blob: 7fe871c65c6aa5d1e4666339af8a4f753595c1a1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
""" The Heron executor is a process that runs on a container and is responsible for starting and
monitoring the processes of the topology and it's support services."""
import argparse
import atexit
import base64
import functools
import json
import os
import random
import signal
import string
import subprocess
import sys
import stat
import threading
import time
import yaml
import socket
import traceback
from heron.common.src.python.utils import log
from heron.common.src.python.utils import proc
# pylint: disable=unused-import,too-many-lines
from heron.proto.packing_plan_pb2 import PackingPlan
from heron.statemgrs.src.python import statemanagerfactory
from heron.statemgrs.src.python import configloader
from heron.statemgrs.src.python.config import Config as StateMgrConfig
Log = log.Log
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
def print_usage():
"Usage: ./heron-executor --shard=<shardid> --topology-name=<topname>"
" --topology-id=<topid> --topology-defn-file=<topdefnfile>"
" --state-manager-connection=<state_manager_connection>"
" --state-manager-root=<state_manager_root>"
" --state-manager-config-file=<state_manager_config_file>"
" --tmaster-binary=<tmaster_binary>"
" --stmgr-binary=<stmgr_binary> --metrics-manager-classpath=<metricsmgr_classpath>"
" --instance-jvm-opts=<instance_jvm_opts_in_base64> --classpath=<classpath>"
" --master-port=<master_port> --tmaster-controller-port=<tmaster_controller_port>"
" --tmaster-stats-port=<tmaster_stats_port>"
" --heron-internals-config-file=<heron_internals_config_file>"
" --override-config-file=<override_config_file> --component-ram-map=<component_ram_map>"
" --component-jvm-opts=<component_jvm_opts_in_base64> --pkg-type=<pkg_type>"
" --topology-binary-file=<topology_bin_file> --heron-java-home=<heron_java_home>"
" --shell-port=<shell-port> --heron-shell-binary=<heron_shell_binary>"
" --metrics-manager-port=<metricsmgr_port>"
" --cluster=<cluster> --role=<role> --environment=<environ>"
" --instance-classpath=<instance_classpath>"
" --metrics-sinks-config-file=<metrics_sinks_config_file>"
" --scheduler-classpath=<scheduler_classpath> --scheduler-port=<scheduler_port>"
" --python-instance-binary=<python_instance_binary>"
" --metricscache-manager-classpath=<metricscachemgr_classpath>"
" --metricscache-manager-master-port=<metricscachemgr_masterport>"
" --metricscache-manager-stats-port=<metricscachemgr_statsport>"
" --is-stateful=<is_stateful> --checkpoint-manager-classpath=<ckptmgr_classpath>"
" --checkpoint-manager-port=<ckptmgr_port> --checkpoint-manager-ram=<checkpoint_manager_ram>"
" --stateful-config-file=<stateful_config_file>"
" --health-manager-mode=<healthmgr_mode> --health-manager-classpath=<healthmgr_classpath>"
" --cpp-instance-binary=<cpp_instance_binary>"
" --jvm-remote-debugger-ports=<comma_seperated_port_list>")
def id_map(prefix, container_plans, add_zero_id=False):
ids = {}
if add_zero_id:
ids[0] = "%s-0" % prefix
for container_plan in container_plans:
ids[] = "%s-%d" % (prefix,
return ids
def stmgr_map(container_plans):
return id_map("stmgr", container_plans)
def metricsmgr_map(container_plans):
return id_map("metricsmgr", container_plans, True)
def ckptmgr_map(container_plans):
return id_map("ckptmgr", container_plans, True)
def heron_shell_map(container_plans):
return id_map("heron-shell", container_plans, True)
def get_heron_executor_process_name(shard_id):
return 'heron-executor-%d' % shard_id
def get_process_pid_filename(process_name):
return '' % process_name
def get_tmp_filename():
return '%s.heron.tmp' % (''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(12)))
def atomic_write_file(path, content):
file.write(...) is not atomic.
We write to a tmp file and then rename to target path since rename is atomic.
