directory on the SFTP server from which we get the files
-|Target directory|The directory on the machine on which Hop runs in which you want to place the transferred files
-|Wildcard a|Specify a regular expression here if you want to select multiple files. For example:
-.*txt$   : get all text files
-A.*[ENG:0-9].txt  : files tarting with A ending with a number and .txt
-|Remove files after retrieval?|Remove the files after they have been successfully transferred.  
-=== Files Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Copy previous results to args|If files to send are dynamically generated by another pipeline or if you want to identify files to sent, check this option. 
-Hop will select files list from previous result rows (not result files) and send theses files.
-|Remote Directory|The remote directory on the SFTP server from which we get the files. Use the "test folder" button to connect to the remote server and validate that the folder exists.
-|Wildcard (regular expression) a|Specify a regular expression here if you want to select 
-multiple files. For example:
-.*txt$   : get all text files
-A.*[ENG:0-9].txt  : files tarting with A, ending with a number and .txt
-|Remove files after retrieval|Delete the remote file after the file is transferred.
-|Target Directory|The directory on the machine on which Hop runs in which you want to place the transferred files
-|Create target folder|Check this option if the destination folder does not exist and should be created.
-|Add filenames to result|If checked the name of the file is added to the result stream.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Put a file with SFTP
-== Description
-You can use the Put files with SFTP action to put one or more files from an FTP server using the Secure FTP protocol.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|SFTP-server name (IP)|The name of the SFTP server or the IP address.
-|SFTP port|The TCP port to use. This is usually 22.
-|User name|The user name to log into the SFTP server.
-|Password|The password to log into the SFTP server.
-|Use private keyfile|Indicates whether or not a private keyfile is to be used.
-|Private key filename|If "Use private keyfile" is checked then this field is enabled. The file can be browsed to using the browse button to the right of the field.  The Private Key should be in the PEM file format.  For PuTTY-based Private Keys, use PuTTYgen to convert the file into "OpenSSH" format.
-|Key passphrase|If "Use private keyfile" is checked then this field is enabled. If a passphrase is required then enter it here.
-|Proxy type|The proxy type (SOCKS5, HTTP) of the specified proxy server.
-|Proxy host|The host name or the IP address of the proxy server.
-|Proxy port|The port of the proxy server to connect to.
-|Proxy username|The username to log into the proxy server as.
-|Proxy password|The password associated with "Proxy username".
-|Compression|The compression to use in the file transfer. Current options are "none" and "zlib". 
-=== Files Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Copy previous results to args|If files to send are dynamically generated by another workflow or if you want to identify files to sent, check this option.
-Hop will select files list from previous result rows (not result files, see next option) and send theses files. If the file can not be found, Hop will ignore it.
-|Copy previous result files to args|If files to send are dynamically generated by another pipeline or workflow action or if you want to identify files to sent, please check this option. Hop will select files from previous files result action and send theses files. If the file can not be found, Hop will ignore it.
-|Local directory|The directory on the machine on which Hop runs from which you want to ftp the files from
-|Wildcard a|Specify a regular expression here if you want to select multiple files. For example:
-.*txt$   : get all text files
-A.*[ENG:0-9].txt  : files tarting with A, ending with a number and .txt
-|Success when no file|Check this option if the workflow action has to success when there is no files to process otherwise the workflow will fail.
-|After SFTP Put|Action to take after the file is transferred. Actions are "Do nothing", "Delete file" and "Move file to".
-|Destination folder|Enabled if "After SFTP Put" is set to "Move file to". The destination on the source file for the move is specified here. Use to browse button to
-browse to destination folder.
-|Create destination folder|Enabled if "After SFTP Put" is set to "Move file to". If the "Destination folder" does not exists check this option to create it.
-|Add filename to to result|Enabled if "After SFTP Put" is seet to "Do nothing". If checked the name of the file is added to the result stream. 
-|Remote directory|The remote directory on the SFTP server to which we put the files. Use the "test folder" button to connect to the remote server and validate that the folder exists.
-|Create folder|Check this option if the destination folder does not exist and should be created. 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Shell Action
-== Description
-The Shell action can be used to execute a shell script on the host where the workflow is running. For example, suppose you have a program that reads five data tables and creates a file in a specified format. You know the program works. Shell allows you to do portions of your work in Hop but reuse the program that reads the data tables as needed.
-The Shell workflow action is platform agnostic; you can use a batch file, UNIX, and so on. When you use a Shell workflow action, Hop makes a Java call to execute a program in a specified location. The return status is provided by the operating system call. For example, in batch scripting a return value of 1 indicates that the script was successful; a return value of 0 (zero) indicates that it was unsuccessful. You can pass command line arguments and set up logging for the Shell workflow action.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Insert script|Check this option when you want to execute the script in the Script tab instead of executing the Script file name. This is also useful, when you want to execute operating system commands like dir, ls or ipconfig without giving a specific path. This option creates a temporary script in the working directory and executes it.
-Note: Variables are resolved within the script when given.
-|Script file name|The filename of the shell script to start, should include full path else ${user.dir} is used as path.
-|Working directory|The directory that will be used as working directory for the shell script. The working directory only becomes active when the shell script starts so "Filename" should still include the full path to the script. When the field is left empty or the working directory is invalid ${user.dir} will be used as working directory.
-|Specify log file|Enable to specify a separate logging file for the execution of this workflow.
-|Append logfile|Enable to append to the logfile as opposed to creating a new one
-|Name of log file|The directory and base name of the log file (for example C:\logs)
-|Extension of the log file|The filename extension (for example: log or txt)
-|Include date in filename?|Adds the system date to the filename. (_20051231)
-|Include time in filename?|Adds the system time to the filename. (_235959)
-|Loglevel|Specifies the logging level for the execution of the shell. See also the logging window in .14 Logging
-|Copy previous results to arguments?|The results from a previous pipeline can be sent to the shell script using the "Copy rows to result" transform. (as arguments)
-|Execute once for every input row|This implements looping. If the previous workflow action returns a set of result rows, you can have this shell script executed once for every row found. One row is passed to this script at every execution in combination with the copy previous result to arguments. The values of the corresponding result row can then be found on command line argument $1, $2, ... (%1, %2, %3, ... on Windows)
-|Arguments table|Specify the strings to use as arguments for the shell script. 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Simple Evaluation
-== Description
-The Simple Evaluation action can be used to evaluate contents of a variable or a field in the result stream.
-Connect two actions with the output of the Simple Evaluation. The green connection will be called on success, the red one on failure.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Evaluate|Evaluation type: field or variable.
-|Field name|The field to evaluate
-|Type|Data type.
-|Success condition a|
-* If value equal to
-* If value different from
-* If value contains
-* If value not contains
-* If value starts with
-* If value not starts with
-* If value ends with
-* If value not ends with
-* If value valid regex
-* If value in list
-* If value not in list
-|Value|The value to compare.
-== Tips
-**Evaluating a variable**
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Source: Evaluate|Variable|Select this to evaluate a variable set before
-|Source: Variable name|e. g. ${VAR1}|Enter the variable name using the usual syntax
-|Source: Type|String, Number etc.|The type of your variable
-|Success on: Success when variable set||When this option is selected, the true path is followed when the variable is set.
-Note: The workflow action checks if the variable is defined, so an empty or null value is also true. When testing this within Hop you need to delete the line with the variable in the variables section of the Execute a workflow window. And remember: Once this variable is set, the variable keeps existing, even when deleting it from the list.
-|Success On: Success condition|Equal/Non equal/etc.|Select the condition to be met for a successful result
-|Success On: Value||Value to compare the variable to 
-**Evaluating a field**
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Source: Evaluate|Field from previous result|Select this to evaluate a field value (generated by a pipeline using Copy rows to result)
-|Source: Field name||Enter the field name from the result row
-|Source: Type|String, Number etc.|The type of your field
-|Success On: Success condition|Equal/Non equal/etc.|Select the condition to be met for a successful result
-|Success On: Value||Value to compare the field to 
\ No newline at end of file
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Snmp Trap
-== Description
-The Snmp Trap action can be used to send alert messages to a remote SNMP-enabled device.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Server name / IP address|The server host.
-|Server port|The server port.
-|OID|The object identifier.
-|Test connection|Can be used to test the connection.
-|Target type|Type of target: Community or User.
-|Community string|A user id or password that allows access to a router's or other device's statistics.
-|Engine ID|
-|Retry|Number of retries.
-|Message|The message to send.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= SQL Script Executor
-== Description
-The SQL Script Executor action can be used to execute an SQL script. You can execute more than one SQL statement, as long as they are separated by semi-colons. The SQL workflow action is flexible; you can perform procedure calls, create and analyze tables, and more. Common uses associated with the SQL workflow action include truncating tables, drop index, partition loading, refreshing materialized views, disabling constraints, disabling statistics, and so on..
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Database Connection|The database connection to use.
-|SQL from file|Enable this option to load the SQL statement from a file given by the SQL filename
-|SQL filename|The filename for the file with SQL statements.
-|Send SQL as single statement?|Enable this option to not separate the statement by semicolons. This is often useful when a script is given or multiple statements should be processed and committed as one single statement.
-|Use variable substitution?|Enables variables to be used in the SQL Script.
-|SQL script|The SQL script to execute. Multiple statements can be separated by semicolons. 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Start
-== Description
-The start action is starting point for workflow execution.
-NOTE: You can have only one start action in a workflow.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Success Action
-== Description
-The Success Action action clears any error state encountered in a workflow and forces it to a success state.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Send information using Syslog
-== Description
-The Send information using Syslog action can be used to send a message using link:[syslog].
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Server name / IP address|The server host.
-|Server port|The server port.
-|Facility|A facility code is used to specify the type of program that is logging the message. 
-|Priority|The severity of the message.
-|Add hostname to message|
-|Add timestamp to message|
-|Date pattern|The format of the date.
-||The message to send.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Table Exists
-== Description
-The Table Exists action can be used to verify that a specified table exists on a database. You must provide a connection and the table name. Hop returns a True or False value depending on whether or not the table exists.
-Suppose you have an external system that creates a summary table or yesterday's data extract. The external system may not have performed the action yet, so you set up a polling piece that waits for the staged data to arrive in the database. There is no point in processing the workflow until the data is available, so you can use this workflow action as a semaphore that polls the database to determine whether or not the table exists.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Connection|The connection to use
-|Schema name|The schema name if applicable to your database
-|Table name|The name of the database table to check 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Telnet a host
-== Description
-The Telnet action can be used to test a connection over a certain port.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Host name/IP|The host.
-|Port|The port.
-|TimeOut (ms)|The timeout period.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Truncate Tables
-== Description
-The Truncate Tables action allows you to truncate one or several tables at once without writing 0 SQL command.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Connection|Name of the database connection on which the tables reside. Use "Edit..." and "New..." to edit and/or create a new connection.
-|Previous results to args?|Check this option if you want to get in a dynamic way tables to truncate from results of previous workflow action.
-|Click here to return tables name list|This button will return all tables defined on the connection. Select tables (one or several) and press "OK". Tables name will be automatically added to "Selected tables" grid.
-|Selected tables grid|Specify here the tables to truncate (insert it manually or use the previous button). If the table is in a different schema that the default one, please specify the schema name.
-|Delete|Remove actions from grid (select one several actions and click on this button to remove it).
-|OK|Click on this button to save workflow action settings changes
-|Cancel|Discard workflow action settings changes 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Unzip
-== Description
-The Unzip action can be used to unzip one or more files with this workflow action.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Source files a|You can specify the list of source (zip) files in this section
-* Get args from previous : check this option if you want to use the list of result files (from a previous workflow action) as the list of files to unzip.
-* Zip file name : the name of the zip file or a folder if you want to use a wildcard.
-* Source wildcard : if the previous option is a folder, you can enter a regular expression. wildcard here.
-** For example to match "/folder/" a regex of "te.\.zip" will come up empty. Use ".*te.\.zip" instead to account for the folders ahead of it.** For Windows file paths, the direction of the slashes will be reversed in the match, so use "\/" instead of "\\".
-|Unzipped files a|This section allows us to specify what to do with the unzipped files
-* Use zipfile name as root directory : check this if you want to create a separate directory for each zip filename (same name as file)
-* Target directory : the target directory to unzip in
-* Create folder : check this if you want to create the target folder
-* Include wildcard : use this regular expression to select the files in the zip archives to extract
-* Exclude wildcard : use this regular expression to select the files in the zip archives to extract
-* Include date in filename : Include the current date in the unzipped filenames (format yyyyMMdd)
-* Include time in filename : Include the time (format HHmmss)
-* Specify the date time format yourself: allows you to specify the date time format yourself (default is: yyyyMMdd'_'HHmmss)
-* If files exists : select the action to take if the target (unzipped) file exists: skip, overwrite, etc.
-* After extraction : select the action to take after zip file extraction: Do nothing, Delete files, Move files
-* Move files to : if the previous option is "Move files", you can select the target directory here.
-|Advanced a|
-* Add extracted file to result: add the extracted file names to the list of result files of this workflow action for use in the next workflow actions.
-* Success condition: allows you to specify the success factor of this workflow action: when everything went well or if there were only X errors or if there were at least Y files extracted.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Wait for file
-== Description
-The Wait for file action can be used to wait for a file. This workflow action will sleep and periodically check whether the specified file exists after which the flow will continue. The action can either wait indefinitely for the file or it can timeout after a certain time.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Check cycle time|The time in seconds between checking for the file. The file will be checked for in the start of the execution and then every "check cycle time" seconds until the maximum timeout is reached. A workflow can only be stopped every "check cycle time" as else the workflow action will be sleeping. A check cycle time of 30 or 60 seconds seems to be a good trade-off between the period until the file is detected and the required CPU usage.
-|File name|The name and path of the file to wait for.
-|File size check|When this is switched on, once the workflow action detects the specified file, and will only continue if the file size hasn't changed the last check "cycle time seconds". This is useful in cases where a file is created in the final place, and another process is still writing to the file.  (As a best practice, files should be written to a temporary location, and then moved when completed)
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
-|Maximum timeout|The maximum timeout in number of seconds, or 0 to wait indefinitely. This is the number seconds after which the flow will continue even if the file was not created. When the timeout is reached the "Success on timeout" option will determine whether the outgoing success or failure hop will be followed.
-|Success on timeout|This option determines what to do when the "Maximum timeout" has been reached and the file has not been found. If enabled, the workflow action will evaluate successfully, and the outgoing success hop will be followed. 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Wait for SQL
-== Description
-The Wait for SQL action scans a database and checks if the database meets user-defined conditions.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Connection|Identifies the database connection to use.
-|Target schema|Name of the table schema to evaluate.
-|Target table name|Name of the table to evaluate.
-|Success when rows count|Defines the evaluation method used to compare the number of rows with the given value.
-|Value|Defines the value used for the evaluation
-|Maximum timeout|After this timeout period, the workflow action continues with a fail, by default, or success, if the Success on timeout option is checked.
-|Check cycle time|Sets the amount time between evaluations.
-|Success on timeout|Defines workflow action success behavior when timeout is reached---when checked, reaching the maximum timeout limit causes the workflow action to succeed. When left unchecked, reaching the maximum timeout limit causes the workflow action to fail.
-|Custom SQL|Enables the use of custom SQL queries.
-|Use variable substitution|Replaces environment variables in the SQL script with their actual value.
-|Clear list of result rows before execution|Clears the list of result rows before running this workflow action.
-|Add rows to result|Includes returned rows to the result set.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Check if Webservice is available
-== Description
-The Check if Webservice is available action checks if a given URL (e.g. a Webservice URL) is valid, can be connected and data can be read from. If it connects within the given timeout and data can be read, it returns 'true', otherwise 'false'. Further information of the failing reason can be found in the log as an error log action.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|URL|Specifies the URL to validate.
-|Connect timeout (ms)|The connect timeout in ms. The value is depending on the quality of service of this URL and experiences.
-|Read timeout (ms)|After connection, the workflow action tries to read data. This value gives the read timeout in ms. The value is depending on the quality of service of this URL and experiences.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Workflow
-== Description
-You can use the Workflow action to execute a previously defined workflow.
-For ease of use, it is also possible to create a new workflow within the dialog, pressing the New Workflow button.
-Use the Workflow action to execute a previously defined workflow. This allows you to perform "functional decomposition." That is, you use them to break out workflows into more manageable units. For example, you would not write a data warehouse load using one workflow that contains 500 actions. It is better to create smaller workflows and aggregate them.
-== Options
-=== pipeline Specification Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Action name|Name of the action.
-|Workflow Filename|Specify the XML file name of the pipeline to start. Click to browse through your local files.
-=== Advanced Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Copy previous results to args?|The results from a previous pipeline can copied as arguments of the workflow using the "Copy rows to result" transform. If Execute for every input row is enabled then each row is a set of command line arguments to be passed into the workflow, otherwise only the first row is used to generate the command line arguments.
-|Copy previous results to parameters?|If Execute for every input row is enabled then each row is a set of command line workflowarguments to be passed into the , otherwise only the first row is used to generate the command line arguments.
-|Execute for every input row?|Implements looping; if the previous workflow action returns a set of result rows, the workflow executes once for every row found. One row is passed to the workflow at every execution. For example, you can execute a workflow for each file found in a directory.
-|Remote slave server|The slave server on which to execute the workflow
-|Pass workflow export to slave|Pass the complete workflow (including referenced sub-workflows and sub-pipelines) to the remote server.
-|Wait for the remote workflow to finish?|Enable to block until the workflow on the slave server has finished executing
-|Follow local abort to remote workflow|Enable to send the abort signal to the remote workflow if it is called locally
-|Expand child workflows and pipelines on the server|When the remote workflow starts child workflows and pipelines, they are exposed on the slave server and can be monitored.
-=== Logging Settings Tab
-By default, if you do not set logging, Hop will take log actions that are being generated and create a log record inside the workflow. For example, suppose a workflow has three pipelines to run and you have not set logging. The pipelines will not output logging information to other files, locations, or special configuration. In this instance, the workflow executes and puts logging information into its master workflow log.
-In most instances, it is acceptable for logging information to be available in the workflow log. For example, if you have load dimensions, you want logs for your load dimension runs to display in the workflow logs. If there are errors in the pipelines, they will be displayed in the workflow logs. If, however, you want all your log information kept in one place, you must set up logging.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Specify logfile?|Enable to specify a separate logging file for the execution of this workflow
-|Append logfile?|Enable to append to the logfile as opposed to creating a new one
-|Name of logfile|The directory and base name of the log file; for example C:\logs
-|Create parent folder|Create the parent folder for the log file if it does not exist
-|Extension of logfile|The file name extension; for example, log or txt
-|Include date in logfile?|Adds the system date to the filename with format YYYYMMDD (_20051231).
-|Include time in logfile?|Adds the system time to the filename with format HHMMSS (_235959).
-|Loglevel|Specifies the logging level for the execution of the workflow. See also the logging window in Logging
-=== Argument Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Arguments|Specify which command-line arguments will be passed to the pipeline.
-=== Parameters Tab
-Specify which parameters will be passed to the pipeline:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Pass all parameter values down to the sub-pipeline|Enable this option to pass all parameters of the workflow down to the sub-pipeline.
-|Parameters|Specify the parameter name that will be passed to the pipeline.
-|Stream column name|Allows you to capture fields of incoming records of a result set as a parameter.
-|Value a| Allows you to specify the values for the pipeline's parameters. You can do this by:
-- Manually typing a value (Ex: ETL workflow)
-- Use a parameter to set the value (Ex: ${Internal.workflow.Name}
-- Using a combination of manually specified values and parameter values (Ex: ${FILE_PREFIX}_${FILE_DATE}.txt)
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Write to File
-== Description
-The Write to File action can be used to write text to a file.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|File name|The file directory and name.
-|Browse...|Browse the filesystem for a file location.
-|Create prarent folder|Whether or not to create the parent folder.
-|Append file|Will overwrite the previous file if unchecked, if checked it will append new text to the previous file.
-|Encoding|The encoding to use while writing the file.
-|Text|The text to write to the file.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Write to Log
-== Description
-The Write to log acction writes a specific string to the Hop logging system.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Log level|The logging level to use
-|Log subject|The subject to use in the logging line(s)
-|Log message|The log message to write to the log 
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/xmlwellformed.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/xmlwellformed.adoc
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Check if XML file is well formed
-== Description
-The Check if XML file is well formed action verifies if one or more files contain well formed (allowed) XML content.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|Include Subfolders|Option to move the content of sub-folders.
-|Copy previous results to args|Check this to pass the results of the previous action into the arguments of this action.
-|Files/Folders|Specify the list of files or folders with wildcards (regular expressions) in this grid. You can add a different source/destination on each line. Note: You can use the Add button to add a line to the Files/Folders list. 
-=== Advanced Tab
-In this tab you can specify the files and/or folders to move.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Success on|Allows you to set specific success conditions: Success if all files are well formed, Success if at least x files are well formed, or Success when number of bad formed files less than.
-|Result files name|Specify which kind of filenames to add to the internal result file names: all filenames, only well formed filenames, or only bad filenames. 
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= XSD Validator
-== Description
-The XSD Validator action performs an XSD validation against data in a file or in an input field. XSD is short for link:[XML Schema] Definition.
-As such, there are 2 entities at work here:
-* The XML you want to validate the layout for
-* The XSD (Schema) file that describes what the XML file should look like.
-See also the XSD Validator action.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|XML File name|The name of the XML file
-|XSD File name|The name of the XSD file 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/xslt.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/xslt.adoc
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index fa169da..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/xslt.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= XSL Transformation
-== Description
-The XSL Transformation action is designed to transform XML documents into other documents (XML or other format, such as HTML or plain text) using Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations or link:[XSLT].
-The original document is not changed; rather, a new document is created based on the content of the XML file.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single workflow. A workflow action can be placed several times on the canvas, however it will be the same workflow action.
-|Get filenames from previous result|When this option is checked, the XML File name, XSL File name and Output File name are read from the previous result set. When multilpe rows exists, it will loop. At this time XML File name is the first field in the result set, XSL File name the second fields and Output File name the third field.
-|XML File name|The full name of the source XML file
-|XSL File name|The full name of the XSL file
-|Output File name|The full name of the created document (result of XSL transformation)
-|Transformer Factory|You can select JAXP or SAXON as the transformer factory.
-|If file exists a|Define the behavior when an output file with the same name exists
-Options :
-* Create new with unique name : a new output file will be created
-* Do nothing : nothing will be done
-* Fail : the workflow will fail
-|Result file name|Add files to result files name : add the target file names to the list of result files of this workflow action for use in the next workflow actions. 
\ No newline at end of file
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index ed9a6d1..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/actions/zipfile.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/actions/
-:language: en_US
-= Zip File
-== Description
-The Zip File action creates a standard ZIP archive using the options you specify in the dialog.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Workflow action name|The name of the workflow action.
-|Get arguments from previous a|This checkbox takes the filename specification from the result rows of a previous workflow action.  This is what will be taken from the rows.
-* The first field has to contain the filename or folder.
-* The second field should contain the inclusion wildcard
-* The third field should contain the exclusion wildcard.
-* The fourth field should contain the target zip file (this can be different for each file).
-|Source directory|The source directory of the files to be zipped
-|Include wildcard|The wildcard (regular expression) of the files to include in the zip archive
-|Exclude wildcard|The wildcard (regular expression) of the files to exclude from the zip archive
-|Include sub-folders|Enable this option to search files in sub-folders 
-|Zip file name|The full name of the destination archive
-|Create parent folder|Create the parent folder if it doesn't exist
-|Include date in filename|Add the date to the file name
-|Include time in filename|Add the time to the file name
-|Specify date time format|Allows you to specify the date/time format mask,
-|Date time format|The date time format mask, like yyyy/MM/dd HHmmss
-|Show filename|Shows an example filename based on the options you specified 
-=== Advanced Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Compression|The compression level to be used (Default, Best Compression, Best speed)
-|If zip file exists|The action to take when there already is a file at the target destination.
-|After zipping|The action to take after zipping
-|Move files to|The target directory to move the source files to after zipping
-|Create folder|Create the folder to move to
-|Stored source path depth a|This is the part of the source file path which is taken over in the ZIP file archive structure.
-|Add Zip file to result|Enable this option to add the target zip file(s) to the result 
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/as400.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/as400.adoc
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= AS400
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included | 10.2
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:as400://hostname/default-schema
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/cache.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/cache.adoc
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index f0770db..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Cache
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included | 3.0.0
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url  | jdbc:Cache://hostname:1972/database
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/clickhouse.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/clickhouse.adoc
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index 2e5067b..0000000
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= ClickHouse
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Columnar
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included | 1.4.4
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:clickhouse://<host>:<port>[/<database>]
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/db2.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/db2.adoc
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index e0b0417..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= DB2
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Driver Link]
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url  | jdbc:db2://hostname:port/dbname
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/derby.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/derby.adoc
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index 541e046..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/derby.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Apache Derby
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included |
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:derby:myDB
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/exasol.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/exasol.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 508609d..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/exasol.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Exasol
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included | 6.2.1
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:exa:<server>:<port8563>
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/firebird.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/firebird.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 428968e..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/firebird.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= firebird
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Driver Link]
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost:3050/c:/database/example.fdb
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/googlebigquery.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/googlebigquery.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 229fa98..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/googlebigquery.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Google BigQuery
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Driver Link]
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:bigquery://[Host]:[Port];ProjectId=[Project];OAuthType=[AuthValue]
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/greenplum.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/greenplum.adoc
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index ece8f5a..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/greenplum.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Greenplum
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included | 5.1.4
-|Hop Dependencies | Postgresql Plugin
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDB Url | jdbc:pivotal:greenplum://host:port;DatabaseName=<name>
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/h2.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/h2.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index bb45709..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/h2.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= H2
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included | 1.4.200
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:h2:[file:][<path>]<databaseName>
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/hypersonic.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/hypersonic.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eb95a7..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/hypersonic.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Hypersonic
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included | 2.5.0
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:hsqldb:hsql//hostname 
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/infinidb.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/infinidb.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 73370f2..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/infinidb.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= InfiniDB
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Use MySQL Drivers
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | Mysql Database Plugin
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:mysql://hostname:3306/databaseName
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/infobright.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/infobright.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f9a290..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/infobright.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Infobright DB
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Use MySQL Drivers
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | Mysql Database Plugin
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:mysql://hostname:3306/databaseName
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/informix.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/informix.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 22de1cd..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/informix.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= informix
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Driver Link]
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:informix-sqli://hostname:1533/databaseName
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/ingres.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/ingres.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 35a3b59..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/ingres.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= ingres
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Driver Link]
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:ingres://host:port{,port}{;host:port{,port}}/db{;attr=value}
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/interbase.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/interbase.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ff8f91..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/interbase.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= interbase
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included in Database installation
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:interbase://hostname:3050/path/to/database.ib
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/kingbasees.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/kingbasees.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 79ed1cd..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/kingbasees.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= kingbase es
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | 
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:kingbase8://host:port/database
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/mariadb.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/mariadb.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index dad3e23..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/mariadb.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Mariadb
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Driver Link]
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | Mysql Database plugin
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | 
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/monetdb.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/monetdb.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 919a0a9..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/monetdb.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= monetdb
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Column Store
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included | 2.25
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url |  jdbc:monetdb://hostname/databaseName
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/mssql.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/mssql.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index b823716..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/mssql.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= MS SqlServer
-This database type uses, the JTDS driver. When creating new database connections it is recommended to use the native connection type.
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Driver Link]
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<server>[:<port>][/<database>][;<property>=<value>[;...]]
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/mssqlnative.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/mssqlnative.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 10227e7..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/mssqlnative.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= MS SqlServer (Native)
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Driver Link]
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:sqlserver://[serverName[\instanceName][:portNumber]][;property=value[;property=value]]
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/mysql.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/mysql.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index fec1d9e..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/mysql.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= MySql
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Drivere Link] (Use Platform Independent)
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:mysql://hostname:33060/databaseName
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/netezza.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/netezza.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f845d5..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/netezza.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Netezza
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included in database installation
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:netezza://hostname:5490/databaseName
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/oracle.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/oracle.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f8ccb2..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/oracle.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Oracle
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Driver Link]
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:port Number:databaseName
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/oraclerdb.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/oraclerdb.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index ba1aae2..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/oraclerdb.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Oracle RDB
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Driver Link]
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:rdbThin://<node>:<port>/<database_specification>
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/postgresql.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/postgresql.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0366193..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/postgresql.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= PostgreSQL
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included | 42.2.8
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url  | jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/redshift.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/redshift.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4962668..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/redshift.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Redshift
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included |
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:redshift://endpoint:port/database
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sapdb.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sapdb.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 887dc9c..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sapdb.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= MaxDB (SAP DB)
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included in Database installation
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:sapdb://<database_computer>[:<port>]/<database_name>
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/snowflake.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/snowflake.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index bfc927d..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/snowflake.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Snowflake
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included | 3.11.1
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:snowflake://<account_name><connection_params>
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sqlbase.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sqlbase.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index b32037d..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sqlbase.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Gupta SQLBase
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Driver Link]
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:sqlbase://hostname:port/databaseName
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sqlite.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sqlite.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dea1c7..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sqlite.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= SqLite
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included | 3.28.0
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:sqlite:sample.db
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sybase.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sybase.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index c7fae94..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sybase.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Sybase
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included | 1.3.1
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:jtds:sybase://<server>[:<port>][/<database>][;<property>=<value>[;...]]
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sybaseiq.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sybaseiq.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d7cf32..0000000
--- a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/sybaseiq.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Sybase IQ
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Column Oriented
-|Driver | Included in database installation
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:2638
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/teradata.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/databases/teradata.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 91460c1..0000000
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Teradata
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Driver Link]
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:teradata://Hostname
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= IBM Universe
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included in database installation
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:ibmu2://localhost
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Vectorwise
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver | Included
-|Version Included | 10.0-4.0.5
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:ingres://host:port{,port}{;host:port{,port}}/db{;attr=value}
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/databases/
-:language: en_US
-= Vertica
-[width="90%", cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Option | Info
-|Type | Relational
-|Driver |[Driver Link]
-|Version Included | None
-|Hop Dependencies | None
-|Documentation |[Documentation Link]
-|JDBC Url | jdbc:vertica://VerticaHost:portNumber/databaseName
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Abort
-== Description
-This tranform type allows you abort a pipeline upon seeing input. It's main use is in error handling. For example, you can use this transform so that a pipeline can be aborted after x number of rows flow to over an error hop.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Abort threshold|The threshold of number of rows after which to abort the pipeline. E.g. If threshold is 0, the abort transform will abort after seeing the first row. If threshold is 5, the abort transform will abort after seeing the sixth row.
-|Abort message|The message to put in the log upon aborting. If not filled in a default message will be used.
-|Always log|Always log the rows processed by the Abort transform. This allows the rows to be logged although the log level of the pipeline would normally not do it. This way you can always see in the log which rows caused the pipeline to abort.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Add Sequence
-== Description
-The Add sequence transform adds a sequence to the Hop stream. A sequence is an ever-changing integer value with a specific start and increment value. You can either use a database sequence to determine the value of the sequence, or have it generated by Hop. Hop-generated sequence values are unique when used in the same pipeline, and return to the same starting value each time you run the pipeline.
-Hop sequences are unique only when used in the same pipeline. Also, they are not stored, so the values start back at the same value every time the pipeline is launched.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|The name of this transform as it appears in the pipeline workspace. This name must be unique within a single pipeline.
-|Name of value|Name of the new sequence value that is added to the stream.
-|Use DB to generate the sequence|Enable if you want the sequence to be driven by a database sequence, then set these parameters: Connection name, Schema name (optional), Sequence name.
-|Connection name|The name of the connection on which the database sequence resides.
-|Schema name (optional)|The table's schema name.
-|Sequence name|The name of the database sequence.
-|Use a pipeline counter to generate the sequence|Enable if you want the sequence to be generated by Hop, then set these parameters: Counter name (optional), Start at, Increment by, Maximum value.
-|Counter name (optional)|If multiple transforms in a pipeline generate the same value name, this option enables you to specify the name of the counter to associate with. Avoids forcing unique sequencing across multiple steps.
-|Start at|The value to begin the sequence with.
-|Increment by|The amount by which the sequence increases or decreases.
-|Maximum value|The value after which the sequence returns to the Start At value.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Add XML
-== Description
-The Add XML transform allows you to encode the content of a number of fields in a row in XML. This XML is added to the row in the form of a String field.
-== Options
-=== Content Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Encoding|The encoding to use; this encoding is specified in the header of the XML file
-|Output Value|The name of the new field that contains the XML
-|Root XML element|The name of the root element in the generated element
-|Omit XML header|Enable to not include the XML header in the output.
-|Omit null values from the XML result|Do not add elements or attributes with null values. This is often used to limit the size of the target XML. 
-=== Fields Tab
-The Fields tab is where you configure the output fields and their formats. The table below describes each of the available properties for a field.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Fieldname|Name of the field
-|Element name|The name of the element in the XML file to use
-|Type|Type of the field can be either String, Date, or Number
-|Format|Format mask with which to convert data; see Number Formats for a complete description of format specifiers
-|Length|Output string is padded to this length if it is specified
-|Precision|The precision to use
-|Currency|Symbol used to represent currencies like $10,000.00 or E5.000,00
-|Decimal|A decimal point can be a "." (10,000.00) or "," (5.000,00)
-|Grouping|A grouping can be a "," (10,000.00) or "." (5.000,00)
-|Null|The string to use in case the field value is null.
-|Attribute|Make this an attribute (N means : element)
-|Attribute parent name|You can specify the name of the parent element to add the attribute to if previous parameter attribute is set to Y.
-If no parent name is specified, the attribute is set in the parent element. 
-== Use case
-Below is data that comes in a variety of classes and which needs to be stored as XML in a database. You want to turn the raw data into the database layout below.
-=== Raw data
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-=== Output Sample
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Id|X|Y|Class data
-|3|4|7|<SHAPE type="circle"><COLOUR>blue</COLOUR><RADIUS> 5</RADIUS></SHAPE>
-|1|6|3|<SHAPE type="rectangle"><COLOUR>blue</COLOUR><WIDTH> 4</WIDTH><LENGTH> 6</LENGTH></SHAPE>
-|2|8|8|<SHAPE type="rectangle"><COLOUR>blue</COLOUR><WIDTH> 4</WIDTH><LENGTH>6</LENGTH></SHAPE>
-|5|5|2|<SHAPE type="circle"><COLOUR>blue</COLOUR><RADIUS> 5</RADIUS></SHAPE> 
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Analytic Query
-== Description
-This transform allows you to peek forward and backwards across rows. Examples of common use cases are:
-* Calculate the "time between orders" by ordering rows by order date, and LAGing 1 row back to get previous order time.
-* Calculate the "duration" of a web page view by LEADing 1 row ahead and determining how many seconds the user was on this page.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name| The name of this transform as it appears in the pipeline workspace.
-|Group fields table|Specify the fields you want to group. Click Get Fields to add all fields from the input stream(s). The transform will do no additional sorting, so in addition to the grouping identified (for example CUSTOMER_ID) here you must also have the data sorted (for example ORDER_DATE).
-|Analytic Functions table|Specify the analytic functions to be solved.
-|New Field Name|the name you want this new field to be named on the stream (for example PREV_ORDER_DATE)
-|Subject|The existing field to grab (for example ORDER_DATE)
-a|Set the type of analytic function:
-* Lead - Go forward N rows and get the value of Subject
-* Lag - Go backward N rows and get the value of Subject
-|N|The number of rows to offset (backwards or forwards) 
-## Group field examples
-While it is not mandatory to specify a group, it can be useful for certain cases. If you create a group (made up of one or more fields), then the "lead forward / lag backward" operations are made only within each group. For example, suppose you have this:
-X   , Y
-aaa , 1
-aaa , 2
-aaa , 3
-bbb , 4
-bbb , 5
-bbb , 6
-And you want to create a field named Z, with the Y value in the previous row.
-If you only care about the Y field, you don't need to group. And you will have the following result:
-X   , Y , Z
-aaa , 1 , <null>
-aaa , 2 , 1
-aaa , 3 , 2
-bbb , 4 , 3
-bbb , 5 , 4
-bbb , 6 , 5
-But if you don't want to mix the values for aaa and bbb, you can group by the X field, and you will have this:
-X   , Y , Z
-X   , Y , Z
-aaa , 1 , <null>
-aaa , 2 , 1
-aaa , 3 , 2
-bbb , 4 , <null>
-bbb , 5 , 4
-bbb , 6 , 5
-Thus, by grouping (provided the input is sorted according to your grouping), you can be assured that lead or lag operations will not return row values outside of the defined group.
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/append.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/append.adoc
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-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Append Streams
-== Description
-The "Append streams" transform reads the data from two transforms, only processing the second stream after the first is finished.
-As always, the row layout for the input data coming from both transforms has to be identical: the same row lengths, the same data types, the same fields at the same field indexes in the row.
-*Important*: If you don't care about the order in which the output rows occur, you can use any transform to create a union of 2 or more data streams.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform. Note: This name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Head hop|The name of the transform from which will be read from first.
-|Tail hop|The name of the transform from which will be read from last. 
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Beam BigQuery Input
-== Description
-The Beam BigQuery Input transform can be used to input data from link:[Google Cloud BigQuery] using the Beam execution engine.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Project ID|The Google Cloud project.
