blob: 1ba17e078c943709aec7f30ca3ac0c403a4cacf8 [file] [log] [blame]
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<title>Apache Heron Blog</title>
<description>The best place to stay up-to-date with the latest Apache Heron news and events.</description>
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<title>Apache Heron Blog</title>
<copyright>Copyright © 2023 the Apache Software Foundation, Apache Heron, Heron,
Apache, the Apache feather Logo, and the Apache Heron project logo are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.</copyright>
<title><![CDATA[0.20.5-incubating Release]]></title>
<pubDate>Sat, 22 Oct 2022 06:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<description><![CDATA[<p>The Heron community is pleased to announce the release of version 0.20.5-incubating! We are excited as this is moment in time when we start to work on graduating out of the incubator. Heron has had several cloud native specific improvements and we th...</p>]]></description>
<title><![CDATA[0.20.4-incubating Release]]></title>
<pubDate>Thu, 27 May 2021 06:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<description><![CDATA[<p>The Heron community is pleased to announce the release of version 0.20.4-incubating. We are excited as this is the first release the Heron community has distributed a full set of convenience binaries from the released source code while under the Apac...</p>]]></description>