We do this to avoid the content of file is dirty read/partially read by others.
# Write to a randomly tmp file
tmp_file = get_tmp_filename()
with open(tmp_file, 'w') as f:
# make sure that all data is on disk
# Rename the tmp file
os.rename(tmp_file, path)
def log_pid_for_process(process_name, pid):
filename = get_process_pid_filename(process_name)'Logging pid %d to file %s' %(pid, filename))
atomic_write_file(filename, str(pid))
def is_docker_environment():
return os.path.isfile('/.dockerenv')
def stdout_log_fn(cmd):
"""Simple function callback that is used to log the streaming output of a subprocess command
:param cmd: the name of the command which will be added to the log line
:return: None
# Log the messages to stdout and strip off the newline because adds one automatically
return lambda line:"%s stdout: %s", cmd, line.rstrip('\n'))
class Command(object):
Command to run as a separate process using subprocess.POpen
:param cmd: command to run (as a list)
:param env: env variables for the process (as a map)
def __init__(self, cmd, env):
if isinstance(cmd, list):
self.cmd = cmd
self.cmd = [cmd]
self.env = env
def extend(self, args):
def append(self, arg):
def copy(self):
return Command(list(self.cmd), self.env.copy() if self.env is not None else {})
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.cmd)
def __str__(self):
return ' '.join(self.cmd)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.cmd == other.cmd
class ProcessInfo(object):
def __init__(self, process, name, command, attempts=1):
Container for info related to a running process
:param process: the process POpen object
:param name: the logical (i.e., unique) name of the process
:param command: an array of strings comprising the command and it's args
:param attempts: how many times the command has been run (defaults to 1)
self.process = process = = name
self.command = command
self.command_str = command.__str__() # convenience for unit tests
self.attempts = attempts
def increment_attempts(self):
self.attempts += 1
return self
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-statements
class HeronExecutor(object):
""" Heron executor is a class that is responsible for running each of the process on a given
container. Based on the container id and the instance distribution, it determines if the container
is a master node or a worker node and it starts processes accordingly."""
def init_from_parsed_args(self, parsed_args):
""" initialize from parsed arguments """
self.shard = parsed_args.shard
self.topology_name = parsed_args.topology_name
self.topology_id = parsed_args.topology_id
self.topology_defn_file = parsed_args.topology_defn_file
self.state_manager_connection = parsed_args.state_manager_connection
self.state_manager_root = parsed_args.state_manager_root
self.state_manager_config_file = parsed_args.state_manager_config_file
self.tmaster_binary = parsed_args.tmaster_binary
self.stmgr_binary = parsed_args.stmgr_binary
self.metrics_manager_classpath = parsed_args.metrics_manager_classpath
self.metricscache_manager_classpath = parsed_args.metricscache_manager_classpath
# '=' can be parsed in a wrong way by some schedulers (aurora) hence it needs to be escaped.
# It is escaped in two different ways. '(61)' is the new escaping. '&equals;' was
# the original replacement but it is not friendly to bash and is causing issues. The original
# escaping is still left there for reference and backward compatibility purposes (to be
# removed after no topology needs it)
self.instance_jvm_opts =\
rstrip('"').replace('(61)', '=').replace('&equals;', '='))
self.classpath = parsed_args.classpath
# Needed for Docker environments since the hostname of a docker container is the container's
# id within docker, rather than the host's hostname. NOTE: this 'HOST' env variable is not
# guaranteed to be set in all Docker executor environments (outside of Marathon)
if is_docker_environment():
self.master_host = os.environ.get('HOST') if 'HOST' in os.environ else socket.gethostname()
self.master_host = socket.gethostname()
self.master_port = parsed_args.master_port
self.tmaster_controller_port = parsed_args.tmaster_controller_port
self.tmaster_stats_port = parsed_args.tmaster_stats_port
self.heron_internals_config_file = parsed_args.heron_internals_config_file
self.override_config_file = parsed_args.override_config_file
self.component_ram_map = [{x.split(':')[0]:int(x.split(':')[1])}
for x in parsed_args.component_ram_map.split(',')]
self.component_ram_map = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: dict(list(x.items()) + list(y.items())),