-|Data set ID|The BigQuery dataset ID.
-|Table ID|The BigQuery table ID.
-|Query|The input query, blank means everything from the table.
-|Return fields selection|A list of result fields.
-|BQ Field name|The field name in the BigQuery table.
-|Rename to... (optional)|The name to be given to a column.
-|Hop data type|The field data type.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Beam BigQuery Output
-== Description
-The Beam BigQuery Input transform can be used to input data from link:[BigQuery] using the Beam execution engine.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Project ID|The Google Cloud Platform project.
-|Data set ID|The BigQuery dataset ID.
-|Table ID|The BigQuery table ID.
-|Create table if needed|Whether or not to create the table if it does not exist.
-|Truncate table|Whether or not to truncate the table before inserting.
-|Fail if the table is not empty|Throws an error if the table is not empty.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Beam Kafka Consume
-== Description
-The Beam Kafka Consume transform link:[consumes] records from a Kafka cluster using the Beam execution engine.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Bootstrap servers|A comma separated list of hosts which are Kafka brokers in a "bootstrap" Kafka cluster.
-|Topics to consume|A comma separated list of topics to consume.
-|Group ID|Specifies the ID of a consumer group a Kafka consumer belongs to.
-|The name of the key output field|The result key field.
-|The name of the message output field|The result message field.
-|Use processing time|The time when the record is processed by Beam.
-|Use log append time|The time when the record is appended by the broker.
-|Use create time|The time when the producer record is created.
-|Restrict read to committed messages|Restricts reading to committed records only.
-|Allow offsets to be committed back|Allows committing offsets as to mark an offset as consumed.
-|Configuration options|A list of configuration parameters.
-|Parameter|A configuration parameter.
-|Value|The parameter value.
-|Type|The value data type.
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-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Beam Input
-== Description
-The Beam Input transform reads files using a file definition with the Beam execution engine.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Input location|The location from which to read a file.
-|File definition to use|The file definition to use stored in a metastore.
-|Edit|Edits an existing file definition.
-|New|Creates a new file definition.
-|Manage|Opens the MetaStore Explorer.
-== File Definition
-A file definition can be used to define a file structure definition.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|The file definition name.
-|Description|The file definition description.
-|Field separator|The character separating the fields.
-|Field enclosure|The character enclosing fields.
-|Field definitions|A list of fields.
-|Field name|The field name.
-|Type|The field data type.
-|Format|The field format.
-|Length|The field length.
-|Precision|The field precisiom.
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Beam Output
-== Description
-The Beam Output transform writes files using a file definition with the Beam execution engine.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Output location|The output location.
-|File prefix|Text which has to precede the file name.
-|File suffix|Text which has to succeed the file name.
-|Windowed writes?|Writes a file per window. Use together with the Beam Window transform.
-|File definition to use|The file definition to use stored in a metastore.
-|Edit|Edits an existing file definition.
-|New|Creates a new file definition.
-|Manage|Opens the MetaStore Explorer.
-== File Definition
-A file definition can be used to define a file structure definition.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|The file definition name.
-|Description|The file definition description.
-|Field separator|The character separating the fields.
-|Field enclosure|The character enclosing fields.
-|Field definitions|A list of fields.
-|Field name|The field name.
-|Type|The field data type.
-|Format|The field format.
-|Length|The field length.
-|Precision|The field precisiom.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Beam Kafka Produce
-== Description
-The Beam Kafka Produce transform link:[publishes] records to a Kafka cluster using the Beam execution engine.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Bootstrap servers|A comma separated list of hosts which are Kafka brokers in a "bootstrap" Kafka cluster.
-|The topics|The topics to publish to.
-|The field to use as key|The record key.
-|The field to use as message|The record message.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Beam GCP Pub/Sub : Publish
-== Description
-The Beam GCP Pub/Sub : Publish transform publishes messages to a link:[Google Cloud Pub/Sub] topic using the Beam execution engine.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Topic to publish to|The Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic.
-|The type of message to publish a|
-* String
-* PubsubMessage
-|The field to use as message|The field which contains the message.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Beam GCP Pub/Sub : Subscribe
-== Description
-The Beam GCP Pub/Sub : Subscribe transform gets messages from a link:[Google Cloud Pub/Sub] topic using a subscription with the Beam execution engine.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Subscription name|Name of the Google Cloud Pub/Sub subscription.
-|Topic to subscribe to|The Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic.
-|The type of message to read a|
-* String
-* PubsubMessage
-|The output field name|The field containing the result message.
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-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Beam Timestamp
-== Description
-The Beam Timestamp transform adds a custom timestamp using the Beam execution engine.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|The time field to use. Uses system time if blank|The field containing the timestamp, will use system time is empty.
-|Get timestamp from stream?|Returns the event time field if it is defined within the stream.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Beam Window
-== Description
-The Beam Window transform adds event-time-based window functions using the Beam execution engine.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Window type a|
-* Fixed
-* Sliding
-* Session
-* Global
-|Window size (duration in seconds)|Sets the window duration size in seconds, default 60.
-|Every x seconds (Sliding windows)|Sets the slide window duration in seconds.
-|Window start field|The field containing the window start time.
-|Window end field|The field containing the window end time.
-|Window max field|The field containing the max duration between events.
-== Window Types
-=== Fixed
-Fixed or tumbling windows are used to repeatedly segment data into distinct time segments and do not overlap. Events cannot belong to more than one window.
-=== Sliding
-Sliding windows produce an output only when an event occurs and continuously move forward. Every window will have at least one event and can overlap. Events can belong to more than one window.
-=== Session
-Session windows group events which arrive at similar times and filter out periods of time when there is no data.
-The window begins when the first event occurs and extends to include new events within a specified timeout. If events keep occurring the window will keep extending until maximum duration is reached.
-=== Global
-Global windowing is the default in Beam and ignores event time (spanning all of event time) and uses triggers to provide snapshots of that window.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Blocking transform
-== Description
-The Blocking transform blocks all output until the very last row is received from the previous transform.
-At that point, the last row is sent to the next transform or the complete input is sent off to the next transform. Use the Blocking transform for triggering plugins, stored procedures, Java scripts, ... or for synchronization purposes.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Pass all rows?|Determines whether to pass one row or all rows
-|Spool directory|The directory in which the temporary files are stored if needed; the default is the standard temporary directory for the system
-|Spool-file prefix|Choose a recognizable prefix to identify the files when they appear in the temp directory
-|Cache size|The more rows you can store in memory, the faster the transform works
-|Compress spool files?|Compresses temporary files when they are needed 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Blocking until transforms finish
-== Description
-This transform simply waits until all the transform copies that are specified in the dialog have finished. 
-You can use it to avoid the natural concurrency (parallelism) that exists between pipeline transform copies.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Watch the following transforms|Use this grid to specify the transforms to wait for.
-|Get transforms|Push this button to auto-fill the "Watch the following transforms" grid with all transforms available in the pipeline.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|transform name|The name of the transform to wait for.
-|CopyNr|The (0-based) copy number of the transform. If the named transform has an explicit setting for "Change number of copies to start", and you want to wait for all copies to finish, you'll need to enter one row in the grid for each copy, and use this column to specify which copy of the transform to wait for. For the default number of copies (1), the CopyNr is always 0.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Calculator
-== Description
-This calculator transform provides you with predefined functions that can be executed on input field values.
-*_Note:_* The execution speed of the Calculator is far better than the speed provided by custom scripts (JavaScript).
-Besides the arguments (Field A, Field B and Field C) you must also specify the return type of the function. You can also choose to remove the field from the result (output) after all values are calculated; this is useful for removing temporary values.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options=header]
-|Set field to constant A|
-|Create a copy of field A|
-|A + B|A plus B.
-|A - B|A minus B.
-|A * B|A multiplied by B.
-|A / B|A divided by B.
-|A * A|The square of A.
-|SQRT( A )|The square root of A.
-|100 * A / B|Percentage of A in B.
-|A - ( A * B / 100 )|Subtract B% of A.
-|A + ( A * B / 100 )|Add B% to A.
-|A + B *C|Add A and B times C.
-|SQRT( A*A + B*B )|Calculate ?(A2+B2).
-|ROUND( A )|Returns the closest Integer to the argument. The result is rounded to an Integer by adding 1/2, taking the floor of the result, and casting the result to type int. In other words, the result is equal to the value of the expression: floor (a + 0.5).
-In case you need the rounding method "Round half to even", use the following method ROUND( A, B ) with no decimals (B=0).
-|ROUND( A, B )|Round A to the nearest even number with B decimals. The used rounding method is "Round half to even", it is also called unbiased rounding, convergent rounding, statistician's rounding, Dutch rounding, Gaussian rounding, odd-even rounding, bankers' rounding or broken rounding, and is widely used in bookkeeping. This is the default rounding mode used in IEEE 754 computing functions and operators. In Germany it is often called "Mathematisches Runden".
-|STDROUND( A )|Round A to the nearest integer. The used rounding method is "Round half away from zero", it is also called standard or common rounding. In Germany it is known as "kaufmännische Rundung" (and defined in DIN 1333).
-|STDROUND( A, B )|Same rounding method used as in STDROUND (A) but with B decimals.
-|CEIL( A )|The ceiling function map a number to the smallest following integer.
-|FLOOR( A )|The floor function map a number to the largest previous integer.
-|NVL( A, B )|If A is not NULL, return A, else B. Note that sometimes your variable won't be null but an empty string.
-|Date A + B days|Add B days to Date field A.
-Note: Only integer values for B are supported. If you need non-integer calculations, please add a second calculation with hours.
-|Year of date A|Calculate the year of date A.
-|Month of date A|Calculate number the month of date A.
-|Day of year of date|A Calculate the day of year (1-365).
-|Day of month of date A|Calculate the day of month (1-31).
-|Day of week of date A|Calculate the day of week (1-7).
-|Week of year of date A|Calculate the week of year (1-54).
-|ISO8601 Week of year of date A|Calculate the week of the year ISO8601 style (1-53).
-|ISO8601 Year of date A|Calculate the year ISO8601 style.
-|Byte to hex encode of string A|Encode bytes in a string to a hexadecimal representation.
-|Hex encode of string A|Encode a string in its own hexadecimal representation.
-|Char to hex encode of string A|Encode characters in a string to a hexadecimal representation.
-|Hex decode of string A|Decode a string from its hexadecimal representation (add a leading 0 when A is of odd length).
-|Checksum of a file A using CRC-32|Calculate the checksum of a file using CRC-32.
-|Checksum of a file A using Adler-32|Calculate the checksum of a file using Adler-32.
-|Checksum of a file A using MD5|Calculate the checksum of a file using MD5.
-|Checksum of a file A using SHA-1|Calculate the checksum of a file using SHA-1.
-|Levenshtein Distance (Source A and Target B)|Calculates the Levenshtein Distance:
-|Metaphone of A (Phonetics)|Calculates the metaphone of A:
-|Double metaphone of A|Calculates the double metaphone of A:
-|Absolute value ABS(A)|Calculates the Absolute value of A.
-|Remove time from a date A|Removes time value of A. Note: Daylight Savings Time (DST) changes in Sao Paulo and some other parts of Brazil at midnight 0:00. This makes it impossible to set the time to 0:00 at the specific date, when the DST changes from 0:00 to 1:00 am. So, there is one date in one year in these regions where this function will fail with an "IllegalArgumentException: HOUR_OF_DAY: 0 -> 1". It is not an issue for Europe, the US and other regions where the time changes at 1:00 or 2:00 or 3:00 am.
-|Date A - Date B (in days)|Calculates difference, in days, between A date field and B date field.
-|A + B + C|A plus B plus C.
-|First letter of each word of a string A in capital|Transforms the first letter of each word within a string.
-|UpperCase of a string A|Transforms a string to uppercase.
-|LowerCase of a string A|Transforms a string to lowercase.
-|Mask XML content from string A|Escape XML content; replace characters with &values.
-|Protect (CDATA) XML content from string A|Indicates an XML string is general character data, rather than non-character data or character data with a more specific, limited structure. The given string will be enclosed into <![CDATA[String]]>.
-|Remove CR from a string A|Removes carriage returns from a string.
-|Remove LF from a string A|Removes linefeeds from a string.
-|Remove CRLF from a string A|Removes carriage returns/linefeeds from a string.
-|Remove TAB from a string A|Removes tab characters from a string.
-|Return only digits from string A|Outputs only digits (0-9) from a string.
-|Remove digits from string A|Removes all digits (0-9) from a string.
-|Return the length of a string A|Returns the length of the string.
-|Load file content in binary|Loads the content of the given file (in field A) to a binary data type (e.g. pictures).
-|Add time B to date A|Add the time to a date, returns date and time as one value.
-|Quarter of date A|Returns the quarter (1 to 4) of the date.
-|variable substitution in string A|Substitute variables within a string.
-|Unescape XML content|Unescape XML content from the string.
-|Escape HTML content|Escape HTML within the string.
-|Unescape HTML content|Unescape HTML within the string.
-|Escape SQL content|Escapes the characters in a String to be suitable to pass to an SQL query.
-|Date A - Date B (working days)|Calculates the difference between Date field A and Date field B (only working days Mon-Fri).
-|Date A + B Months|Add B months to Date field A.
-Note: Only integer values for B are supported. If you need non-integer calculations, please add a second calculation with days.
-|Check if an XML file A is well formed|Validates XML file input.
-|Check if an XML string A is well formed|Validates XML string input.
-|Get encoding of file A|Guess the best encoding (UTF-8) for the given file.
-|Dameraulevenshtein distance between String A and String B|Calculates Dameraulevenshtein distance between strings:
-|NeedlemanWunsch distance between String A and String B|Calculates NeedlemanWunsch distance between strings:
-|Jaro similitude between String A and String B|Returns the Jaro similarity coefficient between two strings.
-|JaroWinkler similitude between String A and String B|Returns the Jaro similarity coefficient between two string:
-|SoundEx of String A|Encodes a string into a Soundex value.
-|RefinedSoundEx of String A|Retrieves the Refined Soundex code for a given string object
-|Date A + B Hours|Add B hours to Date field.
-Note: Only integer values for B are supported. If you need non-integer calculations, please add a second calculation with minutes.
-|Date A + B Minutes|Add B minutes to Date field.
-Note: Only integer values for B are supported. If you need non-integer calculations, please add a second calculation with seconds.
-|Date A - Date B (milliseconds)|Subtract B milliseconds from Date field A
-|Date A - Date B (seconds)|Subtract B seconds from Date field A.
-Note: Only integer values for B are supported. If you need non-integer calculations, please add a second calculation with milliseconds.
-|Date A - Date B (minutes)|Subtract B minutes from Date field A.
-Note: Only integer values for B are supported. If you need non-integer calculations, please add a second calculation with seconds.
-|Date A - Date B (hours)|Subtract B hours from Date field A.
-Note: Only integer values for B are supported. If you need non-integer calculations, please add a second calculation with minutes.
-|Hour of Day of Date A|Extract the hour part of the given date
-|Minute of Hour of Date A|Extract the minute part of the given date
-|Second of Hour of Date A|Extract the second part of a given date
-== FAQ on length and precision and data types affecting the results
-*Q*: I made a pipeline using A/B in a calculator transform and it rounded wrong: the 2 input fields are integer but my result type was Number(6, 4) so I would expect the integers to be cast to Number before executing the division.
-If I wanted to execute e.g. 28/222, I got 0.0 instead of 0.1261 which I expected. So it seems the result type is ignored. If I change the input types both to Number(6, 4) I get as result 0.12612612612612611 which still ignores the result type (4 places after the comma).
-Why is this?
-*A*: Length & Precision are just metadata pieces.
-If you want to round to the specified precision, you should do this in another transform. However: please keep in mind that rounding double point precision values is futile anyway. A floating point number is stored as an approximation (it floats) so 0.1261 (your desired output) could (would probably) end up being stored as 0.126099999999 or 0.1261000000001 (Note: this is not the case for BigNumbers)
-So in the end we round using BigDecimals once we store the numbers in the output table, but NOT during the pipeline. The same is true for the Text File Output transform. If you would have specified Integer as result type, the internal number format would have been retained, you would press "Get Fields" and it the required Integer type would be filled in. The required conversion would take place there and then.
-In short: we convert to the required metadata type when we land the data somewhere, NOT BEFORE.
-*Q*: How do the data types work internally?
-*A*: You might notice that if you multiply an Integer and Number, the result is always rounded.  That is because Calculator takes data type of the left hand size of the multiplication (A) as the driver for the calculation.
-As such, if you want more precision, you should put field B on the left hand side or change the data type to Number and all will be well.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Change file encoding
-== Description
-This transform changes a text file from one encoding to another. 
-== Options
-* Transform name : the name of the transform, unique in a pipeline
-* Source file
-  ** Filename field : the name of the input field which will carry the file names at runtime
-  ** Source encoding: the encoding of the text files
-  ** Add source filename to the result filenames? : Check this if you want to add the source file(s) automatically to the files list of the result of the pipeline.
-* Target file
-  ** Target filename field: the name of the input field which will contain the target (output) file name at runtime
-  ** Create parent folder: checking this field automatically creates the output folder specified in the target filename field.
-  ** Target encoding: you can select the target encoding here
-  ** Add target filename to the result filenames? : Check this if you want to add the target file(s) automatically to the files list of the result of the pipeline.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Add a checksum
-== Description
-This transform calculates checksums for one or more fields in the input stream and adds this to the output as a new field.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform. Note: This name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Type a|The type of checksum that needs to be calculated.  These are the types that are available:
-* CRC32 : 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check :
-*ADLER 32 : Checksum algorithm by Mark Adler:
-* MD5 : Message Digest algorithm 5 :
-* SHA-1 : Secure Hash Algorithm 1 :
-* SHA-256 : Secure Hash Algorithm 2 :
-|Result Type|Some checksum types allow to set different result types: String, Hexadecimal and Binary
-|Result field|The name of the result field containing the checksum
-|Fields used in the checksum|The names of the fields to include in the checksum calculation.
-Note: You can use the "Get Fields" button to insert all input fields from previous transforms.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Clone row
-== Description
-This transform creates copies (clones) of a row and outputs them directly after the original row to the next transforms.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform. Note: This name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Nr clones|The number of clones you want to add after the original row.
-|Add clone flag a|Check this option if you want to add a boolean field in the output indicating if the row is a clone or not.
-* N / false : this is not a cloned row, it's the original row
-* Y / true : this is a cloned row, a copy of the original row
-|Clone flag field|The name of the clone flag field 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Closure
-== Description
-This transform was created to allow you to generate a Reflexive Transitive Closure Table for Mondrian.  For more information on how a closure table can help Mondrian gain performance, go here
-Technically, this transform reads all input rows in memory and calculates all possible parent-child relationships.  It attaches the distance (in levels) from parent to child.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|The name that uniquely identifies the transform.
-|Parent ID field|The field name that contains the parent ID of the parent-child relationship.
-|Child ID field|The field name that contains the child ID of the parent-child relationship.
-|Distance field name|The name of the distance field that will be added to the output
-|Root is zero|Check this box if the root of the parent-child tree is not empty (null) but zero (0) 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Coalesce
-== Description
-Lets you combine multiple fields into one, selecting the first value that is non-null.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Considered empty string as null|The transform can consider empty string as null.
-== Fields
-|Fields|specify the name, type, and value in the form of a string. Then, specify the formats to convert the value into the chosen data type.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|The result field name, can overwrite an existing one.
-|Type|The formats to convert the value into the chosen data type.
-|Remove|Remove input fields from the stream.
-|Input fields|The order of the input fields listed in the columns determines the order in which they are evaluated.
-NOTE: Support MetaData Injection (MDI)
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Column exists
-== Description
-This transforms allows you to verify the existence of a specific column in a database table.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; This name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|Connection|The database connection to use
-|Schema name|(optional) The schema name of the table of the column to check
-|Table name|The name of the table of the column to check
-|Tablename in field?|Enable to read the name of the table in an input field
-|Tablename field|Specify the fieldns containing parameters and the parameter type
-|Columnname field|The name of the column field in the input stream
-|Result fieldname|The name of the resulting boolean flag field 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Combination lookup/update
-== Description
-The Combination Lookup-Update transform allows you to store information in a junk-dimension table, and can possibly also be used to maintain Kimball pure Type 1 dimensions.
-This transform will...
-1. Look up combination of business key field1... fieldn from the input stream in a dimension table
-2. If this combination of business key fields exists, return its technical key (surrogate id);
-3. If this combination of business key doesn't exist yet, insert a row with the new key fields and return its (new) technical key
-4. Put all input fields on the output stream including the returned technical key, but remove all business key fields if "remove lookup fields" is true.
-This transform creates/maintains a technical key out of data with business keys. After passing through this transform all of the remaining data changes for the dimension table can be made as updates, as either a row for the business key already existed or was created.
-This transform will maintain the key information only. You must update the non-key information in the dimension table, e.g. by putting an update transform (based on technical key) after the combination update/lookup transform.
-Apache Hop (Incubating) will store the information in a table where the primary key is the combination of the business key fields in the table. Because this process can be slow if you have a large number of fields, a "hash code" field is supported that is representing all fields in the dimension. This can speed up lookup performance dramatically while limiting the fields to index to one field only.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Connection|Name of the database connection on which the dimension table resides.
-|Target schema|This allows you to specify a schema name.
-|Target table|Name of the dimension table.
-|Commit size
-|Define the commit size, e.g. setting this to 10 will generate a commit every 10 inserts or updates.
-|Cache size in rows |This is the cache size in number of rows that will be held in memory to speed up lookups by reducing the number of round trips to the database.
-A cache size of 0 caches as many rows as possible and until your JVM runs out of memory. Use this option wisely with dimensions that can't grown too large.
-A cache size of -1 means that caching is disabled.
-|Key fields|Specify the names of the keys in the stream and in the dimension table. This will enable the transform to do the lookup.
-|Technical key field|This indicates the primary key of the dimension. It is also referred to as Surrogate Key.
-|Creation of technical key a|Specify howthe technical key is generated, options which are not available for your connection will be grayed out:
-* Use table maximum + 1: A new technical key will be created from the maximum key in the table. Note that the new maximum is always cached, so that the maximum does not need to be calculated for each new row.
-* Use sequence: Specify the sequence name if you want to use a database sequence on the table connection to generate the technical key (typical for Oracle e.g.).
-* Use auto increment field: Use an auto increment field in the database table to generate the technical key (supported e.g. by DB2).
-|Remove lookup fields?|Enable this option if you want to remove all the lookup fields from the input stream in the output. The only extra field added is then the technical key.
-|Use hashcode|This option allows you to generate a hash code, representing all values in the key fields in a numerical form (a signed 64 bit integer). This hash code has to be stored in the table.
-|Date of last update field|When required, specify the date of last update field (timestamp) from the source system to be copied to the data warehouse. For example, when you have an address without a primary key. The field will not be part of the lookup fields (nor be part in the hash code calculation). The value is written once only because any change results in a new record being written.
-|Get Fields button|Fills in all the available fields on the input stream, except for the keys you specified.
-|SQL button|Generates the SQL to build the dimension and allows you to execute this SQL. 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Concat Fields
-== Description
-The Concat Fields transform is used to concatenate multiple fields into one target field. The fields can be separated by a separator and the enclosure logic is completely compatible with the Text File Output transform.
-== Options
-=== General
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Target Field Name|The name of the target field (String type)
-|Length of Target Field|The length of the string type (setting the meta-data of the String type, this is also used by the Fast Data Dump option for performance optimization)
-|Separator|Specify the character that separates the fields in a single line of text. Typically this is ; or a tab.
-|Enclosure|A pair of strings can enclose some fields. This allows separator characters in fields. The enclosure string is optional. 
-=== Fields Tab
-This is identical to the fields tab option of the Text File Output transform and has the same functionality.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|The name of the field.
-|Type|Type of the field can be either String, Date or Number.
-|Format|The format mask to convert with. See Number Formats for a complete description of format symbols.
-|Length a|The length option depends on the field type follows:
-- Number - Total number of significant figures in a number
-- String - total length of string
-- Date - length of printed output of the string (e.g. 4 only gives back year)
-|Precision a|The precision option depends on the field type as follows:
-- Number - Number of floating point digits
-- String - unused
-- Date - unused
-|Currency|Symbol used to represent currencies like $10,000.00 or E5.000,00
-|Decimal|A decimal point can be a "." (10,000.00) or "," (5.000,00)
-|Group|A grouping can be a "," (10,000.00) or "." (5.000,00)
-|Trim type|The trimming method to apply on the string. Trimming only works when there is no field length given.
-|Null|If the value of the field is null, insert this string into the textfile
-|Get|Click to retrieve the list of fields from the input fields stream(s)
-|Minimal width|Alter the options in the fields tab in such a way that the resulting width of lines in the text file is minimal. So instead of save 0000001, we write 1, etc. String fields will no longer be padded to their specified length. 
-=== Advanced Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Remove selected fields|Check this to remove all selected fields from the output stream.
-|Force the enclosure around fields?|This option forces all field names to be enclosed with the character specified in the Enclosure property above.
-|Disable the enclosure fix?|This is for backward compatibility reasons related to enclosures and separators. When a string field contains an enclosure it gets enclosed and the enclose itself gets escaped. When a string field contains a separator, it gets enclosed. Check this option, if this logic is not wanted. It has also an extra performance burden since the strings are scanned for enclosures and separators. So when you are sure there is no such logic needed since your strings don't have these characters in there and you want to improve performance, un-check this option.
-|Header|Enable this option if you want a header row. (First line in the stream). Note: All other output stream fields are set to Null when this line is produced.
-|Footer|Enable this option if you want a footer row. (Last line in the stream). Note: All other output stream fields are set to Null when this line is produced.
-|Encoding|Specify the String encoding to use. Leave blank to use the default encoding on your system. To use Unicode specify UTF-8 or UTF-16. On first use, Spoon will search your system for available encodings. Note: This is needed especially when you concatenate different encoded fields into the target field with a unique encoding. This applies also on Binary stored string fields due to Lazy conversion.
-|Right pad fields|Add spaces to the end of the fields (or remove characters at the end) until they have the specified length.
-|Fast data dump (no formatting)|Improves the performance when concatenating large amounts of data by not including any formatting information. Please consider setting the "Length of Target Field" option to an approximately maximum of the target field length. This improves performance since the internal buffer will be allocated and needs no reallocation when it is not sufficient.
-Note: When then "Length of Target Field" option is "0", the internal buffer size is calculated as 50 times the number of concatenated fields, for instance an internal buffer of 250 is used by default for 5 fields.
-|Split every ... rows|If this number N is larger than zero, split the resulting stream into multiple parts of N rows. Note: This is only needed when a Header/Footer is used to be compatible with the result of the Text File Output transform.
-|Add Ending line of file|Allows you to specify an alternate ending row to the output stream. Note: All other output stream fields are set to Null when this line is produced. 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Add Constants
-== Description
-The Add constant values transform is a simple and high performance way to add constant values to the stream.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform. *Note*: This name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Fields|specify the name, type, and value in the form of a string. Then, specify the formats to convert the value into the chosen data type.
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-= Credit card validator
-== Description
-The Credit card validator transform will help you check the following:
-* The validity of a credit card number. This uses a LUHN10 (MOD-10) algorithm.
-* The credit card vendor that handles the number: VISA, MasterCard, Diners Club, EnRoute, American Express (AMEX),...
-== Options
-* transform name: the transform name, unique in a pipeline
-* Credit card field: the name of the input field that will contain the credit card number during execution
-* Get only digits? : Enable this option if you want to strip all non-numeric characters from the (String) input field
-* Output Fields
-  ** Result fieldname: the name of the (Boolean) output field indicating the validity of the number
-  ** Credit card type field: the name of the output field that will hold the credit card type (vendor)
-  ** Not valid message: the name of the output field that will hold the error message.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= CSV File Input
-== Description
-This transform provides the ability to read data from a delimited file.  The CSV label for this transform is a misnomer because you can define whatever separator you want to use, such as pipes, tabs, and semicolons; you are not constrained to using commas. Internal processing allows this transform to process data quickly. Options for this transform are a subset of the Text File Input transform.
-This transform has fewer overall options than the general Text File Input transform, but it has a few advantages over it:
-* NIO -- Native system calls for reading the file means faster performance, but it is limited to only local files currently. No VFS support.
-* Parallel running -- If you configure this transform to run in multiple copies or in clustered mode, and you enable parallel running, each copy will read a separate block of a single file allowing you to distribute the file reading to several threads or even several slave nodes in a clustered pipeline.
-* Lazy conversion -- If you will be reading many fields from the file and many of those fields will not be manipulate, but merely passed through the pipeline to land in some other text file or a database, lazy conversion can prevent Hop from performing unnecessary work on those fields such as converting them into objects such as strings, dates, or numbers.
-For information on valid date and numeric formats used in this transform, view the Date Formatting Table and Number Formatting Table.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Filename *or* the filename field (data from previous transforms)|Specify the name of the CSV file to read from. *or* Select the fieldname that will contain the filename(s) to read from. If this transform receives data from a previous transform, this option is enabled as well as the option to include the filename in the output.
-|Delimiter|Specify the file delimiter character used in the target file. Special characters (e.g. CHAR HEX01) can be set with the format $[value], e.g. $[01] or $[6F,FF,00,1F].
-|Enclosure|Specify the enclosure character used in the target file. Special characters (e.g. CHAR HEX01) can be set with the format $[value], e.g. $[01] or $[6F,FF,00,1F].
-|NIO buffer size|This is the size of the read buffer.  It represents the amount of bytes that is read in one time from disk.
-|Lazy conversion|The lazy conversion algorithm will try to avoid unnecessary data type conversions and can result in a significant performance improvements if this is possible.  The typical example that comes to mind is reading from a text file and writing back to a text file.
-|Header row present?|Enable this option if the target file contains a header row containing column names.
-|Add filename to result|Adds the CSV filename(s) read to the result of this pipeline.  A unique list is being kept in memory that can be used in the next workflow action in a workflow, for example in another pipeline.
-|The row number field name (optional)|The name of the Integer field that will contain the row number in the output of this transform.
-|Running in parallel?|Check this box if you will have multiple instances of this transform running (transform copies) and if you want each instance to read a separate part of the CSV file(s). When reading multiple files, the total size of all files is taken into consideration to split the workload. In that specific case, make sure that ALL transform copies receive all files that need to be read, otherwise, the parallel algorithm will not work correctly (for obvious reasons). WARNING: For technical reasons, parallel reading of CSV files is only supported on files that don't have fields with line breaks or carriage returns in them.
-|File Encoding|Specify the encoding of the file being read.
-|Fields Table|This table contains an ordered list of fields to be read from the target file.
-|Preview button|Click to preview the data coming from the target file.
-|Get Fields button|Click to return a list of fields from the target file based on the current settings (i.e. Delimiter, Enclosure, etc.). All fields identified will be added to the Fields Table.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-You can use the Metadata Injection supported fields with ETL Metadata Injection transform to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime. The following Option and Value fields of the CSV File Input transform support metadata injection:
-* *Options*: Filename, Delimiter, Enclosure, NIO Buffer Size, Lazy Conversion, Header Row Present?, Add Filename to Result, The Row Number Field Name, Running in Parallel?, and File Encoding
-* *Values*: Name, Length, Decimal, Type, Precision, Group, Format, Currency, and Trim Type
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Cube input
-== Description
-The De-serialize from file transform, formerly known as Cube Input, reads rows of data from a binary Hop file containing rows and metadata.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform Name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Filename|The name of the Hop cube file to be generated.
-|Limit|Allows you to limit the number of rows written to
-|Size|the cube file. A value of zero (0) indicates no size limit (optional). 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Cube output
-== Description
-The Serialize to file transform, formerly known as Cube File Output, stores rows of data in a binary format in a file. The binary format has an advantage over a text (flat) file because the content does not have to be parsed when read back. The metadata is stored in the file as well.
-The Serialize to file transform supports a write-once access pattern, and does not support appending to existing files.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Database Join
-== Description
-The Database Join transform allows you to run a query against a database using data obtained from previous transforms. The parameters for this query are specified as follows:
-The data grid in the transform properties dialog.  This allows you to select the data coming in from the source hop.
-As question marks (?) in the SQL query.  When the transform runs, these will be replaced with data coming in from the fields defined from the data grid.  The question marks will be replaced in the same order as defined in the data grid.
-For example, Database Join allows you to run queries looking up the oldest person who bought a specific product as shown below:
-SELECT      customernr
-FROM        product_orders, customer
-WHERE       orders.customernr = customer.customernr
-AND         orders.productnr = ?
-ORDER BY    customer.date_of_birth
-The grid is then defined as follows:
-When the transform runs, the (?) placeholder defined in the SQL query will be replaced with the incoming productnr field value from the source hop.  To define and use multiple parameters, list the fields in order you want them to be replaced in the SQL statement.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|transform name|Name of the transform; This name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|Connection|The database connection to use for the query.
-|SQL|SQL query to form the join; use question marks as parameter placeholders
-|Number of rows to return|Zero (0) returns all rows; any other number limits the number of rows returned.
-|Outer join?|Enable to always return a result, even if the query did not return a result
-|Parameters table|Specify the fields containing parameters.  The parameter type is required.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Database Lookup
-== Description
-The Database lookup transform allows you to look up values in a database table. Lookup values are added as new fields onto the stream.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform. This name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Connection|Database connection to the lookup table.
-|Lookup schema|Database schema containing the lookup table.
-|Lookup Table|Name of the database table used for the lookup.
-|Enable cache?|Enables caching of database lookups. This means that once a key (or group of key) has been looked up, the looked up values are stored, and returned again the next time this key (or group of key) is being looked up (without incurring the cost of a database call).
-*Important*: If other processes are changing values in the table where you perform a lookup, do not cache values. In all other instances, caching values increases the performance substantially because database lookups are relatively slow. If you can't use the cache, consider launching several copies of the simultaneously. A simultaneous launch keeps the database busy through  different connections. See Launching several copies of a transform.
-|Cache size in rows|The size of the cache (number of rows), 0 means cache everything.
-|Load all data from table|Pre-loads the cache with all the data present in the lookup table.  This may improve performance by avoiding database calls.
-However, if you have a large table, you risk running out of memory.
-*IMPORTANT*:  In memory look-ups can lead to different results because of the differences in the way your database compares data. For example, if your database table allows case-insensitive comparisons, you may get different results with this option. The same goes for data with trailing spaces. Those are ignored in certain databases when using certain character data types. See more details on the below note about this option.
-|Keys to look up table|The keys and conditions to perform the database lookup.
-*Tip*: When using the LIKE operator on the key lookup it's not automatically adding wildcards to the stream value.  So by default the LIKE operator is behaving as an "=" (see your database for SQL specific topics on the LIKE operator). It is possible to add the wildcards to add a 'Replace in String' transform before the database lookup.  In the replace transform select the lookup field then use Regex to look for (^.*) and replace with %$1%.  This will add the wildcards to the field for the subsequent lookup task.
-|Values to return table|The fields from the lookup table to add to the output stream.
-"New name" allows you to use a different name if the database column name is inappropriate.
-"Default" is the value returned (instead of null) if the lookup fails. Note that enabling error handling on the Database Lookup transform will redirect all failed lookup rows to the error handling transform, instead of adding them to the main output steam with null/default values.
-"Type" is the type of the output field.
-|Do not pass the row if the lookup fails|Enable to avoid passing a row when lookup fails. Within the SQL syntax, enabling this would be an INNER JOIN, otherwise it would be an OUTER JOIN.
-|Fail on multiple results?|Enable to force the transform to fail if the lookup returns multiple results.
-|Order by|If the lookup query returns multiple results, the ORDER BY clause helps you to select the record to take. For example, ORDER BY would allow you to pick the customer with the highest sales volume in a specified state.
-|Get Fields|Click to return a list of available fields from the input stream(s) of the transform.
-|Get lookup fields|Click to return a list of available fields from the lookup table that can be added to the transform's output stream.
-*Note on the Load all data from table option*: As an example: when storing a value of type "CHAR(3)", many databases will store "ab" using 3 characters: "ab " (notice the blank space). When you do a "SELECT * FROM my_lookup_table WHERE key_column = 'ab'", the database is smart and adds a blank space before applying the where clause (it looks for 'ab ' instead of 'ab').
-The problem occurs when you use "load all data from table" to pre-load the cache: at startup, the cache is built using all the values present in the database, so we store 'ab ' in the cache. Later, looking up 'ab' fails, because the trailing space matters in java equality.
-Note that this problem does not occur when using the cache, if "load all data from table" is disabled. Indeed, the first lookup for 'ab' would find no entry in the cache, call the database (which is smart enough to handle the trailing whitespace problem), get the correct result, and store it in the java cache under the 'ab' key. Thus, the next lookup for 'ab' will find the appropriate result in the cache :)
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Data Grid
-== Description
-The Data Grid transform allows you to enter a static list of rows in a grid.  This is usually done for testing, reference or demo purposes.
-== Options
-[width="90%, options="header"]
-|Meta tab|specify the field metadata (output specification) of the data
-|Data Tab|contains the data.  Everything is entered in String format so make sure you use the correct format masks in the metadata tab.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
-== Limitations
-It is not yet possible to insert columns in between 2 existing one or in general re-order the fields in the metadata tab.
