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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
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"""module for join bolt: JoinBolt"""
from import Iterable
from heronpy.api.bolt.window_bolt import SlidingWindowBolt
from heronpy.api.component.component_spec import GlobalStreamId
from heronpy.api.custom_grouping import ICustomGrouping
from import Grouping
from heronpy.streamlet.keyedwindow import KeyedWindow
from heronpy.streamlet.streamlet import Streamlet
from heronpy.streamlet.window import Window
from heronpy.streamlet.windowconfig import WindowConfig
from heronpy.streamlet.impl.streamletboltbase import StreamletBoltBase
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
class JoinBolt(SlidingWindowBolt, StreamletBoltBase):
JOINFUNCTION = '__join_function__'
JOINTYPE = '__join_type__'
JOINEDCOMPONENT = '__joined_component__'
def _add(self, key, value, src_component, mymap):
if not key in mymap:
mymap[key] = ([], [])
# Join Output should be Key -> (V1, V2) where
# V1 is coming from the left stream and V2 coming
# from the right stream. In this case, _joined_component
# represents the right stream
if src_component == self._joined_component:
def initialize(self, config, context):
super().initialize(config, context)
if not JoinBolt.JOINEDCOMPONENT in config:
raise RuntimeError(f"{JoinBolt.JOINEDCOMPONENT} must be specified in the JoinBolt")
self._joined_component = config[JoinBolt.JOINEDCOMPONENT]
if not JoinBolt.JOINFUNCTION in config:
raise RuntimeError(f"{JoinBolt.JOINFUNCTION} must be specified in the JoinBolt")
self._join_function = config[JoinBolt.JOINFUNCTION]
if not JoinBolt.JOINTYPE in config:
raise RuntimeError(f"{JoinBolt.JOINTYPE} must be specified in the JoinBolt")
self._join_type = config[JoinBolt.JOINTYPE]
def processWindow(self, window_config, tuples):
"""Process a window"""
# our temporary map
mymap = {}
for tup in tuples:
userdata = tup.values[0]
if not isinstance(userdata, Iterable) or len(userdata) != 2:
raise RuntimeError("Join tuples must be iterable of length 2")
self._add(userdata[0], userdata[1], tup.component, mymap)
for (key, values) in list(mymap.items()):
if self._join_type == JoinBolt.INNER:
if values[0] and values[1]:
self.inner_join_and_emit(key, values, window_config)
elif self._join_type == JoinBolt.OUTER_LEFT:
if values[0] and values[1]:
self.inner_join_and_emit(key, values, window_config)
elif values[0]:
self.outer_left_join_and_emit(key, values, window_config)
elif self._join_type == JoinBolt.OUTER_RIGHT:
if values[0] and values[1]:
self.inner_join_and_emit(key, values, window_config)
elif values[1]:
self.outer_right_join_and_emit(key, values, window_config)
elif self._join_type == JoinBolt.OUTER:
if values[0] and values[1]:
self.inner_join_and_emit(key, values, window_config)
elif values[0]:
self.outer_left_join_and_emit(key, values, window_config)
elif values[1]:
self.outer_right_join_and_emit(key, values, window_config)
def emit_join(self, key, values, window_config):
result = self._join_function(values[0], values[1])
keyedwindow = KeyedWindow(key, Window(window_config.start, window_config.end))
self.emit([(keyedwindow, result)], stream='output')
def inner_join_and_emit(self, key, values, window_config):
for left_val in values[0]:
for right_val in values[1]:
result = self._join_function(left_val, right_val)
keyedwindow = KeyedWindow(key, Window(window_config.start, window_config.end))
self.emit([(keyedwindow, result)], stream='output')
def outer_left_join_and_emit(self, key, values, window_config):
for left_val in values[0]:
result = self._join_function(left_val, None)
keyedwindow = KeyedWindow(key, Window(window_config.start, window_config.end))
self.emit([(keyedwindow, result)], stream='output')
def outer_right_join_and_emit(self, key, values, window_config):
for right_val in values[1]:
result = self._join_function(None, right_val)
keyedwindow = KeyedWindow(key, Window(window_config.start, window_config.end))
self.emit([(keyedwindow, result)], stream='output')
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
class JoinGrouping(ICustomGrouping):
def prepare(self, context, component, stream, target_tasks):
self.target_tasks = target_tasks
def choose_tasks(self, values):
assert isinstance(values, list) and len(values) == 1
userdata = values[0]
if not isinstance(userdata, Iterable) or len(userdata) != 2:
raise RuntimeError("Tuples going to join must be iterable of length 2")
# only emits to the first task id
hashvalue = hash(userdata[0])
target_index = hashvalue % len(self.target_tasks)
return [self.target_tasks[target_index]]
# pylint: disable=protected-access
class JoinStreamlet(Streamlet):
def __init__(self, join_type, window_config, join_function, left, right):
if not join_type in [JoinBolt.INNER, JoinBolt.OUTER_RIGHT, JoinBolt.OUTER_LEFT]:
raise RuntimeError("join type has to be of one of inner, outer, left")
if not isinstance(window_config, WindowConfig):
raise RuntimeError("window config has to be of type WindowConfig")
if not callable(join_function):
raise RuntimeError("Join function has to be callable")
if not isinstance(left, Streamlet):
raise RuntimeError("Parent of Join has to be a Streamlet")
if not isinstance(right, Streamlet):
raise RuntimeError("Parent of Join has to be a Streamlet")
self._join_type = join_type
self._window_config = window_config
self._join_function = join_function
self._left = left
self._right = right
def _calculate_inputs(self):
return {GlobalStreamId(self._left.get_name(), self._left._output) :
GlobalStreamId(self._right.get_name(), self._right._output) :
# pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
def _build_this(self, builder, stage_names):
print(f"join_build_this left: {self._left._built} right: {self._right._built}")
print(f"left: {self._left.get_name()} right: {self._right.get_name()}")
if not self._left._built or not self._right._built:
return False
if not self.get_name():
self.set_name(self._default_stage_name_calculator("join", stage_names))
if self.get_name() in stage_names:
raise RuntimeError("Duplicate Names")
builder.add_bolt(self.get_name(), JoinBolt, par=self.get_num_partitions(),
config={JoinBolt.WINDOWDURATION : self._window_config._window_duration.seconds,
JoinBolt.SLIDEINTERVAL : self._window_config._slide_interval.seconds,
JoinBolt.JOINEDCOMPONENT : self._right.get_name(),
JoinBolt.JOINFUNCTION : self._join_function,
JoinBolt.JOINTYPE : self._join_type})
return True