blob: 524eef7e44a3626c970da92673755f4a69282099 [file] [log] [blame]
# Default values for heron.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# The environment where Heron will be running
# The following values are valid:
# "aws" - Amazon Web Services
# "gke" - Google Kubernetes Engine
# "minikube" - Kubernetes on a single local node
# "baremetal" - On-premise cluster
platform: minikube
# Heron image to use
image: heron/heron:VERSION
# Heron image pull policy
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Number of replicas for the job binary in bookkeeper
jobReplicas: 1
# amount of memory to provide for API server
apiServerMemory: 512M
# Topologies uploader
class: dlog # s3
s3Bucket: ""
s3PathPrefix: ""
s3AccessKey: ""
s3SecretKey: ""
s3Region: ""
# Packing algorithms
packing: RoundRobin # ResourceCompliantRR, FirstFitDecreasing
# Number of replicas for storage bookies, memory and storage requirements
bookieReplicas: 1
bookieCpuMin: 100m
bookieCpuMax: 250m
bookieHeapMemory: 256M
bookieDirectMemory: 128M
bookieReadCacheSize: 32
bookieWriteCacheSize: 32
bookieJournalCapacity: 1G
bookieStorageCapacity: 3G
# Number of replicas for zookeeper
zkReplicas: 1
image: apachedistributedlog/distributedlog:latest
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
enabled: true
minAvailable: 1
cpu: 500m
memory: 2G
cpu: 1
memory: 4G
heap: 1G
storage: 2G
serverPort: 2888
leaderElectionPort: 3888
clientPort: 2181
tickTimeMs: 2000
initTicks: 10
syncTicks: 5
clientCnxns: 60
snapRetain: 3
purgeHours: 1
probeInitialDelaySeconds: 15
probeTimeoutSeconds: 5
antiAffinity: "hard"
logLevel: "INFO"
enabled: false
runAsUser: 1000
fsGroup: 1000