Unvendor pyobj + fix py2->py3 compatability fixes. (#3574)

This also uses the longer DataWatcher handler signature
to avoid a TypeError, which it relies on to indicate it
should retry with the shorter signature. Without this
change, exceptions can be reported messily due to a raise
in the except path being reasonably expected.
diff --git a/heron/statemgrs/src/python/zkstatemanager.py b/heron/statemgrs/src/python/zkstatemanager.py
index 415d58b..24809d6 100644
--- a/heron/statemgrs/src/python/zkstatemanager.py
+++ b/heron/statemgrs/src/python/zkstatemanager.py
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
     # pylint: disable=unused-variable, unused-argument
-    def watch_topology(data, stats):
+    def watch_topology(data, stats, event):
       """ watch topology """
       if data:
         topology = Topology()
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
     # pylint: disable=unused-argument,unused-variable
-    def watch_packing_plan(data, stats):
+    def watch_packing_plan(data, stats, event):
       """ watch the packing plan for updates """
       if data:
         packing_plan = PackingPlan()
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
     # pylint: disable=unused-variable, unused-argument
-    def watch_pplan(data, stats):
+    def watch_pplan(data, stats, event):
       """ invoke callback to watch physical plan """
       if data:
         pplan = PhysicalPlan()
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
     # pylint: disable=unused-variable, unused-argument
-    def watch_execution_state(data, stats):
+    def watch_execution_state(data, stats, event):
       """ invoke callback to watch execute state """
       if data:
         executionState = ExecutionState()
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@
     # pylint: disable=unused-variable, unused-argument
-    def watch_tmaster(data, stats):
+    def watch_tmaster(data, stats, event):
       """ invoke callback to watch tmaster """
       if data:
         tmaster = TMasterLocation()
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
     # pylint: disable=unused-variable, unused-argument
-    def watch_scheduler_location(data, stats):
+    def watch_scheduler_location(data, stats, event):
       """ invoke callback to watch scheduler location """
       if data:
         scheduler_location = SchedulerLocation()
diff --git a/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/BUILD b/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/BUILD
index 545582d..2f6d487 100644
--- a/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/BUILD
+++ b/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/BUILD
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
     reqs = [
+        "javaobj-py3==0.4.1",
     deps = [
diff --git a/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/javaobj.py b/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/javaobj.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bf1b23..0000000
--- a/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/javaobj.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#  distributed with this work for additional information
-#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#  specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#  under the License.
-"""Provides functions for reading and writing (writing is WIP currently) Java objects
-serialized or will be deserialized by ObjectOutputStream. This form of object
-representation is a standard data interchange format in Java world.
-javaobj module exposes an API familiar to users of the standard
-library marshal, pickle and json modules.
-See: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/platform/serialization/spec/protocol.html
-import io
-import struct
-from heron.common.src.python.utils.log import Log
-def log_debug(message, ident=0):
-  """log debugging info"""
-  Log.debug(" " * (ident * 2) + str(message))
-def log_error(message, ident=0):
-  """log error info"""
-  Log.error(" " * (ident * 2) + str(message))
-__version__ = "$Revision: 20 $"
-def load(file_object):
-  """
-  Deserializes Java primitive data and objects serialized by ObjectOutputStream
-  from a file-like object.
-  """
-  marshaller = JavaObjectUnmarshaller(file_object)
-  marshaller.add_transformer(DefaultObjectTransformer())
-  return marshaller.readObject()
-# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
-def loads(value: bytes):
-  """
-  Deserializes Java objects and primitive data serialized by ObjectOutputStream
-  from a string.
-  """
-  f = io.BytesIO(value)
-  marshaller = JavaObjectUnmarshaller(f)
-  marshaller.add_transformer(DefaultObjectTransformer())
-  return marshaller.readObject()
-def dumps(obj):
-  """
-  Serializes Java primitive data and objects unmarshaled by load(s) before into string.
-  """
-  marshaller = JavaObjectMarshaller()
-  return marshaller.dump(obj)
-_java_primitives = set([
-    "java.lang.Double",
-    "java.lang.Float",
-    "java.lang.Integer",
-    "java.lang.Long"])
-class JavaClass:
-  """Java class representation"""
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.name = None
-    self.serialVersionUID = None
-    self.flags = None
-    self.fields_names = []
-    self.fields_types = []
-    self.superclass = None
-  def __str__(self):
-    return self.__repr__()
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "[%s:0x%X]" % (self.name, self.serialVersionUID)
-class JavaObject:
-  """Java object representation"""
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.classdesc = None
-    self.annotations = []
-  def get_class(self):
-    """get class"""
-    return self.classdesc
-  def __str__(self):
-    """get reprensentation in string"""
-    return self.__repr__()
-  def __repr__(self):
-    """get reprensentation"""
-    name = "UNKNOWN"
-    if self.classdesc:
-      name = self.classdesc.name
-    return "<javaobj:%s>" % name
-  def classname(self):
-    name = "UNKNOWN"
-    if self.classdesc:
-      name = self.classdesc.name
-    return name
-  def is_primitive(self):
-    return self.classname() in _java_primitives
-  def copy(self, new_object):
-    """copy an object"""
-    new_object.classdesc = self.classdesc
-    for name in self.classdesc.fields_names:
-      new_object.__setattr__(name, getattr(self, name))
-class JavaObjectConstants:
-  """class about Java object constants"""
-  STREAM_MAGIC = 0xaced
-  TC_NULL = 0x70
-  TC_REFERENCE = 0x71
-  TC_CLASSDESC = 0x72
-  TC_OBJECT = 0x73
-  TC_STRING = 0x74
-  TC_ARRAY = 0x75
-  TC_CLASS = 0x76
-  TC_BLOCKDATA = 0x77
-  TC_RESET = 0x79
-  TC_ENUM = 0x7E
-  TC_MAX = 0x7E
-  # classDescFlags
-  SC_ENUM = 0x10
-  # type definition chars (typecode)
-  TYPE_BYTE = 'B'     # 0x42
-  TYPE_CHAR = 'C'
-  TYPE_DOUBLE = 'D'   # 0x44
-  TYPE_FLOAT = 'F'    # 0x46
-  TYPE_INTEGER = 'I'  # 0x49
-  TYPE_LONG = 'J'     # 0x4A
-  TYPE_SHORT = 'S'    # 0x53
-  TYPE_BOOLEAN = 'Z'  # 0x5A
-  TYPE_OBJECT = 'L'   # 0x4C
-  TYPE_ARRAY = '['    # 0x5B
-  # list of supported typecodes listed above
-      # primitive types
-      TYPE_BYTE,
-      TYPE_CHAR,
-      TYPE_FLOAT,
-      TYPE_LONG,
-      TYPE_SHORT,
-      # object types
-      TYPE_ARRAY]
-# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
-class JavaObjectUnmarshaller(JavaObjectConstants):
-  """Java object unmarshaller"""
-  def __init__(self, stream=None):
-    self.opmap = {
-        self.TC_NULL: self.do_null,
-        self.TC_CLASSDESC: self.do_classdesc,
-        self.TC_OBJECT: self.do_object,
-        self.TC_STRING: self.do_string,
-        self.TC_ARRAY: self.do_array,
-        self.TC_CLASS: self.do_class,
-        self.TC_BLOCKDATA: self.do_blockdata,
-        self.TC_REFERENCE: self.do_reference,
-        self.TC_ENUM: self.do_enum,
-        self.TC_ENDBLOCKDATA: self.do_null, # note that we are reusing of do_null
-    }
-    self.current_object = None
-    self.reference_counter = 0
-    self.references = []
-    self.object_stream = stream
-    self._readStreamHeader()
-    self.object_transformers = []
-  def readObject(self):
-    """read object"""
-    try:
-      _, res = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=0)
-      position_bak = self.object_stream.tell()
-      the_rest = self.object_stream.read()
-      if the_rest:
-        log_error("Warning!!!!: Stream still has %s bytes left.\
-Enable debug mode of logging to see the hexdump." % len(the_rest))
-        log_debug(self._create_hexdump(the_rest))
-      else:
-        log_debug("Java Object unmarshalled succesfully!")
-      self.object_stream.seek(position_bak)
-      return res
-    except Exception:
-      self._oops_dump_state()
-      raise
-  def add_transformer(self, transformer):
-    """add to object transformer"""
-    self.object_transformers.append(transformer)
-  def _readStreamHeader(self):
-    (magic, version) = self._readStruct(">HH")
-    if magic != self.STREAM_MAGIC or version != self.STREAM_VERSION:
-      raise IOError("The stream is not java serialized object.\
-Invalid stream header: %04X%04X" % (magic, version))
-  def _read_and_exec_opcode(self, ident=0, expect=None):
-    (opid, ) = self._readStruct(">B")
-    log_debug("OpCode: 0x%X" % opid, ident)
-    if expect and opid not in expect:
-      raise IOError("Unexpected opcode 0x%X" % opid)
-    handler = self.opmap.get(opid)
-    if not handler:
-      raise RuntimeError("Unknown OpCode in the stream: 0x%x" % opid)
-    return (opid, handler(ident=ident))
-  def _readStruct(self, unpack):
-    length = struct.calcsize(unpack)
-    ba = self.object_stream.read(length)
-    if len(ba) != length:
-      raise RuntimeError("Stream has been ended unexpectedly while unmarshaling.")
-    return struct.unpack(unpack, ba)
-  def _readString(self):
-    (length, ) = self._readStruct(">H")
-    ba = self.object_stream.read(length)
-    return ba
-  def do_classdesc(self, parent=None, ident=0):
-    """do_classdesc"""
-    # TC_CLASSDESC className serialVersionUID newHandle classDescInfo
-    # classDescInfo:
-    #   classDescFlags fields classAnnotation superClassDesc
-    # classDescFlags:
-    #   (byte)                  // Defined in Terminal Symbols and Constants
-    # fields:
-    #   (short)<count>  fieldDesc[count]
-    # fieldDesc:
-    #   primitiveDesc
-    #   objectDesc
-    # primitiveDesc:
-    #   prim_typecode fieldName
-    # objectDesc:
-    #   obj_typecode fieldName className1
-    clazz = JavaClass()
-    log_debug("[classdesc]", ident)
-    ba = self._readString()
-    clazz.name = ba
-    log_debug("Class name: %s" % ba, ident)
-    (serialVersionUID, newHandle, classDescFlags) = self._readStruct(">LLB")
-    clazz.serialVersionUID = serialVersionUID
-    clazz.flags = classDescFlags
-    self._add_reference(clazz)
-    log_debug("Serial: 0x%X newHandle: 0x%X.\
-classDescFlags: 0x%X" % (serialVersionUID, newHandle, classDescFlags), ident)
-    (length, ) = self._readStruct(">H")
-    log_debug("Fields num: 0x%X" % length, ident)
-    clazz.fields_names = []
-    clazz.fields_types = []
-    for _ in range(length):
-      (typecode, ) = self._readStruct(">B")
-      field_name = self._readString()
-      field_type = None
-      field_type = self._convert_char_to_type(typecode)
-      if field_type == self.TYPE_ARRAY:
-        _, field_type = self._read_and_exec_opcode(
-            ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_STRING, self.TC_REFERENCE])
-        assert isinstance(field_type, str)
-#              if field_type is not None:
-#                  field_type = "array of " + field_type
-#              else:
-#                  field_type = "array of None"
-      elif field_type == self.TYPE_OBJECT:
-        _, field_type = self._read_and_exec_opcode(
-            ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_STRING, self.TC_REFERENCE])
-        assert isinstance(field_type, str)
-      log_debug("FieldName: 0x%X" % typecode + " " + str(field_name) + " " + str(field_type), ident)
-      assert field_name is not None
-      assert field_type is not None
-      clazz.fields_names.append(field_name)
-      clazz.fields_types.append(field_type)
-    # pylint: disable=protected-access
-    if parent:
-      parent.__fields = clazz.fields_names
-      parent.__types = clazz.fields_types
-    # classAnnotation
-    (opid, ) = self._readStruct(">B")
-    log_debug("OpCode: 0x%X" % opid, ident)
-    if opid != self.TC_ENDBLOCKDATA:
-      raise NotImplementedError("classAnnotation isn't implemented yet")
-    # superClassDesc
-    _, superclassdesc = self._read_and_exec_opcode(
-        ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_CLASSDESC, self.TC_NULL, self.TC_REFERENCE])
-    log_debug(str(superclassdesc), ident)
-    clazz.superclass = superclassdesc
-    return clazz
-  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-  def do_blockdata(self, parent=None, ident=0):
-    # TC_BLOCKDATA (unsigned byte)<size> (byte)[size]
-    log_debug("[blockdata]", ident)
-    (length, ) = self._readStruct(">B")
-    ba = self.object_stream.read(length)
-    return ba
-  def do_class(self, parent=None, ident=0):
-    # TC_CLASS classDesc newHandle
-    log_debug("[class]", ident)
-    _, classdesc = self._read_and_exec_opcode(
-        ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_CLASSDESC, self.TC_PROXYCLASSDESC,
-                               self.TC_NULL, self.TC_REFERENCE])
-    log_debug("Classdesc: %s" % classdesc, ident)
-    self._add_reference(classdesc)
-    return classdesc
-  def do_object(self, parent=None, ident=0):
-    # TC_OBJECT classDesc newHandle classdata[]  // data for each class
-    java_object = JavaObject()
-    log_debug("[object]", ident)
-    log_debug("java_object.annotations just after instantination: " +
-              str(java_object.annotations), ident)
-    opcode, classdesc = self._read_and_exec_opcode(
-        ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_CLASSDESC, self.TC_PROXYCLASSDESC,
-                               self.TC_NULL, self.TC_REFERENCE])
-    # self.TC_REFERENCE hasn't shown in spec, but actually is here
-    self._add_reference(java_object)
-    # classdata[]
-    # Store classdesc of this object
-    java_object.classdesc = classdesc
-    if classdesc.flags & self.SC_EXTERNALIZABLE and not classdesc.flags & self.SC_BLOCK_DATA:
-      raise NotImplementedError("externalContents isn't implemented yet")
-    if classdesc.flags & self.SC_SERIALIZABLE:
-      # create megalist
-      tempclass = classdesc
-      megalist = []
-      megatypes = []
-      while tempclass:
-        log_debug(">>> " + str(tempclass.fields_names) + " " + str(tempclass), ident)
-        log_debug(">>> " + str(tempclass.fields_types), ident)
-        fieldscopy = tempclass.fields_names[:]
-        fieldscopy.extend(megalist)
-        megalist = fieldscopy
-        fieldscopy = tempclass.fields_types[:]
-        fieldscopy.extend(megatypes)
-        megatypes = fieldscopy
-        tempclass = tempclass.superclass
-      log_debug("Values count: %s" % str(len(megalist)), ident)
-      log_debug("Prepared list of values: %s" % str(megalist), ident)
-      log_debug("Prepared list of types: %s" % str(megatypes), ident)
-      for field_name, field_type in zip(megalist, megatypes):
-        res = self._read_value(field_type, ident, name=field_name)
-        java_object.__setattr__(field_name, res)
-    if classdesc.flags & self.SC_SERIALIZABLE and classdesc.flags & \
-       self.SC_WRITE_METHOD or classdesc.flags & self.SC_EXTERNALIZABLE \
-       and classdesc.flags & self.SC_BLOCK_DATA:
-        # objectAnnotation
-      log_debug("java_object.annotations before: " + str(java_object.annotations), ident)
-      while opcode != self.TC_ENDBLOCKDATA:
-        opcode, obj = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1)
-        if opcode != self.TC_ENDBLOCKDATA:
-          java_object.annotations.append(obj)
-        log_debug("objectAnnotation value: " + str(obj), ident)
-      log_debug("java_object.annotations after: " + str(java_object.annotations), ident)
-    # Transform object
-    for transformer in self.object_transformers:
-      tmp_object = transformer.transform(java_object)
-      if tmp_object != java_object:
-        java_object = tmp_object
-        break
-    log_debug(">>> java_object: " + str(java_object), ident)
-    return java_object
-  def do_string(self, parent=None, ident=0):
-    log_debug("[string]", ident)
-    ba = self._readString()
-    self._add_reference(str(ba))
-    return str(ba)
-  def do_array(self, parent=None, ident=0):
-    # TC_ARRAY classDesc newHandle (int)<size> values[size]
-    log_debug("[array]", ident)
-    _, classdesc = self._read_and_exec_opcode(
-        ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_CLASSDESC,
-                               self.TC_PROXYCLASSDESC, self.TC_NULL, self.TC_REFERENCE])
-    array = []
-    self._add_reference(array)
-    (size, ) = self._readStruct(">i")
-    log_debug("size: " + str(size), ident)
-    type_char = classdesc.name[0]
-    assert type_char == self.TYPE_ARRAY
-    type_char = classdesc.name[1]
-    if type_char in (self.TYPE_OBJECT, self.TYPE_ARRAY):
-      for _ in range(size):
-        _, res = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1)
-        log_debug("Object value: %s" % str(res), ident)
-        array.append(res)
-    else:
-      for _ in range(size):
-        res = self._read_value(type_char, ident)
-        log_debug("Native value: %s" % str(res), ident)
-        array.append(res)
-    return array
-  def do_reference(self, parent=None, ident=0):
-    (handle, ) = self._readStruct(">L")
-    log_debug("## Reference handle: 0x%x" % (handle), ident)
-    return self.references[handle - self.BASE_REFERENCE_IDX]
-  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
-  def do_null(self, parent=None, ident=0):
-    return None
-  def do_enum(self, parent=None, ident=0):
-    # TC_ENUM classDesc newHandle enumConstantName
-    enum = JavaObject()
-    _ = self._read_and_exec_opcode(
-        ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_CLASSDESC,
-                               self.TC_PROXYCLASSDESC, self.TC_NULL, self.TC_REFERENCE])
-    self._add_reference(enum)
-    _, enumConstantName = self._read_and_exec_opcode(
-        ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_STRING, self.TC_REFERENCE])
-    return enumConstantName
-  def _create_hexdump(self, src, length=16):
-    FILTER = ''.join([(len(repr(chr(x))) == 3) and chr(x) or '.' for x in range(256)])
-    result = []
-    for i in range(0, len(src), length):
-      s = src[i:i+length]
-      hexa = ' '.join(["%02X"%ord(x) for x in s])
-      printable = s.translate(FILTER)
-      result.append("%04X   %-*s  %s\n" % (i, length*3, hexa, printable))
-    return ''.join(result)
-  def _read_value(self, field_type, ident, name=""):
-    if len(field_type) > 1:
-      field_type = field_type[0]  # We don't need details for arrays and objects
-    if field_type == self.TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-      (val, ) = self._readStruct(">B")
-      res = bool(val)
-    elif field_type == self.TYPE_BYTE:
-      (res, ) = self._readStruct(">b")
-    elif field_type == self.TYPE_SHORT:
-      (res, ) = self._readStruct(">h")
-    elif field_type == self.TYPE_INTEGER:
-      (res, ) = self._readStruct(">i")
-    elif field_type == self.TYPE_LONG:
-      (res, ) = self._readStruct(">q")
-    elif field_type == self.TYPE_FLOAT:
-      (res, ) = self._readStruct(">f")
-    elif field_type == self.TYPE_DOUBLE:
-      (res, ) = self._readStruct(">d")
-    elif field_type in (self.TYPE_OBJECT, self.TYPE_ARRAY):
-      _, res = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1)
-    else:
-      raise RuntimeError("Unknown typecode: %s" % field_type)
-    log_debug("* %s %s: " % (field_type, name) + str(res), ident)
-    return res
-  def _convert_char_to_type(self, type_char):
-    typecode = type_char
-    if isinstance(type_char, int):
-      typecode = chr(type_char)
-    if typecode in self.TYPECODES_LIST:
-      return typecode
-    raise RuntimeError("Typecode %s (%s) isn't supported." % (type_char, typecode))
-  def _add_reference(self, obj):
-    self.references.append(obj)
-  def _oops_dump_state(self):
-    log_error("==Oops state dump" + "=" * (30 - 17))
-    log_error("References: %s" % str(self.references))
-    log_error("Stream seeking back at -16 byte (2nd line is an actual position!):")
-    self.object_stream.seek(-16, mode=1)
-    the_rest = self.object_stream.read()
-    if the_rest:
-      log_error("Warning!!!!: Stream still has %s bytes left." % len(the_rest))
-      log_error(self._create_hexdump(the_rest))
-    log_error("=" * 30)
-class JavaObjectMarshaller(JavaObjectConstants):
-  def __init__(self, stream=None):
-    self.object_stream = stream
-  # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
-  def dump(self, obj):
-    self.object_obj = obj
-    self.object_stream = io.BytesIO()
-    self._writeStreamHeader()
-    self.writeObject(obj)
-    return self.object_stream.getvalue()
-  def _writeStreamHeader(self):
-    self._writeStruct(">HH", 4, (self.STREAM_MAGIC, self.STREAM_VERSION))
-  def writeObject(self, obj):
-    log_debug("Writing object of type " + str(type(obj)))
-    if isinstance(obj, JavaObject):
-      self.write_object(obj)
-    elif isinstance(obj, str):
-      self.write_blockdata(obj)
-    else:
-      raise RuntimeError("Object serialization of type %s is not supported." % str(type(obj)))
-  def _writeStruct(self, unpack, _, args):
-    ba = struct.pack(unpack, *args)
-    self.object_stream.write(ba)
-  def _writeString(self, string):
-    l = len(string)
-    self._writeStruct(">H", 2, (l, ))
-    self.object_stream.write(string)
-  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-  def write_blockdata(self, obj, parent=None):
-    # TC_BLOCKDATA (unsigned byte)<size> (byte)[size]
-    self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self.TC_BLOCKDATA, ))
-    if isinstance(obj, str):
-      self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (len(obj), ))
-      self.object_stream.write(obj)
-  def write_object(self, obj, parent=None):
-    self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self.TC_OBJECT, ))
-    self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self.TC_CLASSDESC, ))
-class DefaultObjectTransformer:
-  class JavaList(list, JavaObject):
-    pass
-  class JavaMap(dict, JavaObject):
-    pass
-  def transform(self, obj):
-    if obj.get_class().name == "java.util.ArrayList":
-      #    * @serialData The length of the array backing the <tt>ArrayList</tt>
-      #    *             instance is emitted (int), followed by all of its elements
-      #    *             (each an <tt>Object</tt>) in the proper order.