# component_jvm_opts_in_base64 itself is a base64-encoding-json-map, which is appended with
# " at the start and end. It also escapes "=" to "&equals" due to aurora limitation
# And the json is a map from base64-encoding-component-name to base64-encoding-jvm-options
self.component_jvm_opts = {}
# First we need to decode the base64 string back to a json map string.
# '=' can be parsed in a wrong way by some schedulers (aurora) hence it needs to be escaped.
# It is escaped in two different ways. '(61)' is the new escaping. '&equals;' was
# the original replacement but it is not friendly to bash and is causing issues. The original
# escaping is still left there for reference and backward compatibility purposes (to be
# removed after no topology needs it)
component_jvm_opts_in_json =\
lstrip('"').rstrip('"').replace('(61)', '=').replace('&equals;', '='))
if component_jvm_opts_in_json != "":
for (k, v) in list(json.loads(component_jvm_opts_in_json).items()):
# In json, the component name and JVM options are still in base64 encoding
self.component_jvm_opts[base64.b64decode(k)] = base64.b64decode(v)
self.pkg_type = parsed_args.pkg_type
self.topology_binary_file = parsed_args.topology_binary_file
self.heron_java_home = parsed_args.heron_java_home
self.shell_port = parsed_args.shell_port
self.heron_shell_binary = parsed_args.heron_shell_binary
self.metrics_manager_port = parsed_args.metrics_manager_port
self.metricscache_manager_master_port = parsed_args.metricscache_manager_master_port
self.metricscache_manager_stats_port = parsed_args.metricscache_manager_stats_port
self.cluster = parsed_args.cluster
self.role = parsed_args.role
self.environment = parsed_args.environment
self.instance_classpath = parsed_args.instance_classpath
self.metrics_sinks_config_file = parsed_args.metrics_sinks_config_file
self.scheduler_classpath = parsed_args.scheduler_classpath
self.scheduler_port = parsed_args.scheduler_port
self.python_instance_binary = parsed_args.python_instance_binary
self.cpp_instance_binary = parsed_args.cpp_instance_binary
self.is_stateful_topology = (parsed_args.is_stateful.lower() == 'true')
self.checkpoint_manager_classpath = parsed_args.checkpoint_manager_classpath
self.checkpoint_manager_port = parsed_args.checkpoint_manager_port
self.checkpoint_manager_ram = parsed_args.checkpoint_manager_ram
self.stateful_config_file = parsed_args.stateful_config_file
self.metricscache_manager_mode = parsed_args.metricscache_manager_mode \
if parsed_args.metricscache_manager_mode else "disabled"
self.health_manager_mode = parsed_args.health_manager_mode
self.health_manager_classpath = '%s:%s'\
% (self.scheduler_classpath, parsed_args.health_manager_classpath)
self.jvm_remote_debugger_ports = \
parsed_args.jvm_remote_debugger_ports.split(",") \
if parsed_args.jvm_remote_debugger_ports else None
def __init__(self, args, shell_env):
parsed_args = self.parse_args(args)
self.shell_env = shell_env
self.max_runs = 150
self.interval_between_runs = 10
# Read the heron_internals.yaml for logging dir
self.log_dir = self._load_logging_dir(self.heron_internals_config_file)
# these get set when we call update_packing_plan
self.packing_plan = None
self.stmgr_ids = {}
self.metricsmgr_ids = {}
self.heron_shell_ids = {}
self.ckptmgr_ids = {}
# processes_to_monitor gets set once processes are launched. we need to synchronize rw to this
# dict since is used by multiple threads
self.process_lock = threading.RLock()
self.processes_to_monitor = {}
self.state_managers = []
self.jvm_version = None
def parse_args(args):
"""Uses python argparse to collect positional args""""Input args: %r" % args)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--shard", type=int, required=True)