-If you plan to do this, make sure to copy the data section first to a spreadsheet (Select all rows and copy/paste the whole grid), change the data and copy it back into the data section.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Call DB procedure
-== Description
-The Call DB Procedure transform allows you to execute a database procedure (or function) and get the result(s) back. With MySQL and JDBC, it is not possible to retrieve the result set of a stored procedure. Stored procedures and functions can only return values through their function arguments and those arguments must be defined in the Parameters section of the DB Procedure Call configuration.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|Connection|Name of the database connection on which the procedure resides
-|Proc-name|Name of the procedure or function to call
-|Find it|Click to search on the specified database connection for available procedures and functions (Oracle and SQL Server only)
-|Enable auto|In some instances you want to perform updates
-|commit|in the database using the specified procedure. In that case you can either have the changes performed using auto-commit or not. If auto-commit is disabled, a single commit is being performed after the last row is received by this transform.
-|Result name|Name of the result of the function call; leave blank if this is a procedure
-|Result type|Type of the result of the function call; not used in case of a procedure.
-|Parameters a|List of parameters that the procedure or function needs
-* Field name: Name of the field.
-* Direction: Can be either IN (input only), OUT (output only), INOUT (value is changed on the database).
-* Type: Used for output parameters so that Hop knows what returns
-|Get Fields|Fills in all the fields in the input streams to make your life easier; delete the lines you don't need and re-order the remaining lines 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Delay row
-== Description
-For each input row, the "Delay row" transform will wait the indicated timeout period before giving the row to the next transform.
-Use this transform if you deliberately want to slow down your pipeline.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|transform name|Name of the transform. Note: This name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Timeout|The timeout value in seconds, minutes or hours 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Delete
-== Description
-The delete transform deletes rows of data from a database. This transform is similar to the update family of transforms in that it takes one or more key fields to determine the rows to delete.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform. This name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Connection|The database connection to which data is written
-|Target schema|The name of the Schema for the table to which data is written. This is important for data sources that allow for table names with periods in them.
-|Target table|Name of the table in which you want to do the insert or update.
-|Commit size|The number of rows to change (insert / update) before running a commit.
-|The keys(s) to look up the value(s)|Specify fields to delete the corresponding rows for
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Row Denormaliser
-== Description
-The De-normalizer transform allows you de-normalize data by looking up key-value pairs. It also allows you to immediately convert data types.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform. This name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Key field|The field that defined the key of the output row.
-|Group fields|Specify the fields that make up the grouping here.
-|Target fields|Select the fields to de-normalize by specifying the String value for the key field (see above).
-Options are provided to convert data types.
-Strings are most common as key-value pairs so you must often convert to Integer, Number or Date.
-If you get key-value pair collisions (key is not unique for the group specified) specify the aggregation method to use.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-You can use the Metadata Injection supported fields with ETL Metadata Injection transform to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime. The following Value fields of the Row Denormaliser transform support metadata injection:
-* Target Filename, Value Fieldname, Key Value, Type, Format, Length, Precision, Currency, Decimal, Group, and Aggregation
-== Example
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|101|...45 more keys...|...
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Detect Empty Stream
-== Description
-This transform will output one row if input stream is empty (ie when input stream does not contain any row). The output row will have the same fields as the input row, but all field values will be empty (null).
-If the input stream is not empty it will not output anything.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform. This name must be unique throughout the pipeline.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Identify last row in a stream
-== Description
-The Identify last row in a stream pipeline transform generates a Boolean field filled with true for the last row, and falseotherwise.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of this transform as it appears in the pipeline workspace
-|Result fieldname|Defines the field to use to mark the last row of a stream. It generates a Boolean field filled with true for the last row, and falseotherwise. 
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-= Dimension lookup/update
-== Description
-The Dimension Lookup/Update transform allows you to implement Ralph Kimball's slowly changing dimension for both types: Type I (update) and Type II (insert) together with some additional functions.
-Not only can you use this transform to update a dimension table, it may also be used to look up values in a dimension. 
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Technical key|This is the primary key of the dimension.
-|Version field|Shows the version of the dimension entry (a revision number).
-|Start of date range|This is the field name containing the validity starting date.
-|End of date range|This is the field name containing the validity ending date.
-|Keys|These are the keys used in your source systems. For example: customer numbers, product id, etc.
-|Fields|These fields contain the actual information of a dimension. 
-As a result of the lookup or update operation of this transform type, a field is added to the stream containing the technical key of the dimension. In case the field is not found, the value of the dimension entry for not found (0 or 1, based on the type of database) is returned.
-A number of optional fields (in the "Fields" tab) are automatically managed by the transform. You can specify the table field name in the "Dimension Field" column.  These are the optional fields:
-* Date of last insert or update (without stream field as source) : adds and manges a Date field
-* Date of last insert (without stream field as source) : adds and manges a Date field
-* Date of last update (without stream field as source) : adds and manges a Date field
-* Last version (without stream field as source) : adds and manges a Boolean field. (converted into Char(1) or boolean database data type depending on your database connection settings and availability of such data type)
-* This acts as a current valid dimension entry entry indicator for the last version: So when a type II attribute changes and a new version is created (to keep track of the history) the 'Last version' attribute in the previous version is set to 'False/N' and the new record with the latest version is set to 'True/Y'.
-== Functionality
-As the name of the transform suggests, the functionality of the transform falls into 2 categories, Lookup and Update...
-== Lookup
-In read-only mode (update option is disabled), the transform only performs lookups in a slowly changing dimension.  The transform will perform a lookup in the dimension table on the specified database connection and in the specified schema. To do the lookup it uses not only the specified natural keys (with an "equals" condition) but also the specified "Stream datefield" (see below).  The condition that is applied is:
-"Start of table date range" <= "Stream datefield"  AND "End of table date range" > "Stream datefield"
-When no "Stream datefield" is specified we use the current system date to find the correct dimension version record.
-When no row is found, the "unknown" key is returned. (The "unknown" key will be 0 or 1 depending on whether or not you selected an auto-increment field for the technical key field).  Please note that we don't make a difference between "Unknown", "Not found", "Empty", "Illegal format", etc.  These nuances can be added manually however.  Nothing prevents you from flushing out these types before the data hits this transform with a Filter, regular expression, etc.  We suggest you manually add values -1, -2, -3, etc for these special dimension entry cases, just like you would add the specific details of the "Unknown" row prior to population of the dimension table.
-* Do not use NULL values for your natural key(s).  Null values can't be compared and are not indexed by most databases. Even if we would support null values in keys (something that doesn't make a lot of sense anyway), it would most likely cause severe lookup performance problems.
-* Be aware of data conversion issues that occur if you have data types in your input streams that are different from the data types in your natural key(s).  If you are have Strings in the transforms input and in the database you use an Integer for example, make sure you are capable of converting the String to number.  See it as a best practice to do this before this transform to make sure it works as planned.  Another typical example of problems is with floating point number comparisons.  Stay away from those. We recommend you use sane data types like Integer or long integers.  Stay away from Double, Decimal or catch-all data types like Oracle's Number (without length or precision; it implicitly uses precision 38 causing us to use the slower BigNumber data type).
-== Update
-In update mode (update option is enabled) the transform first performs a lookup of the dimension entry as described in the "Lookup" section above. The result of the lookup is different though. Not only the technical key is retrieved from the query, but also the dimension attribute fields. A field-by-field comparison then follows. The result can be one of the following situations:
-* The record was not found, we insert a new record in the table. 
-* The record was found and any of the following is true:
-  ** One or more attributes were different and had an "Insert" (Kimball Type II) setting: A new dimension record version is inserted.
-  ** One or more attributes were different and had a "Punch through" (Kimbal Type I) setting: These attributes in all the dimension record versions are updated.
-  ** One or more attributes were different and had an "Update" setting: These attributes in the last dimension record version are updated.
-  ** All the attributes (fields) were identical: No updates or insertions are performed.
-* Insertion of new rows are performed in the following transforms:
-  ** The current row is updated with "date_to" updated with the "Stream date field" 
-  ** The new row is inserted where the changes in attributes are recorded according to rule in previous paragraph.  "date_from" field is updated with the "Stream date field" and the "date_to" is updated with the Max date of the table range end date.
-  ** The version number of the new row in incremented by 1.
-  ** Stream date field" cannot be before the earliest start date of the currently valid rows.
-  ** select min(date_from) from dim_table where date_to = "2199-12-31 23:59:59.999"
-  ** It is important to ensure that the incoming rows are sorted by the "Stream date field" 
-== Options
-|transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Update the dimension?|Enable to update the dimension based on the information in the input stream; if not enabled, the dimension only performs lookups and adds the technical key field to the streams.
-|Connection|Name of the database connection on which the dimension table resides.
-|Target schema|This allows you to specify a schema name.
-|Target table|Name of the dimension table.
-|Commit size|Define the commit size, e.g. setting commit size to 10 generates a commit every 10 inserts or updates.
-|Caching a|
-* Enable the cache?  Enable this option if you want to enable data caching in this transform; set a cache size of >=0 in previous versions or -1 to disable caching.
-* Pre-load cache? You can enhance performance by reading the complete contents of a dimension table prior to performing lookups. Performance is increased by the elimination of the round trips to the database and by the sorted list lookup algorithm.
-* Cache size in rows: The cache size in number of rows that will be held in memory to speed up lookups by reducing the number of round trips to the database.
-|Keys tab|Specify the names of the keys in the stream and in the dimension table. This will enable the transform to perform the lookup.
-|Fields tab|For each of the fields you must have in the dimension, you can specify whether you want the values to be updated (for all versions, this is a Type I operation) or you want to have the values inserted into the dimension as a new version. In the example we used in the screenshot the birth date is something that's not variable in time, so if the birth date changes, it means that it was wrong in previous versions. It's only logical then, that the previous values are corrected in all versions of the dimension entry.
-|Technical key field|The primary key of the dimension; also referred to as Surrogate Key. Use the new name option to rename the technical key after a lookup. For example, if you need to lookup different types of products like ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_TK, REPLACEMENT_PRODUCT_TK, ... 
-|Creation of technical key a|Indicates how the technical key is generated, options that are not available for your connection type will be grayed out:
-* Use table maximum + 1: A new technical key will be created from the maximum key in the table. Note that the new maximum is always cached, so that the maximum does not need to be calculated for each new row.
-* Use sequence: Specify the sequence name if you want to use a database sequence on the table connection to generate the technical key (typical for Oracle e.g.).
-* Use auto increment field: Use an auto increment field in the database table to generate the technical key (supported e.g. by DB2).
-|Version field|The name of the field in which to store the version (revision number).
-|Stream Datefield|If you have the date at which the dimension entry was last changed, you can specify the name of that field here. It allows the dimension entry to be accurately described for what the date range concerns. If you don't have such a date, the system date will be taken.
-When the dimension entries are looked up (Update the dimension is not selected) the date field entered into the stream datefield is used to select the appropriate dimension version based on the date from and date to dates in the dimension record.
-|Date range start field|Specify the names of the dimension entries start range.
-|Use an alternative start date? a|When enabled, you can choose an alternative to the "Min. Year"/01/01 00:00:00 date that is used.  You can use any of the following:
-* System date: Use the system date as a variable date/time
-* Start date of pipeline: Use the system date, taken at start of the pipeline for the start date
-* Empty (null) value
-* Column value: Select a column from which to take the value. \\\\
-|Table date range end|The names of the dimension entries end range
-|Get Fields button|Fills in all the available fields on the input stream, except for the keys you specified.
-|SQL button|Generates the SQL to build the dimension and allows you to execute this SQL. 
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Dummy (do nothing)
-== Description
-This transform type does not do anything. It functions as a placeholder for testing purposes or a way to combine multiple streams with the same structure.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Dynamic SQL row
-== Description
-The Dynamic SQL row transform allows you to execute a SQL statement that is defined in a database field. The lookup values are added as new fields onto the stream
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; This name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|Connection|Select a database connection for the lookup
-|SQL field name|Specify the field that contains the SQL to execute
-|Number of rows to return|Specify the number of records to return. 0 means, return all rows
-|Outer Join|- false: don't return rows where nothing is found  - true: at least return one source row, the rest is NULL
-|Replace variables|In case you want to use variables in the SQL, e.g. ${table_name}, this option needs to be checked.
-|Query only on parameters change|If your SQL statements do not change a lot, check this option to reduce the number of physical database queries.
-|Template SQL|In Hop meta and data are separate so you have to specify the meta part in template SQL (field name and type).
-I mean any statement that returns the same row structure. 
\ No newline at end of file
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Edi to XML
-== Description
-The Edi to Xml transform converts Edi message text (conforming to the ISO 9735 standard) to generic XML. The XML text is more accessible and allows for selective data extraction using XPath and the Get Data From XML transform. 
-== Options
-The transform configuration requires the field name containing the EDI text, and an output field name for the XML text. If the output field name is left empty, the EDI text is going to be replaced by the XML text.
-The structure of the XML output follows the following pattern:
-		<element>
-			<value></value>
-			...
-		</element>
-		...
-	...
-The conversion rules are:
-* the root of the document is the "edifact" tag
-* each segment in the edifact message is converted to a tag, using the segment name as the tag name.
-* each field within a segment is represented by an "element" tag
-* each value within a field is represented by an "value" tag
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Enhanced JSON Output
-== Description
-Enhanced Json Output transform allows to generate json blocks based on input transform values. Output json will be available as java script array or java script object depends on transform settings.
-This transform loops over the fields defined as Group Key and serializes JSON output accordingly. Because of this it is extremely important that the input transform data will be sorted by the group key to prevent generation errors.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-General tab allows to specify type of transform operation, output json structure, transform output file. This file will be used to dump all generated json.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Operation a|Specify transform operation type. Currently available 3 types of operation:
-1. Output value - only pass output json as a transform output field, do not dump to output file
-2. Write to file - only write to fie, do not pass to output field
-3. Output value and write to file - dump to file and pass generated json as a transform output file
-|Json block name|This value will be used as a name for json block. Can be empty string that will affect output json structure, see detailed description below.
-|Output value|This value will be used as a transform output field. Will contain generated json output block depending on transform settings.
-|Force Arrays In JSON| If checked, JSON output will be forced as a single item array.
-|Pritty Print JSON|If checked, JSON output will be pritty printed.
-=== Output File
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Filename|full path to output file
-|Append|If not checked new file will be created every time transform is running. If file with specified name already existed - it will be replaced by a new one. If checked - new json output will be appended at the end of existing file. Or if existing file is not exists - it will be created as in previous case.
-|Split JSON after n rows|If this number N is larger than zero, split the resulting JSON file into multiple parts of N rows.
-|Create Parent folder|Usually file name contains some path folder as a parent folder. If parent folder does not exists and this option is checked - parent folder will be created as a new folder. Otherwise - file not be found and transform will fail.
-|Do not open create at start|If not checked - file (and in some cases parent folder) will be created/opened to write during pipeline initialization. If checked - file and parent folder will be created only after transform will get any first input data.
-|Extension|Output file extension. Default value is 'js'
-|Encoding|Output file encoding
-|Include date in filename?|If checked - output file name will contains File name value + current date. This may help to generate unique output files.
-|Include time in filename|If checked - output file name will contains file creation time. Same as for 'Include date in filename' option
-|Show filename(s) button|Can be useful to test full output file path
-|Add file to result filenames?|If checked - created output file path will be accessible form transform result
-=== Group Key Tab
-This tab is used to map input transform fields key used to properly generate output json values
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Fieldname|Input transform field name that will ccontribute to define the input transform fields key. Use 'Get Fields' button to discover available input fields
-|Element name|Json element name. For example "A":"B" - A is a element name, B is actual input value mapped for this Element name.
-=== Fields Tab
-This tab is used to map input transform fields to output json values
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Fieldname|Input transform field name. Use 'Get Fields' button to discover available input fields
-|Element name|Json element name as a key. For example "A":"B" - A is a element name, B is actual input value mapped for this Element name.
-|JSON Fragment|If the value is set to Y the value contained in the filed is a JSON chunk and will be treated accordingly
-|Remove if Blank|If the value is set to Y and value in incoming field is null the related attribute will be omitted from JSON output
-== A Quick Example
-As an example suppose we have, as input, a flow with the following fields and values
-=== Tab General - Configuration
-|Option|Assigned Value
-|Operation|Write To File
-|JSON Block Name|result
-|Output Value|lvl1Detail
-|Pritty Print JSON|Checked
-|Filename|Set to a convenient filename for JSON output
-=== Tab Group Key - Configuration
-|Field Name|Element Name
-=== Fields Group Key - Configuration
-|Field Name|Element Name|JSON Fragment|Remove If Blank
-=== Output file result
-[source, json]
-  "result" : [ {
-    "key2" : "C",
-    "lvl1Details" : {
-      "result" : [ {
-        "campo2" : "F",
-        "campo3" : "5"
-      }, {
-        "campo2" : "F",
-        "campo3" : "6"
-      }, {
-        "campo2" : "V",
-        "campo3" : "6"
-      }, {
-        "campo2" : "B",
-        "campo3" : "7"
-      } ]
-    }
-  }, {
-    "key2" : "B",
-    "lvl1Details" : {
-      "result" : [ {
-        "campo2" : "C",
-        "campo3" : "1"
-      }, {
-        "campo2" : "C",
-        "campo3" : "2"
-      }, {
-        "campo2" : "D",
-        "campo3" : "4"
-      } ]
-    }
-  }, {
-    "key2" : "A",
-    "lvl1Details" : {
-      "result" : [ {
-        "campo2" : "B",
-        "campo3" : "1"
-      }, {
-        "campo2" : "B",
-        "campo3" : "2"
-      } ]
-    }
-  } ]
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Microsoft Excel input
-== Description
-The Microsoft Excel Input transform provides you with the ability to read data from Microsoft Excel. The following sections describe each of the available features for configuring this transform.
-The default spreadsheet type (engine) is set to Excel XLSX, XLS. When you are reading other file types like OpenOffice ODS and using special functions like protected worksheets, you need to change the Spread sheet type (engine) in the Content tab accordingly.
-== Options
-=== Files Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|transform Name|Name of the transform; the name has to be unique in a single transform.
-|Spread sheet type (engine) a|This field allows you to specify the spreadsheet type. Currently the following are supported:
-* Excel XLSX, XLS: This is the default, if you select this spread sheet type you can read all known Excel file types.  Functionality provided by the Apache POI project.
-* Excel XLSX (Streaming): This spread sheet type allows to read in large Excel files.
-* Open Office ODS: By selecting this type you can read OpenOffice spreadsheet using the ODFDOM engine.
-|File or directory|Specifies the location and/or name of the input text file. Note: Click Add to add the file/directory/wildcard combination to the list of selected files (grid) below.
-|Regular expression|Specify the regular expression you want to use to select the files in the directory specified in the previous option. For example, you want to process all files that have a .txt extension. (For further details see the Text File Input transform and the section "Selecting file using Regular Expressions")
-|Exclude Regular Expression|Excludes all files (in a given location) that meet the criteria specified by this regular expression.
-|Selected Files|Contains a list of selected files (or wildcard selections) and a property specifying if file is required or not. If a file is required and it is not found, an error is generated;otherwise, the file name is skipped.
-|Accept filenames from previous transforms|Allows you to read in file names from a previous transform in the transform. You must also specify which transform you are importing from, and the input field in that transform from which you will retrieve the filename data
-|Show filenames(s)...|Displays a list of all files that will be loaded based on the current selected file definitions
-|Preview rows|Click Preview to examine the contents of the specified Excel file
-=== Sheets 
-In this tab you can specify the names of the sheets in the Excel workbook to read.  For each of the sheet names you can specify the row and column to start at.
-=== Content
-|Header|Enable if the sheets specified contain a header row to skip
-|No empty rows|Enable if you don't want empty rows in the output of this transform
-|Stop on empty row|Makes the transform stop reading the current sheet of a file when a empty line is encountered
-|Limit|Limits the number of rows to this number (zero (0) means all rows).
-|Encoding|Specifies the text file encoding to use. Leave blank to use the default encoding on your system. To use Unicode, specify UTF-8 or UTF-16. On first use, Spoon searches your system for available encodings.)
-=== Error handling
-|Strict types?|If checked, Hop will report data type errors in the input.
-|Ignore errors?|Enable if you want to ignore errors during parsing
-|Skip error lines?|If checked, Hop will skip lines that contain errors. These lines can be dumped to a separate file by specifying a path in the Failing line numbers files directory field below. If this is not checked, lines with errors will appear as NULL values in the output.
-|Warnings file directory|When warnings are generated, they are placed in this directory. The name of that file is <warning dir>/filename.<date_time>.<warning extension>
-|Error files directory|When errors occur, they are placed in this directory. The name of that file is <errorfile_dir>/filename.<date_time>.<errorfile_extension>
-|Failing line numbers files directory|When a parsing error occurs on a line, the line number is placed in this directory. The name of that file is <errorline dir>/filename.<date_time>.<errorline extension>
-=== Fields tab
-The fields tab is for specifying the fields that must be read from the Excel files. Use Get fields from header row to fill in the available fields if the sheets have a header row automatically.
-The Type column performs type conversions for a given field. For example, if you want to read a date and you have a String value in the Excel file, specify the conversion mask. Note: In the case of Number to Date conversion (for example, 20051028--> October 28th, 2005) specify the conversion mask yyyyMMdd because there will be an implicit Number to String conversion taking place before doing the String to Date conversion.
-|Name|The name of the field.
-|Type|The field's data type; String, Date or Number.
-|Length|The length option depends on the field type. Number: total number of significant figures in a number; String: total length of a string; Date: determines how much of the date string is printed or recorded.
-|Precision|The precision option depends on the field type, but only Number is supported; it returns the number of floating point digits.
-|Trim type|Truncates the field (left, right, both) before processing. Useful for fields that have no static length.
-|Repeat|If set to Y, will repeat this value if the field in the next row is empty.
-|Format|The format mask (number type). See Text File Input transform and the section "Number Formats" for a complete description of format symbols.
-|Currency|Symbol used to represent currencies.
-|Decimal|A decimal point; this is either a dot or a comma.
-|Grouping|A method of separating units of thousands in numbers of four digits or larger. This is either a dot or a comma.
-=== Additional output fields tab
-This tab retrieves custom metadata fields to add to the transform's output. The purpose of each field is defined in its name, but you can use these fields for whatever you want. Each item defines an output field that will contain the following information. Some of these are missing.
-|Full filename field|The full file name plus the extension.
-|Sheetname field|The worksheet name you're using.
-|Sheet row nr field|The current sheet row number.
-|Row nr written field|Number of rows written
-|Short filename field|The field name that contains the filename without path information but with an extension.
-|Extension field|The field name that contains the extension of the filename.
-|Path field|The field name that contains the path in operating system format.
-|Size field|The field name that contains the size of the file, in bytes.
-|Is hidden field|The field name that contains if the file is hidden or not (boolean).
-|Uri field|The field name that contains the URI.
-|Root uri field|The field name that contains only the root part of the URI.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Microsoft Excel output
-== Description
-The Excel Output transform allows you to write data to one or more Excel files. The following sections describe the features available for configuring the Excel output transform. 
-This transform exports data to a Microsoft Excel 2003 spreadsheet file (xls). If you want to write to an xlsx file (Excel 2007 and above), check the Excel Writer transform.
-== Options
-=== File tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|transform name|The name of this transform in the pipeline workspace.
-|Filename|The name of the spreadsheet file you are reading from.
-|Create Parent folder|If checked, the parent folder will be created
-|Do not create file at start|If checked, does not create the file until the end of the transform. This avoids to create empty files when no rows are in the data stream.
-|Extension|The three-letter file extension to append to the file name.
-|Include transformnr in filename|If you run the transform in multiple copies (launching several copies of a transform), the copy number is included in the file name, before the extension. (_0).
-|Include date in file name|Includes the system date in the filename (_20101231).
-|Include time in file name|Includes the system time (24-hour format) in the filename (_235959).
-|Specify Date time format|If checked, the filename will include a date and time stamp that follows the selection you choose from the drop-down box. Selecting this option disables the previous two options.
-|Date time format|Provide a specific date time format for the filename.
-|Show file name(s)|Displays a list of the files that will be generated. This is a simulation and depends on the number of rows that will go into each file.
-|Add filenames to result|Adds the filenames to the internal filename result set. This internal result set can be used later on, e.g. to process all created files.
-=== Content tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Append|When checked, appends lines to the end of the specified file. If the file does not exist, a new one will be created.
-|Header|Enable this option if you want a header to appear before the spreadsheet grid data.
-|Footer|Enable this option if you want a footer to appear after the spreadsheet grid data.
-|Encoding|Specifies the text file encoding to use. Leave blank to use the default encoding on your system. To use Unicode, specify UTF-8 or UTF-16. On first use, Spoon searches your system for available encodings and populates this list accordingly.
-|Split every ... rows|After this many rows, start a new spreadsheet file to continue data output.
-|Sheet name|Specifies the name of the worksheet within the spreadsheet file.
-|Protect sheet?|If checked, enables password protection on the worksheet. You must also specify a password in the Password field.
-|Auto size columns|If checked, automatically sizes the worksheet columns to the largest value.
-|Retain NULL values|If checked, NULL values are preserved in the output. If un-checked, NULLs are replaced with empty strings.
-|Use temporary file|Sets whether a temporary file is used during the generation of the workbook. If not set, the workbook will take place entirely in memory. Setting this flag involves an assessment of the trade-offs between memory usage and performance.
-|Temporary files directory|Define the temporary files directoy.
-|Use Template|If checked, Hop will use the specified Excel template to create the output file. The template must be specified in the Excel template field.
-|Excel Template|Define the Excel template to use.
-|Append to Excel Template|Appends output to the specified Excel template.
-=== Customer tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Header Font|Defines the Header Font details
-|Row Font|Defines the Row Font details
-=== Fields tab
-The Fields tab defines properties for the exported fields. The Get Fields button will automatically retrieve a list of fields from the inputstream and populate the list. The Minimal width button removes any padding from the output.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|The name of the field.
-|Type|The field's data type; String, Date or Number.
-|Format|The format mask (number type).
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Excel writer
-== Description
-The Microsoft Excel Writer transform writes incoming rows from Hop out to an MS Excel file and supports both the .xls and .xlsx file formats. The .xls files use a binary format which is better suited for simple content, while the .xlsx files use the Open XML format which works well with templates since it can better preserve charts and miscellaneous objects.
-== Options
-=== File & sheet tab
-*File section*
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Stream XLSX data|Check this option when writing large XLSX files. It uses internally a streaming API and is able to write large files without any memory restrictions (of course not exceeding Excel's limit of 1,048,575 rows and 16,384 columns). Note: This option is available since version 4.4.0.
-|If output file exists|Check this option when writing large XLSX files. It uses internally a streaming API and is able to write large files without any memory restrictions (of course not exceeding Excel's limit of 1,048,575 rows and 16,384 columns). Note: This option is available since version 4.4.0.
-|Add filename(s) to result|Check to have the filename added to the result filenames
-|Wait for first row before creating file|Checking this option makes the transform create the file only after it has seen a row. If this is disabled the output file is always created, regardless of whether rows are actually written to the file.
-*Sheet section*
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Sheet Name|The sheet name the transform will write rows to.
-|Make this the active sheet|If checked the Excel file will by default open on the above sheet when opened in MS Excel.
-|If sheet exists in output file|The output file already has this sheet (for example when using a template, or writing to existing files), you can choose to write to the existing sheet, or replace it.
-|Protect Sheet|The XLS file format allows to protect an entire sheet from changes. If checked you need to provide a password. Excel will indicate that the sheet was protected by the user you provide here.
-*Template section*
-When creating new files (when existing files are replaced, or completely fresh files are created) you may choose to create a copy of an existing template file instead. Please make sure that the template file is of the same type as the output file (both must be xls or xlsx respectively).
-When creating new sheets, the transform may copy a sheet from the current document (the template or an otherwise existing file the transform is writing to). A new sheet is created if the target sheet is not present, or the existing one shall be replaced as per configuration above.
-=== Content tab
-*Content options section*
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Start writing at cell|This is the cell to start writing to in Excel notation (letter column, number row)
-|When writing rows|The transform may overwrite existing cells (fast), or shift existing cells down (append new rows at the top of sheet)
-|Write Header|If checked the first line written will contain the field names
-|Write Footer|If checked the last line written will contains the field names
-|Auto Size Columns|If checked the transform tries to automatically size the columns to fit their content. Since this is not a feature the xls(x) file formats support directly, results may vary.
-|Force formula recalculation a|If checked, the transform tries to make sure all formula fields in the output file are updated.
-* The xls file format supports a "dirty" flag that the transform sets. The formulas are recalculated as soon as the file is opened in MS Excel.
-* For the xlsx file format, the transform must try to recalculate the formula fields itself. Since the underlying POI library does not support the full set of Excel formulas yet, this may give errors. The transform will throw errors if it cannot recalculate the formulas.
-|Leave styles of existing cells unchanged|If checked, the transform will not try to set the style of existing cells it is writing to. This is useful when writing to pre-styled template sheets.
-*When writing to existing sheet section*
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Start writing at end of sheet|The transform will try to find the last line of the sheet, and start writing from there.
-|Offset by ... rows|Any non-0 number will cause the transform to move this amount of rows down (positive numbers) or up (negative numbers) before writing rows. Negative numbers may be useful if you need to append to a sheet, but still preserve a pre-styled footer.
-|Begin by writing ... empty lines|The transform will try to find the last line of the sheet, and start writing from there.
-|Omit Header|Any non-0 number will cause the transform to move this amount of rows down (positive numbers) or up (negative numbers) before writing rows. Negative numbers may be useful if you need to append to a sheet, but still preserve a pre-styled footer.
-*Fields section*
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|The field to write
-|Type|The type of data
-|Format|The Excel format to use in the sheet. Please consult the Excel manual for valid formats. There are some online references as well.
-|Style from cell|A cell (i.e. A1, B3 etc.) to copy the styling from for this column (usually some pre-styled cell in a template)
-|Field Title|If set, this is used for the Header/Footer instead of the Hop field name
-|Header/Footer style from cell|A cell to copy the styling from for headers/footers (usually some pre-styled cell in a template)
-|Field Contains Formula|Set to Yes, if the field contains an Excel formula (no leading '=')
-|Hyperlink|A field, that contains the target to link to. The supported targets are Link to other cells, http, ftp, email, and local documents
-|Cell Comment / Cell Author|The xlsx format allows to put comments on cells. If you'd like to generate comments, you may specify fields holding the comment and author for a given column.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-You can use the Metadata Injection supported fields with ETL Metadata Injection transform to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime. The following Value fields of the Microsoft Excel Writer transform support metadata injection:
-* Name, Type, Format, Style from Cell, Field Title, Header/Footer Style from Cell, Field Contains Formula, Hyperlink, Cell Comment (XLSX), and Cell Comment Author (XLSX).
\ No newline at end of file
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Execute a process
-== Description
-You can use the Execute a process transform to execute a shell script on the host where a workflow will run.
-* The transform is similar to the workflow action Shell, but can be used in a pipeline to execute for every row.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|Process field|The field name in the data stream that defines the process to start (shell script / batch file to start). Arguments can also be used.
-|Fail if not success|Checking this option means if the exit status is different than zero the transform fails. You can use error handling to get these rows.
-|Output line delimiter|Without defining a line delimiter, all returned lines are collapsed into a single string with no line delimiters.
-This option is available since 5.0 and by default empty for backward compatibility. You can set to any line delimiter and special characters can be set with the format $[value], e.g. $[0D] for CR or $[0D,0A] for CR/LF (since 5.0).
-|Result fieldname|Specify here the name of the result fieldname (STRING) added to the output stream of the pipeline. This field is populated by the output stream (stdout) of the process.
-|Error fieldname|Specify here the name of the error fieldname (STRING) added to the output stream of the pipeline. This field is filled by the error stream (stderr) of the process.
-|Exit value|Specify here the name of the exit fieldname (INTEGER) added to the output stream of the pipeline. This field is filled by the exit output of the process. 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Execute row SQL script
-== Description
-Execute row SQL script for every input-row to this transform. An input field can be used to specify the SQL to execute or it can specify a file that contains the SQL to execute.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; This name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|Connection|Select a database connection to use
-|Commit|Number of rows to send before doing a database commit
-|SQL field name|The field that either contains the SQL to execute or optionally specifies the path to a file that contains SQL to execute|Read SQL from file
-|If checked, then the SQL field name option specifies a file that contains SQL to execute, otherwise the SQL field name option specifies the actual SQL to execute. (Available since 5.0)
-|Field to contain insert stats|Optional: If you want to get an additional field in our stream with the number or records that where inserted, please define the field name here.
-|Field to contain update stats|Same as insert stats, but for updated rows.
-|Field to contain delete stats|Same as insert stats, but for deleted rows.
-|Field to contain read stats|Same as insert stats, but for read rows.
-== Notes
-Because of the scripting/dynamic nature of the transform, it does not use prepared statements and thus is not intended to work fast or optimal. For good performance turn to dedicated transforms like Table Output (insert into), Table Input (Select), Update, Delete, etc.
\ No newline at end of file
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Fake data
-== Description
-This tranform type allows you to generate fake data using the Java Faker library which can be found link:[here] for full documentation. It can be used to generate pretty data for development, testing or showcasing a project.
-For instance we could generate some random Pokémon data.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Krabby|Snowpoint City
-|Mankey|Sootopolis City
-|Grimer|Five Island
-|Drowzee|Five Island
-|Onix|Dendemille Town
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Locale|A locale can be used to make the generated data more specific to a single location.
-|Output field name|The name of the generated field.
-|Type of fake data|The data category.
-|Topic to generate|The topic within the data category to generate.
-== Types of categories
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Address a|
-- streetName
-- streetAddressNumber
-- streetAddress
-- ...
-|Ancient a|
-- god
-- primordial
-- titan
-- hero
-|Animal a|
-- name
-|App a|
-- name
-- version
-- author
-|Aqua Teen Hunger Force a|
-- character
-|Artist a|
-- name
-|Avatar a|
-- image
-|Back To The Future a|
-- character
-- date
-- quote
-|Aviation a|
-- aircraft
-- airport
-|Basketball a|
-- teams
-- coaches
-- positions
-- players
-|Beer a|
-- name
-- style
-- hop
-- ...
-|Bojack Horseman a|
-- characters
-- quotes
-- tongueTwisters
-|Book a|
-- author
-- title
-- publisher
-- genre
-|Bool a|
-- bool
-|Business a|
-- creditCardNumber
-- creditCardType
-- creditCardExpiry
-|ChuckNorris a|
-- fact
-|Cat a|
-- name
-- breed
-- registry
-|Code a|
-- isbnGs1
-- isbnGroup
-- isbnRegistrant
-- ...
-|Coin a|
-- flip
-|Color a|
-- name
-- hex
-|Commerce a|
-- color
-- department
-- productName
-- ...
-|Company a|
-- name
-- suffix
-- industry
-- ...
-|Crypto a|
-- md5
-- sha1
-- sha256
-- sha512
-|DateAndTime a|
-- future
-- between
-- past
-- birthday
-|Demographic a|
-- race
-- educationalAttainment
-- denonym
-- sex
-- maritalStatus
-|Disease a|
-- internalDisease
-- neurology
-- surgery
-- ...
-|Dog a|
-- name
-- breed
-- sound
-- ...
-|DragonBall a|
-- character
-|Dune a|
-- character
-- title
-- planet
-- ...
-|Educator a|
-- university
-- course
-- secondarySchool
-- campus
-|Esports a|
-- player
-- team
-- event
-- ...
-|File a|
-- extension
-- mimeType
-- fileName
-|Finance a|
-- creditCard
-- bic
-- iban
-- calculateIbanChecksum
-- ...
-|Food a|
-- ingredient
-- spice
-- dish
-- ...
-|Friends a|
-- character
-- location
-- quote
-|FunnyName a|
-- name
-|GameOfThrones a|
-- character
-- house
-- city
-- ...
-|Hacker a|
-- abbreviation
-- adjective
-- noun
-- ...
-|HarryPotter a|
-- character
-- location
-- quote
-- ...
-|Hipster a|
-- word
-|HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy a|
-- character
-- location
-- marvinQuote
-- ...
-|Hobbit a|
-- character
-- thorinsConpany
-- quote
-- location
-|HowIMetYourMother a|
-- character
-- catchPhrase
-- highFive
-- quote
-|IdNumber a|
-- valid
-- invalid
-- ssnValid
-- ...
-|Internet a|
-- emailAddress
-- safeEmailAddress
-- domainName
-- ...
-|Job a|
-- field
-- seniority
-- position
-- keySkills
-- title
-|Kaamelott a|
-- character
-- quote
-|LeagueOfLegends a|
-- champion
-- location
-- quote
-- ...
-|Lebowski a|
-- actor
-- character
-- quote
-|LordOfTheRings a|
-- character
-- location
-|Lorem a|
-- character
-- characters
-- word
-- words
-- ...
-|Matz a|
-- quote
-|Music a|
-- instrument
-- key
-- chord
-- genre
-|Name a|
-- name
-- nameWithMiddle
-- fullName
-- ...
