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= doctype html
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title {{.Site.Title}}
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p A realtime stream processing engine from Twitter
a.btn.btn-info.button-wrapper href=docs/getting-started Get Started
a.btn.btn-info.button-wrapper href=docs/upgrade-storm-to-heron Upgrade From Storm
.container style="text-align: center;"
h2 {{.Site.Params.tagline}}
.container style="text-align: center;"
h1 Why Heron?
h3 Speed and Performance
div Heron is the direct successor of
a href= Apache Storm
div built with a wide array of architectural improvements to be backwards compatible with Storm's
a href= topology API
h3 Proven at Twitter Scale
p Heron powers all realtime analytics with varied use cases at Twitter for over 2 years. Incident reports dropped by an order of magnitude demonstrating proven reliability and scalability
h3 Compatibility with Storm
p Heron is API compatible with Storm and hence no code change is required for migration.
h3 Ease of Development and Troubleshooting
div Easily debug and identify the issues in
a href=docs/concepts/topologies topologies,
div allowing faster iteration during development.
h3 Simplified and Responsive UI
p Heron UI gives a visual overview of each topology to visualize hot spot locations and detailed counters for tracking progress and troubleshooting.
h3 Scalability and Reliability
p Heron is highly scalable both in the ability to execute large number of components for each topology and the ability to launch and track large numbers of topologies.
.container style="text-align: center;"
h2 Heron is in Beta
p Heron is now the de facto stream data processing engine inside Twitter, and we believe Heron is stable enough for production use. The Heron team monitors and responds actively to bug reports from users.
.container style="text-align: center;"
h2 Get Started
h4 Run Topologies using pre-compiled Heron binaries
a.btn.btn-info href=docs/getting-started Get Started
h4 Upgrade Existing Storm Topologies
a.btn.btn-info.button-wrapper href=docs/upgrade-storm-to-heron Upgrade From Storm
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