blob: 6f5042df143586bed8a39d90273791ce82de9419 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "proto/messages.h"
#include "basics/basics.h"
#include "errors/errors.h"
#include "threads/threads.h"
#include "network/network.h"
#include "zookeeper/mock_zkclient.h"
#include "zookeeper/zkclient_factory.h"
#include "statemgr/heron-zkstatemgr.h"
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::AtLeast;
using ::testing::Mock;
using ::testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
namespace heron {
namespace common {
class MockZKClientFactory : public ZKClientFactory {
MOCK_METHOD3(create, ZKClient*(const std::string& hostportlist, EventLoop* eventLoop,
VCallback<ZKClient::ZkWatchEvent> global_watcher_cb));
MOCK_METHOD0(Die, void());
virtual ~MockZKClientFactory() { Die(); }
// To inherit protected constructor through which a mock zkclient factory
// can be passed
class HeronZKStateMgrWithMock : public heron::common::HeronZKStateMgr {
HeronZKStateMgrWithMock(const std::string& zkhostport, const std::string& topleveldir,
EventLoop* eventLoop, ZKClientFactory* zkclient_factory)
: HeronZKStateMgr(zkhostport, topleveldir, eventLoop, zkclient_factory) {}
virtual ~HeronZKStateMgrWithMock() {}
// A friend class of HeronZKStateMgr
class HeronZKStateMgrTest : public ::testing::Test {
// Initialize common test variables which gets run for each test
void SetUp() {
mock_zkclient_factory = new MockZKClientFactory();
hostportlist = "dummy_hostport";
topleveldir = "dummy_topleveldir";
// mock zkclient factory, on create call returns a mock zkclient
ON_CALL(*mock_zkclient_factory, create(_, _, _))
.WillByDefault(InvokeWithoutArgs(this, &HeronZKStateMgrTest::makeNewMockClient));
MockZKClient* makeNewMockClient() {
mock_zkclient = new MockZKClient();
return mock_zkclient;
// a proxy for the call since the tests cannot call directly
// (friendship inheritance is not supported)
static void CallTMasterLocationWatch(HeronZKStateMgr* heron_zkstatemgr) {
static void CallPackingPlanWatch(HeronZKStateMgr* heron_zkstatemgr) {
// a proxy for the call since the tests cannot call directly
// (friendship inheritance is not supported)
static void CallGlobalWatchEventHandler(HeronZKStateMgr* heron_zkstatemgr,
ZKClient::ZkWatchEvent event) {
static void TmasterLocationWatchHandler() { tmaster_watch_handler_count++; }
static void PackingPlanWatchHandler() { packing_plan_watch_handler_count++; }
MockZKClient* mock_zkclient;
MockZKClientFactory* mock_zkclient_factory;
EventLoopImpl ss;
std::string hostportlist;
std::string topleveldir;
// used to verify the number of calls to TmasterLocationWatchHandler
static int tmaster_watch_handler_count;
static int packing_plan_watch_handler_count;
// static member needs to be defined outside class... sigh :(
int HeronZKStateMgrTest::tmaster_watch_handler_count = 0;
int HeronZKStateMgrTest::packing_plan_watch_handler_count = 0;
// Ensure that ZKClient is created and deleted appropriately.
TEST_F(HeronZKStateMgrTest, testCreateDelete) {
// Calling the factory create method ensures that ZkClient is created once
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient_factory, create(hostportlist, &ss, _)).Times(1);
HeronZKStateMgr* heron_zkstatemgr =
new HeronZKStateMgrWithMock(hostportlist, topleveldir, &ss, mock_zkclient_factory);
// Ensure zkclient is deleted
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient, Die()).Times(1);
// Ensure zkclient_factory is deleted
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient_factory, Die()).Times(1);
delete heron_zkstatemgr;
TEST_F(HeronZKStateMgrTest, testSetTMasterLocationWatch) {
const std::string topology_name = "dummy_topology";
const std::string expected_path = topleveldir + "/tmasters/" + topology_name;
// Calling the factory create method ensures that ZkClient is created once
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient_factory, create(hostportlist, &ss, _)).Times(1);
HeronZKStateMgr* heron_zkstatemgr =
new HeronZKStateMgrWithMock(hostportlist, topleveldir, &ss, mock_zkclient_factory);
// Ensure that it sets a watch to the tmaster location
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient, Exists(expected_path, _, _)).Times(1);
heron_zkstatemgr->SetTMasterLocationWatch(topology_name, []() { TmasterLocationWatchHandler(); });
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient, Die()).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient_factory, Die()).Times(1);
delete heron_zkstatemgr;
TEST_F(HeronZKStateMgrTest, testTMasterLocationWatch) {
const std::string topology_name = "dummy_topology";
const std::string expected_path = topleveldir + "/tmasters/" + topology_name;
HeronZKStateMgr* heron_zkstatemgr =
new HeronZKStateMgrWithMock(hostportlist, topleveldir, &ss, mock_zkclient_factory);
heron_zkstatemgr->SetTMasterLocationWatch(topology_name, []() { TmasterLocationWatchHandler(); });
// ensure TmasterLocationWatch resets the watch
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient, Exists(expected_path, _, _)).Times(1);
tmaster_watch_handler_count = 0;
// ensure watch handler is called.
ASSERT_EQ(tmaster_watch_handler_count, 1);
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient, Die()).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient_factory, Die()).Times(1);
delete heron_zkstatemgr;
TEST_F(HeronZKStateMgrTest, testPackingPlanWatch) {
const std::string topology_name = "dummy_topology";
const std::string expected_path = topleveldir + "/packingplans/" + topology_name;
HeronZKStateMgr* heron_zkstatemgr =
new HeronZKStateMgrWithMock(hostportlist, topleveldir, &ss, mock_zkclient_factory);
heron_zkstatemgr->SetPackingPlanWatch(topology_name, []() { PackingPlanWatchHandler(); });
// ensure TmasterLocationWatch resets the watch
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient, Exists(expected_path, _, _)).Times(1);
packing_plan_watch_handler_count = 0;
// ensure watch handler is called.
ASSERT_EQ(packing_plan_watch_handler_count, 1);
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient, Die()).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient_factory, Die()).Times(1);
delete heron_zkstatemgr;
TEST_F(HeronZKStateMgrTest, testGlobalWatchEventHandler) {
const std::string topology_name = "dummy_topology";
const std::string expected_path = topleveldir + "/tmasters/" + topology_name;
heron::common::HeronZKStateMgr* heron_zkstatemgr =
new HeronZKStateMgrWithMock(hostportlist, topleveldir, &ss, mock_zkclient_factory);
heron_zkstatemgr->SetTMasterLocationWatch(topology_name, []() { TmasterLocationWatchHandler(); });
tmaster_watch_handler_count = 0;
const ZKClient::ZkWatchEvent session_expired_event = {ZOO_SESSION_EVENT,
// Ensure current ZkClient is destroyed
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient, Die()).Times(1);
// Ensure new ZkClient is created
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient_factory, create(hostportlist, &ss, _)).Times(1);
CallGlobalWatchEventHandler(heron_zkstatemgr, session_expired_event);
// Ensure watch handler is called
ASSERT_EQ(tmaster_watch_handler_count, 1);
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient_factory, Die()).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_zkclient, Die()).Times(1);
delete heron_zkstatemgr;
} // namespace common
} // namespace heron
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();