-|Nation a|
-- nationality
-- language
-- capitalCity
-- flag
-|Number a|
-- randomDigit
-- randomDigitNotZero
-- numberBetween
-- ...
-|Options a|
-- option
-- nextElement
-|Overwatch a|
-- hero
-- location
-- quote
-|PhoneNumber a|
-- cellPhone
-- phoneNumber
-- ...
-|Pokemon a|
-- name
-- location
-|Princess Bride a|
-- character
-- quote
-|Relationship Terms a|
-- direct
-- extended
-- inLaw
-- ...
-|RickAndMorty a|
-- character
-- location
-- quote
-|Robin a|
-- quote
-|RockBand a|
-- name
-|Shakespeare a|
-- hamletQuote
-- asYouLikeItQuote
-- kingRichardIIIQuote
-- ...
-|SlackEmoji a|
-- people
-- nature
-- foodAndDrink
-- ...
-|Space a|
-- planet
-- moon
-- galaxy
-- ...
-|StarCraft a|
-- unit
-- building
-- character
-- planet
-|StarTrek a|
-- character
-- location
-- specie
-- ...
-|Stock a|
-- nsdqSymbol
-- nyseSymbol
-|Superhero a|
-- name
-- prefix
-- suffix
-- ...
-|Team a|
-- name
-- creature
-- state
-- sport
-|TwinPeaks a|
-- character
-- location
-- quote
-|University a|
-- name
-- prefix
-- suffix
-|Weather a|
-- description
-- temperatureCelsius
-- temperatureFahrenheit
-- temperature
-|Witcher a|
-- character
-- witcher
-- school
-- ...
-|Yoda a|
-- quote
-|Zelda a|
-- game
-- character
-== Locales
-- bg
-- ca
-- ca-CAT
-- da-DK
-- de
-- de-AT
-- de-CH
-- en
-- ...
-- en-US
-- ...
-- nl
-- ...
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-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Add value fields changing sequence
-== Description
-This transform simply adds a sequence value which resets each time a value changes in the list of specified fields.
-== Options
-Here are the options for the transform:
-* transform name : the name of the transform, needs to be unique in a pipeline
-* Result field: the name of the output field, the sequence
-* Start at value: the number to start at each time
-* Increment by: the value to increase at each row in the same group
-* Init sequence if value of following fields change: you can specify a list of fields here.  If a value in one or more of these fields changes compared to the previous rows, the sequence will be reset to the start value.
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Split Fields
-== Description
-You can use the Split Fields transform to split a field into multiple fields based on a specified delimiter.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|Field to split|The name of the field you want to split
-|Delimiter|Delimiter that determines the field. Special characters (e.g. CHAR ASCII HEX01) can be set with the format $[value], e.g. $[01] or $[6F,FF,00,1F].
-|Enclosure|You can specify an enclosure string which when placed around a value allows delimiters to be present in it.  For example with a comma (,) delimiter:  ```aaaa,"123,456",ccc``` can be resolved to 3 fields using enclosure ```"```.
-| Escape string|To include delimiter characters in values sometimes an escape string is used like backslash, double backslash and so on.
-For example with a comma (,) delimiter:  ```aaaa,123\\,456,ccc``` can be resolved to 3 fields using escape character ```\\```.
-|Fields table|This table is where you define the properties for each new field created by the split. For each new field, you must define the field name, data type, and other properties.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
-== Examples
-Below are examples of split fields:
-=== Example 1
-SALES_VALUES field containing: "500,300,200,100"
-Use these settings to split the field into four new fields:
-* Delimiter: ,
-* Id:
-* remove ID no, no, no, no
-* type: Number, Number, Number, Number
-* format: ###.##, ###.##, ###.##, ###.##
-* group:
-* decimal: .
-* currency:
-* length: 3, 3, 3, 3
-* precision: 0, 0, 0, 0
-=== Example 2
-SALES_VALUES field containing "Sales2=310.50, Sales4=150.23"
-Use these settings to split the field into four new fields:
-* Delimiter: ,
-* Id: Sales1=, Sales2=, Sales3=, Sales4=
-* remove ID yes, yes, yes, yes
-* type: Number, Number, Number, Number
-* format: ###.##, ###.##, ###.##, ###.##
-* group:
-* decimal: .
-* currency:
-* length: 7, 7, 7, 7
-* precision: 2, 2, 2, 2
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= File exists
-== Description
-This transforms verifies the existence of a file where the filename comes from previous transforms.
-The result is a boolean flag field that gets added to the input fields in the output.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; This name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|Filename field|The input field that will contain the filename at runtime
-|Result fieldname|The name of the field that will contain the boolean flag.
-|Add filename to result|Enable this option if you want to add the filename to the list of filenames that can be used in the next workflow action.
-|Include file type|Include the file type in a field.
-|File type field|The name of the field that will contain the file type as a String: "file", "folder", "imaginary"
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Check if file is locked
-== Description
-This transform tries to determine if a file is locked by an other process.  It does this by trying to move it to itself.  
-== Options
-* transform name: the transform name, unique in a pipeline
-* Filename field: the name of the input field that will contain the names of the files during execution.
-* Result fieldname: the name of the Boolean output field that will contain true or false depending on whether or not the file is locked or not.
-* Add filename to result: check this if you want to add the checked file-names to the list of files in the pipelines result.
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Files from result
-== Description
-Every time a file gets processed, used or created in a pipeline or a workflow, the details of the file, the workflow action, the transform, etc. is captured and added to an internal result set when the option 'Add file names to result' is set, e.g. in a Text File Output transform. You can access this file information using this transform.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|transform name|The unique transform name within the pipeline 
-== Output fields
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Field name|Type|Example
-|type|String|Normal, Log, Error, Error-line, etc.
-|parentorigin|String|Process files pipeline
-|origin|String|Text File Input
-|comment|String|Read by text file input
-|timestamp|Date|2006-06-23 12:34:56 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Files to result
-== Description
-This transform allows you to set filenames in the internal result files of a pipeline. Subsequent workflow actions can then use this information as it routes the list of files to the result files stream e.g. by using the Get files from result transform or some workflow actions that can process on the list of result files. For example, the Mail workflow action can use this list of files to attach to a mail, so perhaps you don't want all files sent, but only a certain selection. For this, you can create a pipeline that sets exactly those files you want to attach.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|transform name|The name of this transform as it appears in the pipeline workspace.
-|Filename field|Field that contains the filenames of the files to copy.
-|Type of file to|Select the type of file to set in results. 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Filter Rows
-== Description
-The Filter Rows transform allows you to filter rows based on conditions and comparisons. Once this transform is connected to a previous transform (one or more and receiving input), you can click on the "<field>", "=" and "<value>" areas to construct a condition.
-To enter an IN LIST operator, use a string value separated by semicolons. This also works on numeric values like integers. The list of values must be entered with a string type, e.g.: 2;3;7;8
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|transform name|Optionally, you can change the name of this transform to fit your needs.
-|Send 'true' data to transform|The rows for which the condition specified is true are sent to this transform
-|Send 'false' data to transform|The rows for which the condition specified are false are sent to this transform
-|The Condition|
-|Add Condition| Click to add conditions. Add condition converts the original condition into a sub-level condition. Click a sub-condition to edit it by going down one level in the condition tree. 
-== Filtering
-=== Filtering rows based on values from variables
-The filter rows transform detects only fields in the input stream. If you want to filter rows based on a variable value, you must modify the previous transform (a table input for example) and include the variable as another field, for example:
-A query:
-SELECT field1,
-${myvar} AS field3 
-FROM table
-WHERE field1=xxxx
-Then in the filter row condition, you can have
-field1 = field3
-*FYI* - instead of the Table Input trick above you can use the simple "Get Variables" transform to set parameters in fields.
-=== Filtering special characters
-To filter special characters like explicit EOF (e.g. from old cobol files) Use a REGEX expression in the "filter row" transform with the syntax: "\x{1A}" where \x mean HEX representation and 1A into parenthesis is the EOF char to match in HEX.
-== Metadata injection support 
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
-== Special considerations for the condition field
-The Filter Rows transform is a special MDI scenario, since it has a nested structure of filter conditions. The condition is given in XML format. The condition XML has the same format as we store the pipeline metadata in a .HPL file in XML format. We do not have a DTD (Document Type Definition) for the .HPL XML format, nor the condition.
-It is easy to get to an XML condition:
-1. Create a sample Filter transform with the different conditions you need. This sample transform gives you all the information, such as the values for the functions you use.
-2. Select the transform, copy it to the clipboard, and then paste it into a text editor. Alternatively, you can store the .HPL, and then open the .HPL in a text editor.
-3. Find the <condition> element and its nested elements and modify it accordingly to use it in your MDI scenario.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Row Flattener
-== Description
-The Row Flattener transform allows you flatten data sequentially.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|transform name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|The field to flatten|The field that must be flattened into different target fields
-|Target fields|The name of the target field to which the field is flattened
-== Example
-In the sample below, if you begin with the following data set...
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-The data set can be flattened to the example shown below:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Fuzzy match
-== Description
-The Fuzzy Match transform finds strings that potentially match using duplicate-detecting algorithms that calculate the similarity of two streams of data. This transform returns matching values as a separated list as specified by user-defined minimal or maximal values.
-== Options
-=== General tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|transform name|Name of this transform as it appears in the pipeline workspace
-|Lookup transform|Identifies the transform that contains the fields to match
-|Lookup field|Identifies the field to match
-|Main stream field|Identifies the primary stream to match the Lookup field with
-|Algorithm|Identifies which string-matching algorithm to use---options include Levenshtein, Damerau-Levenshtein, Needleman Wunsch, Jaro, Jaro Winkler, Pair letters similarity, Metaphone, Double Metaphone, SoundEx, or Refined SoundEx
-|Case sensitive|Identifies if streams can or cannot differ based on the use of uppercase and lowercase letters---only for use with the Levenshtein algorithms
-|Get closer value|When checked, returns a single result with the highest similarity score---when unchecked, returns all matches that satisfy the minimal and maximal value setting as a separated list, separated by the values separator
-|Minimum value|Identifies the lowest possible similarity score
-|Maximal value|Identifies the highest possible similarity score
-|Values separator|Identifies the string that separate the matches. Only available for specific algorithms and when the Get closer value option is unchecked.
-*Algorithm Definitions*
-Within the Algorithm field, there are several options available to compare and match strings.
-* Levenshtein and Damerau-Levenshtein---calculate the distance between two strings by looking at how many edit transforms are needed to get from one string to another. The former only looks at inserts, deletes, and replacements. The latter adds transposition. The score indicates the minimum number of changes needed. For instance, the difference between John and Jan would be two; to turn the name John into Jan you need one transform to replace the O with an A, and another transform to delete the H.
-* Needleman Wunsch---calculates the similarity of two sequences and is mainly used in bioinformatics. The algorithm calculates a gap penalty. The aforementioned example would have a score of negative two.
-* Jaro and Jaro Winkler---calculate a similarity index between two strings. The result is a fraction between zero, indicating no similarity, and one, indicating an identical match.
-* Pair letters similarity---dissects the two strings in pairs and calculates the similarity of the two strings by dividing the number of common pairs by the sum of the pairs from both strings.
-* Metaphone, Double Metaphone, SoundEx, and Refined SoundEx---are phonetic algorithms, which try to match strings based on how they would sound. Each is based on the English language and would not be useful to compare other languages.
-  ** The Metaphone algorithm returns an encoded value based on the English pronunciation of a given word. The encoded value of the names John and Jan would return the value JN for both names.
-  ** The Double Metaphone algorithm has fundamental design improvements over its predecessor and uses a more complex ruleset for coding. It can return a primary and a secondary encoded value for a string. The names John and Jan each return metaphone key values of JN and AN.
-  ** The Soundex algorthim returns a single encoded value for a name that consists of a letter followed by three numerical digits. The letter is the first letter of the name, and the digits encode the remaining consonants.
-  ** The Refined SoundEx algorithm is an improvement over its predecessor. Encoded values for this algorithm are six digits long, the initial character is encoded, and multiple possible encodings can be returned for a single name. Using this algorithm, the name John returns the values 160000 and 460000, as does the name Jan.
-=== Fields tab
-The Fields tab enables you to define how to return the results of a comparison.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Match field|Defines the name of the column that contains the comparison value
-|Value field|Defines the similarity score for which to return a value 
-You can also specify the list of additional fields to retrieve from the lookup stream.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Get filenames
-== Description
-The Get File Names transform allows you to get information associated with file names on the file system. The retrieved file names are added as rows onto the stream.
-The output fields for this transform are:
-* filename - the complete filename, including the path (/tmp/hop/somefile.txt)
-* short_filename - only the filename, without the path (somefile.txt)
-* path - only the path (/tmp/hop/)
-* type
-* exists
-* ishidden
-* isreadable
-* iswriteable
-* lastmodifiedtime
-* size
-* extension
-* uri
-* rooturi
-== File tab
-This tab defines the location of the files you want to retrieve filenames for. For more information about specifying file locations, see section "Selecting file using Regular Expressions" on the Text File Input transform.
-Example: You have a static directory of c:\temp where you expect files with an extension of .dat to be placed. Under file/directory you would specify c:\temp  and under Wildcard you would have a RegEx with something like .*\.dat$
-== Filters
-The filters tab allows you to filter the retrieved file names based on:
-* All files and folders
-* Files only
-* Folders only
-It also gives you:
-* The ability to include a row number in the output
-* The ability to limit the number of rows returned
-* The ability to add the filename(s) to the result list
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Get files rowcount
-== Description
-This transform counts the number of rows in a file or set of files.
-== Options
-=== File tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|File or|
-|transform name|
-=== Content tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Rows Count|
-|files count|
-|in output?|
-|Files Count|
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Get ID from slave server
-== Description
-This transform gets a unique ID from the hop server of your choice.
-The transform works by asking a hop server for the a range of values.  In other words, the transform reserves a range of IDs for a certain given central hop server sequence.  It then increments by one until there are no more values in the range, asks another range, and so forth.
-This means that the returned IDs can be sequential, however this is not guaranteed.  The only thing you know is that after each execution for each input row you get a unique ID that has a higher value than the last one returned.
-The last value returned + the size of the range (increment) are stored in a database table to persist the value over several runs of a pipeline. 
-== Context
-When processing large amounts of data on multiple distinct systems (for example when running a clustered pipeline) you sometimes still need to generate a unique numeric ID for each one. Since a GUID is not guaranteed to be unique and consumes a lot more memory and space compared to a numeric integer (long) ID, you may prefer to use numerical IDs.
-A unique ID identifies a piece of information, which is useful for: looking up data, support cases, incremental processing, error handling (recovering from where you left off by looking up the last inserted ID) and so on. Typically you would use a database to generate such an ID, for example using an Oracle sequence. However, there are cases where you don't have a database available (such as when you add a unique ID to a text/log file), when the database doesn't support sequences (column databases, typically), or when retrieving the ID from a database is slow (going back and forth to the database for each row severely limits performance). In all these situations, you need a high-performance way of providing unique IDs to a Hop pipeline. The Get ID From Slave Server transform is designed to fit this need.
-Assuming you have (or are now configuring) Hop Server slave servers set up in Hop, this transform retrieves a unique ID from the Hop Server slave server of your choice. It works by asking a slave server for a range of values. In other words, the transform reserves a range of IDs for a certain given central slave server sequence. It then increments by one until there are no more values in the range, asks another range, and so forth. This means that the returned IDs can be sequential, however this is not guaranteed. The only thing you know is that after each execution for each input row you get a unique ID that has a higher value than the last one returned. The last value returned plus the size of the range (increment) are stored in a database table to persist the value over several runs of a pipeline.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|transform name|The name of this transform as it appears in the pipeline workspace.
-|Name of value|The name of the (Integer type) output field (sequence or ID)
-|Slave server|The hop server to get the unique ID range from. This can be specified using a variable
-|Sequence name|The name of the sequence as defined on the hop server (see below). The sequence name can be specified using a variable
-|Increment or batch name|The number of IDs to generate before a new value (range) is obtained from the hop server. The higher you make the increment size, the faster the transform can run. However, it will deplete the available IDs (1x10^15) faster. For example, if you take 1,000,000,000 as the increment, you can reserve 1,000,000 times a range of IDs. If you only use up a few of those ID each time a pipeline runs, you will run out of IDs anyway after 1M executions. Don't make this value too high; keep it in the 1000-10000 range to achieve speeds of over 100,000 rows/sec with this transform. This parameter can be specified using a variable
-== Slave server configuration
-You need to start your hop server with extra connection and sequence information configured in an XML file. The extra connection and sequences blocks are what make the sequences work in the following example:
-  <hop-server>
-    <name>master1</name>
-    <hostname>localhost</hostname>
-    <port>8282</port>
-    <master>Y</master>
-  </hop-server>
-  <connection>
-    <name>MySQL</name>
-    <server>localhost</server>
-    <type>MYSQL</type>
-    <access>Native</access>
-    <database>test</database>
-    <port>3306</port>
-    <username>matt</username>
-    <password>Encrypted 2be98afc86aa7f2e4cb79ce10df90acde</password>
-  </connection>
-  <sequences>
-   <sequence>
-    <name>test</name>
-    <start>0</start>
-    <connection>MySQL</connection>
-    <schema/>
-    <table>SEQ_TABLE</table>
-    <sequence_field>SEQ_NAME</sequence_field>
-    <value_field>SEQ_VALUE</value_field>
-   </sequence>
-  </sequences>
-The start tag is optional and will default to 0 if you leave it out of the definition. You can define as many sequences as you like.
-== Servlet information
-Once the configuration files are changed as shown above, slave servers receive a new servlet that can be called as follows (authentication required):http://hostname:port/hop/nextSequence/?name=SequenceName&increment=NumberOfIDsToReserveIn
-case no increment is specified, 10000 IDs are reserved, for example:http://localhost:8282/hop/nextSequence/?name=test
-The servlet will return a simple piece of XML containing both the start of the range as well as the number of IDs reserved, or the increment:
-Continuing with this example, the following row will be present in the SEQ_TABLE table:
-mysql> select * from SEQ_TABLE where SEQ_NAME='test';
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-== Automatic loading and creation
-It can be a burden to maintain all your sequences in an XML file. Because of this, it is also possible to automatically load all the sequences from a database table. You can use the following construct to do it:
-    <connection>MySQL</connection>
-    <schema/>
-    <start>1234</start>
-    <table>SEQ_TABLE</table>
-    <sequence_field>SEQ_NAME</sequence_field>
-    <value_field>SEQ_VALUE</value_field>
-    <autocreate>N</autocreate>
-The <autocreate> tag allows any sequence name to be specified in the transform without error. In that case, the sequence with the name specified will be created automatically with the start value from the <autosequence> specification.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Get SubFolder names
-== Description
-The Get Subfolder Names transform gets subfolders from a directory.
-== Options
-=== Folder tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of this transform as it appears in the pipeline workspace
-|Accept foldername from field?|Allows a foldername to be passed as a field.
-|Foldername field|The field which contains the folder name.
-|Selected directories|The directories from which to get the subfolders.
-|Browse|Uses the local file browser to get a path.
-|Add|Adds the path defined in the Directory field.
-|Delete|Deletes the path
-|Edit|Change the path
-=== Settings tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Include rownum in output?|Allows the row number to be added to the output.
-|Rownum fieldname|The field which contains the row number.
-|Limit|Limits the output rows.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Get table names
-== Description
-This transform gets the table names from a database connection.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of this transform as it appears in the pipeline workspace
-|Connection|The connection to use
-|Schema name|The schema to use
-|Get schema from field|Allows passing a field containing the schema name
-|Schema name field|The field containing the schema name
-|Include catalogs|Includes catalogs in the output
-|Include schemas|Includes schemas in the output
-|Include views|Includes views in the output
-|Include procedures|Includes procedures in the output
-|Include synonyms|Include synonyms in the output
-|Add schema in object name|Adds the schema to the object name
-|Tablename fieldname|Output field containing the table name
-|Object type fieldname|Output field containing the object type (catalog, schema, table, ...)
-|Is system object fieldname|Output field containing boolean: is object a system object
-|Creation SQL fieldname|Output field containing create statement for object
-== Metadata injection
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Get variables
-== Description
-This transform allows you to get the value of a variable. This transform can return rows or add values to input rows.
-For example, you can specify: ${}/hop/tempfile.txt and it will be expanded to /tmp/hop/tempfile.txt on Unix-like systems.
-See also the Set Variables transform.
-To convert the Variable into a data type other than String use Select Values - Meta Data tab.
-To get system values, including command line arguments, use the Get System Info transform.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|transform Name|The name of this transform as it appears in the pipeline workspace.
-|Name|Name of the field.
-|Variable|Allows you to enter variables as complete strings to return rows or add values to input rows. For example, you can specify: ${}/hop/tempfile.txt and it will be expanded to /tmp/hop/tempfile.txt on Unix-like systems.
-|Type|Specifies the field type: String, Date, Number, Boolean, Integer, BigNumber, Serializable, or Binary.
-|Format|Allows you to specify the format of the field after the type has been determined.
-|Length|For Number: Total number of significant figures in a number; For String: total length of string; For Date: length of printed output of the string (for example, entering 4 would only return the year).
-|Precision|For Number: Number of floating point digits. Not used for String, Date, or Boolean.
-|Currency|Used to interpret numbers with currency symbols. For example, $10,000.00 or E5.000,00.
-|Decimal|Used to indicate whether to use a period (".") or comma (",") for number values.
-|Group|Used to indicate whether to use a period (".") or comma (",") for number values.
-|TrimType|Type trim this field before processing: select either none, left, right, or both (left and right). 
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Get Data From XML
-== Description
-The Get Data From XML transform provides the ability to read data from any type of XML file using XPath specifications.
-"Get Data From XML" can read data from 3 kind of sources (files, stream and url) in 2 modes (user can define files and urls at static mode or in a dynamic way).
-== Options
-=== Files Tab
-The files tab is where you define the location of the XML files from which you want to read. The table below contains options associated with the Files tab.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|XML Source from field a|
-* XML source is defined in a field : the previous transform is giving XML data in a certain field in the input stream.
-* XML source is a filename : the previous transform is giving filenames in a certain field in the input stream.  These are read.
-* Read source as URL : the  previous transform is giving URLs in a certain field in the input stream.  These are read.
-* Get XML source from a field : specify the field to read XML, filename or URL from.
-|File or directory|Specifies the location and/or name of the input text file. Note: Click Add to add the file/directory/wildcard combination to the list of selected files (grid) below.
-|Regular expression|Specifies the regular expression you want to use to select the files in the directory specified in the previous option.
-|Selected Files|Contains a list of selected files (or wildcard selections) and a property specifying if file is required or not. If a file is required and it is not found, an error is generated;otherwise, the file name is skipped.
-|Show filename(s)...|Displays a list of all files that will be loaded based on the current selected file definitions 
-=== Content Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Settings a|
-* Loop XPath : For every "Loop XPath" location we find in the XML file(s), we will output one row of data.  This is the main specification we use to flatten the XML file(s).  You can use the "Get XPath nodes" button to search for the possible repeating nodes in the XML document.  Please note that if the XML document is large that this can take a while.
-* Encoding : the XML filename encoding in case none is specified in the XML documents. (yes, those still exist)
-* Namespace aware : check this to make the XML document namespace aware.
-* Ignore comments : Ignore all comments in the XML document while parsing.
-* Validate XML : Validate the XML prior to parsing. Use a token when you want to replace dynamically in a Xpath field value. A token is between @_ and - (@_fieldname-). Please see the Example 1 to see how it works.
-* Use token : a token is not related tro XML parsing but to Hop.
-* Igore empty file : an empty file is not a valid XML document.  Check this if you want to ignore those altogether.
-* Do not raise an error if no file: Don't raise a stink if no files are found.
-* Limit : Limits the number of rows to this number (zero (0) means all rows).
-* Prune path to handle large files: almost the same value as the "Loop XPath" property with some exceptions, see Get Data from XML - Handling Large Files for more details. Note that you can use this parameter to avoid multiple HTTP URL requests.
-|Additional fields a|
-* Include filename in output? : Allows you to specify a field name to include the file name (String) in the output of this transform.
-* Rownum in output? : Allows you to specify a field name to include the row number (Integer) in the output of this transform.
-|Add to result filename a|
-* Add files to result filename : Adds the XML filenames read to the result of this pipeline.  A unique list is being kept in memory that can be used in the next workflow action in a workflow, for example in another pipeline.
-=== Fields Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|The name of the output field
-|XPath|The path to the element node or attribute to read
-|Element|The element type to read: Node or Attribute
-|Type|The data type to convert to
-|Format|The format or conversion mask to use in the data type conversion
-|Length|The length of the output data type
-|Precision|The precision of the output data type
-|Currency|The currency symbol to use during data type conversion
-|Decimal|The numeric decimal symbol to use during data type conversion
-|Group|The numeric grouping symbol to use during data type conversion
-|Trim type|The type of trimming to use during data type conversion
-|Repeat|Repeat the column value of the previous row if the column value is empty (null) 
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Group By
-== Description
-This transform groups rows from a source, based on a specified field or collection of fields. A new row is generated for each group. It can also generate one or more aggregate values for the groups. Common uses are calculating the average sales per product and counting the number of an item you have in stock.
-The Group By transform is designed for sorted inputs. If your input is not sorted, only double consecutive rows are grouped correctly. If you sort the data outside of Hop, the case sensitivity of the data in the fields may produce unexpected grouping results.
-You can use the Memory Group By transform to handle non-sorted input.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Include all rows?|Enable if you want all rows in the output, not just the aggregation; to differentiate between the two types of rows in the output, a flag is required in the output. You must specify the name of the flag field in that case (the type is boolean).
-|Temporary files directory|The directory in which the temporary files are stored (needed when the Include all rows option is enabled and the number or grouped rows exceed 5000 rows); the default is the standard temporary directory for the system
-|TMP-file prefix|Specify the file prefix used when naming temporary files
-|Add line number, restart in each group|Enable to add a line number that restarts at 1 in each group
-|Line number field name|Enable to add a line number that restarts at 1 in each group
-|Always give back a row|If you enable this option, the Group By transform will always give back a result row, even if there is no input row. 
-This can be useful if you want to count the number of rows.  Without this option you would never get a count of zero (0).
-|Group fields table|Specify the fields over which you want to group. Click Get Fields to add all fields from the input stream(s).
-|Aggregates table a|Specify the fields that must be aggregated, the method and the name of the resulting new field.
-Here are the available aggregation methods :
-- Sum
-- Average (Mean)
-- Median
-- Percentile
-- Minimum
-- Maximum
-- Number of values (N)
-- Concatenate strings separated by , (comma)
-- First non-null value
-- Last non-null value
-- First value (including null)
-- Last value (including null)
-- Cumulative sum (all rows option only!)
-- Cumulative average (all rows option only!)
-- Standard deviation
-- Concatenate strings separated by <Value>: specify the separator in the Value column
-- Number of distinct values 
-- Number of rows (without field argument)
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= HTTP client
-== Description
-The HTTP client transform performs a simple call to a base URL with options appended as shown below:
-The result is stored in a String field with the specified name. 
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|URL|The base URL string
-|Accept URL from field?|Enable this option if you want to get the URL from a previous transform.
-Enabling this will also allow you to specify the name of the input field.
-|URL field name|The name of the incoming field that contains the URL
-|Connection timeout|
-|Socket timeout|The number of seconds to wait if no data is returned from the server.
-|Connection close wait time
-|Result fieldname|The name of the field to store results
-|HTTP status code field name|The name of the field to store the HTTP response code (e.g. 200, 404)
-|Response time (milliseconds) field name|The name of the field to store the response time
-|Http Login|The username to be passed during HTTP (Basic) authentication
-|HTTP Password|The password to be passed during HTTP (Basic) authentication
-|Proxy Host|The hostname of the Proxy Server to be used
-|Proxy Port|The port number of the Proxy Server to be used
-|Parameters|Area where you define the parameter name-value pairs to pass on the URL
-|Custom HTTP Headers|Area where you define optional HTTP headers 
-== FAQ
-=== The HTTP client transform doesn't do anything
-*Q*: The HTTP client transform doesn't do anything, how do I make it work?
-*A*: The HTTP client transform needs to be triggered. Use a Row generator transform generating e.g. 1 empty row and link that with a hop to the HTTP client transform.
-=== The HTTP client transform and SOAP
-*Q*: Does the HTTP client support SOAP?
-*A*: No, it just calls an URL with arguments. Future transforms may provide SOAP functionality, Work is underway on a WebService transform supporting WSDL.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= HTTP Post
-== Description
-This transform uses an HTTP POST command to submit form data via a URL.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-The General tab defines which RSS/Atom URLs you want to use, and optionally which fields contain the URLs.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|URL|The Web service URL to submit to.
-|Accept URL from field?|If checked, you must specify which field to retrieve the URL from.
-|URL field name|If the previous option is checked, this is where you specify the URL field.
-|Encoding|The encoding standard for the files being accessed.
-|Request entity field|The name of the field that will contain the POST request. When enabled, the Post a file option will retrieve the file named in this field, and post the contents of that file.
-|Post a file|If a file is defined in the Request entity field, its contents will be posted if this option is checked. Currently "Request entity field" must be filled in order for "Post a file" to work. Selecting "Post a file" and specifying a field under "Body parameters" without selecting a value for "Request entity field" (the place for the file name) will fail silently.
-|Connection timeout|Defines the timeout (defaults to 10000) in Milliseconds when a connection attempt will error out.
-|Socket timeout|Defines the timeout (defaults to 10000) in Milliseconds when a socket will error out.
-|Connection close wait time|Define the wait time after the connection is closed in Milliseconds, the default -1 means the default wait time from the operating system (often 2 minutes).
-Background information: Each row opens a connection and keeps it in a so called TIME-WAIT state for a specific time. A lot (may be thousands) of connections in a TIME-WAIT state introduce significant memory overhead. This option can reduce this memory overhead by reducing the time to keep a closed connection in a TIME-WAIT state.
-|Result fieldname|The field that you want to post the result output to.
-|HTTP status code fieldname|The field that you want to post the status code output to.
-|Response time (milliseconds) fieldname|The field that you want to post the response time, in milliseconds, to.
-|HTTP login|If this form requires authentication, this field should contain the username.
-|HTTP password|If this form requires authentication, this field should contain the password that corresponds with the username.
-|Proxy host|Hostname or IP address of the proxy server, if you use one.
-|Proxy port|Port number of the proxy server, if you use one. 
-=== Fields tab: Body (Header) Parameters
-The Fields tab defines parameters for the HTTP request header and body. If you've filled in the URL and other necessary details in the General tab, you can use the Get values buttons to pre-populate the fields here. Body parameters are used in POST and PUT operations.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|#|The order that this parameter will be passed to the Web application.
-|Name|The name of the field that contains the value to map to the parameter.
-|Parameter|The parameter to map the value of Name to.
-|Put in Header?|If set to Y, the parameter will be put into the request header. 
-=== Fields tab: Query Parameters
-The Fields tab defines parameters for the HTTP request header and body. If you've filled in the URL and other necessary details in the General tab, you can use the Get values buttons to pre-populate the fields here. Query parameters are specified in the URL and can be used in any HTTP method.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|#|The order that this parameter will be passed to the Web application.
-|Name|The name of the field that contains the value to map to the parameter.
-|Value|The value to map to the parameter. 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= If Null
-== Description
-The transform "If field value is null" is able to replace nulls by a given value either by:
-1. Processing the complete row with all fields
-2. Processing the complete row but only for specific field types (Number, String, Date etc.)
-3. Processing the complete row but only for specific fields by name
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Injector
-== Description
-Injector was created for those people that are developing special purpose pipelines and want to 'inject' rows into the pipeline using the Hop API and Java. Among other things you can build 'headless' pipelines with it: pipelines that have no input at design time: do not read from file or database.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Fieldname|Specify the field name of the rows to inject.
-|Type|Specify the type of data.
-|Length|For Number: Total number of significant figures in a number; For String: total length of string; For Date: length of printed output of the string.
-|Precision|For Number: Number of floating point digits; For String, Date, Boolean: unused. 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Insert / Update
-== Description
-The Insert/Update transform first looks up a row in a table using one or more lookup keys. If the row can't be found, it inserts the row. If it can be found and the fields to update are the same, nothing is done. If they are not all the same, the row in the table is updated.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Commit size|The number of rows to change (insert / update) before running a commit.
-|Connection|The database connection to which data is written
-|Don't perform any updates|If enabled, the values in the database are never updated;only inserts are performed.
-|Key Lookup table|Allows you to specify a list of field values and comparators. You can use the following comparators: =, = ~NULL, <>, <, <=, >, >=, LIKE, BETWEEN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
-|SQL button|Click SQL to generate the SQL to create the table and indexes for correct operation.
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Target schema|The name of the Schema for the table to which data is written. This is important for data sources that allow for table names with periods in them.
-|Target table|Name of the table in which you want to do the insert or update.
-|Update Fields|Allows you to specify all fields in the table you want to insert/update including the keys. Avoid updates on certain fields by specifying N in the update column.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= User Defined Java Expression
-== Description
-This transform allows you to enter User Defined Java Expressions as a basis for the calculation of new values.
-If you have a Java expression like :
-Then you can simply enter the right side of the expression in the dialog:
-The values are exposed to the expressions as the Java objects they are :
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Data type|Java Class
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|New Field|The new field in the data stream. If you want to overwrite an existing field, you need to define the field here and in the "Replace value" option.
-|Java Expression|The Java Expression, see examples below.
-|Value Type|Type
-|Replace value|Select this identical to the "New field" name when you want to replace
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
-== Examples
-**Add 2 integers, A and B**
-**Concatenate 2 Strings : firstname and name and put a space in between**
-firstname+" "+name
-or if you really care about performance, this might be faster: 
-new StringBuffer(firstname).append(" ").append(name).toString()
-**Use native Java and API functions**
-**Business rules (If / Then / Else)**
-This can be more complicated
-even with OR and AND and other operators and functions
-**Using Constants**
-If you use a constant, you may need to define the right type in some expressions otherwise it could throw:
-Incompatible expression types "int" and "java.lang.Long"
-To solve this, use:
-test == null ? new Long(0) : test
-In this case, it checks if test is null and replaces with zero. If it is not null, it will return test.
-**Cut a string from end and test for null and minimal length**
-Imagine you have input strings with
-    Orlando FL
-    New York NY
-and you want to separate the state and city, you could use the following expressions:
-For state (get the last 2 characters):
-location != null && location.length()>2 ? location.substring(location.length()-2, location.length()) : null
-For city (get the beginning without the last 2 characters and trim):
-location != null && location.length()>2 ? location.substring(0, location.length()-2).trim() : location
-**Functionality of a LIKE operator (contains string)  and replacing values**
-The following example returns 1 when abc is within the source string, otherwise 2. It returns also 2 when the source string is null. The return values could be of value type Integer.
-samplestr !=null && samplestr.indexOf("abc")>-1 ? 1 : 2
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Java Filter
-== Description
-The Java Filter transform allows the stream to be filtered using user defined Java expressions. The input stream, coming from one or more transforms, can be redirected to two different transforms based on the evaluation of the written expression.
-In other words, the user is able to perform an if-statement to filter the data stream with pure java expressions:
-if( Condition )
-  {matching-transform}
-  {non-matching transform}
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Destination transform for matching rows (optional)|The rows for which the written condition is evaluated to true are sent to this transform.
-|Destination transform for non-matching rows (optional)|The rows for which the written condition is evaluated to false are sent to this transform.
-|Condition (Java Expression)|Defines the Java condition on which to filter the data. See examples below.
-=== Examples
-These code samples applies to the Condition (Java Expression) field.
-Filters a string that contains white space
-field.contains(" ");
-Filters a string that is identical to a constant string
-Filters a boolean value
-field == Boolean.TRUE
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= JavaScript
-== Description
-The JavaScript transform allows you to create JavaScript scripts for each transform.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Scripts|Displays a list of scripts you have created in this transform.
-|Constants|A list of pre-defined, static constants.
-|Functions|Contains a variety of String, Numeric, Date, Logic and specialized functions you can use to create your script. To add a function to your script, simply double-click on the function or drag it to the location in your script that you wish to insert it.
-|Input Fields|A list of inputs coming into the transform. Double-click or use drag and drop to insert the field into your script.
-|Output Fields|A list of outputs for the transform.
-|Java Script|This section is where you edit the script for this transform. You can insert functions, constants, input fields, etc. from the tree control on the left by double-clicking on the node you wish to insert or by dragging the object onto the Java Script panel.
-|Fields|The Fields table contains a list of variables from your script including the ability to add metadata like a descriptive name.
-|Get Variables|Retrieves a list of variables from your script.
-|Test script|Use this button to test the syntax of your script.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Join Rows
-== Description
-The Join rows transform allows you to produce combinations (Cartesian product) of all rows in the input streams.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Temp directory|Specify the name of the directory where the system stores temporary files in case you want to combine more then the cached number of rows.
-|TMP-file prefix|This is the prefix of the temporary files that will be generated.
-|Max. cache size|The number of rows to cache before the system reads data from temporary files; required when you want to combine large row sets that do not fit into memory.
-|Main transform to read from|Specifies the transform from which to read most of the data; while the data from other transforms are cached or spooled to disk, the data from this transform is not.
