blob: 1fccb073ae122d8628d1c87eadef402f81b31120 [file] [log] [blame]
# Script to kick off the travis CI integration test. Fail-fast if any of tthe below commands fail.
set -e
DIR=`dirname $0`
source ${DIR}/
# integration test binaries have to be specified as absolute path
# build test related jar
T="heron build integration-test"
start_timer "$T"
python ${DIR}/ "heron_build_integration_test.txt" bazel --bazelrc=tools/travis-ci/bazel.rc build --config=ubuntu integration-test/src/...
end_timer "$T"
# install client
T="heron client install"
start_timer "$T"
python ${DIR}/ "heron_client_install.txt" bazel --bazelrc=tools/travis-ci/bazel.rc run --config=ubuntu -- scripts/ --user
end_timer "$T"
# install tools
T="heron tools install"
start_timer "$T"
python ${DIR}/ "heron_tools_install.txt" bazel --bazelrc=tools/travis-ci/bazel.rc run --config=ubuntu -- scripts/ --user
end_timer "$T"
# run local integration test
T="heron integration-test local"
start_timer "$T"
python ./bazel-bin/integration-test/src/python/local_test_runner/local-test-runner
end_timer "$T"
# run the java integration test
T="heron integration-test java"
start_timer "$T"
./bazel-bin/integration-test/src/python/http_server/http-server 8080 &
trap "kill -9 $http_server_id" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
./bazel-bin/integration-test/src/python/test_runner/test-runner.pex \
-rh localhost -rp 8080\
-tp integration-test/src/java/com/twitter/heron/integration_test/topology/ \
-cl local -rl heron-staging -ev devel
end_timer "$T"
# run the python integration test
T="heron integration-test python"
start_timer "$T"
./bazel-bin/integration-test/src/python/test_runner/test-runner.pex \
-rh localhost -rp 8080\
-tp integration-test/src/python/integration_test/topology/ \
-cl local -rl heron-staging -ev devel
end_timer "$T"