blob: f4c47f12bb11d0f8a343e40b2172eea568708ddd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 Pants project contributors (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).
"""PEP425 handling for pex
PEP425 ( describes a tagging system used to determine
whether or not a distribution's platform is compatible with the current platform. It is the
tagging system used to describe platform compatibility for wheel files.
from pkg_resources import get_supported_platform
from .platforms import Platform
class PEP425Extras(object):
"""Extensions to platform handling beyond PEP425."""
def is_macosx_platform(cls, platform):
return platform.startswith('macosx')
def parse_macosx_tag(cls, platform_tag):
invalid_tag = ValueError('invalid macosx tag: %s' % platform_tag)
if not cls.is_macosx_platform(platform_tag):
raise invalid_tag
segments = platform_tag.split('_', 3)
if len(segments) != 4:
raise invalid_tag
if segments[0] != 'macosx':
raise invalid_tag
major, minor = int(segments[1]), int(segments[2])
platform = segments[3]
except ValueError:
raise invalid_tag
return major, minor, platform
def iter_compatible_osx_platforms(cls, supported_platform):
platform_major, platform_minor, platform = cls.parse_macosx_tag(supported_platform)
platform_equivalents = set(Platform.MACOSX_PLATFORM_COMPATIBILITY.get(platform, ()))
for minor in range(platform_minor, -1, -1):
for binary_compat in platform_equivalents:
yield 'macosx_%s_%s_%s' % (platform_major, minor, binary_compat)
def platform_iterator(cls, platform):
"""Iterate over all compatible platform tags of a supplied platform tag.
:param platform: the platform tag to iterate over
if cls.is_macosx_platform(platform):
for plat in cls.iter_compatible_osx_platforms(platform):
yield plat
yield platform
class PEP425(object): # noqa
'CPython': 'cp',
'Jython': 'jy',
'PyPy': 'pp',
'IronPython': 'ip',
def get_implementation_tag(cls, interpreter_subversion):
return cls.INTERPRETER_TAGS.get(interpreter_subversion)
def get_version_tag(cls, interpreter_version):
return ''.join(map(str, interpreter_version[:2]))
def translate_platform_to_tag(cls, platform):
return platform.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_')
def get_platform_tag(cls):
return cls.translate_platform_to_tag(get_supported_platform())
# TODO(wickman) This implementation is technically incorrect but we need to be able to
# predict the supported tags of an interpreter that may not be on this machine or
# of a different platform. Alternatively we could store the manifest of supported tags
# of a targeted platform in a file to be more correct.
def _iter_supported_tags(cls, impl, version, platform):
"""Given a set of tags, iterate over supported tags.
:param impl: Python implementation tag e.g. cp, jy, pp.
:param version: E.g. '27', '33'
:param platform: Platform as from :function:`pkg_resources.get_supported_platform`,
for example 'linux-x86_64' or 'macosx-10.4-x86_64'.
:returns: Iterator over (pyver, abi, platform) tuples.
# Predict soabi for reasonable interpreters. This is technically wrong but essentially right.
abis = []
if impl == 'cp' and (version.startswith('2') or version.startswith('3')):
'cp%s' % version,
'cp%sdmu' % version, 'cp%sdm' % version, 'cp%sdu' % version, 'cp%sd' % version,
'cp%smu' % version, 'cp%sm' % version,
'cp%su' % version
if version.startswith('3'):
major_version = int(version[0])
minor_versions = []
for minor in range(int(version[1]), -1, -1):
minor_versions.append('%d%d' % (major_version, minor))
platforms = list(PEP425Extras.platform_iterator(cls.translate_platform_to_tag(platform)))
# interpreter specific
for p in platforms:
for abi in abis:
yield ('%s%s' % (impl, version), abi, p)
# everything else
for p in platforms + ['any']:
for i in ('py', impl):
yield ('%s%d' % (i, major_version), 'none', p)
for minor_version in minor_versions:
yield ('%s%s' % (i, minor_version), 'none', p)
def iter_supported_tags(cls, identity, platform=get_supported_platform()):
"""Iterate over the supported tag tuples of this interpreter.
:param identity: python interpreter identity over which tags should iterate.
:type identity: :class:`PythonIdentity`
:param platform: python platform over which tags should iterate, by default the current
:returns: Iterator over valid PEP425 tag tuples.
impl_tag = cls.get_implementation_tag(identity.interpreter)
vers_tag = cls.get_version_tag(identity.version)
tag_iterator = cls._iter_supported_tags(impl_tag, vers_tag, platform)
for tag in tag_iterator:
yield tag