-|The Condition(s)|You can enter a complex condition to limit the number of output row.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= JSON Input
-== Description
-This transform reads data from JSON structures, files, or incoming fields using a JSONPath expression to extract data and output rows. JSONPath expressions can use either dot notation or square bracket notation.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Source is from a previous transform a|Select to retrieve the source from a previously defined field. When selected, the following fields are available:
-* Select field
-* Use field as file names
-* Read source as URL
-* Do not pass field downstream
-When this option is cleared, the following fields are available:
-* File or directory
-* Regular Expression
-* Exclude Regular Expression
-* Selected files
-|Select field|Specify the field name to use as a source from a previous transform.
-|Use field as file names|Select to indicate the source is a filename.
-|Read source as URL|Select to indicate if the source should be accessed as a URL.
-|Do not pass field downstream|Select to remove the source field from the output stream. This action improves performance and memory utilization with large JSON fields.
-|File or directory|Specify the source location if the source is not defined in a field. |Click Browse to navigate to your source file or directory. Click Add to include the source in the Selected files table.
-|Regular expression|Specify a regular expression to match filenames within a specified directory.
-|Exclude regular expression|Specify a regular expression to exclude filenames within a specified directory.
-|File/Directory|The source location indicated by clicking Add after specifying it in File or directory.
-|Wildcard (RegExp)|Wildcards as specified in Regular expression.
-|Exclude wildcard|Excluded wildcards as specified in Exclude regular expression.
-|Required|Required source location for input.
-|Include subfolders|Whether subfolders are included within the source location.
-|Delete|Remove a source from the table
-|Edit|Remove a source from the table and return it back to the File or directory option.
-|Show filename(s)|Display the file names of the sources successfully connected to the JSON Input transform.
-=== Content Tab
-The Content tab contains the following options for configuring which data to retrieve:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Ignore empty file|Select to skip empty files. When cleared, empty files will cause the process to fail and stop.
-|Do not raise an error if no files|Select to continue when no files are available to process.
-|Ignore missing path|Select to continue processing files when an error occurs that (1) no fields match the JSON path or (2) that all the values are null. When cleared, no further rows are processed when an error occurs.
-|Default path leaf to null|Select to return a null value for missing paths.
-|Limit|Specify a limit on the number of records generated from the tra. Results are not limited when set to zero.
-|Include filename in output|Select to add a string field with the filename in the result.
-|Rownum in output|Select to add an integer field with the row number in the result.
-|Add filenames to result|Select to add processed files to the result file list.
-=== Fields Tab
-The Fields tab displays field definitions to extract values from the JSON structure. The table in this tab contain the following columns:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|Name of field that maps to the corresponding field in the JSON input stream.
-|Path|Complete path of the field name in the JSON input stream. All records can be retrieved by adding the asterisk * in the path. For example, $.mydata.*
-|Type|Data type of the input field.
-|Format|An optional mask for converting the format of the original field. See Common Formats for information on common valid date and numeric formats you can use in this transform.
-|Length|Length of the field.
-|Precision|Number of floating point digits for number-type fields.
-|Currency|Currency symbol ($ or €, for example).
-|Decimal|A decimal point can be a . (5,000.00 for example) or , (5.000,00 for example).
-|Group|A grouping can be a , (10,000.00 for example) or . (5.000,00 for example).
-|Trim type|The trim method to apply to a string.
-|Repeat|The corresponding value from the last row repeated if a row is empty.
-|Get fields|Populate the table with fields derived from the source file.
-=== Select fields
-Click Get Fields in the Fields tab to open the Select Fields window. Select the checkbox next to each field in your source file that you want include in your output. All the fields selected in this transform are added to the table. You can search for a field name by entering the field name in the Search box.
-=== Additional output fields tab
-The Additional output fields tab contains the following options to specify additional information about the file to process:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Short filename field|Specify the field that contains the filename without path information but with an extension.
-|Extension field|Specify the field that contains the extension of the filename.
-|Path field|Specify the field that contains the path in operating system format.
-|Size field|Specify the field that contains the size of the data.
-|Is hidden field|Specify the field indicating if the file is hidden or not (Boolean).
-|Last modification field|Specify the field indicating the date of the last time the file was modified.
-|Uri field|Specify the field that contains the URI.
-|Root uri field|Specify the field that contains only the root part of the URI.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
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-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= JSON Output
-== Description
-Json Output transform allows to generate json blocks based on input transform values. Output json will be available as java script array or java script object depends on transform settings.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-General tab allows to specify type of transform operation, output json structure, transform output file. This file will be used to dump all generated json.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Operation a|Specify transform operation type. Currently available 3 types of operation:
-   1. Output value - only pass output json as a transform output field, do not dump to output file
-   2. Write to file - only write to fie, do not pass to output field
-   3. Output value and write to file - dump to file and pass generated json as a transform output file
-|Json block name|This value will be used as a name for json block. Can be empty string that will affect output json structure, see detailed description below.
-|Nr. rows in a block|Number of json block key - value pairs.
-NOTE, 1 is a special values, in case of 1 every output will be generated as one object. See description below.
-|Output value|This value will be used as a transform output field. Will contain generated json output block depending on transform settings.
-|Compatibility mode|Changes the default fixed mode json structure 
-**Compatibility mode**
-By default this transform uses the fixed structure mode, consider the Json Output transform has the following settings:
-* Json block name = "data"
-* Nr rows in block = 3
-* Compatibility mode = NOT checked (and this is the default option)
-This will output:
-[source, json]
-  "data" : [ {
-    "name" : "item",
-    "value" : 25
-  }, {
-    "name" : "item",
-    "value" : 25
-  }, {
-    "name" : "item",
-    "value" : 25
-  } ]
-  "data" : [ {
-    "name" : "item",
-    "value" : 25
-  } ]
-If compatibility mode is enabled and the transform has the following settings:
-* Json block name = "data"
-* Nr rows in block = 3
-* 'Compatibility mode' is checked
-This will output:
-[source, json]
-Pretty formatting does not affect compatibility mode. We have 2 output json objects. First object harvest first 3 input rows and second object harvests only one row. This happens because of number of rows in a block is 3. Anyway it can be considered as incorrect result, as the real object count for array is 6 for the first output object. By default compatibility mode is disabled.
-If 'Json block name' is an empty string (by default it has 'data' value) - compatibility mode will use empty string for block name. Normally - if compatibility mode was not checked, transform output will be:
-[ {
-  "name" : "item",
-  "value" : 25
-}, {
-  "name" : "item",
-  "value" : 25
-}, {
-  "name" : "item",
-  "value" : 25
-} ][ {
-  "name" : "item",
-  "value" : 25
-} ]
-We will have just 4 simple json objects that will be outputted as a 4 transform output rows.
-In case of json block name is defined - output structure will looks like:
-[source, json]
-  "data" : {
-    "name" : "item",
-    "value" : 25
-  }
-  "data" : {
-    "name" : "item",
-    "value" : 25
-  }
-  "data" : {
-    "name" : "item",
-    "value" : 25
-  }
-  "data" : {
-    "name" : "item",
-    "value" : 25
-  }
-So this is will be same 4 output objects with json block name defined.
-If 'Nr. rows in a block' will be less that 1 output will be as a one object:
-[source, json]
-  "data" : [ {
-    "name" : "item",
-    "value" : 25
-  }, {
-    "name" : "item",
-    "value" : 25
-  }, {
-    "name" : "item",
-    "value" : 25
-  }, {
-    "name" : "item",
-    "value" : 25
-  } ]
-This will be one object (one output row) with data block containing json array with 4 objects (as we had 4 input data rows). Please note - when using 0 'Nr. rows in a block' transform will build output object until input data is available. When input is done - one big output object will be passed to output row. For big input data it can impact memory usage.
-=== Output File
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Filename|full path to output file
-|Append|If not checked new file will be created every time transform is running. If file with specified name already existed - it will be replaced by a new one. If checked - new json output will be appended at the end of existing file. Or if existing file is not exists - it will be created as in previous case.
-|Create Parent folder|Usually file name contains some path folder as a parent folder. If parent folder does not exists and this option is checked - parent folder will be created as a new folder. Otherwise - file not be found and transform will fail.
-|Do not open create at start|If not checked - file (and in some cases parent folder) will be created/opened to write during pipeline initialization. If checked - file and parent folder will be created only after transform will get any first input data.
-|Extension|Output file extension. Default value is 'js'
-|Encoding|Output file encoding
-|Pass output to servlet|Enable this option to return the data via a web service instead writing into a file.
-|Include date in filename?|If checked - output file name will contains File name value + current date. This may help to generate unique output files.
-|Include time in filename|If checked - output file name will contains file creation time. Same as for 'Include date in filename' option
-|Show filename(s) button|Can be useful to test full output file path
-|Add file to result filenames?|If checked - created output file path will be accessible form transform result 
-=== Fields Tab
-This tab is used to map input transform fields to output json values
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Element name|Json element name as a key. For example "A":"B" - A is a element name, B is actual input value mapped for this Element name.
-|Fieldname|Input transform field name. Use 'Get Fields' button to discover available input fields 
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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index 1864e11..0000000
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@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
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-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= LDAP Input
-== Description
-The LDAP Input transform allows you to read information like users, roles and other data from an LDAP server. The following sections describe the available options for the LDAP input transform.
-== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Host|Host can be the IP address of the LDAP directory server or its DNS name.
-|Port|Port number of LDAP directory server.
-|Use authentication|To enable LDAP authentication
-|Username|The username to be passed during authentication.
-|Password|The password to be passed during authentication.
-|Use certificate|To enable the use of a certificate.
-|Trust store path|
-|Trust store password|
-|Trust all certificates|
-|Test connection|Tests the configured connection to the LDAP server.
-== Search Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Dynamic search base|Enables the search base field.
-|Search base fieldname|The field containing the base LDAP node.
-|Search base|Base LDAP node to search the LDAP contents.
-|Dynamic filter string|Enables the filter string field.
-|Filter string fieldname|The field containing the filter string.
-|Filter String|LDAP filter to search the customized contents, in the current stage only "single filter format" is supported like. 
- Example: mail=*
-== Advanced Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Include rownum in output?|Adds a row number to the output.
-|Rownum fieldname|The field containing the row number.
-|Limit|Limit the number of results returned.
-|Time limit|Limit the amount of time given to return results.
-|Multi valued field separator.|
-|Set paging|
-|Page size|
-|Search scope|Object scope, One level scope, Subtree scope
-== Fields Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|The name of the imported field. Note: If you renamed a field in the Select & Alter tab, the name here must match the renamed value.
-|Fetch as|String, Binary
-|Is sorted Key?| Y/N
-|Type|The data type for this field.
-|Format|The format mask (number type or date format)
-|Length|The field length.
-|Precision|The precision option depends on the field type, but only Number is supported; it returns the number of floating point digits.
-|Currency|Symbol used to represent currencies
-|Decimal|A decimal point; this is either a dot or a comma
-|Group|A method of separating units of thousands in numbers of four digits or larger. This is either a dot or a comma.
-|Trim type|Where to trim the field, left, right, both, none
-|Repeat|If LDAP returns no value for an attribute, use the value from the previous row
-|Get fields|Gets the result fields
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@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
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-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= LDAP Output
-== Description
-The LDAP Output transform allows you to write information like users, roles and other data to an LDAP server. The following sections describe the available options for the LDAP Output transform.
-== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Host|Host can be the IP address of the LDAP directory server or its DNS name.
-|Port|Port number of LDAP directory server.
-|Referral a|Determines how to handle referrals.
-* Ignore: Ignore referrals.
-* Follow: 	Automatically follow any referrals.
-|Derefalias a|Determines how aliases are dereferenced.
-* Always: Always dereference aliases.
-* Never: Never dereference aliases.
-* Finding: Dereference aliases only during name resolution.
-* Searching: Dereference aliases only after name resolution.
-|Protocol a|Determines which protocol is used.
-|Use authentication|To enable LDAP authentication.
-|Username|The username to be passed during authentication.
-|Password|The password to be passed during authentication.
-|Use certificate|To enable the use of a certificate.
-|Trust store path|
-|Trust store password|
-|Trust all certificates|
-|Test connection|Tests the configured connection to the LDAP server.
-== Settings
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Operation|Insert, Update, Upsert, Add atribute, Delete, Rename DN (distinguished name).
-|Multi valued field seperator|
-|Fail if not exist|
-|Dn fieldname|Field which contains the distinguished name.
-|Old DN fieldname|Field which contains the old distinguished name (rename).
-|New DN fieldname|Field which contains the new distinguished name (rename).
-|Delete RDN|Whether or not to delete the RDN (relative distinguished name)
-== Fields Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Search base for fields|Where to start looking for fields
-|Stream field|
-|Update|Whether or not to update the fields (Y/N)
-|Get fields|
-|Edit mapping|
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-distributed with this work for additional information
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= LDIF Input
-== Description
-LDIF is short for LDAP Data Interchange Format. See also: The LDIF Input transform reads information from such files.
-== Options
-=== Files Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Files origin a|
-* Get filename from field? : the previous transform is giving filenames in a certain field in the input stream.  These are read.
-* Filename field : specify the field to the filenames from.
-|File or directory|Specifies the location and/or name of the input text file.
-|Regular expression|Specifies the regular expression you want to use to select the files in the directory specified in the previous option.
-|Selected Files|Contains a list of selected files (or wildcard selections) and a property specifying if file is required or not. If a file is required and it is not found, an error is generated;otherwise, the file name is skipped.
-|Show filenames(s)...|Displays a list of all files that will be loaded based on the current selected file definitions .
-=== Content Tab
-|Include filename in output?|Allows you to specify a field name to include the file name (String) in the output of this transform.
-|Rownum in output|Allows you to specify a field name to include the row number (Integer) in the output of this transform.
-|Include content type?|Allows you to specify a field name to include the content type (String) in the output of this transform.
-|Limit|Limits the number of rows to this number (zero (0) means all rows).
-|Multi valued field separator|For multi-valued content fields, you can specify a separator here. (default is a comma)
-|Result filenames a|
-* Add files to result filename : Adds the XML filenames read to the result of this pipeline.  A unique list is being kept in memory that can be used in the next workflow action in a workflow, for example in another pipeline.
-=== Fields
-|Name|The name of the output field
-|Attribute|The attribute to read
-|Type|The data type to convert to
-|Format|The format or conversion mask to use in the data type conversion
-|Length|The length of the output data type
-|Precision|The precision of the output data type
-|Currency|The currency symbol to use during data type conversion
-|Decimal|The numeric decimal symbol to use during data type conversion
-|Group|The numeric grouping symbol to use during data type conversion
-|Trim type|The type of trimming to use during data type conversion
-|Repeat|Repeat the column value of the previous row if the column value is empty (null) 
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/loadfileinput.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/loadfileinput.adoc
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@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Load file content in memory
-== Description
-Loads the file content in memory.
-== Options
-=== File Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Filename is defined in a field|Takes a filename from a field
-|get filename from a field|A field containing the filename
-|File or directory|The file or directory path to be added
-|Add|Adds the file or directory to the selected files
-|Browse|Uses the local file browser to select a path
-|Regular Expression|Allows files to be included based on a regular expression
-|Exclude Regular Expression|Allows files to be excluded based on a regular expression
-|Selected files|The selected files to load into memory
-|Show filename(s)|Previews the selected files
-=== Content Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Encoding|The file encoding (UTF, ISO, ...)
-|Ignore empty file|Ignores empty files
-|Ignore missing path|Ignores missing paths
-|Limit|Limit the rows loaded from the file
-|Include filename in output?|Allows the filename to be included in the output
-|Filename fieldname|Field containing the filename
-|Rownum in output?|Allows the row number to be included in the output
-|Rownum filename|Field containing the row number
-|Add files to result filesname|Add files to resulting files name
-=== Fields Tab
-The fields to load from the file.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|The name of the imported field.
-|Element|File content or size
-|Type|The data type for this field
-|Format|The format mask
-|Length|The field length
-|Precision|The precision option depends on the field type, but only Number is supported; it returns the number of floating point digits
-|Currency|Symbol used to represent currencies
-|Decimal|A decimal point; this is either a dot or a comma
-|Group|A method of separating units of thousands in numbers of four digits or larger. This is either a dot or a comma.
-|Trim type|Type of trim: none, left, right, both
-|Repeat|Enter ‘Y’ if you want to reuse the value from the last non-empty row when the corresponding value in this row is empty. Enter ‘N’ to leave the row empty.
-|Get fields|Retrieve available fields based on the file contents
-=== Additional output Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Short filename field|The field name that contains the filename without path information but with an extension.
-|Extension field|The field name that contains the extension of the filename.
-|Path field|The field name that contains the path in operating system format.
-|Is hidden field|The field name that contains if the file is hidden or not (boolean).
-|Last modification field|The field name that contains the last modification.
-|Uri field|The field name that contains the URI.
-|Root uri field|The field name that contains only the root part of the URI.
-=== Buttons
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Preview rows|Preview the rows generated by this transform.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Mail
-== Description
-This transform uses an SMTP server to send an email containing data from the previous transform.
-== Options
-=== Addresses
-This tab defines the sender, contact person, and recipients of a Hop-generated email.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Destination address|The destination for the email. This can be a single address, a space-separated list of addresses , or an email alias for a distribution list
-|Cc|An email address, space-separated list of email addresses, or a distribution list to send a carbon copy of the email to.
-|Bcc|An email address, space-separated list of email addresses, or a distribution list to send a blind carbon copy of the email to.
-|Sender name|The name of the person you want the email to be from.
-|Sender Address|The email address of the person or account you want the email to be from.
-|Reply to|The email address that recipients will use if they reply to the email.
-|Contact|The name of the person to contact regarding the email's contents.
-|Contact phone|The phone number of the contact person defined in the previous field. 
-=== Server
-This tab contains details for your SMTP server, including authentication and encryption.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|SMTP server|URL, hostname, or IP address of your SMTP server.
-|Port|Port number for your SMTP service.
-|Use authentication|If checked, you will be able to enter an SMTP username and password in the next few fields.
-|Authentication user|The SMTP username to use for server authentication.
-|Authentication password|The password for the previously defined SMTP username.
-|Use secure authentication|If checked you will be able to specify SSL or TLS encryption in the next field.
-|Secure connection type|Determines whether the server will use SSL or TLS encryption protocols. 
-=== Email Message
-This tab determines the text content of the email.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Include date in message?|If checked, the date will be printed in the email body.
-|Only send comment in mail body|If checked, information about the pipeline will not be included.
-|Use HTML format in mail body?|If checked, this email will be in HTML format instead of plain text.
-|Encoding|Character encoding for the text of an HTML email.
-|Manage priority|If checked, enables the following two fields to set email priority and importance levels.
-|Priority|The priority level to assign in the email metadata.
-|Importance|The importance level to assign in the email metadata.
-|Sensitivity|This allows to set the "Sensitivity" header information to Normal, Personal, Private, Confidential.
-|Subject|The email subject line.
-|Comment|The email body. See also the option "Attach content file". 
-=== Attached Files
-This tab contains options for file attachments.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Attach content file?|If checked, you will use the next two fields to define which stream fields you want to use to create dynamic content of the mail message.
-|Content fieldname|The given field contains the field that points to a file that is loaded for the content. Internally this file content is put into is MimeBodyPart (using application/x-any).
-|Filename fieldname|This field sets the filename within the MimeBodyPart.
-|Dynamic filenames?|If checked, you will use the next two fields to define which stream fields you want to use to create dynamic filenames for your attachments.
-|Filename field|The stream field you want to use for dynamic filenames of attachments. This can also be a folder name, in which case you would use the Wildcard field to determine filenames.
-|Wildcard field|A regular expression that creates dynamic filenames for attachments.
-|Filename/foldername|A static name and location of a file to attach.
-|Include subfolders|If checked, will attach files in subfolders of the specified folder.
-|Wildcard|A regular expression that identifies a file to attach.
-|Zip files|If checked, multiple file attachments will be zipped into a single archive before attaching to the email.
-|Is zip filename dynamic?|If checked, the name of the zip archive will be determined by a data stream.
-|Zipfilename field|The data field to use for the name of the zip archive.
-|Zip filename|A static name for the zip archive.
-|Zip files if size greater than|Only archives file attachments if their combined size is above this number (in bytes). 
-=== Embedded Images
-This tab contains options for embedded images in HTML emails.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Filename|The name and location of the file you want to embed in the email.
-|Content ID|A unique identifier for this file. Hop will generate one if you don't specify one yourself.
-|#|The order that the attachment will be processed.
-|Image|The name of as added image.
-|Content ID (field)|The content ID of an added image. 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Email Messages Input
-== Description
-This transform allows you to retrieve messages and their attachments from a mail server using the POP3, IMAP or MBOX standard protocols.
-== Options
-=== General
-On this tab you will find the general mail server connection settings:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Source host|The mail server host
-|Use SSL?|Check this option if your server needs an SSL connection
-|Username|The username of the mailbox to connect to
-|Password|The password to use
-|Use proxy?|Check this option if you want to connect through a proxy.
-|Proxy username|The username to connect to the proxy with
-|Fetch in batches?|Enable this option if you want to retrieve larger volumes of mails in batches
-|Ignore errors reading fields|Sometimes a server doesn't support the retrieval of a particular piece of information. Enable this option to ignore these errors.
-|Protocol|Specify either standard protocol POP3, IMAP or MBOX to retrieve the mails
-|Test Connection button|This will simply try to connect to the mail server with the specified settings. This button does not retrieve mails. 
-=== Settings
-**POP3 settings**
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Retrieve|Specify either "All emails" or "Retrieve first... emails"
-|Retrieve the ... first emails|Allows you to specify how many mails you want to retrieve at most in one go  
-**IMAP settings**
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Get folder from field|Enable this option to allow the IMAP folder name to be present in an input field of this transform.
-|Folder field|The folder field in case the option above is enabled.
-|IMAP folder|The IMAP folder to retrieve mails from
-|Test folder... button|Use this to test if the folder is valid
-|Open button|use this to select the IMAP folder
-|Include subfolders|Check this option to also retrieve mails from sub-folders
-|Retrieve|Specify which mails to retrieve: Get all, new, old, read, unread, flagged, not flagged, draft, not draft, answered or not answered messages.
-|Retrieve the first ... emails|Specify how many emails to retrieve at most 
-**Batch settings**
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Batch size|Number of emails to retrieve at once in one batch
-|Start at message number|The first message number to start retrieving at
-|End at message number|The last message number to end retrieving with 
-=== Filters
-These are the filters you can set on the header of the mail message. Mail for which the header matches your filter will be retrieved, the rest is ignored.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Sender (FROM)|Only retrieve 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Mail Validator
-== Description
-This transform checks if an email address is valid or not. The checking process returns one result field (Boolean or String depending on your settings) and one additionnal field (String) containing errors string when email address is not valid.
-This transform must receive input stream and add result fields in this input stream.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|email fieldname|Specify the name of the field that contains the email addresses to check. This field must be defined in a previous transform. Dropdown the combo to select fieldname.
-|SMTP check?|By default, Hop will only check email address structure (using regular expression). If you want to perform a SMTP check, please select this option and fill Email sender (see after). Hop will extract domain name from the supplied email address (to check) and will try to get all exchangers from the domain name. Each exchanger will be queryed.
-|Time out|In order to perform a SMTP check, Hop will open a socket on the target SMTP host. Specify here the socket time out (by default 0).
-|Email sender|If you select "SMTP check?" option, this field is mandatory. Hop will need sender email address to query SMTP host.
-|Default SMTP server|If you know which SMTP server to query, please specify it here, Hop will then query only this one.
-|dynamic default SMTP?|IF you want to pass default SMTP server in a dynamic way, check this option.
-|Default SMTP field|If you select the previous option, you must fill this field. This field must be defined in a previous transform. Dropdown the combo to select fieldname.
-|Result fieldname|Hop will store the result of the process in this field. The result will be Boolean (TRUE = the email address is valid, FALSE = the email address is unvalid) if "Result is a string" option is unchecked (see after).
-Note: This field is mandatory and will be added to the input stream.
-|Result is a string|This option will turn the ouput field into a String and when the email address is valid the output will contains the "Email is valid" field (see after) otherwise it will contains the "Email is not valid" field (see after).
-|Email is valid|If you selected the previous option, you must fill this field
-|Email is not valid|If you selected the previous option, you must fill this field
-|Errors field|When an email is address is unvalid, Hop return the reason. If you want to add it in the input stream, please give the field a name, otherwhise leave this field blank. 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Memory Group By
-== Description
-The Memory Group By transform builds aggregates in a group by fashion and does not require a sorted input since it processes all rows within memory. When the number of rows is too large to fit into memory, you need to use the combination of the Sort rows and Group by transforms.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline,
-|Always give back a result row|If you enable this option, the Group By transform will always give back a result row, even if there is no input row. 
-|This can be useful if you want to count the number of rows.  Without this option you would never get a count of zero (0).
-|The field that make up the group|After retrieving fields using the Get Fields button, designate the fields to include in the group. See the Group be transform for more details.
-|Aggregates|After retrieving fields using the Get lookup fields button, designate the fields to include in the group. See the Group be transform for more details.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Merge Join
-== Description
-The Merge Join transform performs a classic merge join between data sets with data coming from two different input transforms. Join options include INNER, LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, and FULL OUTER.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Commit size|The number of rows to change (insert / update) before running a commit.
-|Connection|The database connection to which data is written.
-|Don't perform any updates|If enabled, the values in the database are never updated;only inserts are performed.
-|Key Lookup table|Allows you to specify a list of field values and comparators. You can use the following comparators: =, = ~NULL, <>, <, <=, >, >=, LIKE, BETWEEN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
-|SQL button|Click SQL to generate the SQL to create the table and indexes for correct operation.
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Target schema|The name of the Schema for the table to which data is written. This is important for data sources that allow for table names with periods in them.
-|Target table|Name of the table in which you want to do the insert or update.
-|Update Fields|Allows you to specify all fields in the table you want to insert/update including the keys. Avoid updates on certain fields by specifying N in the update column.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Merge rows (diff)
-== Description
-The Merge rows (diff) transform compares and merges data within two rows of data. This transform is useful for comparing data collected at two different times. For example, the source system of your data warehouse might not contain a timestamp of the last data update. You could use this transform to compare the two data streams and and merge the dates and timestamps in the rows.
-Based on keys for comparison, this transform merges reference rows (previous data) with compare rows (new data) and creates merged output rows. A flag in the row indicates how the values were compared and merged. Flag values include:
-* **identical**: The key was found in both rows, and the compared values are identical.
-* **changed**: The key was found in both rows, but one or more compared values are different.
-* **new**: The key was not found in the reference rows.
-* **deleted**: The key was not found in the compare rows.
-If the row's flag is **identical** or **deleted**, the merged output rows are based on the reference rows.
-For **new** or **changed** rows, the merged output rows are based on the compare rows.
-You can also send values from the merged and flagged rows to a subsequent transform in your pipeline, such as the Switch-Case transform or the Synchronize after merge transform. In the subsequent transform, you can use the flag field generated by **Merge rows (diff)** to control updates/inserts/deletes on a target table.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Reference rows origin|Specify the transform origin for the reference rows <- Stream with original rows, or rows you want to compare the new rows to.
-|Compare rows origin|Specify the transform origin for the compare rows.<- Stream with new rows
-|Flag fieldname|Specify the name of the flag field on the output stream.
-|Keys to match|Specify fields containing the keys on which to match;click Get key fields to insert all of the fields originating from the reference rows transform
-|Values to compare|Specify fields contaning the values to compare; click Get value fields to insert all of the fields from the originating value rows transform.  Key fields do not need to be specified here.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Metadata Injection
-== Description
-Metadata injection inserts data from various sources into a pipeline at runtime. This insertion reduces repetitive ETL tasks.
-For example, you might have a simple pipeline to load transaction data values from a supplier, filter specific values, and output them to a file. If you have more than one supplier, you would need to run this simple pipeline for each supplier. Yet, with metadata injection, you can expand this simple repetitive pipeline by inserting metadata from another pipeline that contains the ETL Metadata Injection transform. This transform coordinates the data values from the various inputs through the metadata you define. This process reduces the need for you to adjust and run the repetitive pipeline for each specific input.
-The repetitive pipeline is known as the template pipeline. The template pipeline is called by the ETL Metadata Injection transform. You will create a pipeline to prepare what common values you want to use as metadata and inject these specific values through the ETL Metadata Injection transform.
-We recommend the following basic procedure for using this transform to inject metadata:
-1. Optimize your data for injection, such as preparing folder structures and inputs.
-2. Develop pipelines for the repetitive process (the template pipeline), for metadata injection through the ETL Metadata Injection transform, and for handling multiple inputs.
-The metadata is injected into the template pipeline through any transform that supports metadata injection.
-== Options
-=== General
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Pipeline|Specify your template pipeline by entering in its path. Click Browse to display and enter the path details using the Virtual File System Browser.
-If you select a pipeline that has the same root path as the current pipeline, the variable ${Internal.Transform.Current.Directory} will automatically be inserted in place of the common root path. For example, if the current pipeline's path is /home/admin/pipeline.hpl and you select a pipeline in the folder /home/admin/path/sub.hpl then the path will automatically be converted to ${Internal.Transform.Current.Directory}/path/sub.hpl.
-The ETL Metadata Injection transform features the two tabs with fields. Each tab is described below.
-=== Inject Metadata Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Target injection transform key| Lists the available fields in each transform of the template pipeline that can be injected with metadata.
-|Target description|Describes how the target fields relate to their target transforms.
-|Source transform|Lists the transform associated with the fields to be injected into the target fields as metadata.
-|Source field|Lists the fields to be injected into the target fields as metadata.
-To specify the source field as metadata to be injected, perform the following transforms:
-1. In the Target injection transform key column, double-click the field for which you want to specify a source field. The Source field dialog box opens.
-2. Select a source field and click OK.
-3. Optionally, select Use constant value to specify a constant value for the injected metadata through one of the following actions:
-  - Manually entering a value.
-  - Using an internal variable to set the value (${Internal.transform.Unique.Count} for example).
-  - Using a combination of manually specified values and parameter values (${FILE_PREFIX}_${FILE_DATE}.txt for example).
-==== Injecting Metadata into the ETL Metadata Injection transform
-For injecting metadata into the ETL Metadata Injection transform itself, the following exceptions apply:
-- To inject a method for how to specify a field (such as by FILENAME), set a PIPELINE_SPECIFICATION_METHOD constant to the field of an input transform. You can then map the field as a source to the PIPELINE_SPECIFICATION_METHOD constant in the ETL Metadata Injection transform.
-- The target field for the ETL Metadata Injection transform inserting the metadata into the original injection is defined by [GROUP NAME].[FIELD NAME]. For example, if the GROUP NAME is 'OUTPUT_FIELDS' and the FIELD NAME is 'OUTPUT_FIELDNAME', you would set the target field to 'OUTPUT_FIELDS.OUTPUT_FIELDNAME'.
-=== Options Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|transform to read from (optional)|Optionally, select a transform in your template pipeline to pass data directly to a transform following the ETL Metadata Injection transform in your current pipeline.
-|Field name|If transform to read from is selected, enter the name of the field passed directly from the transform in the template pipeline.
-|Type|If transform to read from is selected, select the type of the field passed directly from the transform in the template pipeline.
-|Length|If transform to read from is selected, enter the length of the field passed directly from the transform in the template pipeline.
-|Precision|If transform to read from is selected, enter the precision of the field passed directly from the transform in the template pipeline.
-|Optional target file (hpl after injection)|For initial pipeline development or debugging, specify an optional file for creating and saving a pipeline of your template after metadata injection occurs. The resulting pipeline will be your template pipeline with the metadata already injected as constant values.
-|Streaming source transform|Select a source transform in your current pipeline to directly pass data to the Streaming target transform in the template pipeline.
-|Streaming target transform|Select the target transform in your template pipeline to receive data directly from the Streaming source transform.
-|Run resulting pipeline|Select to inject metadata and run the template pipeline. If this option is not selected, metadata injection occurs, but the template pipeline does not run.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
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-= Metadata structure of stream
-== Description
-This transform produces as output the metadata of the input fields of this transform.
-Before producing this output the transform reads and discards (or eats) all input rows.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Output row count|Include the number of rows eaten by this transform in the output
-|Field for row count|The name of the field containing the number of rows eaten
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
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-= MonetDB Bulk Loader
-== Description
-The MonetDB Bulk loader can be used to Bulk load data to MonetDB, this transform greatly improves the spead to load data to MonetDB.
-== Options
-=== General
-Transform name : Specify the unique name of the MongoDB Output transform in the pipeline.
-Connection : Select your MonetDB database connection
-=== General Settings tab
-This tab contains the destination settings, buffer size and location for the logfile.
-|Target Schema
-|Specify the database schema that has to be used.
-|Target Table
-|Specify the database table, use the Browse button next to this field to use a menu to select the table and schema
-|Buffer size (rows)
-|Specify how many rows will be kept in memory before transferring to MonetDB
-|Log file
-|Specify the location for the Bulk command logs returned from MonetDB
-|Truncate table
-|Remove all data from the destination table before loading the data.
-|Fully quote all SQL statements
-|Forces quotes around all objects when executing
-=== MonetDB Settings tab
-This tab contains information about the temporary files that are generated to load the data.
-|Field separator
-|This is the separator that will be used in the Bulk copy command, it is not allowed to have this field in the input data.
-|Field enclosure
-|The enclosure character used around values.
-|Null values represented
-|Null values will be converted to this string, this allows to differentiate empty strings and null values.
-|File encoding used when generating the files for the copy statement.
-=== Output Fields tab
-This tab contains the source to target mapping.
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-= MongoDB Input
-== Description
-The MongoDB Input pipeline transform enables you to retrieve[documents] or[records] from a collection within MongoDB.
-For additional information about MongoDB, see the MongoDB[documentation].
-== Options
-=== General
-Transform name : Specify the unique name of the MongoDB Input transform in the pipeline.
-Preview button:  Display the rows generated by this transform. Enter the maximum number of records that you want to preview, then click OK. The preview data appears in the Examine preview data window.
-=== Configure Connection tab
-|Field |Description
-|Host name(s) or IP address(es)
-|Specify the network name or address of the MongoDB instance or instances. You can also specify a different port number for each host name by separating the host name and port number with a colon. You can input multiple host names or IP addresses, separated by a comma.
-|Specify the port number of the MongoDB instance or instances. Use this to specify a default port if no ports are given as part of the host name(s) or IP address(es) field. The default value is 27017.
-|Enable SSL connection
-|Specify to connect to a MongoDB Server that is configured with SSL.
-|Use all replica set members/mongos
-|Select to use all replica sets when multiple hosts are specified in the Host name(s) or IP address(s) field. If a replica set contains more than one host, the Java driver discovers all hosts automatically. The driver connects to the next replica set in the list if the selected set is unavailable.
-|Authentication database
-|Specify the authentication database.
-|Authenticate Mechanism
-|Select the method used to verify the identity of users. The values are SCRAM-SHA-1, MONGODB-CR and PLAIN.
-|Specify the username required to access the database. When using Kerberos authentication, enter the Kerberos principal.
-|Specify the password associated with the username. If you are using Kerberos authentication, you do not need to enter the password.
-|Authenticate using Kerberos
-|Select to specify authentication using Kerberos. When selected, enter the Kerberos principal as the Username.
-|Connection timeout
-|Specify (in milliseconds) how long to wait for a connection to a database before terminating the connection attempt. Leave blank to never terminate the connection.
-|Socket timeout
-|Specify (in milliseconds) how long to wait for a write operation before terminating the operation. Leave blank to never terminate the operation.
-=== Input options tab
-The Input options tab enables you to specify which database and collection you want to retrieve information from. You can also indicate the read preferences and tag sets in this tab.
-Enter the following information in the Input options fields:
-|Name of the database to retrieve data from. Click Get DBs to populate the drop-down menu with a list of databases on the server.
-|Name of the collection to retrieve data from. Click Get collections to populate the drop-down menu with a list of collections within the database.
-|Read preference
-|Specify which node to read first: Primary, Primary preferred, Secondary, Secondary preferred, or Nearest.
-==== Tag set specification table
-Tags allow you to customize write concerns and read preferences for a replica set. The Tag set specification table allows you to specify criteria for selecting replica set members. See Tag Sets for more information.
-Enter the following information in the Tag Set fields:
-|Indicates the number of the tag set.
-|Tag set
-|Displays the tag set criteria. You can join, delete, copy, and paste tag sets, then click Test tag set to see which replica set members match your Tag set specification criteria.
-|Get Tags
-|Click Get tags to retrieve a list of tag sets in the source database. Set are listed in order of execution.
-|Join tags
-|Click Join tags to append selected tag sets so that nodes matching the criteria are queried or written to simultaneously. If you select individual tag sets, then click Join tags, the tag sets are combined to create one tag set. Note that this change only occurs in the MongoDB Input window, not on the database.
-|Test tag set
-|Click Test tag set to display set members that match the tags indicated in the tag set specification. The ID, host name, priority, and tags for each replica set member that matches the tag set specification criteria are displayed.
-=== Query tab
-The Query tab enables you to refine read requests. This tab operates in two different query modes:
-* *Query expression* mode (default)
-* *Aggregation pipeline specification* mode.
