blob: e7037fb0604cc43cd2255b78ef3734c6f0b96b8b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "network/network_error.h"
#include "proto/messages.h"
#include "network/network.h"
#include "basics/basics.h"
namespace heron {
namespace common {
class MetricsMgrSt;
class MultiCountMetric;
class TimeSpentMetric;
class AssignableMetric;
class MultiMeanMetric;
namespace heron {
namespace stmgr {
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::unordered_map;
class StMgr;
class NeighbourCalculator;
class CheckpointGateway;
class InstanceServer : public Server {
InstanceServer(shared_ptr<EventLoop> eventLoop, const NetworkOptions& options,
const sp_string& _topology_name, const sp_string& _topology_id,
const sp_string& _stmgr_id,
const std::vector<sp_string>& _expected_instances,
StMgr* _stmgr,
shared_ptr<heron::common::MetricsMgrSt> const& _metrics_manager_client,
shared_ptr<NeighbourCalculator> _neighbour_calculator,
bool _droptuples_upon_backpressure);
virtual ~InstanceServer();
// We own the message
void SendToInstance2(sp_int32 _task_id, proto::system::HeronTupleSet2* _message);
void SendToInstance2(unique_ptr<proto::stmgr::TupleStreamMessage> _message);
// When we get a checkpoint marker from _src_task_id destined for _destination_task_id
// this function in invoked, so that we might register it in gateway
void HandleCheckpointMarker(sp_int32 _src_task_id, sp_int32 _destination_task_id,
const sp_string& _checkpoint_id);
void BroadcastNewPhysicalPlan(const proto::system::PhysicalPlan& _pplan);
virtual bool HaveAllInstancesConnectedToUs() const {
return active_instances_.size() == expected_instances_.size();
// Gets all the Instance information
virtual void GetInstanceInfo(std::vector<proto::system::Instance*>& _return);
// Get instance info for this task_id
virtual proto::system::Instance* GetInstanceInfo(sp_int32 _task_id);
bool DidAnnounceBackPressure() { return !remote_ends_who_caused_back_pressure_.empty(); }
// Send messages to all local spouts to start the process of checkpointing
void InitiateStatefulCheckpoint(const sp_string& _checkpoint_tag);
// Send a RestoreInstanceStateRequest to _task_id asking it to restore itself from _state
virtual bool SendRestoreInstanceStateRequest(sp_int32 _task_id,
const proto::ckptmgr::InstanceStateCheckpoint& _state);
// Send StartInstanceStatefulProcessing message to all instances so that they can start
// processing
void SendStartInstanceStatefulProcessing(const std::string& _ckpt_id);
// Clears all buffered state in stateful-gateway
virtual void ClearCache();
// Can we free the back pressure on the spouts?
void AttemptStopBackPressureFromSpouts();
// Start back pressure on the spouts
void StartBackPressureOnSpouts();
virtual void HandleNewConnection(Connection* newConnection);
virtual void HandleConnectionClose(Connection* connection, NetworkErrorCode status);
void DrainTupleSet(sp_int32 _task_id, proto::system::HeronTupleSet2* _message);
void DrainTupleStream(proto::stmgr::TupleStreamMessage* _message);
void DrainCheckpoint(sp_int32 _task_id,
unique_ptr<proto::ckptmgr::InitiateStatefulCheckpoint> _message);
sp_string MakeBackPressureCompIdMetricName(const sp_string& instanceid);
sp_string MakeQueueSizeCompIdMetricName(const sp_string& instanceid);
sp_string MakeQueueLengthCompIdMetricName(const sp_string& instanceid);
sp_string GetInstanceName(Connection* _connection);
void UpdateQueueMetrics(EventLoop::Status);
// Various handlers for different requests
// Next from local instances
void HandleRegisterInstanceRequest(REQID _id, Connection* _conn,
unique_ptr<proto::stmgr::RegisterInstanceRequest> _request);
void HandleTupleSetMessage(Connection* _conn, unique_ptr<proto::system::HeronTupleSet> _message);
void HandleStoreInstanceStateCheckpointMessage(Connection* _conn,
unique_ptr<proto::ckptmgr::StoreInstanceStateCheckpoint> _message);
void HandleRestoreInstanceStateResponse(Connection* _conn,
unique_ptr<proto::ckptmgr::RestoreInstanceStateResponse> _message);
// Back pressure related connection callbacks
// Do back pressure
virtual void StartBackPressureConnectionCb(Connection* _connection);
// Relieve back pressure
virtual void StopBackPressureConnectionCb(Connection* _connection);
// Compute the LocalSpouts from Physical Plan
void ComputeLocalSpouts(const proto::system::PhysicalPlan& _pplan);
// Read config from Physical Plan and apply rate limit to connection
void SetRateLimit(const proto::system::PhysicalPlan& _pplan,
const std::string& component,
Connection* conn) const;
class InstanceData {
explicit InstanceData(proto::system::Instance* _instance)
: instance_(_instance), local_spout_(false), conn_(NULL) {}
~InstanceData() { delete instance_; }
void set_local_spout() { local_spout_ = true; }
bool is_local_spout() { return local_spout_; }
void set_connection(Connection* _conn) { conn_ = _conn; }
proto::system::Instance* instance_;
bool local_spout_;
Connection* conn_;
// map from Connection to their task_id
typedef std::unordered_map<Connection*, sp_int32> ConnectionTaskIdMap;
ConnectionTaskIdMap active_instances_;
// map of task id to InstanceData
typedef std::unordered_map<sp_int32, InstanceData*> TaskIdInstanceDataMap;
TaskIdInstanceDataMap instance_info_;
// map of Instance_id to metric
// Used for back pressure metrics
typedef unordered_map<sp_string, shared_ptr<heron::common::TimeSpentMetric>> InstanceMetricMap;
InstanceMetricMap instance_metric_map_;
// map of Instance_id to queue metric
typedef unordered_map<sp_string,
shared_ptr<heron::common::MultiMeanMetric>> ConnectionBufferMetricMap;
ConnectionBufferMetricMap connection_buffer_metric_map_;
// map of Instance_id to queue length metric
typedef std::unordered_map<sp_string, shared_ptr<heron::common::MultiCountMetric>>
ConnectionBufferLengthMetricMap connection_buffer_length_metric_map_;
// map of task id to task name
std::unordered_map<sp_int32, sp_string> task_id_to_name;
// instances/ causing back pressure
std::unordered_set<sp_string> remote_ends_who_caused_back_pressure_;
sp_string topology_name_;
sp_string topology_id_;
sp_string stmgr_id_;
std::vector<sp_string> expected_instances_;
StMgr* stmgr_;
// Metrics
shared_ptr<heron::common::MetricsMgrSt> metrics_manager_client_;
shared_ptr<heron::common::MultiCountMetric> instance_server_metrics_;
shared_ptr<heron::common::TimeSpentMetric> back_pressure_metric_aggr_;
bool spouts_under_back_pressure_;
// Stateful processing related member variables
shared_ptr<NeighbourCalculator> neighbour_calculator_;
shared_ptr<CheckpointGateway> stateful_gateway_;
bool droptuples_upon_backpressure_;
sp_string heron_tuple_set_2_ = "heron.proto.system.HeronTupleSet2";
} // namespace stmgr
} // namespace heron