blob: 627bf57eb9ca12baaf5991491ebccdb702e39b1f [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
''' main '''
import argparse
import json
import logging
import os
import pkgutil
import re
import sys
import time
import uuid
from httplib import HTTPConnection
from ..common import status
from heron.common.src.python.utils import log
# The location of default configure file
DEFAULT_TEST_CONF_FILE = "integration_test/src/python/test_runner/resources/test.json"
class FileBasedExpectedResultsHandler(object):
def __init__(self, file_path):
self.file_path = file_path
def fetch_results(self):
# Read expected result from the expected result file
if not os.path.exists(self.file_path):
raise status.TestFailure("Expected results file %s does not exist" % self.file_path)
with open(self.file_path, "r") as expected_result_file:
except Exception as e:
raise status.TestFailure("Failed to read expected result file %s" % self.file_path, e)
class HttpBasedExpectedResultsHandler(object):
def __init__(self, server_host_port, topology_name, task_count):
self.server_host_port = server_host_port
self.topology_name = topology_name
self.task_count = task_count
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
def fetch_results(self):
result = []
decoder = json.JSONDecoder(strict=False)
for i in range(0, self.task_count):
task_result = fetch_from_server(self.server_host_port, self.topology_name,
'expected results',
'/state/%s_tuples_emitted_%d' % (self.topology_name, i))
json_result = decoder.decode(task_result)"Found %d tuples emitted from spout task %d", len(json_result), i)
result = result + json_result
if len(result) == 0:
raise status.TestFailure(
"Expected result set is empty for topology %s" % self.topology_name)
# need to convert from a list of json objects to a string of a python list,
# without the unicode using double quotes, not single quotes.
return str(map(lambda x: str(x), result)).replace("'", '"')
except Exception as e:
raise status.TestFailure(
"Fetching expected result failed for %s topology" % self.topology_name, e)
class HttpBasedActualResultsHandler(object):
def __init__(self, server_host_port, topology_name):
self.server_host_port = server_host_port
self.topology_name = topology_name
def fetch_results(self):
return fetch_from_server(self.server_host_port, self.topology_name,
'results', '/results/%s' % self.topology_name)
except Exception as e:
raise status.TestFailure("Fetching result failed for %s topology" % self.topology_name, e)
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
class ExactlyOnceResultsChecker(object):
"""Compares what results we found against what was expected. Verifies and exact match"""
def __init__(self, topology_name, expected_results_handler, actual_results_handler):
self.topology_name = topology_name
self.expected_results_handler = expected_results_handler
self.actual_results_handler = actual_results_handler
def check_results(self):
""" Checks the topology results from the server with the expected results from the file """
actual_result = self.actual_results_handler.fetch_results()
expected_result = self.expected_results_handler.fetch_results()
# Build a new instance of json decoder since the default one could not ignore "\n"
decoder = json.JSONDecoder(strict=False)