-The *Query is aggregation pipeline* option toggles between these two modes.
-The Query expression uses MongoDB’s JSON-like query language with query operators to perform[query operations].
-The *Aggregation pipeline specification* field uses MongoDB’s[aggregation framework] to transform and combine documents in a collection.
-An aggregation pipeline connects several[pipeline expressions] together, with the output of the previous expression becoming the input for the next.
-Enter the following information in the Query fields:
-|Fields/Option |Definition
-|Query expression (JSON)
-|Enter a query expression in this field to limit the output.
-|Aggregation pipeline specification (JSON)
-|Select the *Query is aggregation pipeline* option to display the *Aggregation pipeline specification (JSON)* field. Then enter a pipeline expression to perform aggregations or selections. The method name, including the collection name of the database you selected in the Input Options tab, appears after the label for this field.
-|Query is aggregation pipeline
-|Select this option to use the aggregation pipeline framework.
-|Execute for each row
-|Select this option to perform the query on each row of data.
-|Fields expression (JSON)
-|Enter an argument to control the projection (fields to return) from a query. If empty, all fields are returned. This field is only available for query expressions.
-=== Fields tab
-Use the Fields tab to define properties for exported fields.
-The Fields tab operates in two different modes:
-1. including all fields in a single JSON field
-2. including selected fields in the output.
-If you store the output in a single JSON field, you can parse this JSON using the JSON Input transform, or by using a User Defined Java Class transform.
-*Note:* All fields in the Fields tab except the Name of JSON output field are inactive when the Output single JSON field is selected.
-When the Output single JSON field is not selected, the Name of JSON output field is inactive.
-General options:
-* *The Get fields button*:  Click it to generate a sample set of documents. You can edit the list of field names, paths, and data type for each field in the sample.
-* *Output single JSON field*: Specify that the query results in a single JSON field with the String data type (default).
-* *Name of JSON output field*: Specify the field name of containing the JSON output from the server.
-Enter the following information in the table if you want to output distinct fields:
-|Option| Definition
-|The order of this entry in the list.
-|The name of the field based on the value in the Path field. The name that appears here maps the name of the field as it appears in the PDI transformation with the field that appears in the MongoDB database. You can edit the name.
-|Indicates the JSON path of the field in MongoDB. If the path shown is an array, you can specify a specific element of the array by passing it the key value in the bracketed part of the array. For example, $.emails[0] indicates that you want the result to display the first value in the array.
-To display all array values, use the asterisk as the key, like this $.email[*]. If the array contains records, and not just strings, you can specify that you want to display the record like this: $.emails[].sender.
-|Indicates the data type.
-|Indexed values
-|Specify a comma-separated list of legal values for String fields. When you specify values in this field, the Kettle indexed data type is applied to the data. If no values are specified, the String data type is applied. Usually, you will only need to modify this field if you are using Weka metadata for nominal fields.
-|Sample: array min: max index
-|Indicates minimum and maximum values for the index in the sampled documents.
-|Sample: #occur/#docs
-|Indicates how often the field occurs and the number of documents processed.
-|Sample: disparate types
-|Indicates if different data types populate the same field in the sampled documents. When several documents are sampled and the same field contain different data types, the Sample: disparate types field is populated with a Y and the Type field displays the String data type. The Kettle type for the field is set to the String data type, for different output value types.
-== Examples
-The following sections contain examples of query expressions and aggregate pipelines.
-=== Query expression
-MongoDB allows you to select and filter documents in a collection using specific fields and values.
-The[MongoDB Extended JSON] documentation details how to use queries. Pentaho supports only the features discussed on this page.
-The following table displays some examples of the syntax and structure of the queries you can use to request data from MongoDB:
-|Query expression |Description
-|```{ name : "MongoDB" }```
-|Queries all values where the name field has a value equal to MongoDB.
-|```{ name : { '$regex' : "m.*", '$options' : "i" } }```
-|Uses a regular expression to find name fields starting with m, case insensitive.
-|```{ name : { '$gt' : "M" } }```
-|Searches all strings greater than M.
-|```{ name : { '$lte' : "T" } }```
-|Searches all strings less than or equal to T.
-|```{ name : { '$in' : [ "MongoDB", "MySQL" ] } }```
-|Finds all names that are either MongoDB or MySQL (Reference).
-|```{ name : { '$nin' : [ "MongoDB", "MySQL" ] } }```
-|Finds all names that are not either MongoDB or MySQL, or where the field is not set .
-|```{ created_at : { $gte : { $date : "2014-12-31T00:00:00.000Z" } } }```
-|Finds all created_at documents that are greater than or equal to the specified UTC date.
-|```{ $where : "this.count == 1" }```
-|Uses JavaScript to evaluate a condition.
-|```{ $query: {}, $orderby: { age : -1 } }```
-|Returns all documents in the collection named collection sorted by the age field in descending order.
-=== Aggregate pipeline
-MongoDB allows you to select and filter documents using the[aggregation] pipeline framework.
-The Aggregation page in the MongoDB documentation provides additional examples of function calls.
-The following table displays some examples of the query syntax and structure you can use to request data from MongoDB:
-|Query expression |Description
-|```{ $match : {state : "FL", city : "ORLANDO" } }, {$sort : {pop : -1 } }```
-|Returns all fields from all documents where the state field has a value of FL and the city field has a value of ORLANDO. The returned documents will be sorted by the pop field in descending order.
-|```{ $group : { _id: "$state"} }, { $sort : { _id : 1 } }```
-|Returns one field named _id containing the distinct values for state in ascending order. This is similar to the SQL statement SELECT DISTINCT state AS _id FROM collection ORDER BY state ASC.
-|```{ $match : {state : "FL" } }, { $group: {_id: "$city" , pop: { $sum: "$pop" } } }, { $sort: { pop: -1 } }, { $project: {_id : 0, city : "$_id" } }```
-|Returns all documents where the state field has a value of FL, aggregates all values of pop for each city, sorts by population descending, and returns one field named city.
-|```{ $unwind : "$result" }```
-|Peels off the elements of an array individually, and returns one document for each element of the array.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= MongoDB Output
-== Description
-The MongoDB Output pipeline transform can output data to a MongoDB database[collection].
-For additional information about MongoDB, see the MongoDB[documentation].
-== Options
-=== General
-Transform name : Specify the unique name of the MongoDB Output transform in the pipeline.
-=== Configure Connection tab
-The *Configure connection* tab enables you to specify the database and collection for your output.
-Enter the following information in the transform fields:
-|Host name(s) or IP address(s)
-|Specify the network name or address of the MongoDB instance(s). You can also specify a different port number for each host name by separating the host name and port number with a colon. You can input multiple host names or IP addresses, separated by a comma.
-|Specify the port number of the MongoDB instance or instances. Use this to specify a default port if no ports are given as part of the host name(s) or IP address(es) field. The default value is 27017.
-|Enable SSL connection
-|Specify to connect to a MongoDB Server that is configured with SSL.
-|Use all replica set members/mongos
-|Select to use all replica sets when multiple hosts are specified in the Host name(s) or IP address(s) field.
-If a replica set contains more than one host, the Java driver discovers all hosts automatically. The driver connects to the next replica set in the list if the set you try to connect to is down.
-|Authentication database
-|Specify the authentication database.
-|Specify the username required to access the database. If you want to use Kerberos authentication, enter the Kerberos principal in this field.
-|Specify the password associated with the username. If you are using Kerberos authentication, you do not need to enter the password.
-|Authenticate Mechanism
-|Select the method used to verify the identity of users. The values are SCRAM-SHA-1 and MONGODB-CR.
-|Authenticate using Kerberos
-|Select to specify authentication using Kerberos.
-|Connection timeout
-|Specify (in milliseconds) how long to wait for a connection to a database before terminating the connection attempt. Leave blank to never terminate the connection.
-|Socket timeout
-|Specify (in milliseconds) how long to wait for a write operation before terminating the operation. Leave blank to never terminate the operation.
-=== Output options tab
-The Output options tab provides additional controls for inserting data into a MongoDB collection. If the specified collection does not exist, it is created before a document is inserted.
-Enter the following information in the fields on this tab:
-|Option |Description
-|Specify the target database for the output. When a valid hostname and port has been set, you can click Get DBs to retrieve the names of existing databases within a selected database.
-|Specify the target collection for the output. When a valid hostname and port has been set, you can click Get Collections to retrieve the names of existing collections within a selected database. If the specified collection does not exist, it will be created before data is inserted.
-|Batch insert size
-|Specify the batch size for bulk insert operations. The default value is 100 rows.
-|Truncate collection
-|Select to delete existing data in the target collection before inserting new data.
-|Sets the update write method for the specified database and collection.
-*The Upsert and Modifier update options are not available unless the Update field is selected.*
-|Select to change the write method from insert to upsert. The upsert method replaces a matched record with an entire new record based on all the incoming fields specified in the Mongo document fields tab. A new record is created if match conditions fail for an update.
-|Select to update all matching documents for each update or upsert operation.
-|Modifier update
-|Select to enable modifiers ($ operators) to be used to modify individual fields within matching documents. All matching documents are updated when the Multi-update option is selected.
-To update more than one matching document, select Modifier update and Upsert. Selecting Modifier update, Upsert, and Multi-update applies updates to all matching documents, instead of just the first.
-|Write concern (w option)
-|Specify the minimum number of servers that must succeed for a write operation. The values are:
--1 : Disables all acknowledgement of write operation errors
-0 (Zero) : Disables basic acknowledgment of write operations, but returns information about socket excepts and networking errors
-1 : Acknowledges write operations on the primary node
->1 : Wait for successful write operations to the specified number of slaves, including the primary.
-Click *Get custom write concerns* to retrieve custom write concerns that you have stored in the repository.
-|w Timeout
-|Specify time (in milliseconds) to wait for a response to write operations before terminating the operation. Leave blank to never terminate.
-|Journaled writes
-|Select to set write operations to wait until the mongod (the primary daemon process for the MongoDB system) acknowledges the write operation and commits the data to the journal.
-|Read preference
-|Specify which node to read first:
-- ```Primary```
-- ```Primary preferred```
-- ```Secondary```
-- ```Secondary preferred```
-- ```Nearest```
-The default is ```Primary```.
-The Read preference is available when Modifier update is selected.
-|Number of retries for write operations
-|Specify the number of times that a write operation is attempted.
-|Delay, in seconds, between retry attempts
-|Specify the number of seconds to wait before the next retry.
-=== Mongo document fields tab
-Use the Mongo document fields tab to define how field values coming into the transform are written to a Mongo document.
-The Modifier policy column controls when the execution of a modifier operation affects a particular field.
-You can use modifier policies when the data for one Mongo document is split over several incoming Hop rows or
-when it is not possible to execute different modifier operations that affect the same field simultaneously.
-There are 2 helper buttons you can use:
-* *Get fields* :Populates the Name column of the table with the names of the incoming fields.
-* *Preview document structure* : Opens a dialog showing the structure that will be written to MongoDB in JSON format.
-Enter the following information in the fields on this tab:
-|Column |Field Description
-|Names of the incoming fields.
-|Mongo document path
-|The hierarchical path to fields in a document in dot notation format.
-|Use field name
-|Whether to use the incoming field name as the final entry in the path. The values are Y (use incoming field names) and N (do not use incoming field names). When set to Y, a preceding period (.) is assumed.
-|NULL values
-|Specifies whether to insert null values in the database. The values are:
-- Insert NULL
-- Ignore
-|Indicates the incoming value is a JSON document.
-|Match field for update
-|Indicates whether to match a field when performing an upsert operation. The first document in the collection that matches all fields tagged as Y in this column is replaced with the new document constructed with incoming values for all the defined field paths. If a matching document does not exist, then a new document is inserted into the collection.
-|Modifier operation
-|Specify in-place modifications of existing document fields.
-The modifiers are:
-- N/A
-- ```$set``` : Sets the value of a field.
-- ```$inc``` : Sets the value of a field if the field does not exist. If the field exists, increases (or decreases, with a negative value) the value of a field.
-- ```$push``` : Sets the value of a field if the field does not exist. If the field exists, appends the value of a field.
-- ```$``` : (the positional operator for matching inside of arrays).
-|Modifier policy
-|Controls when execution of a modifier operation affects a field. The values are:
-- ```Insert&Update``` : The operation is executed whether or not a match exists in the collection (default).
-The Insert&Update modifier policy (upsert) allows you to specify fields to match when performing an upsert operation.
-Upsert only replaces the first matching document.
-Modifier upserts can be used to replace certain field values in multiple documents.
-- ```Insert``` : The operation is executed on an insert only (when the match conditions fail)
-- ```Update``` : The operation is executed when match conditions succeed.
-==== Example
-Here is an example of how you can define a document structure with an arbitrary hierarchy. Use the following input data and document field definitions to create the example document structure in MongoDB:
-===== Input data
-first, last, address, age
-Bob, Jones ,"13 Bob Street", 34
-Fred, Flintstone, "10 Rock Street",50
-Zaphod, Beeblebrox, "Beetlejuice 1", 356
-Noddy,Puppet,"Noddy Land",5
-===== Document field definitions
-|Name|Mongo document path|Use field name|NULL values|JSON|Match field for update|Modifier operation|Modifier policy
-====== Document structure
-  "top1" : {
-    "first" : "<string val>"
-   },
-  "array" : [ { "last" : "<string val>" , "address" : "<string val>"}],
-  "age" : "<integer val>"
-=== Create/drop indexes tab
-Use the Create/drop indexes tab to create and drop indexes on one or more fields.
-Unless unique indexes are being used, MongoDB allows duplicate records to be inserted.
-Indexing is performed after all rows have been processed by the transform.
-You can use the *Show indexes button* to display a list of existing indexes.
-Enter the following information in the fields in this tab:
-|Index fields
-|Specify a single index (using one field) or a compound index (using multiple fields). Compound indexes are specified by a comma-separated list of paths. Use dot notation to specify the path to a field to use in the index. An optional direction indicator can be specified: 1 for ascending or -1 for descending.
-|Index opp
-|Specify whether to create or drop an index.
-|Specify whether to index only fields with unique values.
-|Specify whether to index only documents that have the indexed field.
-==== Create/drop indexes example
-The following options defines the creation of a compound index of the "first" and "age" fields in ascending order:
-|Index fields|Index opp|Unique|Sparse
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-= MQTT Publisher
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-= MQTT Subscriber
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Multiway Merge Join
-== Description
-The Multiway Merge Join transform allows to join from multiple streams.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Join Type|Type of join (INNER or FULL OUTER).
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Row Normaliser
-== Description
-The Row Normaliser transform converts the columns of an input stream into rows. You can use this transform to normalize repeating groups of columns.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Typefield|The name of the type field (product in the example above).
-|Fields table a|
-A list of the fields you want to normalize; you must set the following properties for each selected field:
-* Fieldname: Name of the fields to normalize (Product A ? C in the example).
-* Type: Give a string to classify the field (A, B or C in our example).
-* New field: You can give one or more fields where the new value should transferred to (sales in our example).
-|Get Fields|Click to retrieve a list of all fields coming in on the stream(s).
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Null If
-== Description
-If the string representation of a certain field is equal to the specified value, then the value is set the null (empty). You can add all fields from the input stream(s) using Get Fields.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Number range
-== Description
-Create ranges based on numeric fields.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Input field|Designate the field that gets checked for the lower and upper boundaries.
-|Output field|Designate the output field name that gets filled with the value depending of the input field.
-|Default value|Value to return if there are no matches within the ranges specified.
-|Ranges|Designated the upper and lower bound of a range.
-|Lower Bound|Designated the minimum value of a range.
-|Upper Bound|Designate the upper value of a range.
-|Value|Designated a name for the value. 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= PostgreSQL Bulk Loader
-== Description
-The PostgreSQL bulk loader is a transform in which we will stream data from Hop to the psql command using "COPY DATA FROM STDIN" into the database.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Connection|Name of the database connection on which the target table resides.
-|Target schema|The name of the Schema for the table to write data to. This is important for data sources that allow for table names with dots '.' in it.
-|Target table|Name of the target table.
-|psql path|Full path to the psql utility.
-|Load action|Insert, Truncate. Insert inserts, truncate first truncates the table.
-|Fields to load a|This table contains a list of fields to load data from, properties include:
-  * Table field: Table field to be loaded in the PostgreSQL table;
-  * Stream field: Field to be taken from the incoming rows;
-  * Date mask: Either "Pass through, "Date" or "DateTime", determines how date/timestamps will be loaded in PostgreSQL.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
-== Set Up Authentication
-"psql" doesn't allow you to specify the password.  Here is a part of the connection options: 
- Connection options:
-  -h HOSTNAME     database server host or socket directory (default: "/var/run/postgresql")
-  -p PORT         database server port (default: "5432")
-  -U NAME         database user name
-  -W              prompt for password (should happen automatically)
-As you can see there is no way to specify a password for the database.  It will always prompt for a password on the console no matter what.
-To overcome this you need to set up trusted authentication on the PostgreSQL server.
-To make this happen, change the pg_hba.conf file (on my box this is /etc/postgresql/8.2/main/pg_hba.conf) and add a line like this:
-host    all         all        trust
-This basically means that everyone from the network (mask can log into postgres on all databases with any username.  If you are running Hop on the same server, change it to localhost:
-host    all         all        trust
-This is much safer of-course.  Make sure you don't invite any strangers onto your PostgreSQL database!
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= PGP decrypt stream
-== Description
-The PGP decrypt stream transform decrypts PGP encrypted text.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|GPG location|GPG key location.
-|Browse...|Browse the filesystem for a GPG key location.
-|Passphrase|Passphrase of the key.
-|Read passphrase from field|Whether or not to read the passphrase from a field.
-|Passphrase fieldname|The passphrase field.
-|Data fieldname|The field to decrypt.
-|Result fieldname|The decrypted result field.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= PGP encrypt stream
-== Description
-The PGP encrypt stream transform encrypts text using PGP.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|GPG location|GPG key location.
-|Browse...|Browse the filesystem for a GPG key location.
-|Key name|
-|Read keyname from field|Whether or not to read the keyname from a field.
-|Keyname fieldname|The key name field.
-|Data fieldname|The field to encrypt.
-|Result fieldname|The encrypted result field.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Pipeline Executor
-== Description
-The Pipeline Executor transform allows you to execute a Hop pipeline. It is similar to the Workflow Executor transform, but works with pipelines.
-Depending on your data transformation needs, the Pipeline Executor transform can be set up to function in any of the following ways:
-- By default, the specified pipeline will be executed once for each input row. You can use the input row to set parameters and variables. The executor transform then passes this row to the pipeline in the form of a result row.
-- You can also pass a group of records based on the value in a field, so that when the field value changes dynamically, the specified pipeline is executed. In these cases, the first row in the group of rows is used to set parameters or variables in the pipeline.
-- You can launch multiple copies of this transform to assist in parallel pipeline processing.
-== Options
-=== General
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Pipeline a|Use this section to specify the pipeline to execute.  You have the following options to specify the pipeline:
-- Use a file for the pipeline: when this option is enabled, you can enter the the .hpl file that is to be used as pipeline. The filename may contain variables (for example, you can use the built-in Internal.Pipeline.Filename.Directory variable to construct a filename relative to the current pipeline), or you can use the "Browse" button to select a file using a file browser.
-=== Parameter Tab
-In this tab you can specify which field to use to set a certain parameter or variable value. If multiple rows are passed to the workflow, the first row is taken to set the parameters or variables.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Variable / Parameter name|The Parameters tab allows you to define or pass Hop variables down to the pipeline.
-|Field to use|Specify which field to use to set a certain parameter or variable value. If you specify an input field to use, the static input value is not used.
-|Static input value|Instead of a field to use you can specify a static value here.
-If you enable the "Inherit all variables from the pipeline" option, all the variables defined in the parent pipeline are passed to the pipeline.
-There is a button in the lower right corner of the tab that will insert all the defined parameters of the specified pipeline. For information the description of the parameter is inserted into the static input value field.
-=== Row Grouping Tab
-On this tab you can specify the amount of input rows that are passed to the pipeline in the form of result rows. You can use the result rows in a Get rows from result transform in a pipeline.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|The number of rows to send to the pipeline|after every X rows the pipeline will be executed and these X rows will be passed to the pipeline
-|Field to group rows on|Rows will be accumulated in a group as long as the field value stays the same. If the value
-changes the pipeline will be executed and the accumulated rows will be passed to the pipeline.
-|The time to wait collecting rows before execution|This is time in Milliseconds the transform will spend accumulating rows prior to the execution of the pipeline.
-=== Execution Results Tab
-You can specify result fields and to which transform to send them.  If you don't need a certain result simply leave a blank input field.
-=== Result Rows Tab
-In the "Result rows" tab you can specify the layout of the expected result rows of this pipeline and to which transform to send them after execution.
-Please note that this transform will verify that the data type of the result row fields are identical to what is specified.  If there is a difference an error will be thrown.
-=== Result Files Tab
-Here you can specify where to send the result files from the pipeline execution.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Process files
-== Description
-This transform copies, moves or deletes files by giving the source and target file names in the data stream.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Operation|This defines the operation: Copy, Move or Delete
-|Create target parent folder|When this option is checked, the target parent folder is created.
-Otherwise it throws an exception when the target parent folder is not existing.
-|Overwrite target file|When this option is checked and the target file exists, it will be overwritten.
-Otherwise it will not be overwritten and silently ignored.
-|Add target filename to result|When this option is checked, add the copied, moved or deleted files to the list of result files.
-|Set simulation mode|For testing purposes: No action will be taken at the end and no file will be copied, moved or deleted.
-|Source filename field|This defined the field that contains the complete path to the source file for copy or move or the file to be deleted.
-|Target filename field|This defined the field that contains the complete path to the target file. This field must not be given in the Delete mode. 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Read data (key, value) from properties files.
-== Description
-The Property Input transform reads from a Java properties files. 
-For more information on this file format, read this :
-== Options
-=== Files Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Filenames from field a|
-* Filename is defined in a field? : the previous transform is giving filenames in a certain field in the input stream.  These are read.
-* Get filename from field : specify the field to the filenames from.
-|File or directory|Specifies the location and/or name of the input text file.
-Important: Click Add to add the file/directory/wildcard combination to the list of selected files (grid) below.
-|Regular expression|Specifies the regular expression you want to use to select the files in the directory specified in the previous option.
-|Selected Files|Contains a list of selected files (or wildcard selections) and a property specifying if file is required or not. If a file is required and it is not found, an error is generated;otherwise, the file name is skipped.
-|Show filenames(s)...|Displays a list of all files that will be loaded based on the current selected file definitions 
-=== Content Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Include filename in output?|Allows you to specify a field name to include the file name (String) in the output of this transform.
-|Rownum in output|Allows you to specify a field name to include the row number (Integer) in the output of this transform.
-|Reset rownum per file?|Enable this option if you want the generated row number (optional) to be reset (to 1) at the start of every individual file.
-|Limit|Limits the number of rows to this number (zero (0) means all rows).
-|Result filenames a|
-* Add files to result filename : Adds the names of the files read to the result of this pipeline. A unique list is being kept in memory that can be used in the next workflow action in a workflow, for example in another pipeline.
-=== Fields
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|The name of the output field
-|Column|The attribute to read
-|Type|The data type to convert to
-|Format|The format or conversion mask to use in the data type conversion
-|Length|The length of the output data type
-|Precision|The precision of the output data type
-|Currency|The currency symbol to use during data type conversion
-|Decimal|The numeric decimal symbol to use during data type conversion
-|Group|The numeric grouping symbol to use during data type conversion
-|Trim type|The type of trimming to use during data type conversion
-|Repeat|Repeat the column value of the previous row if the column value is empty (null) 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Write data to properties file
-== Description
-The Properties Output transform outputs a set of rows of data to a Java properties files. For more information on this file format, read this:
-The data needs to be structured in a key/value format to be usable for a properties file.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Key field|The input field name that will contain the key part to be written to the properties file.
-|Value field|The input field name that will contain the value part to be written to the properties file.
-|Comment|Short comment that is going to be copied into the properties file (at the top).NOTE: Only the first line is commented out. The next ones need to be commented by the user. 
-=== Content
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Filename|The filename without the file extension.
-|Append|Check this option to update an existing property file. Properties in the file that are not processed by the transform will remain unchanged.
-|Create parent folder|Check this option if you want to automatically create the parent folder.
-|Accept file name from field?|Check this option if the file name is specified in an input stream field.
-|File name field|Specifies the field that contains the name of the file to write to.
-|Extension|Specify the file extension. Usually this is "properties".
-|Include transform number in filename|Includes the transform number (when running in multiple copies) in the output filename.
-|Include date in filename|Includes the date in the output filename with format yyyyMMdd (20081231).
-|Include time in filename|Includes the date in the output filename with format HHmmss (235959).
-|Show filenames(s)...|Displays the path of the file to be written to.
-|Result filename|Add files to result filename : Adds the generated filenames read to the result of this pipeline. A unique list is being kept in memory that can be used in the next workflow action in a workflow, for example in another pipeline. 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Generate Random Value
-== Description
-This transform generates random numbers, integers, strings and even UUID.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Type a|The type of data you want to get back:
-* Random number : generates a random number between 0 and 1
-* Random integer : generates a random 32-bit integer
-* Random string : generates a random string based on a 64-bit long random value
-* Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
-* Universally Unique Identifier type 4 (UUID4)
-* Random Message Authentication Code (HmacMD5)
-* Random Message Authentication Code (HmacSHA1)
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Get records from stream 
-== Description
-This transform returns records that were previously generated by another pipeline in a workflow. The records were passed to this transform using either the Copy rows to result transform or the Workflow Executor transform. You can enter the metadata of the fields you are expecting from the previous pipeline in a workflow.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Fieldname|Name of the field that contains the records from the previous result.
-|Type a|Type of data. Options include:
-* Number
-* String
-* Date
-* Boolean
-* Integer
-* BigNumber
-* Serializable
-* Binary
-* Timestamp
-* Internet Address
-|Length	a|
-* For a field with the type of 'Number', enter the total number of significant figures in a number.
-* For a field with the type of 'String', enter the length of the string.
-|Precision|For a field with the type of 'Number', enter the number of floating point digits. Otherwise, leave blank.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-= Regex Evaluation
-== Description
-The Regex evaluation transform matches the strings of an input field against a text pattern you define with a regular expression (regex). This transform uses the java.util.regex package. The syntax for creating the regular expressions used by this transform is defined in the java.util.regex.Pattern javadoc.
-You can use this transform to parse a complex string of text and create new fields out of the input field with capture groups (defined by parentheses). For example, if you have an input field containing an author's name in quotes and the number of posts made by them, you can create two new fields in your pipeline - one for the name, and one for the number of posts as shown below: 
-Text to parse:
-"Author, Ann" - 53 posts
-Regex to create two capture groups:
-^"([^"]*)" - (\d*) posts$
-The resulting field values are: Ann and 53.
-== Options
-=== General
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-=== Capture Group Fields
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|New field|Name of the new field generated from the regular expression.
-|Type|Type of data.
-|Length|Length of the field.
-|Precision|Number of floating point digits for number-type fields.
-|Format|An optional mask for converting the format of the original field. See Common Formats for |information on common valid date and numeric formats you can use in this transform.
-|Group|A grouping can be a "," (10,000.00 for example) or "." (5.000,00 for example)
-|Decimal|The character used as a decimal point.
-|Currency|Currency symbol ($ or € for example)
-|Null If|Treat this value as null.
-|Default|Default value when the field in the incoming file is not specified (empty).
-|Trim|The trim method to apply to a string.
-=== Settings Tab
-The Settings tab contains the following options:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Field to evaluate|Specify the name of the field from the incoming Hop stream to be matched against the regular expression.
-|Result field name|Specify the name of the output field. This field is added to the outgoing Hop stream and has a value of Y to indicate the value of the input field matched the regular expression or N to indicate it did not match.
-|Create fields for capture groups|Select to create new fields based on capture groups, in the regular expression. When this option is selected, substrings in the captured groups are extracted and stored in new output fields, that you specify in the Capture Group Fields table. Each capture group must have a field defined in the Capture Group Fields table. The order of the fields in the table must be the same as the order of the capturing groups in the regular expression. You can change the data type using the columns in the table.
-|Replace previous fields|Select to replace fields from the incoming Hop stream with fields created for the capture group field names, if the fields have the same name. If this option is clear, new fields are added to the outgoing Hop stream for each capturing group field. This option is available when you select the Create fields for capture groups option.
-|Regular expression|Specify your regular expression. Click Test regEx to open the Regular expression evaluation window.
-|Use variable substitution|Select to expand variable references to their values before evaluating the regular expression pattern. 
-=== Test regEx
-You can test your regular expression against three different input strings using the following Regular expression evaluation window. If your expression contains a group field, type a string in the Compare section and the option below the string will be split according to your group(s).
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Please enter a new regular expression or modify|Specify your regular expression.
-|Values to test|Specify the values (Value1, Value2, or Value3) to test your string. The background will turn green if that value is a match against your expression or red if it does not.
-|Capture from value|Displays the value of the captured string.
-|Captured fields|Displays the value of the captured groups.
-=== Content Tab
-The Content tab contains the following options:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Ignore differences in Unicode encodings |Select to ignore different Unicode character encodings. This action may improve performance, but your data can only contain US ASCII characters.
-|Enables case-insensitive matching a|Select to use case-insensitive matching. Only characters in the US-ASCII charset are matched. Unicode-aware case-insensitive matching can be enabled by specifying the 'Unicode-aware case...' flag in conjunction with this flag.
-* The execution flag is (?i).
-|Permit whitespace and comments in pattern a|Select to ignore whitespace and embedded comments starting with # through the end of the line. In this mode, you must use the \s token to match whitespace. If this option is not enabled, whitespace characters appearing in the regular expression are matched as-is.
-* The execution flag is (?x).
-|Enable dotall mode|Select to include line terminators with the dot character expression match.
-The execution flag is (?s).
-|Enable multiline mode a|Select to match the start of a line '^' or the end of a line '$' of the input sequence. By default, these expressions only match at the beginning and the end of the entire input sequence.
-* The execution flag is(?m)
-|Enable Unicode-aware case folding a|Select this option in conjunction with the Enables case-insensitive matching option to perform case-insensitive matching consistent with the Unicode standard.
-* The execution flag is (?u).
-|Enables Unix lines mode a|Select to only recognize the line terminator in the behavior of '.', '^', and '$'.\
-* The execution flag is (?d).
-== Examples
-Suppose your input field contains a text value like "Author, Ann" - 53 posts. The following regular expression creates four capturing groups and can be used to parse out the different parts:
-^"((["]), (["]))" - (\d+) posts\.$
-This expression creates the following four capturing groups, which become output fields:
-* Fullname: ((["]), (["]))
-* Lastname: ([^"]+)
-* Firstname: ([^"]+)
-* Number of posts: (\d+)
-In this example, a field definition must be present for each of these capturing groups.
-If the number of capture groups in the regular expression does not match the number of fields specified, the transform will fail and an error is written to the log. Capturing groups can be nested. In the example above the fields Lastname and Firstname correspond to the capturing groups that are themselves contained inside the Fullname capturing group.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Replace in String
-== Description
-Replace in string is a simple search and replace. It also supports regular expressions and group references. group references are picked up in the replace by string as $n where n is the number of the group.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|In stream field|The field in which a replacement has to take place.
-|Out stream field|The result field.
-|use RegEx|Use regular expressions (Y/N).
-|Search|Search for a certain pattern.
-|Replace with|Replace with certain characters.
-|Set empty string?|Turn string into an empty string.
-|Replace with field|Replace the pattern with a field value.
-|Whole word|Whole word (Y/N).
-|Case sensitive|Is the search case sensitive (Y/N).
-|Is Unicode|Is the search unicode (Y/N)
-== Example
-You could parse out sections of a string as follows
-* regex = ^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{7})$
-* replace with = $2
-This will replace any 11 digit numbers with the last 7 digits.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Reservoir Sampling
-== Description
-The Reservoir Sampling transform allows you to sample a fixed number of rows from an incoming data stream when the total number of incoming rows is not known in advance. The transform uses uniform sampling; all incoming rows have an equal chance of being selected. This transform is particularly useful when used in conjunction with the ARFF output transform in order to generate a suitable sized data set to be used by WEKA. The reservoir sampling transform uses link:[Algorithm R] by Jeffery Vitter.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Sample size|Select how many rows to sample from an incoming stream. Setting a value of 0 will cause all rows to be sampled; setting a negative value will block all rows.
-|Random seed|Choose a seed for the random number generator. Repeating a pipeline with a different value for the seed will result in a different random sample being chosen. 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= REST Client
-== Description
-The REST Client pipeline transform enables you to consume RESTfull services. Representational State Transfer (REST) is a key design idiom that embraces a stateless client-server architecture in which the web services are viewed as resources and can be identified by their URLs.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-The General tab is where you enter basic connection information for accessing a resource.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of this transform as it appears in the pipeline workspace
-|URL|Indicates the path to a resource
-|Accept URL from field|Designates the path to a resource is defined from a field
-|URL field name|Indicates the field from which the path to a resource is defined
-|HTTP method|Indicates how the transform interacts with a resource---options are either GET, PUT, DELETE, POST, HEAD, or OPTIONS
-|Get Method from field|Designates the GET method is defined from a field
-|Method fieldname|Indicates the field from which the GET method is defined
-|Body field|Contains the request body for POST, PUT, and DELETE methods
-|Application type|Designates what type of application a resource is---options are either TEXT PLAIN, XML, JSON, OCTET STREAM, XHTML, FORM URLENCODED, ATOM XML, SVG XML, or TEXT XML
-|Result fieldname|Designates the name of the result output field
-|HTTP status code fieldname|Designates the name of the HTTP status code field
-|Response time (milliseconds) fieldname|Designates the name of the response time field
-=== Authentication Tab
-If necessary, enter authentication details for a resource in the Authentication tab.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|HTTP Login|Indicates the username required to access a resource
-|HTTP Password|Indicates the password associated with the provided HTTP Login user name
-|Preemptive|Option to send the authentication credentials before a server gives an unauthorized response
-|Proxy Host|Indicates the name of a proxy host, if proxy authentication is required
-|Proxy Port|Indicates the port number of a proxy host, if proxy authentication is required
-=== SSL Tab
-The SSL tab is where you provide authentication details for accessing a resource that requires SSL certificate authentication.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Truststore file|Indicates the location of a truststore file
-|Truststore password|Indicates the password associated with the provided truststore file
-=== Headers Tab
-The Headers tab enables you to define the content of any HTTP headers using an existing field. Populate the list of fields by clicking the Get fields button.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Field|The field from incoming Hop stream that contains the header information
-|Name|The name of the outgoing Hop field from this transform
-=== Parameters Tab
-The Parameters tab enables you to define parameter values for POST, PUT, and DELETE requests. GET parameters should be part of the URL directly.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Parameter|The field from incoming Hop stream that contains the parameter information
-|Parameter|The name of the outgoing Hop field from this transform
-=== Matrix Parameters tab
-Use the Matrix Parameters tab to define matrix parameter values for POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH requests.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Parameter|The field from the incoming Hop stream that contains the matrix parameter information
-|Parameter|The name of the outgoing Hop field from this transform
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-:language: en_US
-= Row Generator
-== Description
-This transform outputs a specified number of rows. By default, the rows are empty; however they can contain a number of static fields. This transform is used primarily for testing purposes. It may be useful for generating a fixed number of rows, for example, you want exactly 12 rows for 12 months. Sometimes you may use Generate Rows to generate one row that is an initiating point for your pipeline. For example, you might generate one row that contains two or three field values that you might use to parameterize your SQL and then generate the real rows.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform Name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|Limit|Sets the maximum number of rows you want to generate
-|Fields|This table is where you configure the structure and values of the rows you are generating (optional).
-|Never stop generating rows|This option is intended for real-time use cases where you never want to stop the running pipeline. The output of this transform is then used to drive recurring tasks like polling from a file, queue, database, ...
-|Interval in ms|The interval between generated rows in milliseconds.
-|Current row time field name|The *optional *field name for the Date field containing the time when the current row was generated
-|Previous row time field name|The *optional *field name for the Date field containing the time when the previous row was generated
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Get Rows from Result
-== Description
-The Get Rows from Result transform returns rows that were previously generated by another pipeline in a workflow. The rows were passed on to this transform using either the Copy rows to result transform or the Pipeline Executor transform. You can enter the metadata of the fields you are expecting from the previous pipeline in a workflow.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Fieldname|Name of the field that contains the rows from the previous result.
-|Type	a|
-Type of data. Options include:
-* Number
-* String
-* Date
-* Boolean
-* Integer
-* BigNumber
-* Serializable
-* Binary
-* Timestamp
-* Internet Address
-|Length	a|
-* For a field with the type of 'Number', enter the total number of significant figures in a number.
-* For a field with the type of 'String', enter the total length of the string.
-* For a field with type of 'String', enter the length of output of the string.
-|Precision	a|
-* For a field with the type of 'Number', enter the number of floating point digits. Otherwise, leave blank.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-:language: en_US
-= Copy rows to result
-== Description
-The Copy rows to result transform allows you to transfer rows of data (in memory) to the next pipeline (or workflow action) in a workflow via an internal result row set. It can be used by the Get Rows from Result transform and some workflow actions that allow to process the internal result row set.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
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-= SAS Input
-== Description
-This transform reads files in sas7bdat format created by SAS software (SAS Institute, Inc.).
