blob: 7910ef2495c6a5301b3e6683e0ff8864d1f6f5b1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Verifies required libraries and tools exist and are valid versions.
# Is so creates scripts/compile/ containing environment used
# by bazel when building.
# When changing this script, verify that it still works by running locally
# on a mac. Then verify the other environments by doing this:
# cd docker
# ./ ubuntu15.10 0.12.0 .
# ./ ubuntu14.04 0.12.0 .
# ./ centos7 0.12.0 .
import os
import re
import sys
import stat
import getpass
import datetime
import platform
import subprocess
import semver
# Architecture and system defines
('x86_64', 'Darwin') : ('IS_I386_MACOSX', 'IS_MACOSX'),
('x86_64', 'Linux' ) : ('IS_I386_LINUX', 'IS_LINUX'),
# Discover the name of the user compiling
def discover_user():
return getpass.getuser()
# Discover the name of the host compiling
def discover_host():
return platform.node()
# Get the time of the setup - does not change every time you compile
def discover_timestamp():
return str(
# Get the processor the platform is running on
def discover_processor():
return platform.machine()
# Get the operating system of the platform
def discover_os():
return platform.system()
# Get the operating system version
def discover_os_version():
return platform.release()
# Get the git sha of the branch - you are working
def discover_git_sha():
output = subprocess.check_output("git rev-parse HEAD", shell=True)
return output.decode('ascii', 'ignore').strip("\n")
# Get the name of branch - you are working on
def discover_git_branch():
output = subprocess.check_output("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", shell=True)
return output.decode('ascii', 'ignore').strip("\n")
# Utility functions for system defines
def define_string(name, value):
return '#define %s "%s"\n' % (name, value)
def define_value(name, value):
return '#define %s %s\n' % (name, value)
# Discover where a program is located using the PATH variable
def which(program):
def is_exe(fpath):
return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
def ext_candidates(fpath):
yield fpath
for ext in os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").split(os.pathsep):
yield fpath + ext
fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
if fpath:
if is_exe(program):
return program
for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
for candidate in ext_candidates(exe_file):
if is_exe(candidate):
return candidate
return None
# Discover the real path of the program
def real_program_path(program_name):
which_path = which(program_name)
if which_path:
return os.path.realpath(which_path)
return None
def fail(message):
print("\nFAILED: %s" % message)
# Assumes the version is at the end of the first line consisting of digits and dots
def get_trailing_version(line):
version ='([\d.]+)$', line)
if version and '.' in
def discover_version(path):
if "python" in path:
version_flag = "-V"
version_flag = "--version"
command = "%s %s" % (path, version_flag)
version_output = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
first_line = version_output.decode('ascii', 'ignore').split("\n")[0]
version = get_trailing_version(first_line)
if version:
return version
# on debian, /usr/bin/gcc --version returns this:
# gcc-5 (Debian 5.3.1-14) 5.3.1 20160409
debian_line ='.*?Debian.*?\s(\d[\d\.]+\d+)\s.*', first_line)
if debian_line:
version = get_trailing_version(
if version:
return version
# on centos, /usr/bin/gcc --version returns this:
# gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4)
redhat_line ='(.*)\s+[0-9]+\s+\(Red Hat .*\)$', first_line)
if redhat_line:
version = get_trailing_version(
if version:
return version
# on ubuntu, /usr/bin/gcc --version returns this:
# gcc-5 (Ubuntu 5.2.1-22ubuntu2) 5.2.1 20151010
ubuntu_line ='.*\s+\(Ubuntu .*\)\s+([\d\.]+)\s+\d+$', first_line)
if ubuntu_line:
version = get_trailing_version(
if version:
return version
# on mac, /usr/bin/cpp --version returns this:
# Apple LLVM version 6.0 (clang-600.0.56) (based on LLVM 3.5svn)
mac_line ='^(Apple LLVM version\s+[\d\.]+)\s+\(clang.*', first_line)
if mac_line:
version = get_trailing_version(
if version:
return version
# with python anaconda, --V returns this:
# Python 2.7.11 :: Anaconda 2.2.0 (x86_64)
anaconda_line ='.*\s+Anaconda\s+.*\s', first_line)
if anaconda_line:
version =' ')[1]
if version:
return version
# python on debian, --V returns this:
# Python 2.7.11+
python_line ='^Python\s+(\d[\d\.]+)\+{0,1}.*', first_line)
if python_line:
version =
if version:
return version
fail ("Could not determine the version of %s from the following output\n%s\n%s" % (path, command, version_output))
def to_semver(version):
# is version too short
if'^[\d]+\.[\d]+$', version):
return "%s.0" % version
# is version too long
version_search ='^([\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+)\.[\d]+$', version)
if version_search:
return version
def assert_min_version(path, min_version):
version = discover_version(path)
if not semver.match(to_semver(version), ">=%s" % to_semver(min_version)):
fail("%s is version %s which is less than the required version %s" % (path, version, min_version))
return version
# Discover the program using env variable/program name
def discover_program(program_name, env_variable = ""):
env_value = program_name
if env_variable:
env_value = os.environ[env_variable]
except KeyError:
return real_program_path(env_value)
# Get the platform we are running
def discover_platform():
return discover_os()
# Make the file executable
def make_executable(path):
st_mode = os.stat(path).st_mode
os.chmod(path, st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR)
# Discover a tool needed to compile Heron
def discover_tool(program, msg, envvar, min_version = ''):
VALUE = discover_program(program, envvar)
if not VALUE:
fail("""You need to have %s installed to build Heron.
Note: Some vendors install %s with a versioned name
(like /usr/bin/%s-4.8). You can set the %s environment
variable to specify the full path to yours.'""" % (program, program, program, envvar))
print_value = VALUE
if min_version:
version = assert_min_version(VALUE, min_version)
print_value = "%s (%s)" % (VALUE, version)
print('Using %s:\t%s' % (msg.ljust(20), print_value))
return VALUE
def discover_jdk():
jdk_path = os.environ['JAVA_HOME']
except KeyError:
javac_path = real_program_path('javac')
if javac_path is None:
fail("You need to have JDK installed to build Heron.\n"
"You can set the JAVA_HOME environment variavle to specify the full path to yours.")
jdk_bin_path = os.path.dirname(javac_path)
jdk_path = os.path.dirname(jdk_bin_path)
print('Using %s:\t%s' % ('JDK'.ljust(20), jdk_path))
return jdk_path
# Discover the linker directory
def discover_linker(environ):
BLDFLAG = '-B' + os.path.dirname(environ['LD'])
return BLDFLAG
# Discover a tool needed but default to certain value if not able to
def discover_tool_default(program, msg, envvar, defvalue):
VALUE = discover_program(program, envvar)
if not VALUE:
VALUE = defvalue
print('%s:\tnot found, but ok' % (program.ljust(26)))
print('Using %s:\t%s' % (msg.ljust(20), VALUE))
return VALUE
def export_env_to_file(out_file, env):
if env in os.environ:
out_file.write('export %s="%s"\n' % (env, os.environ[env]))
# Generate the shell script that recreates the environment
def write_env_exec_file(platform, environ):
