blob: f3736e4e041951abcfbea81c93275b896b015bc6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Can't use pex_binary to build this one, so we have this elaborate ritual:
"OUTDIR=$$(cd $(@D) && pwd)",
"# Workaround really long shebang lines breaking on linux:",
"# Use a /tmp path, but keep the actual venv inside the bazel outdir.",
"# Avoids having to worry about cleanup, even if sandboxing is off.",
"TMPF=$$(mktemp -d -t pex.XXXXX)",
"# Workaround really long shebang lines breaking on linux:",
"# Use a /tmp path, but keep the actual venv inside the bazel outdir.",
"# Avoids having to worry about cleanup, even if sandboxing is off.",
"TMPF=$$(mktemp -d -p /tmp pex.XXXXX)",
'ln -sf "$$OUTDIR" "$$TMPF"',
# Create the virtual environment
'python3 -m venv $$VENV --clear',
'VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT=1 source "$$VENV/bin/activate"',
'pip install pex \
--quiet --no-cache-dir --no-index \
--find-links $$(dirname $(location @pex_pkg//file)) \
--find-links $$(dirname $(location @wheel_pkg//file)) \
--find-links $$(dirname $(location @setuptools_pkg//file))',
'# Work around setuptools insistance on writing to the source directory,',
'# which is discouraged by Bazel (and annoying)',
'cp -r $$(dirname $(location wrapper/ $(@D)/.pex_wrapper',
'# Use the bootstrapped pex to build pex_wrapper.pex',
'pex $(@D)/.pex_wrapper \
--disable-cache --no-index \
--entry-point=pex_wrapper \
--output-file=$@ \
--find-links $$(dirname $(location @pex_pkg//file)) \
--find-links $$(dirname $(location @setuptools_pkg//file)) \
--find-links $$(dirname $(location @requests_pkg//file)) \
--find-links $$(dirname $(location @charset_pkg//file)) \
--find-links $$(dirname $(location @idna_pkg//file)) \
--find-links $$(dirname $(location @urllib3_pkg//file)) \
--find-links $$(dirname $(location @certifi_pkg//file)) \
--find-links $$(dirname $(location @wheel_pkg//file))',
name = "pex_wrapper",
srcs = [
outs = ["pex_wrapper.pex"],
cmd = select({
"@platforms//os:osx": "\n".join(PRE_EXECUTE + DARWIN_EXECUTE + POST_EXECUTE),
"//conditions:default": "\n".join(PRE_EXECUTE + LINUX_EXECUTE + POST_EXECUTE),
executable = True,
message = "Bootstrapping pex",
output_to_bindir = True,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],