blob: b4e06dbff46c239aa34a7c8d7176585234b8613e [file] [log] [blame]
title: The Heron Streamlet API is in beta
content: The Heron Streamlet API is well tested and can be used to build and test topologies locally. The API is not yet fully stable, however, and breaking changes are likely in the coming weeks.
type: success
title: This document pertains to the older, Storm-based, Heron Topology API
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Heron now offers two separate APIs for building topologies: the original, [Storm]( Topology API, and the newer [Streamlet API](../../../concepts/topologies#the-heron-streamlet-api). Topologies created using the Topology API can still run on Heron and there are currently no plans to deprecate this API. We would, however, recommend that you use the Streamlet API for future work.
type: warning
title: Select the cluster name carefully
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Selecting a cluster name is important. When using the [Heron CLI tool](../heron-cli) to manage topologies, you always need to specify a cluster name. That cluster name must match the name assigned to the cluster when starting up the API server. If you start up the API server and assign the cluster the name `us-west-1` and later restart the server as `us-west-backup`, then all Heron CLI commands will need to be updated accordingly.
type: danger
title: Don't want to manually create spouts and bolts? Try the Heron Streamlet API
type: success
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If you find manually creating and connecting spouts and bolts to be overly cumbersome, we recommend trying out the [Heron Streamlet API](../streamlet-api) for Java, which enables you to create your topology logic using a highly streamlined logic inspired by functional programming concepts.
title: New Streamlet API for Heron
type: success
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As of version 0.16.0, Heron offers a new **Streamlet API** that you can use to write topologies in a more declarative, functional manner, without needing to specify spout and bolt logic directly. The Streamlet API is **currently in beta** and available for [Java](../../developers/java/streamlet-api). The Streamlet API for Python will be available soon.
More information on the Streamlet API can be found [below](#the-heron-streamlet-api).