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''' API for defining windowed bolts in Heron'''
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple, deque
import time
from heronpy.api.bolt.bolt import Bolt
import heronpy.api.api_constants as api_constants
from heronpy.api.state.stateful_component import StatefulComponent
WindowContext = namedtuple('WindowContext', ('start', 'end'))
class SlidingWindowBolt(Bolt, StatefulComponent):
"""SlidingWindowBolt is a higer level bolt for Heron users who want to deal with
batches of tuples belonging to a certain time window. This bolt keeps track of
managing the window, adding/expiring tuples based on window configuration.
This way users will just have to deal with writing processWindow function
WINDOW_DURATION_SECS = 'slidingwindowbolt_duration_secs'
WINDOW_SLIDEINTERVAL_SECS = 'slidingwindowbolt_slideinterval_secs'
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
def init_state(self, stateful_state):
self.saved_state = stateful_state
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def pre_save(self, checkpoint_id):
self.saved_state['tuples'] = self.current_tuples
def processWindow(self, window_info, tuples):
"""The main interface that needs to be implemented.
This function is called every WINDOW_SLIDEINTERVAL_SECS seconds
and contains the data in the last WINDOW_DURATION_SECS seconds
in a list tuples
:type window_info: :class:`WindowContext`
:param window_info: The information about the window
:type tuples: :class:`list of Tuples`
:param tuples: The list of tuples in this window
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def initialize(self, config, context):
"""We initialize the window duration and slide interval
if SlidingWindowBolt.WINDOW_DURATION_SECS in config:
self.window_duration = int(config[SlidingWindowBolt.WINDOW_DURATION_SECS])
self.logger.fatal("Window Duration has to be specified in the config")
if SlidingWindowBolt.WINDOW_SLIDEINTERVAL_SECS in config:
self.slide_interval = int(config[SlidingWindowBolt.WINDOW_SLIDEINTERVAL_SECS])
self.slide_interval = self.window_duration
if self.slide_interval > self.window_duration:
self.logger.fatal("Slide Interval should be <= Window Duration")
# By modifying the config, we are able to setup the tick timer
config[api_constants.TOPOLOGY_TICK_TUPLE_FREQ_SECS] = str(self.slide_interval)
self.current_tuples = deque()
if hasattr(self, 'saved_state'):
if 'tuples' in self.saved_state:
self.current_tuples = self.saved_state['tuples']
def process(self, tup):
"""Process a single tuple of input
We add the (time, tuple) pair into our current_tuples. And then look for expiring
curtime = int(time.time())
self.current_tuples.append((tup, curtime))
def _expire(self, tm):
while len(self.current_tuples) > 0:
if tm - self.window_duration > self.current_tuples[0][1]:
(tup, _) = self.current_tuples.popleft()
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
def process_tick(self, tup):
"""Called every slide_interval
curtime = int(time.time())
window_info = WindowContext(curtime - self.window_duration, curtime)
tuple_batch = []
for (tup, tm) in self.current_tuples:
self.processWindow(window_info, tuple_batch)
class TumblingWindowBolt(Bolt, StatefulComponent):
"""TumblingWindowBolt is a higer level bolt for Heron users who want to deal with
batches of tuples belonging to a certain time window. This bolt keeps track of
managing the window, adding/expiring tuples based on window configuration.
This way users will just have to deal with writing processWindow function
WINDOW_DURATION_SECS = 'tumblingwindowbolt_duration_secs'
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
def init_state(self, stateful_state):
self.saved_state = stateful_state
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def pre_save(self, checkpoint_id):
self.saved_state['tuples'] = self.current_tuples
def processWindow(self, window_info, tuples):
"""The main interface that needs to be implemented.
This function is called every WINDOW_DURATION_SECS seconds
and contains the data in the last WINDOW_DURATION_SECS seconds
in a list tuples
:type window_info: :class:`WindowContext`
:param window_info: The information about the window
:type tuples: :class:`list of Tuples`
:param tuples: The list of tuples in this window
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def initialize(self, config, context):
"""We initialize the window duration and slide interval
if TumblingWindowBolt.WINDOW_DURATION_SECS in config:
self.window_duration = int(config[TumblingWindowBolt.WINDOW_DURATION_SECS])
self.logger.fatal("Window Duration has to be specified in the config")
# By modifying the config, we are able to setup the tick timer
config[api_constants.TOPOLOGY_TICK_TUPLE_FREQ_SECS] = str(self.window_duration)
self.current_tuples = deque()
if hasattr(self, 'saved_state'):
if 'tuples' in self.saved_state:
self.current_tuples = self.saved_state['tuples']
def process(self, tup):
"""Process a single tuple of input
We simply add the tuple into our current_tuples.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
def process_tick(self, tup):
"""Called every window_duration
curtime = int(time.time())
window_info = WindowContext(curtime - self.window_duration, curtime)
self.processWindow(window_info, list(self.current_tuples))
for tup in self.current_tuples: