blob: c807ff39ce30b29e4df6c1d1387f006bd6621866 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <list>
#include "basics/basics.h"
#include "network/event_loop.h"
// Forward declarations
struct event_base;
template <typename T>
class SS_RegisteredEvent;
* A libevent based single-threaded implementation of EventLoop
* NOTE: Not thread-safe
class EventLoopImpl : public EventLoop {
// Constructor/Destructor
virtual ~EventLoopImpl();
// Methods inherited from EventLoop.
virtual void loop();
virtual sp_int32 loopExit();
virtual sp_int32 registerForRead(sp_int32 fd, VCallback<EventLoop::Status> cb, bool persistent,
sp_int64 timeoutMicroSecs);
virtual sp_int32 registerForRead(sp_int32 fd, VCallback<EventLoop::Status> cb, bool persistent);
virtual sp_int32 unRegisterForRead(sp_int32 fd);
virtual sp_int32 registerForWrite(sp_int32 fd, VCallback<EventLoop::Status> cb, bool persistent,
sp_int64 timeoutMicroSecs);
virtual sp_int32 registerForWrite(sp_int32 fd, VCallback<EventLoop::Status> cb, bool persistent);
virtual sp_int32 unRegisterForWrite(sp_int32 fd);
virtual sp_int64 registerTimer(VCallback<EventLoop::Status> cb, bool persistent,
sp_int64 tMicroSecs);
virtual sp_int32 unRegisterTimer(sp_int64 timerid);
virtual void registerInstantCallback(VCallback<> cb);
struct event_base* dispatcher() {
return mDispatcher;
// Static member functions to interact with C libevent API
static void eventLoopImplReadCallback(sp_int32 fd, sp_int16 event, void* arg);
static void eventLoopImplWriteCallback(sp_int32 fd, sp_int16 event, void* arg);
static void eventLoopImplTimerCallback(sp_int32, sp_int16 event, void* arg);
// Utility function that maps libevent's status codes to EventLoopImpl's status codes
EventLoopImpl::Status mapStatusCode(sp_int16 event);
// Handler function for dispatching instant callbacks
void handleInstantCallback(Status status);
// libevent callback on read events.
void handleReadCallback(sp_int32 fd, sp_int16 event);
// libevent callback on write events.
void handleWriteCallback(sp_int32 fd, sp_int16 event);
// libevent callback on timer events.
void handleTimerCallback(sp_int16 event, sp_int64 timerid);
// The underlying dispatcher that we wrap around.
struct event_base* mDispatcher;
// The registered read fds.
std::unordered_map<sp_int32, SS_RegisteredEvent<sp_int32>*> mReadEvents;
// The registered write fds.
std::unordered_map<sp_int32, SS_RegisteredEvent<sp_int32>*> mWriteEvents;
// The registered timers.
std::unordered_map<sp_int64, SS_RegisteredEvent<sp_int64>*> mTimerEvents;
// The registered instant callbacks
typedef std::list<VCallback<>> OrderedCallbackList;
OrderedCallbackList mListInstantCallbacks;
// This is the id of the single zero timer that get's registered for all
// the instant callbacks
sp_int64 mInstantZeroTimerId;
// a counter to generate unique timer ids
sp_int64 mTimerId;
sp_int64 getNextTimerId() { return mTimerId++; }