# The Heron doesn't guarantee the order of messages in any case, so we should sort the result.
# Notice: here we treat every data unique even they are the same,
# since we could judge here whether two messages are duplicates or not.
# User may deal with emit message along with MESSAGE_ID or remove duplicates in topology.
actual_results = sorted(decoder.decode(actual_result))
expected_results = sorted(decoder.decode(expected_result))
return self._compare(expected_results, actual_results)
def _compare(self, expected_results, actual_results):
# Compare the actual and expected result
if actual_results == expected_results:
return status.TestSuccess(
"Topology %s result matches expected result: %s expected tuples found exactly once" %
(len(expected_results), self.topology_name))
failure = status.TestFailure("Actual result did not match expected result")
# lambda required below to remove the unicode 'u' from the output"Actual result ---------- \n" + str(map(lambda x: str(x), actual_results)))"Expected result ---------- \n" + str(map(lambda x: str(x), expected_results)))
raise failure
class AtLeastOnceResultsChecker(ExactlyOnceResultsChecker):
"""Compares what results we found against what was expected. Verifies and exact match"""
def _compare(self, expected_results, actual_results):
expected_counts = _frequency_dict(expected_results)
actual_counts = _frequency_dict(actual_results)
missed_counts = {}
for expected_value in expected_counts:
expected_count = expected_counts[expected_value]
if expected_value in actual_counts:
actual_count = actual_counts[expected_value]
if actual_count < expected_count:
missed_counts[expected_value] = expected_count
missed_counts[expected_value] = expected_count
if len(missed_counts) == 0:
return status.TestSuccess(
"Topology %s result matches expected result: %s expected tuples found at least once" %
(self.topology_name, len(expected_counts)))
failure = status.TestFailure("Actual result did not match expected result")
# lambda required below to remove the unicode 'u' from the output"Actual value frequencies ---------- \n" + ', '.join(
map(lambda (k, v): "%s(%s)" % (str(k), v), actual_counts.iteritems())))"Expected value frequencies ---------- \n" + ', '.join(
map(lambda (k, v): "%s(%s)" % (str(k), v), expected_counts.iteritems())))
raise failure
def _frequency_dict(values):
frequency = {}
for value in values:
count = 0
if value in frequency:
count = frequency[value]
frequency[value] = count + 1
return frequency
def run_test(topology_name, classpath, results_checker,
params, http_server_host_port, update_args, extra_topology_args):
''' Runs the test for one topology '''
#submit topology
args = "-r http://%s/results -t %s %s" %\
(http_server_host_port, topology_name, extra_topology_args)
submit_topology(params.heron_cli_path, params.cli_config_path, params.cluster, params.role,
params.env, params.tests_bin_path, classpath,
params.release_package_uri, args)
except Exception as e:
raise status.TestFailure("Failed to submit %s topology" % topology_name, e)"Successfully submitted %s topology", topology_name)
if update_args:
# wait for the topology to be started before triggering an update
poll_state_server(http_server_host_port, topology_name, "topology_started")"Verified topology successfully started, proceeding to update it")
update_topology(params.heron_cli_path, params.cli_config_path, params.cluster,
params.role, params.env, topology_name, update_args)
# update state server to trigger more emits from the topology"Topology successfully updated, updating state server")
update_state_server(http_server_host_port, topology_name, "topology_updated", "true")
return results_checker.check_results()
except Exception as e:
raise status.TestFailure("Checking result failed for %s topology" % topology_name, e)
kill_topology(params.heron_cli_path, params.cli_config_path, params.cluster,
params.role, params.env, topology_name)
def poll_state_server(server_host_port, topology_name, key):
return fetch_from_server(
server_host_port, topology_name, key, '/state/%s_%s' % (topology_name, key))
def update_state_server(http_server_host_port, topology_name, key, value):
connection = HTTPConnection(http_server_host_port)
connection.request('POST', '/state/%s_%s' % (topology_name, key), '"%s"' % value)
response = connection.getresponse()
return response.status == 200
def fetch_from_server(server_host_port, topology_name, data_name, path):
''' Make a http get request to fetch actual results from http server '''
for i in range(0, RETRY_ATTEMPTS):"Fetching %s for topology %s, retry count: %d", data_name, topology_name, i)
response = get_http_response(server_host_port, path)
if response.status == 200:
elif i != RETRY_ATTEMPTS:"Fetching %s failed with status: %s; reason: %s; body: %s",
data_name, response.status, response.reason,
raise status.TestFailure("Failed to fetch %s after %d attempts" % (data_name, RETRY_ATTEMPTS))
def get_http_response(server_host_port, path):
''' get HTTP response '''
for _ in range(0, RETRY_ATTEMPTS):
connection = HTTPConnection(server_host_port)
connection.request('GET', path)
response = connection.getresponse()
return response
except Exception:
raise status.TestFailure("Failed to get HTTP Response after %d attempts" % RETRY_ATTEMPTS)
def cluster_token(cluster, role, env):
if cluster == "local":
return cluster
return "%s/%s/%s" % (cluster, role, env)
def submit_topology(heron_cli_path, cli_config_path, cluster, role,
env, jar_path, classpath, pkg_uri, args=None):
''' Submit topology using heron-cli '''
