blob: e82369c303d6e82be3bf39dd2593bdb3e0ed6b65 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# Default values for various configs used inside Heron.
# All the config associated with time is in the unit of milli-seconds,
# unless otherwise specified.
# All the config associated with data size is in the unit of bytes, unless
# otherwise specified.
# System level configs
### heron.* configs are general configurations over all componenets
# The relative path to the logging directory "log-files"
# The maximum log file size in MB
heron.logging.maximum.size.mb: 100
# The maximum number of log files
heron.logging.maximum.files: 5
# The interval in seconds after which to check if the tmaster location has been fetched or not
heron.check.tmaster.location.interval.sec: 120
# The interval in seconds to prune logging files in C++
heron.logging.prune.interval.sec: 300
# The interval in seconds to flush log files in C++
heron.logging.flush.interval.sec: 10
# The threshold level to log error
heron.logging.err.threshold: 3
# The interval in seconds for different components to export metrics to metrics manager
heron.metrics.export.interval.sec: 60
# The maximum count of exceptions in one MetricPublisherPublishMessage protobuf
heron.metrics.max.exceptions.per.message.count: 1024
# Configs related to Stream Manager, starts with heron.streammgr.*
# The tuple cache (used for batching) can be drained in two ways:
# (a) Time based
# (b) size based
# The frequency in ms to drain the tuple cache in stream manager 10
# The sized based threshold in MB for buffering data tuples
# waiting for checkpoint markers before giving up
heron.streammgr.stateful.buffer.size.mb: 100
# The sized based threshold in MB for draining the tuple cache
heron.streammgr.cache.drain.size.mb: 100
# For efficient acknowledgements
heron.streammgr.xormgr.rotatingmap.nbuckets: 3
# The max number of messages in the memory pool for each message type
heron.streammgr.mempool.max.message.number: 512
# The reconnect interval to other stream managers in secs for stream manager client
heron.streammgr.client.reconnect.interval.sec: 1
# The reconnect interval to tamster in second for stream manager client
heron.streammgr.client.reconnect.tmaster.interval.sec: 10
# The max reconnect attempts to tmaster for stream manager client
heron.streammgr.client.reconnect.tmaster.max.attempts: 30
# The maximum packet size in MB of stream manager's network options 10
# The interval in seconds to send heartbeat
heron.streammgr.tmaster.heartbeat.interval.sec: 10
# Maximum batch size in MB to read by stream manager from socket 1
# Maximum batch size in MB to write by stream manager to socket
heron.streammgr.connection.write.batch.size.mb: 1
# Number of times we should wait to see a buffer full while enqueueing data
# before declaring start of back pressure 3
# High water mark on the num in MB that can be left outstanding on a connection 100
# Low water mark on the num in MB that can be left outstanding on a connection 50
# Configs related to Topology Master, starts with heron.tmaster.*
# The maximum interval in minutes of metrics to be kept in tmaster
heron.tmaster.metrics.collector.maximum.interval.min: 180
# The maximum time to retry to establish the tmaster
heron.tmaster.establish.retry.times: 30
# The interval to retry to establish the tmaster
heron.tmaster.establish.retry.interval.sec: 1
# Maximum packet size in MB of tmaster's network options to connect to stream managers 16
# Maximum packet size in MB of tmaster's network options to connect to scheduler 1
# Maximum packet size in MB of tmaster's network options for stat queries 1
# The interval for tmaster to purge metrics from socket
heron.tmaster.metrics.collector.purge.interval.sec: 60
# The maximum # of exceptions to be stored in tmetrics collector, to prevent potential OOM
heron.tmaster.metrics.collector.maximum.exception: 256
# Should the metrics reporter bind on all interfaces False
# The timeout in seconds for stream mgr, compared with (current time - last heartbeat time)
heron.tmaster.stmgr.state.timeout.sec: 60
