blob: c1d47c80f57ce5f64ba19f8c6969dd4f33df97c5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 - Twitter, Inc.
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''' module for defining the basic concept of the heron python dsl'''
from collections import namedtuple
from abc import abstractmethod
from heronpy.api.topology import TopologyBuilder
from heronpy.dsl.dslboltbase import DslBoltBase
TimeWindow = namedtuple('TimeWindow', 'duration sliding_interval')
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
class Streamlet(object):
"""A Streamlet is a (potentially unbounded) ordered collection of tuples
Streamlets originate from pub/sub systems(such Pulsar/Kafka), or from static data(such as
csv files, HDFS files), or for that matter any other source. They are also created by
transforming existing Streamlets using operations such as map/flat_map, etc.
def __init__(self, parents, stage_name=None, parallelism=None):
if not isinstance(parents, list):
raise RuntimeError("Streamlet's parents have to be a list")
self._parents = parents
self._stage_name = stage_name
self._parallelism = parallelism
self._output = DslBoltBase.outputs[0].stream_id
def map(self, map_function, stage_name=None, parallelism=None):
"""Return a new Streamlet by applying map_function to each element of this Streamlet.
from heronpy.dsl.mapbolt import MapStreamlet
return MapStreamlet(map_function, parents=[self], stage_name=stage_name,
def flat_map(self, flatmap_function, stage_name=None, parallelism=None):
"""Return a new Streamlet by applying map_function to each element of this Streamlet
and flattening the result
from heronpy.dsl.flatmapbolt import FlatMapStreamlet
return FlatMapStreamlet(flatmap_function, parents=[self], stage_name=stage_name,
def filter(self, filter_function, stage_name=None, parallelism=None):
"""Return a new Streamlet containing only the elements that satisfy filter_function
from heronpy.dsl.filterbolt import FilterStreamlet
return FilterStreamlet(filter_function, parents=[self], stage_name=stage_name,
def sample(self, sample_fraction, stage_name=None, parallelism=None):
"""Return a new Streamlet containing only sample_fraction fraction of elements
from heronpy.dsl.samplebolt import SampleStreamlet
return SampleStreamlet(sample_fraction, parents=[self], stage_name=stage_name,
def repartition(self, parallelism, stage_name=None):
"""Return a new Streamlet with new parallelism level
from heronpy.dsl.repartitionbolt import RepartitionStreamlet
return RepartitionStreamlet(parallelism, parents=[self], stage_name=stage_name)
def join(self, join_streamlet, time_window, stage_name=None, parallelism=None):
"""Return a new Streamlet by joining join_streamlet with this streamlet
from heronpy.dsl.joinbolt import JoinStreamlet
return JoinStreamlet(time_window, parents=[self, join_streamlet],
stage_name=stage_name, parallelism=parallelism)
def reduce_by_window(self, time_window, reduce_function, stage_name=None):
"""A short cut for reduce_by_key_and_window with parallelism of 1
over the time_window and then reduced using the reduce_function
from heronpy.dsl.reducebykeyandwindowbolt import ReduceByKeyAndWindowStreamlet
return ReduceByKeyAndWindowStreamlet(time_window, reduce_function,
stage_name=stage_name, parallelism=1)
def reduce_by_key_and_window(self, time_window, reduce_function,
stage_name=None, parallelism=None):
"""Return a new Streamlet in which each (key, value) pair of this Streamlet are collected
over the time_window and then reduced using the reduce_function
from heronpy.dsl.reducebykeyandwindowbolt import ReduceByKeyAndWindowStreamlet
return ReduceByKeyAndWindowStreamlet(time_window, reduce_function,
stage_name=stage_name, parallelism=parallelism)
def run(self, name, config=None):
"""Runs the Streamlet. This is run as a Heron python topology under the name
'name'. The config attached is passed on to this Heron topology
Once submitted, run returns immediately
if name is None or not isinstance(name, str):
raise RuntimeError("Job Name has to be a string")
bldr = TopologyBuilder(name=name)
stage_names = {}
bldr = self._build(bldr, stage_names)
if config is not None:
if not isinstance(config, dict):
raise RuntimeError("config has to be a dict")
### Internal functions
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def _build(self, bldr, stage_names):
for parent in self._parents:
parent._build(bldr, stage_names)
if self._parallelism is None:
self._parallelism = self._calculate_parallelism()
if self._stage_name is None:
self._stage_name = self._calculate_stage_name(stage_names)
if self._stage_name in stage_names:
raise RuntimeError("duplicated stage name %s" % self._stage_name)
stage_names[self._stage_name] = 1
return bldr
def _build_this(self, builder):
"""This is the method that's implemented by the operators.
:type builder: TopologyBuilder
:param builder: The operator adds in the current streamlet as a spout/bolt
raise RuntimeError("Streamlet's _build_this not implemented")
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def _calculate_parallelism(self):
"""This is the method that's implemented by the operators with a default impl
:return: The parallelism required for this operator
parallelism = 1
for parent in self._parents:
if parent._parallelism > parallelism:
parallelism = parent._parallelism
return parallelism
def _calculate_stage_name(self, existing_stage_names):
"""This is the method that's implemented by the operators to get the name of the Streamlet
:return: The name of the operator
raise RuntimeError("Streamlet's calculate stage name not implemented")