-The functionality is backed by the Parso java library which you can find[over here].
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name
-|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Field in the input to use as filename
-|Select the input field that will contain the filename at runtime.  For example, you can use a "Get file names" transform to drive the content of this field.
-|The selected fields from the files
-|If you use the "Get Fields" button you can populate this data grid.  Please note that even though the sas7bdat file format only contains certain formats, that you can specify any desired data type and that PDI will convert for you.  Also note that not all fields need to be specified and that you can re-order fields and give them new names. The selection of the fields will be based on the name column.
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-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Select Values
-== Description
-The Select Values transform is useful for selecting, removing, renaming, changing data types and configuring the length and precision of the fields on the stream. These operations are organized into different categories:
-* **Select and Alter** — Specify the exact order and name in which the fields have to be placed in the output rows
-* **Remove** — Specify the fields that have to be removed from the output rows
-* **Meta-data** - Change the name, type, length and precision (the metadata) of one or more fields
-== Options
-=== Select & Alter tab
-This tab contains options for selecting and changing data types and fields. The Get Fields to Select button will retrieve available fields based on the existing input transforms and populate the entries in this tab.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform Name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|Fieldname|The name of the field from the input stream
-|Rename to|The new name of the field. Leave blank if you do not wish to rename the field
-|Length|Specify this value if you want to implicitly select all other fields from the input stream(s) that are not explicitly selected in the Fields section.
-|Precision|The precision option depends on the field type, but only Number is supported; it returns the number of floating point digits
-|Include unspecified fields, ordered by name|Enable if you want to implicitly select all other fields from the input stream(s) that are not explicitly selected in the Fields section
-==== Edit Mapping
-The Edit Mapping dialog allows you to easily define multiple mappings between source and target fields.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Source fields|A list of input fields available to map. Select a field to begin mapping
-|Target fields|A list of fields that source fields can be mapped to. Once you have selected a source field, select a target field to create a mapping
-|Add|Adds a source and target field mapping pair to the Mappings section
-|Delete|Removes a selected Mappings entry
-=== Remove tab
-This tab allows you to remove fields from the input stream. Click Get fields to remove to import fields from previous transforms.
-=== Meta-data tab
-Options under this tab allow you to rename input fields, convert them to different data types, and alter their length, and precision. Click Get fields to change to import fields from previous transforms.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Fieldname|The name of the imported field. Note: If you renamed a field in the Select & Alter tab, the name here must match the renamed value.
-|Rename to|If you want to rename this field, this is where you put the new name
-|Type|The data type for this field
-|Length|The field length
-|Precision|The precision option depends on the field type, but only Number is supported; it returns the number of floating point digits
-|Binary to Normal?|Converts a string to a numeric data type, when appropriate
-|Format|The format mask (number type or date format)
-|Date Format Lenient?|Determines whether the date parser is strict or lenient. Leniency means that invalid date values are processed. If set to N, only strictly valid date values will be accepted; if set to Y, the parser will attempt to determine the intention of an incorrect date, if possible, and correct it.
-|Date Locale|Specifies the date locale to use for date conversions and calculations. Leave blank to use the default encoding on your system or chose from the populated this list accordingly.
-|Date Time Zone|Specifies the date time zone to use for date conversions and calculations. Leave blank to use the default encoding on your system or chose from the populated list accordingly.
-|Lenient number conversion|When this option is set to Y, numbers get parsed until it finds a non-numeric value (e.g. a dash or slash) and stops parsing without reporting an error. When set to N, numbers get parsed strictly throwing an error in case invalid numbers are in the input.
-|Encoding|Specifies the text file encoding to use. Leave blank to use the default encoding on your system. To use Unicode, specify UTF-8 or UTF-16. On first use, Spoon searches your system for available encodings and populates this list accordingly.
-|Decimal|A decimal point; this is either a dot or a comma
-|Grouping|A method of separating units of thousands in numbers of four digits or larger. This is either a dot or a comma.
-|Currency|Symbol used to represent currencies
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Set field value to a constant
-== Description
-The Set field value to a constant transform replaces the value of a field with a constant that you define.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Use variable in constant|Select to use a variable replacement within a constant.
-|Field|Specify the field that contains the value you want to replace.
-|Replace by value|Specify the value that will replace the original field value specified.
-|Conversion mask (Date)|Specify a date format for the replaced field. See Common Formats for information on common valid date formats you can use in this transform.
-|Set empty string?|Specify Y to allow an empty string when the value is empty; otherwise, a null value is used.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Set field Value
-== Description
-The Set field Value transform replaces the value of a field with the value of another field.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Field name|Select the field with values to be replaced
-|Replace by value from field|Select the field whose value will replace the value of the field in the Field name column
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Set Variables
-== Description
-This transform allows you to set variables in a workflow or in the virtual machine. It accepts one (and only one) row of data to set the value of a variable.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Apply formatting|When this option is set, it formats the value (date, numbers etc.) according to the format options. Otherwise no formatting is done.
-|Field Name|Name of the field that is used
-|Variable Name|Name of the variable to set (without ${...} or %%...%% sigils)
-|Variable scope type a|Define the scope of the variable, possible options are:
-* Valid in the virtual machine: the complete virtual machine will know about this variable.
-* Valid in the parent workflow: the variable is only valid in the parent workflow.
-* Valid in the grand-parent workflow: the variable is valid in the grand-parent workflow and all the child workflows and pipelines.
-* Valid in the root workflow: the variable is valid in the root workflow and all the child workflows and pipelines.
-|Default value|Name of the variable to set 
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-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Sort Rows
-== Description
-The Sort rows transform sorts rows based on the fields you specify and on whether they should be sorted in ascending or descending order.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Sort directory|The directory in which the temporary files are stored in case when needed; the default is the standard temporary directory for the system
-|TMP-file prefix|Choose an easily recognized prefix so you can identify the files when they show up in the temp directory.
-|Sort size|The more rows you store in memory, the faster the sorting process because fewer temporary files must be used and less I/O is generated.
-|Free memory threshold (in %)|If the sort algorithm finds that it has less available free memory than the indicated number, it will start to page data to disk.
-|Compress TMP Files|Compresses temporary files when they are needed to complete the sort.
-|Only pass unique rows?|Enable if you want to pass unique rows only to the output stream(s).
-|Fields table|Specify the fields and direction (ascending/descending) to sort. You can specify whether to perform a case sensitive sort (optional)
-|Get Fields|Click to retrieve a list of all fields coming in on the stream(s). 
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Sorted Merge
-== Description
-The Sorted Merge transform merges rows coming from multiple input transforms providing these rows are sorted themselves on the given key fields.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Fields table|Specify the field name and sort direction (ascending/descending); click Get Fields to retrieve a list of fields from the input stream(s). 
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Split fields to rows
-== Description
-This transform allows you to split a row containing a delimited field into multiple new rows, one per split value.
-The original row is not delivered to following transforms. The original field is left in each new row to assist in debugging or error handling.  It can be removed via a Select Values transform if needed.
-The original field must be a string field.
-A new field name must be specified.
-If the value type/format of the new row is not specified, the new field will use the same type/format as the original field.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Field to split|The field you want to split
-|Delimiter|The delimiter or separator used. Special characters (e.g. CHAR ASCII HEX01) can be set with the format $[value], e.g. $[01] or $[6F,FF,00,1F].
-|New name field|The name of the new field 
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/sql.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/sql.adoc
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Execute SQL script
-== Description
-You can execute SQL scripts with this transform, either once, during the initialization phase of the pipeline, or once for every input-row that the transform is given. The second option can be used to use parameters in SQL scripts.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; This name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|Connection|Select a database connection to use
-|SQL script to execute|Specify the SQL to execute. Separate statements by ; and use question marks as place holders for parameter.
-|Execute for each row?|Select this option to execute the SQL for each incoming row. In this case paramters can be used. When this option is unchecked, the SQL statement is executed at the transform initialization phase.
-|Execute as a single statement|This option does not split the statements by ; and will send the whole SQL to the database.
-|Variable substitution|In case you want to use variables in the SQL, e.g. ${table_name}, this option needs to be checked.
-|Bind parameters?|Check this option to bind parameters using prepared statements, otherwise this transform will perform a literal string replacement of the parameters.
-|Quote Strings?|This option adds quotes around the string according to the database dialect and also escapes special characters like CR, LF and the quote character itself.
-|Parameters|The list of used parameters that will replace the question marks in the query in the given order. So the first question mark will be replaced by the first parameter, the second question mark by the second parameter etc.
-|Field to contain insert stats|Optional: If you want to get an additional field in our stream with the number or records that where inserted, please define the field name here.
-|Field to contain update stats|Same as insert stats, but for updated rows.
-|Field to contain delete stats|Same as insert stats, but for deleted rows.
-|Field to contain read stats|Same as insert stats, but for read rows.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= SQL File Output
-== Description
-This transform writes input data to a text file in the form of a set of SQL statements.  The SQL is generated in the dialect of the selected database.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Connection a|
-* Connection : select the database for which you want to generate the SQL.  The information in the connection is used to select the appropriate dialect.
-* Target schema : the schema of the table to generate the SQL for
-* Target table : the name of the table to generate the SQL for
-|Output file a|
-* Add create table statement : check this if you want the "CREATE TABLE" statement to be included in the generated SQL
-* Add truncate table statement: check this if the table is expected to exist and you want the "TRUNCATE TABLE" statement to be included in the generated SQL. Note that this could also be a "DELETE FROM" statement, depending on the database dialect.
-* Start new line for each statement : Enable this to increase the readability of the file
-* Filename : the filename (without file extension)
-* Create parent folder : if you want the parent folder of the specified file to be created if it doesn't exist already.
-* Do not open create at start : if you don't want an empty file in case there are no input rows
-* Extension : the required file extension ("sql" by default)
-* Include transformnr in filename : includes the transform number (when running in multiple copies) in the output filename
-* Include date in filename : includes the date in the output filename with format yyyyMMdd (20081231)
-* Include time in filename : includes the date in the output filename with format HHmmss (235959)
-* Append : append the generated SQL to the existing file
-* Split every ... rows : limits the size of a single file by starting a new one every ... rows.
-* Show filenames : hit this button to see the complete filename after assembly of the various parts (filename, extension, transformnr, date and time)
-* Add File to result: Adds the filenames written to the result of this pipeline.  A unique list is being kept in memory that can be used in the next workflow action in a workflow, for example in another pipeline.
-=== Content Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Date format|Allows you to specify the date format.
-|Encoding|Allows you to specify the text file encoding 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Run SSH commands
-== Description
-The Run SSH commands transform allows you to execute commands over the secure shell (ssh) TCP/IP protocol. You can pass text to stdout or stderr in the commands. This information can then be picked up by the transform and passed in a field to subsequent transforms.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Server name / IP address|You can specify the server or IP address of the machine on which you want to execute a command.
-|Server port|The TCP/IP port on which the ssh protocol lives on the server.  The default is 22.
-|Timeout|The timeout in seconds.  If set to a number larger than zero you can specify a non-default connection timeout.
-|Username|The username to log in with.
-|Password|The password to use.
-|Use key|Enable this option if you want to log in using a private key
-|Private key|The private key file.  The private part of a private/public RSA key-pair (see: ssh-keygen)
-|Passphrase|The optional pass-phrase used when the key-pair was generated.
-|Proxy host|The proxy server host to use (name or IP address).
-|Proxy port|The proxy server port to use.
-|Proxy username|The proxy user name.
-|Proxy password|The proxy password .
-|Test connection|Use this button to see if the supplied credentials are sufficient for logging into the SSH server.
-=== Settings Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|response field name|The name of the String output field that will contain the text passed to the standard output channel (stdout) by the specified commands.
-|error response field name|The name of the String output field that will contain the text passed to the standard error channel (stderr) by the specified commands. 
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Get commands from field|Enable this option if you want to execute commands specified in an input field
-|Commands field name|Select the input field that will contain the commands to execute
-|Commands|Field allows you to specify the commands to execute. 
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Stream Lookup
-== Description
-The Stream lookup transform type allows you to look up data using information coming from other transforms in the pipeline. The data coming from the Source transform is first read into memory and is then used to look up data from the main stream.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|Lookup Transform|The Transform name where the lookup data is coming from
-|The keys to lookup...|Allows you to specify the names of the fields that are used to look up values. Values are always searched using the "equal" comparison
-|Fields to retrieve|You can specify the names of the fields to retrieve here, as well as the default value in case the value was not found or a new field name in case you didn't like the old one.
-|Preserve memory|Encodes rows of data to preserve memory while sorting. (Technical background: Hop will store the lookup data as raw bytes in a custom storage object that uses a hashcode of the bytes as the key. More CPU cost related to calculating the hashcode, less memory needed.)
-|Key and value are exactly one integer field|Preserves memory while executing a sort by . Note: Works only when "Preserve memory" is checked. Cannot be combined with the "Use sorted list" option.
-|Use sorted list|Enable to store values using a sorted list; this provides better memory usage when working with data sets containing wide row. Note: Works only when "Preserve memory" is checked. Cannot be combined with the "Key and value are exactly one integer field" option. 
-|Get fields|Automatically fills in the names of all the available fields on the source side (A); you can then delete all the fields you don't want to use for lookup.
-|Get lookup fields|Automatically inserts the names of all the available fields on the lookup side (B). You can then delete the fields you don't want to retrieve
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Stream Schema Merge
-== Description
-This transform type allows you to merge multiple inputs with different structures. It will then create a combination of fields.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Transform|The transforms to merge.
-|OK|Confirms the current settings
-|Get|Populates the Transform column with all transforms connected to this transform
-|Cancel|Cancels the current settings
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Strings cut
-== Description
-The Strings cut transform allows you to cut a portion of a substring. If the designated field is out of range, it returns blank.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|In stream field|Name of the field whose substring to cut.
-|Out stream field|When a field name is given here, the transform creates a new field with the substring. Otherwise the original field gets replaced by the substring.
-|Cut from|Designate where to begin cutting the substring. This value is 0-based, thus the first character in a string is 0.
-|Cut to|Designate where to end cutting the substring. This value is exclusive (1-based), so using a 1 includes the first character. The maximum length of the new string is Cut to minus Cut from.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= String operations
-== Description
-With the String Operations transform, you can perform the following string operations on an incoming Hop field:
-* Trim (remove leading and/or trailing spaces).
-* Convert to upper or lowercase.
-* Pad (add leading or trailing extra characters).
-* Convert to initial capitalization.
-* Ignore escape characters.
-* Remove or return only numeric digits.
-* Remove special characters..
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|In stream field|Designate the field to transform.
-|Out stream field|Designate the name of the field to be created.
-|Trim type|Designate the trim type: none, left, right, or both.
-|Lower/Upper|Designate upper or lowercase.
-|Padding|Designate left or right padding.
-|Pad char|Designate the padding character.
-|Pad Length|Designate how long the padding will be.
-|InitCap|Transform to initial capitalization.
-|Escape|Define to Escape or Unescape XML, HTML, use CDATA or Escape SQL.
-|Digits|Designate whether to return remove, or do nothing to digits.
-|Remove Special character|Designate a special character to remove.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Switch / Case
-== Description
-What this transform does is implement the Switch/Case statement found in popular programming languages like Java.
-In our case we route rows of data to one or more target transforms based on the value encountered in a certain field. 
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|The name that uniquely identifies the transform.
-|Field name to switch|The field name that contains the value to use as a bases for the row routing.
-|Use string contains comparison|If checked, the comparison will be true if the value is found anywhere in the field being tested. Unchecked and the value has to exactly match the field.
-|Case value data type|The data type of the values specified in this dialog
-|Case value conversion mask|The conversion mask of the values specified in this dialog (numeric / date values)
-|Case value decimal symbol|The decimal symbol of the values specified in this dialog (numeric values)
-|Case value grouping symbol|The grouping symbol of the values specified in this dialog (numeric values)
-|Case values|Here you can specify a value-target transform pair, one per row.
-To specify a null value, simply leave the value column blank while entering a target transform.
-Please note that it is possible to specify the same target transform more than once.
-|Default target transform|All the rows that don't match any of the case values above are sent to this target transform.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Synchronize after merge 
-== Description
-The Synchronize after merge transform can be used in conjunction with the Merge Rows (diff) pipeline transform.  The Merge Rows (diff) pipeline transform appends a Flag column to each row, with a value of "identical", "changed", "new" or "deleted". This flag column is then used by the Synchronize after merge pipeline transform to carry out updates/inserts/deletes on a connection table.
-== Options
-=== General Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Connection|The database connection to which data is written
-|Target schema|The name of the Schema for the table to which data is written. This is important for data sources that allow for table names with periods in them.
-|Target table|Name of the table in which you want to do the insert/update/delete.
-|Commit size|The number of rows to change before running a commit.
-|Use batch update|
-|Tablename is defined in a field|
-|Key Lookup table|Allows you to specify a list of field values and comparators. You can use the following comparators: =, <>, <, <=, >, >=, LIKE, BETWEEN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
-|Update Fields|Allows you to specify all fields in the table you want to insert/update including the keys. Avoid updates on certain fields (e.g. primary keys or non-null constrained fields) by specifying N in the update column. 
-|SQL button|Click SQL to generate the SQL to create the table and indexes for correct operation. 
-=== Advanced Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Option|Description|Default value from the Merge Rows (diff) transform
-|Operation fieldname|This is a required field. This field is used by the transform to obtain an operation flag for the current row.|"flagfield"
-|Insert when value equal|Specify the value of the Operation fieldname which signifies that an Insert should be carried out.|"new"
-|Update when value equal|Specify the value of the Operation fieldname which signifies that an Update should be carried out.|"changed"
-|Delete when value equal|Specify the value of the Operation fieldname which signifies that a Delete should be carried out.|"deleted"
-|Perform lookup|Performs a lookup when deleting or updating. If the lookup field is not found, then an exception is thrown. This option can be used as an extra check if you wish to check updates/deletes prior to their execution.|Not applicable 
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Send Message to Syslog
-== Description
-The Send message to Syslog transform allows you to send message logging to another server. The link:[Syslog] standard permits separation of the software that generates messages from the system that stores them and the software that reports and analyzes them.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Server name / IP address|Defines the server name or IP address of the Syslog server.
-|Server port|Defines the server port of the Syslog server, by default 514
-|Facility\A facility level is used to specify what type of program is logging the message. This lets the configuration file specify that messages from different facilities will be handled differently. The list of facilities is defined by RFC 3164.
-|Priority|Select your priority/severity level (defined by RFC 5424).
-|Add hostname to message|Adds the hostname to the message.
-|Add timestamp to message|Adds the timestamp to the message.
-|Data pattern|Define the Date/Time format for the timestamp
-|Message field name|Select the fieldname that has the message to send to the Syslog server
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Get System Info
-== Description
-The Get System Info transform retrieves system information from the Hop project. The transform includes a table where you can designate a name and assign it to any available system info type you want to retrieve. This transform generates a single row with the fields containing the requested information.
-It can also accept any number of input streams, aggregate any fields defined by this transform, and send the combined results to the output stream.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Name|The name you want to give a specific data type
-|Type|A list of the available system data types
-== Information Types
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|system date (variable)|System time, changes every time you ask a date.
-|system date (fixed)|System time, determined at the start of the pipeline.
-|start date range (Pipeline)|Start of date range, based upon information in ETL log table. See, also .08 Pipeline Settings.
-|end date range (Pipeline)|End of date range, based upon information in ETL log table. See, also .08 Pipeline Settings.
-|start data range (Workflow)|Start of date range based upon information in the ETL log table. See also .08 Pipeline Settings.
-|End date range (Workflow)|End of date range based upon information in the ETL log table. See also .08 Pipeline Settings.
-|Yesterday 00:00:00|Start of yesterday.
-|Yesterday 23:59:59|End of yesterday.
-|Today 00:00:00|Start of today.
-|Today 23:59:59|End of today.
-|Tomorrow 00:00:00|Start of tomorrow.
-|Tomorrow 23:59:59|End of tomorrow
-|First day of last month 00:00:00|Start of last month.
-|Last day of last month 23:59:59|End of last month.
-|First day of this month 00:00:00|Start of this month.
-|Last day of this month 23:59:59|End of this month.
-|First day of next month 00:00:00|Start of next month.
-|Last day of next month 23:59:59|End of next month.
-|copy of transform|Copy nr of the transform. See also Launching several copies of a transform.
-|Pipeline name|Name of the pipeline.
-|Pipeline file name|File name of the pipeline (XML only).
-|User that modified the pipeline last|
-|Date when the pipeline was modified last|
-|Pipeline batch ID|ID_BATCH value in the logging table, see .08 Pipeline Settings.
-|Parent workflow batch ID|The Hop batch ID of the parent workflow taken from the workflow logging table. You need to enable logging in the workflow and set "Pass batch ID" in the workflow settings.
-|Hostname|Returns the hostname of the server.
-|IP address|Returns the IP address of the server.
-|Command line argument 1|Argument 1 on the command line
-|Command line argument 2|Argument 2 on the command line
-|Command line argument 3|Argument 3 on the command line
-|Command line argument 4|Argument 4 on the command line
-|Command line argument 5|Argument 5 on the command line
-|Command line argument 6|Argument 6 on the command line
-|Command line argument 7|Argument 7 on the command line
-|Command line argument 8|Argument 8 on the command line
-|Command line argument 9|Argument 9 on the command line
-|Command line argument 10|Argument 10 on the command line
-|Hop version|Returns the Hop version (for example, 1.0.0)
-|Hop Build Version|Returns the build version of the core Hop library (for example, 13)
-|Hop Build Date|Returns the build date of the core Hop library
-|Current process identifier (PID)|The PID under which the Java process is currently running
-|JVM max memory|
-|JVM total memory|
-|JVM free memory|
-|JVM available memory|
-|Available processors|
-|JVM CPU time (milliseconds)|
-|Total physical memory size (bytes)|
-|Total swap space size (bytes)|
-|Committed virtual size (bytes)|
-|Free physical memory size (bytes)|
-|Free swap space size (bytes)|
-|First day of last week 00:00:00|
-|Last day of last week 23:59:59|
-|Last working day of last week 23:59:59|
-|First day of last week 00:00:00 (US)|
-|Last day of last week 23:59:59 (US)|
-|First day of this week 00:00:00|
-|Last day of this week 23:59:59|
-|Last working day of this week 23:59:59|
-|First day of this week 00:00:00 (US)
-|Last day of this week 23:59:59 (US)
-|First day of next week 00:00:00|
-|Last day of next week 23:59:59|
-|Last working day of next week 23:59:59|
-|First day of next week 00:00:00 (US)|
-|Last day of next week 23:59:59 (US)|
-|First day of last quarter 00:00:00|
-|Last day of last quarter 23:59:59|
-|First day of this quarter 00:00:00|
-|Last day of this quarter 23:59:59|
-|First day of next quarter 00:00:00|
-|Last day of next quarter 23:59:59|
-|First day of last year 00:00:00|
-|Last day of last year 23:59:59|
-|First day of this year 00:00:00|
-|Last day of this year 23:59:59|
-|First day of next year 00:00:00|
-|Last day of next year 23:59:59|
-|Previous workflow action result|
-|Previous workflow action exit status|
-|Previous workflow action nr|
-|Previous workflow action nr errors|
-|Previous workflow action nr lines input|
-|Previous workflow action nr lines output|
-|Previous workflow action nr lines read|
-|Previous workflow action nr lines updated|
-|Previous workflow action nr lines written|
-|Previous workflow action nr lines deleted|
-|Previous workflow action nr lines rejected|
-|Previous workflow action nr rows|
-|Previous workflow action stopped|
-|Previous workflow action nr files|
-|Previous workflow action nr files retrieved|
-|Previous workflow action log text|
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Table Compare
-== Description
-This transform compares the data from two tables (provided they have the same lay-out). It'll find differences between the data in the two tables and log it. 
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; This name has to be unique in a single pipeline
-|Reference connection / Compare connection|Database connections from which the reference/compare table data will come.
-|Reference schema field / Compare schema field|contain the schema names for the reference/compare table.
-|Reference table field / Compare table field|contain the actual table names. This means that you could compare two tables with a different name, as long as they have the same column names.
-|Key fields field|should contain a comma separated list of they fields that make up the 'primary' key of the table(s) you are comparing. The primary key is needed because without this information the two tables cannot be correctly joined.
-|Exclude fields field|contains a comma separated list of columns that you want to exclude from the comparison. E.g. because they exist in the first table, but not in the second.
-|Number of errors field|allows you to specify the name of the output column that will contain the total number of errors found for the comparison of your tables.
-|Number of reference/compare table records field|allows you to specify the name of the field that will contain the actual number of records found in each table.
-|Number of left/inner/right join errors field|allows you to specify the name of the field(s) that will contain the number of errors found for each join type.
-|Error handling key description input field|allows you specify the name of the output field for the 'where clause" of the record that gave an error.
-|Error handling reference/compare value input field|allows you to specify the output field names for the actual values that differ. 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Table Exists
-== Description
-You can use the Table Exists transform to verify if a certain table exists in a database.  The result of this transform is a boolean flag field.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|The name of the transform. This name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Connection|The database connection to use
-|Schema name|The schema of the table to look for
-|Table name field|The name of the field that will contain the database table name to look for.
-|Result fieldname|The name of the field that will contain the boolean result flag in the output of this transform.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Table Input
-== Description
-This transform is used to read information from a database, using a connection and SQL. Basic SQL statements can be generated automatically by clicking Get SQL select statement.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Connection|The database connection from which to read data
-|SQL|The SQL statement used to read information from the database connection. You can also click Get SQL select statement... to browse tables and automatically generate a basic select statement.
-|Enable lazy conversion|When enabled, lazy conversion avoids unnecessary data type conversions and can result in a significant performance improvements.
-|Replace variables in script?|Enable to replace variables in the script; this feature was provided to allow you to test with or without performing variable substitutions.
-|Insert data from transform|Specify the input transform name where Hop can expect information to come from. This information can then be inserted into the SQL statement. The locator where Hop inserts information is indicated with a question mark: ?.
-|Execute for each row?|Enable to perform the data insert for each individual row.
-|Limit size|Sets the number of lines that is read from the database; zero (0) means read all lines.
-== Example
-Below is a SQL statement: 
-SELECT * FROM customers WHERE changed_date BETWEEN ? AND ?
-This SQL statement requests two calendar dates, to create a range, that are read from the Insert data from transform option. The target date range can be provided using the Get System Info transform. For example, if you want to read all customers that have had their data changed yesterday, you can get a target range for yesterday and read the customer data.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Table Output
-== Description
-The Table Output transform allows you to load data into a database table. Table Output is equivalent to the DML operator INSERT. This transform provides configuration options for target table and a lot of housekeeping and/or performance-related options such as Commit Size and Use batch update for inserts.
-If you have a database table that has identity columns and you are inserting a record, as part of the insert, the JDBC driver will typically return the auto-generated key it used when performing the insert. Note: This is not supported on all database types.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Connection|The database connection to which data is written
-|Target Schema|The name of the Schema for the table to write data to. This is important for data sources that allow for table names with periods in them.
-|Target table|The name of the table to which data is written.
-|Commit size|Use transactions to insert rows in the database table. Commit the connection every N rows if N is larger than zero (0); otherwise, don't use transactions. (Slower)
-|Truncate table|Select if you want the table to be truncated before the first row is inserted into the table
-|Ignore insert errors|Makes Hop ignore all insert errors such as violated primary keys. A maximum of 20 warnings will be logged however. This option is not available for batch inserts.
-|Specify database fields|Enable this option to specify the fields in the Database fields tab. Otherwise all fields are taken into account by default.
-|Partition data over tables a|Use to split the data over multiple tables. For example instead of inserting all data into table SALES, put the data into tables SALES_200510, SALES_200511, SALES_200512, ... Use this on systems that don't have partitioned tables and/or don't allow inserts into UNION ALL views or the master of inherited tables. The view SALES allows you to report on the complete sales:
-|Use batch update for inserts|Enable if you want to use batch inserts. This feature groups inserts statements to limit round trips to the database. This is the fastest option and is enabled by default.
-|Is the name of the table defined in a field?|Use these options to split the data over one or more tables; the name of the target table is defined in the field you specify. For example if you store customer data in the field gender, the data might end up in tables M and F (Male and Female). There is an option to exclude the field containing the tablename from being inserted into the tables.
-|Field that contains name of table|When the option "Is the name of the table defined in a field?" is enabled, enter the field name to use here.
-|Store the table name field|When the option "Is the name of the table defined in a field?" is enabled, you can chose is this field should we written to the table or not.
-|Return auto-generated key|Enable if you want to get back the key that was generated by inserting a row into the table
-|Name of auto-generated key field|Specifies the name of the new field in the output rows that contains the auto-generated key
-|SQL|Generates the SQL to create the output table automatically
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
-* **Options**: Target Schema, Target Table, Commit Size, Truncate Table, Specify Database Fields, Partition Data over Table, Use Batch Update for Inserts, Is the Name of Table Defined in a Field?, Store the Tablename Field, and Return Auto-Generated Key
-* **Values**: Table and Stream
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Teradata Bulk Loader
-== Description
-The Teradata Bulkloader transform supports fastloading data into a Teradata database using the fastload command line tool.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Use control file| Work in control file mode. 
-|Control file|The path to the control file to be used.
-|Variable Substitution in control file|Make use of POI Variables (eg: ${RUN_ID}) in the control file.
-|Path to fastload|The path to the fastload command line utility.
-|Error log|An optional Error log to be created by Fastload.
-|Connection|A connection to the Teradata DB.
-|Target table|The table to be loaded.
-|Truncate table|Truncate the target table before loading.
-|Data file|The name of the temporary data file.
-|Sessions|Number of sessions to be used by Fastload.
-|Error limit|The error limit for Fastload.
-|Field mapping|Definition of POI <-> DB Field mapping.
-=== Fastload Control File
-Runs as a transform within a pipeline completely independent from other transforms.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Text File Input
-== Description
-The Text file input transform reads data from a variety of text-file types, including formats generated by spreadsheets and fixed width flat files. The features of the transform allow you to read from a list of files or directories, use wild cards in the form of regular expressions, and accept genericized filenames from previous transforms. 
-== Options
-=== General
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform Name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-=== File Tab
-The table below provides a detailed descriptions of the features available on the File tab:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|File or directory|This field specifies the location and/or name of the input text file.
-|Regular expression|Specify the regular expression you want to use to select the files in the directory specified in the previous option. For example, you want to process all files that have a .txt extension. (See below "Selecting file using Regular Expressions")
-|Selected Files|This table contains a list of selected files (or wildcard selections) along with a property specifying if file is required or not. If a file is required and it isn't found, an error is generated. Otherwise, the filename is skipped.
-|Show filenames(s)...|Displays a list of all files that will be loaded based on the current selected file definitions.
-|Show file content|Displays the content of the selected file.
-|Show content from first data line|Displays the content from the first data line only for the selected file.
-**Selecting files using Regular Expressions**
-The Text File Input transform can search for files by wildcard in the form of a regular expression. Regular expressions are more sophisticated than using '*' and '?' wildcards. Below are a few examples of regular expressions:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Filename|Regular Expression|Files selected
-|/dirA/|.userdata.\.txt|Find all files in /dirA/ with names containing userdata and ending with .txt
-|/dirB/|AAA.*|Find all files in /dirB/ with names that start with AAA
-|/dirC/|[ENG:A-Z][ENG:0-9].*|Find all files in /dirC/ with names that start with a capital and followed by a digit (A0-Z9)
-**Accepting filenames from a previous transform**
-This option allows even more flexibility in combination with other transforms such as "Get Filenames". You can construct your filename and pass it to this transform. This way the filename can come from any source: text file, database table, etc.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Accept filenames from previous transforms|Enables the option to get filenames from previous transforms.
-|Pass through fields from previous transform|Enable this option to add all previous fields coming into the transform to the transform output. This behaves like a join option.
-|Transform to read filenames from|Transform from which to read the filenames
-|Field in the input to use as filename|Text File Input looks in this transform to determine which filenames to use
-=== Content Tab
-The content tab allows you to specify the format of the text files that are being read. Below is a list of the options associated with this tab:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|File type|Can be either CSV or Fixed length. Based on this selection, Hop will launch a different helper GUI when you press the "get fields" button in the last "fields" tab.
-|Separator|One or more characters that separate the fields in a single line of text. Typically this is ; or a tab. Special characters (e.g. CHAR ASCII HEX01) can be set with the format $[value], e.g. $[01] or $[6F,FF,00,1F].
-|Enclosure|Some fields can be enclosed by a pair of strings to allow separator characters in fields. The enclosure string is optional. If you use repeat an enclosures allow text line 'Not the nine o''clock news.'. With ' the enclosure string, this gets parsed as Not the nine o'clock news. Special characters (e.g. CHAR ASCII HEX01) can be set with the format $[value], e.g. $[01] or $[6F,FF,00,1F].
-|Escape|Specify an escape character (or characters) if you have these types of characters in your data. If you have \ as an escape character, the text 'Not the nine o\'clock news' (with ' the enclosure) gets parsed as Not the nine o'clock news. Special characters (e.g. CHAR HEX01) can be set with the format $[value], e.g. $[01] or $[6F,FF,00,1F].
-|Header & number of header lines|Enable if your text file has a header row (first lines in the file); you can specify the number of times the header lines appears.
-|Footer & number of footer lines|Enable if your text file has a footer row (last lines in the file); you can specify the number of times the footer row appears.
-|Wrapped lines and number of wraps|Use if you deal with data lines that have wrapped beyond a specific page limit; note that headers and footers are never considered wrapped
-|Paged layout and page size and doc header|Use these options as a last resort when dealing with texts meant for printing on a line printer; use the number of document header lines to skip introductory texts and the number of lines per page to position the data lines
-|Compression|Enable if your text file is placed in a Zip or GZip archive.Note: At the moment, only the first file in the archive is read.
-|No empty rows|Do not send empty rows to the next transforms.
-|Include filename in output|Enable if you want the filename to be part of the output
-|Filename field name|Name of the field that contains the filename
-|Rownum in output?|Enable if you want the row number to be part of the output
-|Row number field name|Name of the field that contains the row number
-|Rownum by file?|Allows the row number to be reset per file
-|Format|Can be either DOS, UNIX or mixed. UNIX files have lines that are terminated by line feeds. DOS files have lines separated by carriage returns and line feeds. If you specify mixed, no verification is done.
-|Encoding|Specify the text file encoding to use; leave blank to use the default encoding on your system. To use Unicode, specify UTF-8 or UTF-16. On first use, Hop searches your system for available encodings.
-|Limit|Sets the number of lines that is read from the file; 0 means read all lines.
-|Be lenient when parsing dates?|Disable if you want strict parsing of data fields; if case-lenient parsing is enabled, dates like Jan 32nd will become Feb 1st.
-|The date format Locale|This locale is used to parse dates that have been written in full such as "February 2nd, 2006;" parsing this date on a system running in the French (fr_FR) locale would not work because February is called Février in that locale.
-|Add filenames to result|Adds the filenames to the internal filename result set. This internal result set can be used later on, e.g. to process all read files.
-=== Error Handling Tab
-The error handling tab allows you to specify how the transform reacts when errors occur. The table below describes the options available for Error handling:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Ignore errors?|Enable if you want to ignore errors during parsing
-|Skip error lines|Enable if you want to skip those lines that contain errors. You can generate an extra file that contains the line numbers on which the errors occurred. Lines with errors are not skipped, the fields that have parsing errors, will be empty (null)
-|Error count field name|Add a field to the output stream rows; this field contains the number of errors on the line
-|Error fields field name|Add a field to the output stream rows; this field contains the field names on which an error occurred
-|Error text field name|Add a field to the output stream rows; this field contains the descriptions of the parsing errors that have occurred
-|Warnings file directory|When warnings are generated, they are placed in this directory. The name of that file is <warning dir>/filename.<date_time>.<warning extension>
-|Error files directory|When errors occur related to non-existing or non-accessible files, they are placed in this directory. The name of the file is <errorfile_dir>/filename.<date_time>.<errorfile_extension>
-|Failing line numbers files directory|When a parsing error occurs on a line, the line number is placed in this directory. The name of that file is <errorline dir>/filename.<date_time>.<errorline extension>
-=== Filters Tab
-The filters tab provides you with the ability to specify the lines you want to skip in the text file. The table below describes the available options for defining filters:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Filter string|The string for which to search
-|Filter position|The position where the filter string has to be at in the line. Zero (0) is the first position in the line. If you specify a value below zero (0) here, the filter string is searched for in the entire string.
-|Stop on filter|Specify Y here if you want to stop processing the current text file when the filter string is encountered.
-|Positive match|Specify Y here if you want to process lines that match the filter, or N if you want to ignore such lines.
-=== Fields Tab
-The fields tab allows you to specify the information about the name and format of the fields being read from the text file. Available options include:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|Name of the field
-|Type|Type of the field can be either String, Date or Number
-|Format|See Number Formats for a complete description of format symbols.
-|Position|This is needed when processing the 'Fixed' filetype. It is zero based, so the first character is starting with position 0.