# Form the command to submit a topology.
# Note the single quote around the arg for heron.package.core.uri.
# This is needed to prevent shell expansion.
cmd = "%s submit --config-path=%s %s %s %s %s" %\
(heron_cli_path, cli_config_path, cluster_token(cluster, role, env),
jar_path, classpath, args)
if pkg_uri is not None:
cmd = "%s --config-property heron.package.core.uri='%s'" %(cmd, pkg_uri)"Submitting topology: %s", cmd)
if os.system(cmd) != 0:
raise status.TestFailure("Unable to submit the topology")
def kill_topology(heron_cli_path, cli_config_path, cluster, role, env, topology_name):
''' Kill a topology using heron-cli '''
cmd = "%s kill --config-path=%s %s %s" %\
(heron_cli_path, cli_config_path, cluster_token(cluster, role, env), topology_name)"Killing topology: %s", cmd)
if os.system(cmd) != 0:
raise status.TestFailure("Failed to kill topology %s" % topology_name)"Successfully killed topology %s", topology_name)
def update_topology(heron_cli_path, cli_config_path, cluster,
role, env, topology_name, update_args):
cmd = "%s update --config-path=%s %s %s %s --verbose" %\
(heron_cli_path, cli_config_path,
cluster_token(cluster, role, env), update_args, topology_name)"Update topology: %s", cmd)
if os.system(cmd) != 0:
raise status.TestFailure("Failed to update topology %s" % topology_name)"Successfully updated topology %s", topology_name)
def filter_test_topologies(test_topologies, test_pattern):
initial_topologies = test_topologies
if test_pattern:
pattern = re.compile(test_pattern)
test_topologies = filter(lambda x: pattern.match(x['topologyName']), test_topologies)
if len(test_topologies) == 0:
logging.error("Test filter '%s' did not match any configured test names:\n%s",
test_pattern, '\n'.join(map(lambda x: x['topologyName'], initial_topologies)))
return test_topologies
def run_tests(conf, args):
''' Run the test for each topology specified in the conf file '''
successes = []
failures = []
timestamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
http_server_host_port = "%s:%d" % (args.http_server_hostname, args.http_server_port)
if args.tests_bin_path.endswith("scala-integration-tests.jar"):
test_topologies = filter_test_topologies(conf["scalaTopologies"], args.test_topology_pattern)
topology_classpath_prefix = conf["topologyClasspathPrefix"]
extra_topology_args = "-s http://%s/state" % http_server_host_port
elif args.tests_bin_path.endswith("integration-tests.jar"):
test_topologies = filter_test_topologies(conf["javaTopologies"], args.test_topology_pattern)
topology_classpath_prefix = conf["topologyClasspathPrefix"]
extra_topology_args = "-s http://%s/state" % http_server_host_port
elif args.tests_bin_path.endswith("heron_integ_topology.pex"):
test_topologies = filter_test_topologies(conf["pythonTopologies"], args.test_topology_pattern)
topology_classpath_prefix = ""
extra_topology_args = ""
raise ValueError("Unrecognized binary file type: %s" % args.tests_bin_path)
current = 1
for topology_conf in test_topologies:
topology_name = ("%s_%s_%s") % (timestamp, topology_conf["topologyName"], str(uuid.uuid4()))
classpath = topology_classpath_prefix + topology_conf["classPath"]