-      new_object = self.JavaList()
-      obj.copy(new_object)
-      new_object.extend(obj.annotations[1:])
-      return new_object
-    if obj.get_class().name == "java.util.LinkedList":
-      new_object = self.JavaList()
-      obj.copy(new_object)
-      new_object.extend(obj.annotations[1:])
-      return new_object
-    if obj.get_class().name == "java.util.HashMap":
-      new_object = self.JavaMap()
-      obj.copy(new_object)
-      for i in range((len(obj.annotations)-1)/2):
-        new_object[obj.annotations[i*2+1]] = obj.annotations[i*2+2]
-      return new_object
-    return obj
diff --git a/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/pyutils.py b/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/pyutils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c7cb277..0000000
--- a/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/pyutils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#  distributed with this work for additional information
-#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#  specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#  under the License.
-''' pyobj.py '''
-import sys
-isPY3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0, 0)
-# helper method to support python 2 and 3
-def is_str_instance(obj):
-  if isPY3:
-    return isinstance(obj, str)
-  return str(type(obj)) == "<type 'unicode'>" or str(type(obj)) == "<type 'str'>"
diff --git a/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/tracker.py b/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/tracker.py
index 81cc06b..6d701e6 100644
--- a/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/tracker.py
+++ b/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/tracker.py
@@ -31,10 +31,9 @@
 from heron.statemgrs.src.python import statemanagerfactory
 from heron.tools.tracker.src.python.config import EXTRA_LINK_FORMATTER_KEY, EXTRA_LINK_URL_KEY
 from heron.tools.tracker.src.python.topology import Topology
-from heron.tools.tracker.src.python import javaobj
-from heron.tools.tracker.src.python import pyutils
 from heron.tools.tracker.src.python import utils
+import javaobj.v1 as javaobj
 def convert_pb_kvs(kvs, include_non_primitives=True):
@@ -60,10 +59,10 @@
 def _convert_java_value(kv, include_non_primitives=True):
     pobj = javaobj.loads(kv.serialized_value)
-    if pyutils.is_str_instance(pobj):
+    if isinstance(pobj, str):
       return pobj
-    if pobj.is_primitive():
+    if isinstance(pobj, javaobj.transformers.DefaultObjectTransformer.JavaPrimitiveClass):
       return pobj.value
     if include_non_primitives:
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@
                                default=lambda custom_field: custom_field.__dict__,
-          'raw' : utils.hex_escape(kv.serialized_value)}
+          'raw' : kv.serialized_value.hex()}
     return None
   except Exception:
@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@
   return {
       # The value should be a valid json object
       'value' : '{}',
-      'raw' : utils.hex_escape(kv.serialized_value)}
+      'raw' : kv.serialized_value.hex()}
 class Tracker:
diff --git a/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/utils.py b/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/utils.py
index c78f1b4..a6d3174 100644
--- a/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/utils.py
+++ b/heron/tools/tracker/src/python/utils.py
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 import os
-import string
 import sys
 import subprocess
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -36,12 +35,6 @@
 CONF_DIR = "conf"
 LIB_DIR = "lib"
-def hex_escape(bin_str):
-  """
-  Hex encode a binary string
-  """
-  printable = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation + ' '
-  return ''.join(ch if ch in printable else r'0x{0:02x}'.format(ord(ch)) for ch in bin_str)
 def make_shell_endpoint(topologyInfo, instance_id):