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// Copyright 2017 Twitter. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.JoinType;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.KVStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.KeyValue;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.KeyedWindow;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.SerializableBiFunction;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.SerializableBinaryOperator;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.SerializableConsumer;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.SerializableFunction;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.SerializablePredicate;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.SerializableSupplier;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.SerializableTransformer;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.Sink;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.Source;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.Streamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.WindowConfig;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.JoinStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.KVConsumerStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.KVFilterStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.KVFlatMapStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.KVIdentityMapStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.KVLogStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.KVMapStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.KVRemapStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.KVSinkStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.KVToStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.KVTransformStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.KVUnionStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.ReduceByKeyAndWindowStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.SourceKVStreamlet;
import com.twitter.heron.streamlet.impl.streamlets.SupplierKVStreamlet;
* Some transformations like join and reduce assume a certain structure of the tuples
* that it is processing. These transformations act on tuples of type KeyValue that have an
* identifiable Key and Value components. Thus a KVStreamlet is just a special kind of Streamlet.
public abstract class KVStreamletImpl<K, V> extends BaseStreamletImpl<KVStreamlet<K, V>>
implements KVStreamlet<K, V> {
protected KVStreamletImpl<K, V> returnThis() {
return this;
* Create a Streamlet based on the supplier function
* @param supplier The Supplier function to generate the elements
static <K, V> KVStreamletImpl<K, V> createSupplierKVStreamlet(
SerializableSupplier<KeyValue<K, V>> supplier) {
return new SupplierKVStreamlet<K, V>(supplier);
* Create a Streamlet based on the generator function
* @param generator The Generator function to generate the elements
static <K, V> KVStreamletImpl<K, V> createGeneratorKVStreamlet(
Source<KeyValue<K, V>> generator) {
return new SourceKVStreamlet<K, V>(generator);
* Return a new Streamlet by applying mapFn to each element of this Streamlet
* @param mapFn The Map Function that should be applied to each element
public <K1, V1> KVStreamlet<K1, V1> map(
SerializableFunction<? super KeyValue<? super K, ? super V>,
? extends KeyValue<? extends K1, ? extends V1>> mapFn) {
KVMapStreamlet<K, V, K1, V1> retval = new KVMapStreamlet<>(this, mapFn);
return retval;
* Return a new Streamlet by applying mapFn to each element of this KVStreamlet
* @param mapFn The Map Function that should be applied to each element
public <R> Streamlet<R> mapToStreamlet(
SerializableFunction<? super KeyValue<? super K, ? super V>, ? extends R> mapFn) {
KVToStreamlet<K, V, R> retval = new KVToStreamlet<>(this, mapFn);
return retval;
* Return a new Streamlet by applying flatMapFn to each element of this Streamlet and
* flattening the result
* @param flatMapFn The FlatMap Function that should be applied to each element
public <K1, V1> KVStreamlet<K1, V1> flatMap(
SerializableFunction<? super KeyValue<? super K, ? super V>,
? extends Iterable<KeyValue<? extends K1, ? extends V1>>> flatMapFn) {
KVFlatMapStreamlet<K, V, K1, V1> retval = new KVFlatMapStreamlet<>(this, flatMapFn);
return retval;
* Return a new Streamlet by applying the filterFn on each element of this streamlet
* and including only those elements that satisfy the filterFn
* @param filterFn The filter Function that should be applied to each element
public KVStreamlet<K, V> filter(
SerializablePredicate<? super KeyValue<? super K, ? super V>> filterFn) {
KVFilterStreamlet<K, V> retval = new KVFilterStreamlet<>(this, filterFn);
return retval;
* Same as filter(Identity).setNumPartitions(nPartitions)
public KVStreamlet<K, V> repartition(int numPartitions) {
KVIdentityMapStreamlet<K, V> retval = new KVIdentityMapStreamlet<>(this);
return retval;
* A more generalized version of repartition where a user can determine which partitions
* any particular tuple should go to
public KVStreamlet<K, V> repartition(int numPartitions,
SerializableBiFunction<? super KeyValue<? super K, ? super V>,
Integer, List<Integer>> partitionFn) {
KVRemapStreamlet<K, V> retval = new KVRemapStreamlet<>(this, partitionFn);
return retval;
* Clones the current Streamlet. It returns an array of numClones Streamlets where each
* Streamlet contains all the tuples of the current Streamlet
* @param numClones The number of clones to clone
public List<KVStreamlet<K, V>> clone(int numClones) {
List<KVStreamlet<K, V>> retval = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numClones; ++i) {
return retval;
* Returns a new Streamlet thats the union of this and the ‘other’ streamlet. Essentially
* the new streamlet will contain tuples belonging to both Streamlets
public KVStreamlet<K, V> union(KVStreamlet<? extends K, ? extends V> other) {
KVStreamletImpl<? extends K, ? extends V> joinee =
(KVStreamletImpl<? extends K, ? extends V>) other;
KVUnionStreamlet<K, V> retval = new KVUnionStreamlet<>(this, joinee);
return retval;
* Logs every element of the streamlet using String.valueOf function
* Note that LogStreamlet is an empty streamlet. That is its a streamlet
* that does not contain any tuple. Thus this function returns void.