parser.add_argument("--topology-name", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--topology-id", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--topology-defn-file", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--state-manager-connection", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--state-manager-root", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--state-manager-config-file", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--tmaster-binary", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--stmgr-binary", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--metrics-manager-classpath", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--instance-jvm-opts", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--classpath", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--master-port", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--tmaster-controller-port", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--tmaster-stats-port", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--heron-internals-config-file", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--override-config-file", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--component-ram-map", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--component-jvm-opts", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--pkg-type", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--topology-binary-file", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--heron-java-home", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--shell-port", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--heron-shell-binary", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--metrics-manager-port", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--cluster", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--role", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--environment", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--instance-classpath", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--metrics-sinks-config-file", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--scheduler-classpath", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--scheduler-port", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--python-instance-binary", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--cpp-instance-binary", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--metricscache-manager-classpath", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--metricscache-manager-master-port", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--metricscache-manager-stats-port", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--metricscache-manager-mode", required=False)
parser.add_argument("--is-stateful", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--checkpoint-manager-classpath", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--checkpoint-manager-port", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--checkpoint-manager-ram", type=int, required=True)
parser.add_argument("--stateful-config-file", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--health-manager-mode", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--health-manager-classpath", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--jvm-remote-debugger-ports", required=False,
help="ports to be used by a remote debugger for JVM instances")
parsed_args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args(args[1:])
if unknown_args:
Log.warn('Unknown arguments found!!! They are: %s' % unknown_args)
return parsed_args
def run_command_or_exit(self, command):
if self._run_blocking_process(command, True) != 0:
Log.error("Failed to run command: %s. Exiting" % command)
def initialize(self):
Initialize the environment. Done with a method call outside of the constructor for 2 reasons:
1. Unit tests probably won't want/need to do this
2. We don't initialize the logger (also something unit tests don't want) until after the
create_folders = Command('mkdir -p %s' % self.log_dir, self.shell_env)
chmod_logs_dir = Command('chmod a+rx . && chmod a+x %s' % self.log_dir, self.shell_env)
chmod_x_binaries = [self.tmaster_binary, self.stmgr_binary, self.heron_shell_binary]
for binary in chmod_x_binaries:
stat_result = os.stat(binary)[stat.ST_MODE]
if not stat_result & stat.S_IXOTH:
chmod_binary = Command('chmod +x %s' % binary, self.shell_env)
# Log itself pid
log_pid_for_process(get_heron_executor_process_name(self.shard), os.getpid())
def update_packing_plan(self, new_packing_plan):
self.packing_plan = new_packing_plan
self.stmgr_ids = stmgr_map(self.packing_plan.container_plans)
self.ckptmgr_ids = ckptmgr_map(self.packing_plan.container_plans)
self.metricsmgr_ids = metricsmgr_map(self.packing_plan.container_plans)
self.heron_shell_ids = heron_shell_map(self.packing_plan.container_plans)
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def _load_logging_dir(self, heron_internals_config_file):
with open(heron_internals_config_file, 'r') as stream:
heron_internals_config = yaml.load(stream)
return heron_internals_config['']
def _get_metricsmgr_cmd(self, metricsManagerId, sink_config_file, port):
''' get the command to start the metrics manager processes '''
metricsmgr_main_class = 'org.apache.heron.metricsmgr.MetricsManager'
metricsmgr_cmd = [os.path.join(self.heron_java_home, 'bin/java'),
# We could not rely on the default -Xmx setting, which could be very big,
# for instance, the default -Xmx in Twitter mesos machine is around 18GB
'-Xloggc:log-files/gc.' + metricsManagerId + '.log',
'--id=' + metricsManagerId,
'--port=' + str(port),
'--topology=' + self.topology_name,
'--cluster=' + self.cluster,
'--role=' + self.role,
'--environment=' + self.environment,
'--topology-id=' + self.topology_id,
'--system-config-file=' + self.heron_internals_config_file,
'--override-config-file=' + self.override_config_file,
'--sink-config-file=' + sink_config_file]
return Command(metricsmgr_cmd, self.shell_env)
def _get_metrics_cache_cmd(self):
''' get the command to start the metrics manager processes '''
metricscachemgr_main_class = 'org.apache.heron.metricscachemgr.MetricsCacheManager'
metricscachemgr_cmd = [os.path.join(self.heron_java_home, 'bin/java'),
# We could not rely on the default -Xmx setting, which could be very big,
# for instance, the default -Xmx in Twitter mesos machine is around 18GB
"--metricscache_id", 'metricscache-0',
"--master_port", self.metricscache_manager_master_port,
"--stats_port", self.metricscache_manager_stats_port,
"--topology_name", self.topology_name,
"--topology_id", self.topology_id,
"--system_config_file", self.heron_internals_config_file,
"--override_config_file", self.override_config_file,
"--sink_config_file", self.metrics_sinks_config_file,
"--cluster", self.cluster,
"--role", self.role,
"--environment", self.environment]
return Command(metricscachemgr_cmd, self.shell_env)
def _get_healthmgr_cmd(self):
''' get the command to start the topology health manager processes '''
healthmgr_main_class = 'org.apache.heron.healthmgr.HealthManager'
healthmgr_cmd = [os.path.join(self.heron_java_home, 'bin/java'),
# We could not rely on the default -Xmx setting, which could be very big,
# for instance, the default -Xmx in Twitter mesos machine is around 18GB
'-cp', self.health_manager_classpath,
"--cluster", self.cluster,
"--role", self.role,
"--environment", self.environment,
"--topology_name", self.topology_name,
"--metricsmgr_port", self.metrics_manager_port]
return Command(healthmgr_cmd, self.shell_env)
def _get_tmaster_processes(self):
''' get the command to start the tmaster processes '''
retval = {}
tmaster_cmd_lst = [
'--topology_name=%s' % self.topology_name,
'--topology_id=%s' % self.topology_id,
'--zkhostportlist=%s' % self.state_manager_connection,
'--zkroot=%s' % self.state_manager_root,
'--myhost=%s' % self.master_host,
'--master_port=%s' % str(self.master_port),
'--controller_port=%s' % str(self.tmaster_controller_port),
'--stats_port=%s' % str(self.tmaster_stats_port),
'--config_file=%s' % self.heron_internals_config_file,
'--override_config_file=%s' % self.override_config_file,
'--metrics_sinks_yaml=%s' % self.metrics_sinks_config_file,
'--metricsmgr_port=%s' % str(self.metrics_manager_port),
'--ckptmgr_port=%s' % str(self.checkpoint_manager_port)]
tmaster_env = self.shell_env.copy() if self.shell_env is not None else {}
tmaster_cmd = Command(tmaster_cmd_lst, tmaster_env)
if os.environ.get('ENABLE_HEAPCHECK') is not None:
'LD_PRELOAD': "/usr/lib/",
'HEAPCHECK': "normal"
retval["heron-tmaster"] = tmaster_cmd
if self.metricscache_manager_mode.lower() != "disabled":
retval["heron-metricscache"] = self._get_metrics_cache_cmd()
if self.health_manager_mode.lower() != "disabled":
retval["heron-healthmgr"] = self._get_healthmgr_cmd()
retval[self.metricsmgr_ids[0]] = self._get_metricsmgr_cmd(
if self.is_stateful_topology:
return retval
# Returns the processes for each Java Heron Instance
def _get_java_instance_cmd(self, instance_info):
retval = {}
# TO DO (Karthik) to be moved into keys and defaults files
instance_class_name = 'org.apache.heron.instance.HeronInstance'
if self.jvm_remote_debugger_ports and \
(len(instance_info) > len(self.jvm_remote_debugger_ports)):
Log.warn("Not enough remote debugger ports for all instances!")
