blob: 75b39e70ceeea5888e23489a1e4612a219712046 [file] [log] [blame]
package heron.proto.system;
option java_package = "com.twitter.heron.proto.system";
option java_outer_classname = "PhysicalPlans";
import "topology.proto";
// This file defines the physical plan of a topology.
// It reflects the dynamic running state of a topology.
message StMgr {
required string id = 1;
required string host_name = 2;
required int32 data_port = 3;
required string local_endpoint = 4;
optional string cwd = 5; // current working directory
optional int32 pid = 6; // PID of process
// Http port to connect to heron-shell.
// The port is not used by stmgr itself, except to
// pass it on to tmaster to be included in pplan.
optional int32 shell_port = 7;
message InstanceInfo {
required int32 task_id = 1; // global
required int32 component_index = 2; // specific to this component
required string component_name = 3;
repeated string params = 4;
message Instance {
required string instance_id = 1;
required string stmgr_id = 2;
required InstanceInfo info = 3;
message PhysicalPlan {
// Note that heron.proto.api.Topology, included in PhysicalPlan,
// reflect the actual dynamic running state of the topology.
// Query this value guarantees the correct running state of the topology.
required heron.proto.api.Topology topology = 1;
repeated StMgr stmgrs = 2;
repeated Instance instances = 3;