env_exec_file = 'scripts/compile/'
out_file = open(env_exec_file, 'w')
out_file.write('set -eu \n\n')
# If C environment is set, export them
for env in ['CC', 'CPP', 'CFLAGS']:
export_env_to_file(out_file, env)
# If CXX environment is set, export them
for env in ['CXX', 'CXXCPP', 'CXXFLAGS']:
export_env_to_file(out_file, env)
# If linker environment is set, export them
for env in ['LDFLAGS', 'LIBS']:
export_env_to_file(out_file, env)
# Invoke the programs
out_file.write('# Execute the input programs\n')
print('Wrote the environment exec file %s' % (env_exec_file))
# Generate system defines based on processor, os and os version
def generate_system_defines():
key = (discover_processor(), discover_os(), discover_os_version())
if key in ARCH_AND_SYS:
defines = ARCH_AND_SYS[key]
key = (discover_processor(), discover_os())
defines = ARCH_AND_SYS[key]
strings = []
for define in defines:
strings.append(define_value(define, '1'))
return "".join(strings)
# Write heron config header at config/heron-config.h
def write_heron_config_header(config_file):
if os.path.exists(config_file): os.unlink(config_file)
out_file = open(config_file, 'w')
out_file.write(define_string('PACKAGE', 'heron'))
out_file.write(define_string('PACKAGE_NAME', 'heron'))
out_file.write(define_string('PACKAGE_VERSION', 'unversioned'))
out_file.write(define_string('PACKAGE_COMPILE_USER', discover_user()))
out_file.write(define_string('PACKAGE_COMPILE_HOST', discover_host()))
out_file.write(define_string('PACKAGE_COMPILE_TIME', discover_timestamp()))
out_file.write(define_string('GIT_SHA', discover_git_sha()))
out_file.write(define_string('GIT_BRANCH', discover_git_branch()))
print('Wrote the heron config header file: \t"%s"' % (config_file))
# MAIN program that sets up your workspace for bazel
def main():
env_map = dict()
# Discover the platform
platform = discover_platform()
print("Platform %s" % platform)
# do differently on mac
if platform == "Darwin":
c_min = '4.2.1'
cpp_min = '6.0' # on mac this will be clang version
c_min = '4.8.1'
cpp_min = c_min
# Discover the tools environment
env_map['CC'] = discover_tool('gcc','C compiler', 'CC', c_min)
env_map['CXX'] = discover_tool('g++','C++ compiler', 'CXX', c_min)
env_map['CPP'] = discover_tool('cpp','C preprocessor', 'CPP', cpp_min)
env_map['CXXCPP'] = discover_tool('cpp','C++ preprocessor', 'CXXCPP', cpp_min)
env_map['LD'] = discover_tool('ld','linker', 'LD')
env_map['BLDFLAG'] = discover_linker(env_map)
env_map['JAVA_HOME'] = discover_jdk()
# Discover the utilities
env_map['AUTOMAKE'] = discover_tool('automake', 'Automake', 'AUTOMAKE', '1.9.6')
env_map['AUTOCONF'] = discover_tool('autoconf', 'Autoconf', 'AUTOCONF', '2.6.3')
env_map['MAKE'] = discover_tool('make', 'Make', 'MAKE', '3.81')
env_map['PYTHON'] = discover_tool('python', 'Python', 'PYTHON', '2.7')
if platform == 'Darwin':
env_map['LIBTOOL'] = discover_tool('glibtool', 'Libtool', 'LIBTOOL', '2.4.2')
env_map['LIBTOOL'] = discover_tool('libtool', 'Libtool', 'LIBTOOL', '2.4.2')
env_map['AR'] = discover_tool('ar', 'archiver', 'AR')
env_map['GCOV']= discover_tool('gcov','coverage tool', 'GCOV')
env_map['DWP'] = discover_tool_default('dwp', 'dwp', 'DWP', '/usr/bin/dwp')
env_map['NM'] = discover_tool_default('nm', 'nm', 'NM', '/usr/bin/nm')
env_map['OBJCOPY'] = discover_tool_default('objcopy', 'objcopy', 'OBJCOPY', '/usr/bin/objcopy')
env_map['OBJDUMP'] = discover_tool_default('objdump', 'objdump', 'OBJDUMP', '/usr/bin/objdump')
env_map['STRIP'] = discover_tool_default('strip', "strip", 'STRIP', '/usr/bin/strip')
# write the environment executable file
# write_env_exec_file(platform, env_map)
if __name__ == '__main__':