blob: a8dd41b3f0e62f6fa07a9d312c4203e7a39526fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// topology-config-helper.h
// This file defines some helper methods to get some
// variables.
#include <map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "basics/basics.h"
#include "proto/messages.h"
#include "config/topology-config-vars.h"
namespace heron {
namespace config {
class TopologyConfigHelper {
static TopologyConfigVars::TopologyReliabilityMode
GetReliabilityMode(const proto::api::Topology& _topology);
// Are message timeouts enabled for this topology
static bool EnableMessageTimeouts(const proto::api::Topology& _topology);
// This returns the value of TOPOLOGY_STMGRS from the config
static sp_int32 GetNumStMgrs(const proto::api::Topology& _topology);
// The number of workers needed for this component's config
// Essentially plucks the value of the TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_PARALLELISM
static sp_int32 GetComponentParallelism(const proto::api::Config& _config);
static sp_int32 GetComponentParallelism(const proto::api::Topology& _topology,
const std::string& _component);
// The total number of workers needed accross all components for
// this topology
static sp_int32 GetTotalParallelism(const proto::api::Topology& _topology);
static void GetComponentParallelismMap(const proto::api::Topology& _topology,
std::map<std::string, sp_int32>& pmap);
// This writes TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_PARALLELISM to the value specified
static void SetComponentParallelism(proto::api::Config* _config, sp_int32 _parallelism);
// Gets the topology specific JVM childopts if any
static std::string GetWorkerChildOpts(const proto::api::Topology& _topology);
// Gets the TOPOLOGY_RELEASE_OVERRIDES for this topology if any
// Returns empty string otherwise
static std::string GetTopologyReleaseOverrides(const proto::api::Topology& _topology);
// Does some sanity checking on the topology structure.
// returns true if the structure is sane. False otherwise
static bool IsTopologySane(const proto::api::Topology& _topology);
// Strips the bolt/spout objects from the topology
// and returns a new topology structure.
static proto::api::Topology* StripComponentObjects(const proto::api::Topology& _topology);
// Gets the per container cpu requested by this topology
static sp_double64 GetContainerCpuRequested(const proto::api::Topology& _topology);
// Gets the per container ram requested by this topology
static sp_int64 GetContainerRamRequested(const proto::api::Topology& _topology);
// Get all the streams emitted by a component
static void GetComponentStreams(const proto::api::Topology& _topology,
const std::string& component,
std::unordered_set<std::string>& retval);
// Get the schema of the stream of a component
static proto::api::StreamSchema* GetStreamSchema(proto::api::Topology& _topology,
const std::string& _component,
const std::string& _stream);
// Get the sources for this component. The return value is a map of <componentName, streamId> to
// Grouping map
static void GetComponentSources(const proto::api::Topology& _topology,
const std::string& _component,
std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>,
proto::api::Grouping>& retval);
// Get the targets for this component. The return value is a map of <componentName, streamId> to
// Grouping map
static void GetComponentTargets(const proto::api::Topology& _topology,
const std::string& _component,
std::map<std::string, proto::api::Grouping>>& retval);
// Get all the component names
static void GetAllComponentNames(const proto::api::Topology& _topology,
std::unordered_set<std::string>& retval);
// Is this a spout
static bool IsComponentSpout(const proto::api::Topology& _topology,
const std::string& _component);
// Log this topology
static void LogTopology(const proto::api::Topology& _topology);
// Log this config
static void LogConfig(const proto::api::Config& _config);
// Should this stateful topology start from clean state
static bool StatefulTopologyStartClean(const proto::api::Topology& _topology);
// Gets the checkpoint interval for stateful topologies
static sp_int64 GetStatefulCheckpointIntervalSecsWithDefault(
const proto::api::Topology& _topology, sp_int64 _default);
// Gets the list of all spout component names
static void GetSpoutComponentNames(const proto::api::Topology& _topology,
std::unordered_set<std::string>& spouts);
// Do we want to drop tuples upon backpressure detection
static bool DropTuplesUponBackpressure(const proto::api::Topology& _topology);
// Return topology level config
static void GetTopologyConfig(const proto::api::Topology& _topology,
std::map<std::string, std::string>& retval);
// Update topology level config
static void SetTopologyConfig(proto::api::Topology* _topology,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& retval);
// Return component level config
static void GetComponentConfig(const proto::api::Topology& _topology,
const std::string& _component_name,
std::map<std::string, std::string>& config);
// Update component level config
static void SetComponentConfig(proto::api::Topology* _topology,
const std::string& _component_name,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& config);
// Get the config value given component name and config key
static const std::string GetComponentConfigValue(const proto::api::Topology& _topology,
const std::string& _component,
const std::string& _key,
const std::string& _default);
// Get the value for a key in a config
static const std::string GetConfigValue(const proto::api::Config& _config,
const std::string& _key,
const std::string& _default);
// The output BPS of this component. Return -1 if not found
static sp_int64 GetComponentOutputBPS(const proto::api::Topology& _topology,
const std::string& _component);
static bool GetBooleanConfigValue(const proto::api::Topology& _topology,
const std::string& _config_name,
bool _default_value);
// Convert topology config to a key value map
static void ConvertConfigToKVMap(const proto::api::Config& _config,
std::map<std::string, std::string>& retval);
// Update topology config from a key value map
static void UpdateConfigFromKVMap(proto::api::Config* _config,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& _kv_map);
} // namespace config
} // namespace heron