# Configs related to Metrics Manager, starts with heron.metricsmgr.*
# The size of packets to read from socket will be determined by the minimal of:
# (a) time based
# (b) size based
# Time based, the maximum batch time in ms for metricsmgr to read from socket 16
# Size based, the maximum batch size in bytes to read from socket 32768
# The size of packets to write to socket will be determined by the minimum of
# (a) time based
# (b) size based
# Time based, the maximum batch time in ms for metricsmgr to write to socket 16
# Size based, the maximum batch size in bytes to write to socket 32768
# The maximum socket's send buffer size in bytes 655360
# The maximum socket's received buffer size in bytes of metricsmgr's network options 873800
# The maximum packet size that metrics mgr can read 1048576
# Configs related to Heron Instance, starts with heron.instance.*
# The maximum size of packets that instance can read 10485760
# The queue capacity (num of items) in bolt for buffer packets to read from stream manager 128
# The queue capacity (num of items) in bolt for buffer packets to write to stream manager
heron.instance.internal.bolt.write.queue.capacity: 128
# The queue capacity (num of items) in spout for buffer packets to read from stream manager 1024
# The queue capacity (num of items) in spout for buffer packets to write to stream manager
heron.instance.internal.spout.write.queue.capacity: 128
# The queue capacity (num of items) for metrics packets to write to metrics manager
heron.instance.internal.metrics.write.queue.capacity: 128
# The size of packets read from stream manager will be determined by the minimal of
# (a) time based
# (b) size based
# Time based, the maximum batch time in ms for instance to read from stream manager per attempt 16
# Size based, the maximum batch size in bytes to read from stream manager 32768
# The size of packets written to stream manager will be determined by the minimum of
# (a) time based
# (b) size based
# Time based, the maximum batch time in ms for instance to write to stream manager per attempt 16
# Size based, the maximum batch size in bytes to write to stream manager 32768
# The maximum socket's send buffer size in bytes 6553600
# The maximum socket's received buffer size in bytes of instance's network options 8738000
# The maximum # of data tuple to batch in a HeronDataTupleSet protobuf 10240
# The maximum size in bytes of data tuple to batch in a HeronDataTupleSet protobuf 1310720
# The maximum # of control tuple to batch in a HeronControlTupleSet protobuf
heron.instance.set.control.tuple.capacity: 1024
# The maximum time in ms for a spout to do acknowledgement per attempt, the ack batch could
# also break if there are no more ack tuples to process 128
# The maximum time in ms for an spout instance to emit tuples per attempt 160
# The maximum batch size in bytes for an spout to emit tuples per attempt
heron.instance.emit.batch.size.bytes: 327680
# The maximum time in ms for an bolt instance to execute tuples per attempt 16
# The maximum batch size in bytes for an bolt instance to execute tuples per attempt
heron.instance.execute.batch.size.bytes: 32768
# The time to wait before the instance exits forcibly when uncaught exception happens 2000
# Interval in seconds to reconnect to the stream manager, including the request timeout in connecting
heron.instance.reconnect.streammgr.interval.sec: 5
heron.instance.reconnect.streammgr.times: 60
# Interval in seconds to reconnect to the metrics manager, including the request timeout in connecting
heron.instance.reconnect.metricsmgr.interval.sec: 5
heron.instance.reconnect.metricsmgr.times: 60
# The interval in second for an instance to sample its system metrics, for instance, CPU load.
heron.instance.metrics.system.sample.interval.sec: 10
# For efficient acknowledgement
heron.instance.acknowledgement.nbuckets: 10
# For dynamically tuning the available sizes in the interval read & write queues
# to provide high performance while avoiding GC issues
# The expected size on read queue in bolt 8
# The expected size on write queue in bolt
heron.instance.tuning.expected.bolt.write.queue.size: 8
# The expected size on read queue in spout 512
# The exepected size on write queue in spout
heron.instance.tuning.expected.spout.write.queue.size: 8
# The expected size on metrics write queue
heron.instance.tuning.expected.metrics.write.queue.size: 8
heron.instance.tuning.current.sample.weight: 0.8
# Interval in ms to tune the size of in & out data queue in instance 100