public void log() {
KVLogStreamlet<K, V> logger = new KVLogStreamlet<>(this);
* Applies the consumer function for every element of this streamlet
* @param consumer The user supplied consumer function that is invoked for each element
public void consume(SerializableConsumer<? super KeyValue<? super K, ? super V>> consumer) {
KVConsumerStreamlet<K, V> consumerStreamlet = new KVConsumerStreamlet<>(this, consumer);
* Uses the sink to consume every element of this streamlet
* @param sink The Sink that consumes
public void toSink(Sink<? super KeyValue<? super K, ? super V>> sink) {
KVSinkStreamlet<K, V> sinkStreamlet = new KVSinkStreamlet<>(this, sink);
* Returns a new Streamlet by applying the transformFunction on each element of this streamlet.
* Before starting to cycle the transformFunction over the Streamlet, the open function is called.
* This allows the transform Function to do any kind of initialization/loading, etc.
* @param serializableTransformer The transformation function to be applied
* @return Streamlet containing the output of the transformFunction
public <K1, V1> KVStreamlet<K1, V1> transform(
SerializableTransformer<? super KeyValue<? super K, ? super V>,
? extends KeyValue<? extends K1, ? extends V1>> serializableTransformer) {
KVTransformStreamlet<K, V, K1, V1> transformStreamlet =
new KVTransformStreamlet<>(this, serializableTransformer);
return transformStreamlet;
* Return a new KVStreamlet by inner joining ‘this’ streamlet with ‘other’ streamlet.
* The join is done over elements accumulated over a time window defined by TimeWindow.
* @param other The Streamlet that we are joining with.
* @param windowCfg This is a specification of what kind of windowing strategy you like to
* have. Typical windowing strategies are sliding windows and tumbling windows
* @param joinFunction The join function that needs to be applied
public <V2, VR> KVStreamlet<KeyedWindow<K>, VR>
join(KVStreamlet<K, V2> other, WindowConfig windowCfg,
SerializableBiFunction<? super V, ? super V2, ? extends VR> joinFunction) {
return join(other, windowCfg, JoinType.INNER, joinFunction);
* Return a new KVStreamlet by joining 'this streamlet with ‘other’ streamlet. The type of joining
* is declared by the joinType parameter.
* Types of joins {@link JoinType}
* The join is done over elements accumulated over a time window defined by TimeWindow.
* @param other The Streamlet that we are joining with.
* @param windowCfg This is a specification of what kind of windowing strategy you like to
* have. Typical windowing strategies are sliding windows and tumbling windows
* @param joinType Type of Join. Options {@link JoinType}
* @param joinFunction The join function that needs to be applied
public <V2, VR> KVStreamlet<KeyedWindow<K>, VR>
join(KVStreamlet<K, V2> other,
WindowConfig windowCfg, JoinType joinType,
SerializableBiFunction<? super V, ? super V2, ? extends VR> joinFunction) {
KVStreamletImpl<K, V2> joinee = (KVStreamletImpl<K, V2>) other;
JoinStreamlet<K, V, V2, VR> retval = JoinStreamlet.createJoinStreamlet(
this, joinee, windowCfg, joinType, joinFunction);
return retval;
* Return a new Streamlet in which for each time_window, all elements are belonging to the
* same key are reduced using the BinaryOperator and the result is emitted.
* @param windowCfg This is a specification of what kind of windowing strategy you like to have.
* Typical windowing strategies are sliding windows and tumbling windows
* @param reduceFn The reduce function that you want to apply to all the values of a key.
public KVStreamlet<KeyedWindow<K>, V>
reduceByKeyAndWindow(WindowConfig windowCfg, SerializableBinaryOperator<V> reduceFn) {
ReduceByKeyAndWindowStreamlet<K, V> retval =
new ReduceByKeyAndWindowStreamlet<>(this, windowCfg, reduceFn);
return retval;