# Create id to java command map
for (instance_id, component_name, global_task_id, component_index) in instance_info:
# Append debugger ports
remote_debugger_port = None
if self.jvm_remote_debugger_ports:
remote_debugger_port = self.jvm_remote_debugger_ports.pop()
instance_cmd = self._get_jvm_instance_cmd().copy() # JVM command
instance_cmd.extend( # JVM options
instance_id, component_name, remote_debugger_port))
instance_cmd.append(instance_class_name) # Class name
instance_cmd.extend( # JVM arguments
instance_id, component_name, global_task_id, component_index, remote_debugger_port))
retval[instance_id] = instance_cmd
return retval
def _get_jvm_instance_cmd(self):
return Command(os.path.join(self.heron_java_home, 'bin/java'), self.shell_env)
def _get_jvm_instance_options(self, instance_id, component_name, remote_debugger_port):
code_cache_size_mb = 64
java_metasize_mb = 128
total_jvm_size = int(self.component_ram_map[component_name] / (1024 * 1024))
heap_size_mb = total_jvm_size - code_cache_size_mb - java_metasize_mb"component name: %s, RAM request: %d, total JVM size: %dM, "
"cache size: %dM, metaspace size: %dM"
% (component_name, self.component_ram_map[component_name],
total_jvm_size, code_cache_size_mb, java_metasize_mb))
xmn_size = int(heap_size_mb / 2)
java_version = self._get_jvm_version()
java_metasize_param = 'MetaspaceSize'
if java_version.startswith("1.7") or \
java_version.startswith("1.6") or \
java_metasize_param = 'PermSize'
instance_options = [
'-Xmx%dM' % heap_size_mb,
'-Xms%dM' % heap_size_mb,
'-Xmn%dM' % xmn_size,
'-XX:Max%s=%dM' % (java_metasize_param, java_metasize_mb),
'-XX:%s=%dM' % (java_metasize_param, java_metasize_mb),
'-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=%dM' % code_cache_size_mb,
'-Xloggc:log-files/gc.%s.log' % instance_id,
'%s:%s'% (self.instance_classpath, self.classpath)]
# Append debugger ports when it is available
if remote_debugger_port:
% remote_debugger_port)
# Append user specified jvm options
if component_name in self.component_jvm_opts:
return instance_options
def _get_jvm_instance_arguments(self, instance_id, component_name, global_task_id,
component_index, remote_debugger_port):
instance_args = [
'-topology_name', self.topology_name,
'-topology_id', self.topology_id,
'-instance_id', instance_id,
'-component_name', component_name,
'-task_id', str(global_task_id),
'-component_index', str(component_index),
'-stmgr_id', self.stmgr_ids[self.shard],
'-stmgr_port', self.tmaster_controller_port,
'-metricsmgr_port', self.metrics_manager_port,
'-system_config_file', self.heron_internals_config_file,
'-override_config_file', self.override_config_file]
# Append debugger ports when it is available
if remote_debugger_port:
instance_args += ['-remote_debugger_port', remote_debugger_port]
return instance_args
def _get_jvm_version(self):
if not self.jvm_version:
cmd = [os.path.join(self.heron_java_home, 'bin/java'),
'-cp', self.instance_classpath, 'org.apache.heron.instance.util.JvmVersion']
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(process_stdout, process_stderr) = process.communicate()
if process.returncode != 0:
Log.error("Failed to determine JVM version. Exiting. Output of %s: %s",
' '.join(cmd), process_stderr)
self.jvm_version = process_stdout"Detected JVM version %s" % self.jvm_version)
return self.jvm_version
# Returns the processes for each Python Heron Instance
def _get_python_instance_cmd(self, instance_info):
# pylint: disable=fixme
# TODO: currently ignoring ramsize, heap, etc.
retval = {}
for (instance_id, component_name, global_task_id, component_index) in instance_info:"Python instance %s component: %s" %(instance_id, component_name))
instance_cmd = [self.python_instance_binary,
'--topology_name=%s' % self.topology_name,
'--topology_id=%s' % self.topology_id,
'--instance_id=%s' % instance_id,
'--component_name=%s' % component_name,
'--task_id=%s' % str(global_task_id),
'--component_index=%s' % str(component_index),
'--stmgr_id=%s' % self.stmgr_ids[self.shard],
'--stmgr_port=%s' % self.tmaster_controller_port,
'--metricsmgr_port=%s' % self.metrics_manager_port,
'--sys_config=%s' % self.heron_internals_config_file,
'--override_config=%s' % self.override_config_file,
'--topology_pex=%s' % self.topology_binary_file,
'--max_ram=%s' % str(self.component_ram_map[component_name])]
retval[instance_id] = Command(instance_cmd, self.shell_env)
return retval
# Returns the processes for each CPP Heron Instance
def _get_cpp_instance_cmd(self, instance_info):