# if the test includes an update we need to pass that info to the topology so it can send
# data accordingly. This flag causes the test spout to emit, then check the state of this
# token, then emit more.
update_args = ""
topology_args = extra_topology_args
if "updateArgs" in topology_conf:
update_args = topology_conf["updateArgs"]
if "topologyArgs" in topology_conf:
if topology_conf["topologyArgs"] == "emit_util" and update_args == "":
raise ValueError("Specifying a test with emit_until spout wrapper without updateArgs "
+ "will cause the spout to emit indefinitely. Not running topology "
+ topology_name)
topology_args = "%s %s" % (topology_args, topology_conf["topologyArgs"])
results_checker = load_result_checker(
topology_name, topology_conf,
load_expected_result_handler(topology_name, topology_conf, args, http_server_host_port),
HttpBasedActualResultsHandler(http_server_host_port, topology_name))"==== Starting test %s of %s: %s ====",
current, len(test_topologies), topology_name)
start_secs = int(time.time())
result = run_test(topology_name, classpath, results_checker,
args, http_server_host_port, update_args, topology_args)
test_tuple = (topology_name, int(time.time()) - start_secs)
if isinstance(result, status.TestSuccess):
successes += [test_tuple]
elif isinstance(result, status.TestFailure):
failures += [test_tuple]
logging.error("Unrecognized test response returned for test %s: %s",
topology_name, str(result))
failures += [test_tuple]
except status.TestFailure:
test_tuple = (topology_name, int(time.time()) - start_secs)
failures += [test_tuple]
current += 1
return successes, failures
def load_result_checker(topology_name, topology_conf,
expected_result_handler, actual_result_handler):
# the task count setting controls is used to trigger the emit until spout wrapper, which is
# currently only used in at least once tests. if that changes we need to expand our config
# settings
if "expectedHttpResultTaskCount" in topology_conf:
return AtLeastOnceResultsChecker(
topology_name, expected_result_handler, actual_result_handler)
return ExactlyOnceResultsChecker(
topology_name, expected_result_handler, actual_result_handler)
def load_expected_result_handler(topology_name, topology_conf, args, http_server_host_port):
if "expectedResultRelativePath" in topology_conf:
expected_result_file_path =\
args.topologies_path + "/" + topology_conf["expectedResultRelativePath"]
return FileBasedExpectedResultsHandler(expected_result_file_path)
elif "expectedHttpResultTaskCount" in topology_conf:
return HttpBasedExpectedResultsHandler(
http_server_host_port, topology_name, topology_conf["expectedHttpResultTaskCount"])
raise status.TestFailure("Either expectedResultRelativePath or expectedHttpResultTaskCount "
+ "must be specified for test %s " % topology_name)
def main():
''' main '''
# Read the configuration file from package
conf_string = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, conf_file)
decoder = json.JSONDecoder(strict=False)
# Convert the conf file to a json format
conf = decoder.decode(conf_string)
# Parse the arguments passed via command line
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This is the heron integration test framework')
parser.add_argument('-hc', '--heron-cli-path', dest='heron_cli_path',
parser.add_argument('-tb', '--tests-bin-path', dest='tests_bin_path')
parser.add_argument('-cl', '--cluster', dest='cluster', default=conf['cluster'])
parser.add_argument('-ev', '--env', dest='env', default=conf['env'])
parser.add_argument('-rl', '--role', dest='role', default=conf['role'])
parser.add_argument('-rh', '--http-server-hostname', dest='http_server_hostname')
parser.add_argument('-rp', '--http-server-port', dest='http_server_port', type=int,
parser.add_argument('-tp', '--topologies-path', dest='topologies_path')
parser.add_argument('-ts', '--test-topology-pattern', dest='test_topology_pattern', default=None)
parser.add_argument('-pi', '--release-package-uri', dest='release_package_uri', default=None)
parser.add_argument('-cd', '--cli-config-path', dest='cli_config_path',
#parser.add_argument('-dt', '--disable-topologies', dest='disabledTopologies', default='',
# help='comma separated test case(classpath) name that will not be run')
#parser.add_argument('-et', '--enable-topologies', dest='enableTopologies', default=None,
# help='comma separated test case(classpath) name that will be run only')
args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args()
if unknown_args:
logging.error('Unknown argument passed to %s: %s', sys.argv[0], unknown_args[0])
(successes, failures) = run_tests(conf, args)
total = len(failures) + len(successes)
if not failures:"SUCCESS: %s (all) tests passed:", len(successes))
for test in successes:" - %s: %s", ("[%ss]" % test[1]).ljust(8), test[0])
logging.error("FAILURE: %s/%s tests failed:", len(failures), total)
for test in failures:
logging.error(" - %s: %s", ("[%ss]" % test[1]).ljust(8), test[0])
if __name__ == '__main__':