-|Length|For Number: Total number of significant figures in a number; For String: total length of string; For Date: length of printed output of the string (e.g. 4 only gives back the year).
-|Precision|For Number: Number of floating point digits; For String, Date, Boolean: unused;
-|Currency|Used to interpret numbers like $10,000.00 or E5.000,00
-|Decimal|A decimal point can be a "." (10;000.00) or "," (5.000,00)
-|Grouping|A grouping can be a dot "," (10;000.00) or "." (5.000,00)
-|Null if|Treat this value as NULL
-|Default|Default value in case the field in the text file was not specified (empty)
-|Trim|type trim this field (left, right, both) before processing
-|Repeat|If the corresponding value in this row is empty, repeat the one from the last row when it was not empty.
-**Number Formats**
-The information below on Number formats was taken from the Sun Java API documentation, located at For further information on valid numeric formats used in this transform, view the Number Formatting Table.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|#|Number|Yes|Digit, zero shows as absent
-|.|Number|Yes|Decimal separator or monetary decimal separator
-|-|Number|Yes|Minus sign
-|,|Number|Yes|Grouping separator
-|E|Number|Yes|Separates mantissa and exponent in scientific notation; need not be quoted in prefix or suffix
-|;|Sub pattern boundary|Yes|Separates positive and negative sub patterns
-|%|Prefix or suffix|Yes|Multiply by 100 and show as percentage
-|\u2030|Prefix or suffix|Yes|Multiply by 1000 and show as per mille
-|€ (\u00A4)|Prefix or suffix|No|Currency sign, replaced by currency symbol. If doubled, replaced by international currency symbol. If present in a pattern, the monetary decimal separator is used instead of the decimal separator.
-|'|Prefix or suffix|No|Used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix, for example, "'#'#" formats 123 to "#123". To create a single quote itself, use two in a row: "# o''clock".
-**Scientific Notation**
-In a pattern, the exponent character immediately followed by one or more digit characters indicates scientific notation (for example, "0.###E0" formats the number 1234 as "1.234E3".
-**Date formats**
-The information on Date formats was taken from the Sun Java API documentation, located at:
- For further information on valid date formats used in this transform, view the Date Formatting Table.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Letter|Date or Time Component|Presentation|Examples
-|M|Month in year|Month|July; Jul; 07
-|w|Week in year|Number|27
-|W|Week in month|Number|2
-|D|Day in year|Number|189
-|d|Day in month|Number|10
-|F|Day of week in month|Number|2
-|E|Day in week|Text|Tuesday; Tue
-|a|Am/pm marker|Text|PM
-|H|Hour in day (0-23)|Number 0|
-|k|Hour in day (1-24)|Number 24|
-|K|Hour in am/pm (0-11)|Number 0|
-|h|Hour in am/pm (1-12)|Number 12|
-|m|Minute in hour|Number 30|
-|s|Second in minute|Number 55|
-|S|Millisecond|Number 978|
-|z|Time zone|General time zone|Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00
-|Z|Time zone|RFC 822 time zone|-0800
-== Additional Output Fields Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Short filename field|The field name that contains the filename without path information but with an extension.
-|Extension field|The field name that contains the extension of the filename.
-|Path field|The field name that contains the path in operating system format.
-|Size field|The field name that contains the size of the field.
-|Is hidden field|The field name that contains if the file is hidden or not (boolean).
-|Uri field|The field name that contains the URI.
-|Root uri field|The field name that contains only the root part of the URI.
-== Buttons
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Show filenames|Displays a list of all the files selected. Note that if the pipeline is to be run on a separate server, the result might be incorrect.
-|Show file content|Displays the first lines of the text-file. Make sure that the file-format is correct. When in doubt, try both DOS and UNIX formats.
-|Show content from first data line|Helps you position the data lines in complex text files with multiple header lines and more.
-|Get fields|Allows you to guess the layout of the file. In case of a CSV file, this is performed almost automatically. When you select a file with fixed length fields, you must specify the field boundaries using a wizard.
-|Preview rows|Preview the rows generated by this transform.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Text File Output
-== Description
-The Text file output transform is used to export data to text file format. This is commonly used to generate Comma Separated Values (CSV files) that can be read by spreadsheet applications.  It is also possible to generate fixed width files by setting lengths on the fields in the fields tab.
-== Options
-=== File Tab
-The File tab is where you define basic properties about the file being created, such as:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform Name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Filename|This field specifies the filename and location of the output text file.
-|Run this as a command instead?|Enable to "pipe" the results into the command or script you specify. It can also be used for some database bulk loaders that can process the input from stdin. In this case set the filename to the script or binary to execute.
-|Pass output to servlet|Enable this option to return the data via a web service instead writing into a file
-|Create parent folder|Enable to create the parent folder
-|Do not create file at start|Enable to avoid empty files when no rows are getting processed.
-|Accept file name from field?|Enable to specify the file name(s) in a field in the input stream
-|File name field|When the previous option is enabled, you can specify the field that will contain the filename(s) at runtime.
-|Extension|Adds a point and the extension to the end of the filename. (.txt)
-|Include transformnr in filename|If you run the transform in multiple copies (Launching several copies of a transform), the copy number is included in the filename, before the extension. (_0).
-|Include partition nr in filename?|Includes the data partition number in the filename.
-|Include date in filename|Includes the system date in the filename. (default _20041231).
-|Include time in filename|Includes the system time in the filename. (default _235959).
-|Specify Date time format|Enable to specify the date time format
-|Date time format|Chose the date time format to append to the filename
-|Add file name to rest|This adds all processed filenames to the internal result filename set to allow for further processing.
-|Show filename(s)|This option shows a list of the files that will be generated.
-=== Content Tab
-The content tab contains the following options for describing the content being read:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Append|Check this to append lines to the end of the specified file.
-|Separator|Specify the character that separates the fields in a single line of text. Typically this is ; or a tab.
-|Enclosure|A pair of strings can enclose some fields. This allows separator or enclosure characters in fields. The enclosure string is optional.
-|Force the enclosure around fields?|This option forces all fields of an incoming string type (independent of the eventually changed field type within the Text File Output field definition) to be enclosed with the character specified in the Enclosure property above.
-|Disable the enclosure fix?|When a string field contains an enclosure it gets enclosed and the enclose itself gets escaped. When a string field contains a separator, it gets enclosed. Check this option, if this logic is not wanted. It has also an extra performance burden since the strings are scanned for enclosures and separators. So when you are sure there is no such logic needed since your strings don't have these characters in there and you want to improve performance, un-check this option.
-|Header|Enable this option if you want the text file to have a header row. (First line in the file).
-|Footer|Enable this option if you want the text file to have a footer row. (Last line in the file). Note: Be careful to enable this option when in Append mode since it is not possible to strip footers from the file contents before appending new rows. There are use cases where this option is wanted, e.g. to have a footer after each run of a pipeline to separate sections within the file.
-|Format|This can be either DOS or UNIX. UNIX files have lines are separated by linefeeds. DOS files have lines separated by carriage returns and line feeds.
-The options are: CR+LF terminated (Windows, DOS) / LF terminated (Unix) / CR terminated / No new-line terminator
-|Encoding|Specify the text file encoding to use. Leave blank to use the default encoding on your system. To use Unicode specify UTF-8 or UTF-16. On first use, Spoon will search your system for available encodings.
-|Compression|Allows you to specify the type of compression, .zip or .gzip to use when compressing the output. Note: Only one file is placed in a single archive.
-|Right pad fields|Add spaces to the end of the fields (or remove characters at the end) until they have the specified length.
-|Fast data dump (no formatting)|Improves the performance when dumping large amounts of data to a text file by not including any formatting information.
-|Split every ... rows|If this number N is larger than zero, split the resulting text-file into multiple parts of N rows.
-|Add Ending line of file|Allows you to specify an alternate ending row to the output file.
-=== Fields Tab
-The fields tab is where you define properties for the fields being exported. The table below describes each of the options for configuring the field properties:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|The name of the field.
-|Type|Type of the field can be either String, Date or Number.
-|Format|The format mask to convert with. See Number Formats for a complete description of format symbols.
-|Length a| The length option depends on the field type follows:
-* Number - Total number of significant figures in a number
-* String - total length of string
-* Date - length of printed output of the string (e.g. . only gives back year)
-|Precision a|The precision option depends on the field type as follows:
-* Number - Number of floating point digits
-* String - unused
-* Date - unused
-|Currency|Symbol used to represent currencies like $10,000.00 or E5.000,00
-|Decimal|A decimal point can be a "." (10,000.00) or "," (5.000,00)
-|Group|A grouping can be a "," (10,000.00) or "." (5.000,00)
-|Trim type|The trimming method to apply on the string. Note: Trimming only works when there is no field length given.
-|Null|If the value of the field is null, insert this string into the textfile
-|Get|Click to retrieve the list of fields from the input fields stream(s)
-|Minimal width|Alter the options in the fields tab in such a way that the resulting width of lines in the text file is minimal. So instead of save 0000001, we write 1, etc. String fields will no longer be padded to their specified length.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Token Replacement
-== Description
-== Options
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Unique Rows
-== Description
-The Unique rows transform removes duplicate rows from the input stream(s), input has to be sorted.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform Name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Add counter to output?|Check this option to add a counter field to the stream.
-|Counter field|Define the counter field name.
-|Redirect duplicate row|Processes duplicate rows as an error and redirect rows to the error stream of the transform. Requires you to set error handling for this transform.
-|Error Description|Sets the error handling description to display when duplicate rows are detected. Only available when Redirect duplicate row is checked.
-|Fields to compare table|Specify the field names on which you want to force uniqueness or click Get to insert all fields from the input stream(s) You can choose to ignore case by setting the Ignore case flag to Y.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Unique Rows (HashSet)
-== Description
-The Unique Rows (HashSet) transform removes duplicate rows and filters only the unique rows as input data for the transform.
-This transform differs from the Unique Rows pipeline transform by keeping track of the duplicate rows in memory and does not require a sorted input to process duplicate rows. 
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform Name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Compare using stored row values|Select this option to store values for the selected fields in memory for every record. Storing row values requires more memory, but it prevents possible false positives if there are hash collisions.
-|Redirect duplicate row|Select this option to process duplicate rows as an error and redirect them to the error stream of the transform. If you do not select this option, the duplicate rows are deleted.
-|Error description|Specify the error handling description that displays when the transform detects duplicate rows. This description is only available when Redirect duplicate row is selected.
-|Fields to compare table|	
-Specify the field names for which you want to find unique values.
-Select Get to insert all the fields from the input stream. 
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Update
-== Description
-The Update transform first looks up a row in a table using one or more lookup keys. If the row can't be found nothing is done. If the row is found the row in the table is updated.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Commit size|The number of rows to update before running a commit.
-|Use batch updates?|Allows the use of batch updates.
-|Skip lookup|Skips the row lookup.
-|Ignore lookup failure?|Allows the transform to skip lookup failures.
-|Flag field (key found)|Field which contains whether the key was found or not.
-|Connection|The database connection to which data is written.
-|Key Lookup table|Allows you to specify a list of field values and comparators. You can use the following comparators: =, = ~NULL, <>, <, <=, >, >=, LIKE, BETWEEN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
-|SQL button|Click SQL to generate the SQL to create the table and indexes for correct operation.
-|Transform name|Name of the transform; this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Target schema|The name of the Schema for the table to which data is written. This is important for data sources that allow for table names with periods in them.
-|Target table|Name of the table in which you want to do the update.
-|Update Fields|Allows you to specify all fields in the table you want to update.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= User Defined Java Class
-== Description
-The User Defined Java Class transform allows you to enter User Defined Java Class to drive the functionality of a complete transform.  In essence, this transform allows you to program your own plugin in a transform.
-The goal of this transform is not to allow a user to do full-scale Java development inside of a transform. Obviously we have a whole plugin system available to help with that part.
-The goal is to allow users to define methods and logic with as little as code as possible, executed as fast as possible.  For this we use the Janino project libraries that compile Java code in the form of classes at runtime. 
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Class code|The Java code.
-|Fields|List of output fields.
-|Fieldname|Output field name.
-|Type|Type of field.
-|Length|Length of the field.
-|Precision|Precision of the field.
-|Parameters|You can use the Parameters table to avoid using hard-coded string values, such as field names (customer for example).
-|Tag|The parameter tag.
-|Value|The parameter value.
-|Description|Description of the parameter.
-|Info transforms|
-|Transform|Which transform to read from.
-|Target transforms|
-|Transform|Which transform to output to.
-|Test class|Tests the class.
-== Usage
-=== Process rows
-The Processor code defines the processRow() method, which is the heart of the transform. This method is called by the pipeline in a tight loop and will continue until false is returned.
-[source, java]
-String firstnameField;
-String lastnameField;
-String nameField;
-public boolean processRow() throws HopException
-    // Let's look up parameters only once for performance reason.
-    //
-    if (first) {
-      firstnameField = getParameter("FIRSTNAME_FIELD");
-      lastnameField = getParameter("LASTNAME_FIELD");
-      nameField = getParameter("NAME_FIELD");
-      first=false;
-    }
-    // First, get a row from the default input hop
-    //
-    Object[] r = getRow();
-    // If the row object is null, we are done processing.
-    //
-    if (r == null) {
-      setOutputDone();
-      return false;
-    }
-    // It is always safest to call createOutputRow() to ensure that your output row's Object[] is large
-    // enough to handle any new fields you are creating in this transform.
-    //
-    Object[] outputRow = createOutputRow(r, data.outputRowMeta.size());
-    String firstname = get(Fields.In, firstnameField).getString(r);
-    String lastname = get(Fields.In, lastnameField).getString(r);
-    // Set the value in the output field
-    //
-    String name = firstname+" "+lastname;
-    get(Fields.Out, nameField).setValue(outputRow, name);
-    // putRow will send the row on to the default output hop.
-    //
-    putRow(data.outputRowMeta, outputRow);
-    return true;
-=== Error handling
-If you want Hop to handle errors that may occur while running your class in a pipeline, you must implement for your own error handling code. Before adding any error handling code, right-click on the User Defined Java Class transform in the Hop client canvas and select Error Handling in the menu that appears. The resulting transform error handling settings dialog box contains options for specifying an error target transform and associated field names that you will use to implement error handling in your defined code.
-[source, java]
-try {
-Object     numList =
-                        .map( new ToInteger() )
-                     .sorted( new ReverseCase() )
-                     .collect( Collectors.toList() );
-    get( Fields.Out, "reverseOrder" ).setValue( row, numList.toString() );
-} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-    // Number List contains a value that cannot be converteds to an Integer.
-    rowInError = true;
-    errMsg = ex.getMessage();
-    errCnt = errCnt + 1;
-if ( !rowInError ) {
-    putRow( data.outputRowMeta, row );
-} else {
-    // Output errors to the error hop. Right click on transform and choose "Error Handling..."
-    putError(data.outputRowMeta, row, errCnt, errMsg, "Not allowed", "DEC_0");
-The try in the code sample above tests to see if numList contains valid numbers. If the list contains a number that is not valid, putError is used to handle the error and direct it to the wlog: ErrorPath transform in the sample pipeline. The ErrorPath transform is also specified in the Target transforms tab of the User Define Java Class transform.
-=== Logging 
-You need to implement logging in your defined transform if you want Hop to log data actions from your class, such as read, write, output, or update data. The following code is an example of how to implement logging:
-[source, java]
-putRow( data.outputMeta, r );
-if ( checkFeedback( getLinesOutput() ) ) {
-  if ( log.isBasic() ) {
-    logBasic( "Have I got rows for you! " + getLinesOutput() );
-  }
-=== Class and code fragments
-You can navigate through your defined classes along with related code snippets and fields through the Classes and Code Fragments panel. You can right-click on any item in this tree to either Delete, Rename, or Show Sample.
-The Classes folder indicates what classes have corresponding code block tabs in the Class Code panel.
-**Code Snippits**
-The Code Snippits folder shows the internal Hop code related to the User Defined Java Class transform. These snippits are shown as reference for the code of your class.
-**Input Fields**
-The Input fields folder contains any input fields you define in your code. While working with your defined code, you will be handling input and output fields. Many ways exist for handling input fields. For example, to start, examine the following description of an input row.
-[source, java]
-RowMetaInterface inputRowMeta = getInputRowMeta();
-The inputRowMeta object contains the metadata of the input row. It includes all the fields, their data types, lengths, names, format masks, and more. You can use this object to look up input fields. For example, if you want to look for a field called customer, you would use the following code.
-[source, java]
-ValueMetaInterface customer = inputRowMeta.searchValueMeta("year");
-Because looking up field names can be slow if you need to do it for every row that passes through a pipeline, you could look up field names in advance in a first block of code, as shown in the following example:
-[source, java]
-if (first) {
- yearIndex = getInputRowMeta().indexOfValue(getParameter("YEAR"));
- if (yearIndex<0) {
-   throw new HopException("Year field not found in the input row, check parameter 'YEAR'\!");
- }
-To get the Integer value contained in the year field, you can then use the following construct.
-[source, java]
-Object[] r = getRow();
-Long year = inputRowMeta().getInteger(r, yearIndex);
-To make this process easier, you can use a shortcut in the following form.
-[source, java]
-Long year = get(Fields.In, "year").getInteger(r);
-This method also takes into account the index-based optimization mentioned above.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Data Validator
-== Description
-Data validation is typically used to make sure that incoming data has a certain quality.  Validation can occur for various reasons, for example if you suspect the incoming data doesn't have good quality or simply because you have a certain SLA in place.
-The Data Validator transform allows you to define simple rules to describe what the data in a field should look like.  This can be a value range, a distinct list of values or data lengths.
-This transform allows for an unlimited amount of validation rules to be applied in a single transform on the incoming data.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Name of field to validate|The name of the field to validate
-|Error code|The error code to pass to error handling for this validation rule. (overrides the default)
-|Error description|The error description to pass to error handling for this validation rule. (overrides the default)
-|Type a|
-* Verify data type? :  Check this if you want to specify a certain data type to match.
-* Data type : specify the data type of the data specified in this dialog or the data type to verify
-* Conversion mask : the mask to use to convert the data specified in this validation rule
-* Decimal symbol: the decimal symbol to use to convert the data specified in this validation rule
-|Data a|
-This block of information contains the actual bulk of the validation rule
-* Null allowed? :  Disable this option if you don't want to allow null values in the data for the selected field.
-* Max string length : Verify the length of the string-form of the data of the selected field, make sure it's shorter than or as long as the length specified here.
-* Min string length : Verify the length of the string-form of the data of the selected field, make sure it's longer than or as long as the length specified here.
-* Maximum value : Verify the data of the selected field and see if it's not higher than the maximum value specified here.
-* Minimum value : Verify the data of the selected field and see if it's not lower than the minimum value specified here.
-* Expected start string : the string value of the value we validate needs to start with this value (when specified)
-* Expected end string : : the string value of the value we validate needs to end with this value (when specified)
-* Regular expression expected to match : the string value of the value we validate needs to match this regular expression (when specified)
-* Regular expression not allowed to match : the string value of the value we validate is not allowed to match this regular expression (when specified)
-* Allowed values : Make sure that the data of the selected field is only one of the values in the list.
-* You can use the buttons to the right to add or remove values from the list.
-* Read allowed values from another transform? : enable this option to source the data from another transform in the pipeline. 
-* This effectively removes the need to hard code allowed values.  You can now store them in a database table or a file somewhere.
-* You also need to specify the transform and field to read from if this option is selected.
-    IMPORTANT : For every validation that sources data you need to specify a different transform to read from.
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Value Mapper
-== Description
-The Value Mapper transform maps string values from one value to another. Mapping is usually solved by storing the conversion table in a database. The Value Mapper provides you with a simple alternative.
-For example, if you want to replace language codes:
-Fieldname to use: LanguageCode
-Target fieldname: LanguageDesc
-Source/Target: EN/English, FR/French, NL/Dutch, ES/Spanish, DE/German, ...
-== Options
-The following properties are used to define the mappings:
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform Name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Fieldname to use|Field to use as the mapping source
-|Target field name|Field to use as the mapping Target
-|Default upon non-matching|Defines a default value for situations where the source value is not empty, but there is no match
-|Field values table|Contains the mapping of source value to converted target value 
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Check if webservice is available
-== Description
-The Check if webservice is available transform checks if a Webservice URL in the data stream is valid, can be connected to and can be read. If it connects within the given time and data can be read, it returns 'true' as a boolean result value, otherwise 'false'. Further information of the failing reason can be found in the log when debug logging is enabled.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|URL field|Specifies the URL fieldname in the data stream. The URL is checked for every row that is coming into this transform.
-|Connect timeout (ms)|The connect timeout in ms. The value is depending on the quality of service of this URL and experiences.
-|Read timeout (ms)|After connection, the transform tries to read data. This value gives the read timeout in ms. The value is depending on the quality of service of this URL and experiences.
-|Result fieldname|If it connects within the given timeout and data can be read, it returns 'true' as a boolean result value, otherwise 'false'
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Web services lookup
-== Description
-This transform performs a Web Services lookup using the Web Services Description Language (WSDL).
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform Name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|URL|The base URL pointing to the WSDL document that will be retrieved
-|Load (button)|The load button loads the WSDL at the specified URL and tries to automatically populate the input and output tabs and fields.
-NOTE: If this doesn't work, you can still try to manually specify the input and output fields using the "Add Input" and "Add Output" buttons.
-|The number of rows per call|
-The number of rows to send with each WSDL call
-|Pass input data to output|
-If you disable this, the input will be eaten and only the WSDL output will be passed along to the next steps.
-v2.x/3.x compatibility mode
-We improved the parsing engine of the 3.x engine dramatically.  For compatibility reasons, we kept the old engine around to make sure older steps would still work OK.
-|Repeating element name|
-Specify the name of the repeating element in the output XML (if any).
-|HTTP authentication|
-Here you can put the username and password if these are required for the web service.
-|Proxy to use|
-Here you can optionally put the proxy host and port information.
-|Add Input / Add Output|
-These buttons will allow you to manually specify the input and output specifications of the WSDL service.
-Note: The data of the input fields can be escaped by the Calculator step and the function "Mask XML content from string A"
diff --git a/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/workflowexecutor.adoc b/hop-user-manual/modules/ROOT/pages/plugins/transforms/workflowexecutor.adoc
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Workflow Executor
-== Description
-The workflow executor allows you to execute a Hop workflow.
-By default the specified workflow will be executed once for each input row.  This row can be used to set parameters and variables and it is passed to the workflow in the form of a result row.
-You can also allow a group of records to be passed based on the value in a field (when the value changes the workflow is executed) or on time.  In these cases, the first row of the group or rows is used to set parameters or variables in the workflow.
-It is possible to launch multiple copies of this transform to facilitate parallel workflow processing.
-== Options
-=== General
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Workflow|Use this option to specify a workflow stored in a file (.hwf file)
-=== Parameters Tab
-In this tab you can specify which field to use to set a certain parameter or variable value.  If you specify an input field to use, the static input value is not used.   If multiple rows are passed to the workflow, the first row is taken to set the parameters or variables.
-There is a button in the lower right corner of the tab that will insert all the defined parameters of the specified workflow.  For information the description of the parameter is inserted into the static input value field.
-If you enable the "Inherit all variables from the pipeline" option, all the variables defined in the parent pipeline are passed to the workflow.
-=== Row Grouping Tab
-On this tab you can specify the amount of input rows that are passed to the workflow in the form of result rows.  You can use the result rows in a workflow or Pipeline workflow action to loop over or you can get the records themselves in a Get rows from result transform in a pipeline.
-- The number of rows to send to the workflow: after every X rows the workflow will be executed and these X rows will be passed to the workflow.
-- Field to group rows on: Rows will be accumulated in a group as long as the field value stays the same.  If the value changes the workflow will be executed and the accumulated rows will be passed to the workflow.
-- The time to wait collecting rows before execution: This is time the transform will spend accumulating rows prior to the execution of the workflow.
-Please note that you can only specify one method of grouping.
-=== Execution Results Tab
-You can specify result fields and to which transform to send them.  If you don't need a certain result simply leave a blank input field.
-=== Result Rows Tab
-In the "Result rows" tab you can specify the layout of the expected result rows of this workflow and to which transform to send them after execution.
-Please note that this transform will verify that the data type of the result row fields are identical to what is specified.  If there is a difference an error will be thrown.
-=== Result Files Tab
-Here you can specify where to send the result files from the workflow execution.
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Write to log
-== Description
-This transform writes information to the Hop logging system.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform Name|Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.
-|Log level|The logging level to use.
-|Print header|Whether or not the column names for data values is printed. In the example below, this value has been set to false, so only the actual values (3, 4) are printed.
-|Limit rows|Limit the number of rows given by the parameter "Nr. of rows to print".
-|Nr. of rows to print|The number of rows to print when option "limit rows" is checked.
-|Write to log|The text to use in the logging line(s).
-|Fields|The data from fields that should we written to the log.
-== Example log output
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 -
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 - ----------> Linenr 1----------------------------
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 - test log
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 -
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 -  3
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 -  4
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 -
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 - ====================
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 -
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 - ----------> Linenr 2----------------------------
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 - test log
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 -
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 -  3
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 -  4
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 -
-2020/05/14 12:30:52 - Write to log.0 - ====================
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-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= XML Input Stream (StAX) 
-== Description
-The XML Input Stream (StAX) transform reads data from XML files using the Streaming API for the XML (StAX) parser. This transform is optimal for quickly processing large and complex data structures. Unlike the Get Data from XML transform which uses in-memory processing and can require the purging of parts of files, the XML Input Stream (StAX) transform moves the processing logic into the pipeline. The transform itself provides the raw XML data stream together with additional processing information.
-This streaming transform is recommended when you have limitations with other transforms or need to parse XML when:
-* You need fast data loads which are independent of the memory regardless of the file size.
-* You need flexibility in reading various parts of the XML file in different ways, and do not want to repeatedly parse the file.
-Because the processing logic of some XML files can be complex, you should have a good knowledge of the existing Hop transforms when using this transform.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Filename|File name of the input XML file. Specify your file name by entering its path or clicking Browse. If you connect to a transform that precedes the XML Input Stream transform, the Browse button is hidden, and the text box becomes a drop-down menu that is populated with the fields from the preceding transform. Select a value from the drop-down menu to use as the path to an XML file. You can use internal variables to specify the path.
-|Source is from a previous transform|Accept data from a field in a previous transform.
-|Source field name|Selects a field from the previous transform to use as XML data.
-|Add filename to result?|Adds the processed XML filename to the result of this pipeline by passing the filename of the XML input file as a value on each result row. You can then use it in subsequent transforms where you want to use the filename as a value.
-|Skip (Elements/Attributes)|Number of elements or attributes that should be skipped. Use this field for starting the processing at a specific location in a file. The file will still be loaded by the parser, but the rows will not be produced.
-|Limit (Elements/Attributes)|Limits the number of elements or attributes to process. With the Skip and Limit properties, you can enable chunk loading that is defined in an outer loop.
-|Default String Length|The default string length for the XML data name and value fields.
-|Encoding|Encodes the XML file data in the specified encoding.
-|Add Namespace information?|Adds the XML data type NAMESPACE to the stream. You can add an optional prefix (defined in the XML data name) and URI information (defined in the XML data value). This option adds a defined prefix in the ELEMENT data type to the XML data name, for example, prefix:product. Due to the extra namespace handling, this option slows down the processing throughput.
-|Trim strings?|Trims all name/value elements and attributes. It eliminates white spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and line feed characters at the beginning and end of the string.
-|Include filename in output? / Fieldname|Adds the processed file name to the specified field name.
-|Row number in output? / Fieldname|Adds the processed row number (starting with 1) to the specified field name.
-|XML data type (numeric) in output? / Fieldname a|
-Adds the processed data type in numeric format to the specified field name.
-The following data types are defined:
-* 0 - "UNKNOWN" (Reserved)
-* 2 - "END_ELEMENT"
-* 5 - "COMMENT" (Reserved)
-* 6 - "SPACE" (Reserved)
-* 9 - "ENTITY_REFERENCE" (Reserved)
-* 11-"DTD" (Reserved)
-* 12-"CDATA" (Reserved)
-* 13-"NAMESPACE" (When namespace information is selected)
-* 15-"ENTITY_DECLARATION" (Reserved).
-|XML data type (description) in output? / Fieldname|Adds the processed data type in text format to the specified field name. This option should be used instead of the numeric data type for better readability of the pipeline. See the XML data type (numeric) description above for a list of values.
-Because this option can cause slower processing of strings and extra memory consumption, it is recommended to use the numeric data type format for big data loads
-|XML location line in output? / Fieldname|Adds the processed source XML location line to the specified field name.
-|XML location column in output? / Fieldname|Adds the processed source XML location column to the specified field name.
-|XML element ID in output? / Fieldname|Adds the processed element number (starting with '0') to the specified field name. In contrast to adding the Row number, this field number is incremented by the count of each new element and not the row number. This numbering ensures that the nesting between levels is correct.
-|XML parent element ID in output? / Fieldname|Adds the parent element number to the specified field name.
-When you use the XML element ID with the XML parent element ID, a complete XML element tree is available for later usage.
-|XML element level in output? / Fieldname|Adds the processed element level to the specified field name, starting with '0' for the root START_ and END_DOCUMENT.
-|XML path in output? / Fieldname|Adds the processed XML path to the specified field name.
-|XML parent path in output? / Fieldname|Adds the processed XML parent path to the specified field name.
-|XML data name in output? / Fieldname|Adds the processed data name of elements, attributes, and optional namespace prefixes to the specified field name.
-|XML data value in output? / Fieldname|Adds the processed data value of elements, attributes and optional namespace URIs to the specified field name.
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-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= XML Join
-== Description
-The XML Join transform allows to add xml tags from one stream into a leading XML structure from a second stream. While the target stream must have only one row, since it represents a XML document, the other stream can consist of many rows and the tags from all rows will be added to the target document.
-After the join only one row will be produced containing the fields of the target transform plus the result field of the join.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Target XML Transform|Transform that sends the target document to the join.
-|Target XML Field|Field that contains the XML structure.
-|Source XML Transform|Transform that send the XML structure(s) to the join that need to be added to the target.
-|Source XML Field|Field that contains the XML structures that get added to the target.
-|XPath Statemen|XPath statement to find the node in the target document where the tags will be added. When the complex join is eneabled a single ? is used as a placeholder.
-|Complex Join|Flag to enable the complex join syntax, using the placeholder in the XPath Statment
-|Join Comparision Field|Field that contains the values that get replaced in the XPath Statement
-|Result XML field|The field that wil contain the result.
-|Encoding|Encoding to be used in the XML Header and to transform the XML.
-|Omit XML header|Should the XML header be omitted? The encoding of the
-target XML will be preserved
-|Omit null values from XML result|Without checking this option, null values are added to the XML output as an empty element, for instance: <abc/>. When this option is checked, these tags are completely omitted in the output. This is useful to save space in the output file (for high volume transactions) and to create special needed output. 
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= XML Output
-== Description
-The XML Output transform allows you to write rows from any source to one or more XML files.
-== Options
-=== File Tab
-The file tab is where you set general properties for the XML output file format.
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Filename|Specifies the file name and location of the output text file.
-|Do not create file at start|Enable to avoid empty files when no rows are getting processed.
-|Pass output to servlet|Enable this option to return the data via a web service instead writing into a file (see Hop data over web service).
-|Extension|Adds a period and the extension to the end of the file name (.xml).
-|Include transformnr in filename|If you run the transform in multiple copies (see also Launching Several Copies of a transform), the copy number is included in the file name, before the extension (_0).
-|Include date in filename|Includes the system date in the file name (_20041231).
-|Include time in filename|Includes the system date in the file name (_235959).
-=== Content Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Zipped|Check this if you want the XML file to be stored in a ZIP archive.
-|Encoding|The encoding to use. This encoding is specified in the header of the XML file.
-|Parent XML element|The name of the root element in the XML document.
-|Row XML element|The name of the row element to use in the XML document.
-|Split every ... rows.|The maximum number of rows of data to put in a single XML file before another is created.
-=== Fields Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Fieldname|The name of the field.
-|Elementname|The name of the element in the XML file to use. Type: Type of the field can be either String, Date, or Number.
-|Type|Type of the field can be either String, Date, or Number. Format mask from which to convert; see Number formats for a complete description of format specifiers.
-|Length a|The length option depends on the field type follows:
-* Number - Total number of significant figures in a number
-* String - total length of string
-* Date - length of printed output of the string (e.g. 4 only gives back year)
-|Precision a|The precision option depends on the field type as follows:
-* Number - Number of floating point digits
-* String - unused
-* Date - unused
-|Currency|Symbol used to represent currencies such as $10,000.00 or E5.000,00
-|Decimal|A decimal point can be a "." (10,000.00) or "," (5.000,00)
-|Group|A grouping can be a "," (10,000.00) or "." (5.000,00)
-|Null|If the value of the field is null, insert this string into the textfile
-|Get fields|Click to retrieve the list of fields from the input stream(s).
-|Minimal width|Alter the options in the fields tab in such a way that the resulting width of lines in the text file is minimal; for example instead of save 0000001, "1" is written, and so on. String fields are not padded to their specified length. 
-== Metadata Injection Support
-All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.
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-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= XSD Validator
-== Description
-The XSD Validator transform performs an XSD validation against data in a file or in an input field. XSD is short for link:[XML Schema Definition].
-As such, there are 2 entities at work here:
-* The XML you want to validate the layout for
-* The XSD (Schema) file that describes what the XML file should look like.
-To make matters more complex, it's possible to store the XSD inside the XML itself.
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|XML Source a|	
-* XML source is a file : check this if the XML file is defined as a filename in the XML field
-* XML field : the field to read that contains the XML filename or the XML content itself
-|Output fields a|
-* Result fieldname : the name of the result field
-* Output String field : check this option if you want to specify specific messages after validation:
-** Display if XML is valid : the message if the XML was valid.
-** Display if XML is not valid : the message if the XML wasn't valid.
-* Add validation msg in output : check this if you want to add a validation message in the output.
-* Validation msg field: the name of the validation message field.
-|XML schema definition a|
-XSD source : select one of these options:
-* The XSD source is a file, let me specify the filename (specify below in the XSD filename field).
-* The XSD source is a file, defined in a field (specify below in the XSD filename field).
-* The XSD source is defined inside the source XML.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= XSL Transformation
-== Description
-The XSL Transformation transform performs XSL Transformations on XML. XSLT is short for link:[Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations].
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|XML fieldname|The name of the field that will contain the XML
-|Result fields : fieldname|The name of the output fieldname that will contain the XML after the transformations
-|XSL file
-* XSL filename defined in a field? : Use this option if your XSLT is defined in a field. 
-    If enabled, you can specify the filename field below.
-* XSL filename : you can specify the XSLT filename here.
-* XSLT Factory : specify the factory to use for the transformations: JAXP or SAXON
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Yaml Input
-== Description
-The Yaml Input transform
-== Options
-=== File Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Source is defined in a field?|Whether or not the source is in a field from a previous transform.
-|Source is a filename|Whether or not the source is a filename, else a directory.
-|get source from a field|The field containing the filename or directory.
-|File or directory|The file or directory path.
-|Add|Adds the file or directory to the Selected files list.
-|Browse|Browses the local filesystem for a file or directory.
-|Regular Expression|
-|Selected files|The selected files or directories.
-|Delete|Deletes selected lines from the list.
-|Edit|Moved the selected line for editting.
-|Show filename(s)|Previews the filename.
-=== Content Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Ignore empty file|Whether or not to ignore empty files.
-|Do not raise an error if no files|Whether or not the raise an error if no files are available.
-|Limit|Sets a limit to be read.
-|Include filename in output?|Adds the filename to the output rows.
-|Filename fieldname|The field containing the filename.
-|Rownum in output?|Adds the row number to the output rows.
-|Rownum fieldname|The field containing the row number.
-|Add files to result filesname|
-=== Fields Tab
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Name|The name of the output field.
-|Key|The key to the element.
-|Type|The data type to convert to.
-|Format|The format or conversion mask to use in the data type conversion.
-|Length|The length of the output data type.
-|Precision|The precision of the output data type.
-|Currency|The currency symbol to use during data type conversion.
-|Decimal|The numeric decimal symbol to use during data type conversion.
-|Group|The numeric grouping symbol to use during data type conversion.
-|Trim type|The type of trimming to use during data type conversion.
-|Get fields|Approximates fields from the input.
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-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-:documentationPath: /plugins/transforms/
-:language: en_US
-= Zip file
-== Description
-The Zip file transform creates a standard ZIP archive using the options you specify in the dialog. 
-== Options
-[width="90%", options="header"]
-|Transform name|Name of the transform.
-|Create target parent folder|Check this option to create the target parent folder
-|Overwrite target file|Check this option to overwrite the target file if it exists
-|Add zip filename to result|Check this option to add the zip filename to the internal result set
-|Source filename field|Define the field that contains the source
-|Target filename field|Define the field that contains the target zip filename
-|Keep source folders|Check this option to keep the source folder within the target zip filename
-|Base folder fieldname|Define the field that contains the base folder that is removed from the filename within the zip (used by the option keep source folders)
-|After zip|The action to take after zipping
-|Move to folder field|Define the field that contains the target directory to move the source files to after zipping 
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