# pylint: disable=fixme
# TODO: currently ignoring ramsize, heap, etc.
retval = {}
for (instance_id, component_name, global_task_id, component_index) in instance_info:"CPP instance %s component: %s" %(instance_id, component_name))
instance_cmd = [
'--topology_name=%s' % self.topology_name,
'--topology_id=%s' % self.topology_id,
'--instance_id=%s' % instance_id,
'--component_name=%s' % component_name,
'--task_id=%s' % str(global_task_id),
'--component_index=%s' % str(component_index),
'--stmgr_id=%s' % self.stmgr_ids[self.shard],
'--stmgr_port=%s' % str(self.tmaster_controller_port),
'--metricsmgr_port=%s' % str(self.metrics_manager_port),
'--config_file=%s' % self.heron_internals_config_file,
'--override_config_file=%s' % self.override_config_file,
'--topology_binary=%s' % os.path.abspath(self.topology_binary_file)
retval[instance_id] = Command(instance_cmd, self.shell_env)
return retval
# Returns the processes to handle streams, including the stream-mgr and the user code containing
# the stream logic of the topology
def _get_streaming_processes(self):
Returns the processes to handle streams, including the stream-mgr and the user code containing
the stream logic of the topology
retval = {}
instance_plans = self._get_instance_plans(self.packing_plan, self.shard)
instance_info = []
for instance_plan in instance_plans:
global_task_id = instance_plan.task_id
component_index = instance_plan.component_index
component_name = instance_plan.component_name
instance_id = "container_%s_%s_%d" % (str(self.shard), component_name, global_task_id)
instance_info.append((instance_id, component_name, global_task_id, component_index))
stmgr_cmd_lst = [
'--topology_name=%s' % self.topology_name,
'--topology_id=%s' % self.topology_id,
'--topologydefn_file=%s' % self.topology_defn_file,
'--zkhostportlist=%s' % self.state_manager_connection,
'--zkroot=%s' % self.state_manager_root,
'--stmgr_id=%s' % self.stmgr_ids[self.shard],
'--instance_ids=%s' % ','.join([x[0] for x in instance_info]),
'--myhost=%s' % self.master_host,
'--data_port=%s' % str(self.master_port),
'--local_data_port=%s' % str(self.tmaster_controller_port),
'--metricsmgr_port=%s' % str(self.metrics_manager_port),
'--shell_port=%s' % str(self.shell_port),
'--config_file=%s' % self.heron_internals_config_file,
'--override_config_file=%s' % self.override_config_file,
'--ckptmgr_port=%s' % str(self.checkpoint_manager_port),
'--ckptmgr_id=%s' % self.ckptmgr_ids[self.shard],
'--metricscachemgr_mode=%s' % self.metricscache_manager_mode.lower()]
stmgr_env = self.shell_env.copy() if self.shell_env is not None else {}
stmgr_cmd = Command(stmgr_cmd_lst, stmgr_env)
if os.environ.get('ENABLE_HEAPCHECK') is not None:
'LD_PRELOAD': "/usr/lib/",
'HEAPCHECK': "normal"
retval[self.stmgr_ids[self.shard]] = stmgr_cmd
# metricsmgr_metrics_sink_config_file = 'metrics_sinks.yaml'
retval[self.metricsmgr_ids[self.shard]] = self._get_metricsmgr_cmd(
if self.is_stateful_topology:
if self.pkg_type == 'jar' or self.pkg_type == 'tar':
elif self.pkg_type == 'pex':
elif self.pkg_type == 'so':
elif self.pkg_type == 'dylib':
raise ValueError("Unrecognized package type: %s" % self.pkg_type)
return retval
def _get_ckptmgr_process(self):
''' Get the command to start the checkpoint manager process'''
ckptmgr_main_class = 'org.apache.heron.ckptmgr.CheckpointManager'
ckptmgr_ram_mb = self.checkpoint_manager_ram / (1024 * 1024)
ckptmgr_id = self.ckptmgr_ids[self.shard]
ckptmgr_cmd = [os.path.join(self.heron_java_home, "bin/java"),
'-Xms%dM' % ckptmgr_ram_mb,
'-Xmx%dM' % ckptmgr_ram_mb,
'-Xloggc:log-files/gc.' + ckptmgr_id + '.log',
'-t' + self.topology_name,
'-i' + self.topology_id,
'-c' + ckptmgr_id,
'-p' + self.checkpoint_manager_port,
'-f' + self.stateful_config_file,
'-o' + self.override_config_file,
'-g' + self.heron_internals_config_file]
retval = {}
retval[self.ckptmgr_ids[self.shard]] = Command(ckptmgr_cmd, self.shell_env)
return retval
def _get_instance_plans(self, packing_plan, container_id):
For the given packing_plan, return the container plan with the given container_id. If protobufs
supported maps, we could just get the plan by id, but it doesn't so we have a collection of
containers to iterate over.
this_container_plan = None
for container_plan in packing_plan.container_plans:
if == container_id:
this_container_plan = container_plan
# When the executor runs in newly added container by `heron update`,
# there is no plan for this container. In this situation,
# return None to bypass instance processes.
if this_container_plan is None:
return None
return this_container_plan.instance_plans
# Returns the common heron support processes that all containers get, like the heron shell
def _get_heron_support_processes(self):
""" Get a map from all daemon services' name to the command to start them """
retval = {}
retval[self.heron_shell_ids[self.shard]] = Command([
'%s' % self.heron_shell_binary,
'--port=%s' % self.shell_port,
'--log_file_prefix=%s/heron-shell-%s.log' % (self.log_dir, self.shard),
'--secret=%s' % self.topology_id], self.shell_env)
return retval
def _untar_if_needed(self):
if self.pkg_type == "tar":
os.system("tar -xvf %s" % self.topology_binary_file)
elif self.pkg_type == "pex":
os.system("unzip -qq -n %s" % self.topology_binary_file)
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def _wait_process_std_out_err(self, name, process):
''' Wait for the termination of a process and log its stdout & stderr '''
proc.stream_process_stdout(process, stdout_log_fn(name))
def _run_process(self, name, cmd):"Running %s process as %s" % (name, cmd))
# stderr is redirected to stdout so that it can more easily be logged. stderr has a max buffer
# size and can cause the child process to deadlock if it fills up
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd.cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
env=cmd.env, bufsize=1)
proc.async_stream_process_stdout(process, stdout_log_fn(name))
except Exception:"Exception running command %s", cmd)
return process
def _run_blocking_process(self, cmd, is_shell=False):"Running blocking process as %s" % cmd)
# stderr is redirected to stdout so that it can more easily be logged. stderr has a max buffer
# size and can cause the child process to deadlock if it fills up
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd.cmd, shell=is_shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=cmd.env)
# wait for termination
self._wait_process_std_out_err(cmd.cmd, process)
except Exception:"Exception running command %s", cmd)
# return the exit code
return process.returncode
def _kill_processes(self, commands):
# remove the command from processes_to_monitor and kill the process
with self.process_lock:
for command_name, command in list(commands.items()):
for process_info in list(self.processes_to_monitor.values()):
if == command_name:
del self.processes_to_monitor[]"Killing %s process with pid %d: %s" %
(,, command))
process_info.process.terminate() # sends SIGTERM to process
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == 3: # No such process
Log.warn("Expected process %s with pid %d was not running, ignoring." %
raise e
def _start_processes(self, commands):
"""Start all commands and add them to the dict of processes to be monitored """"Start processes")
processes_to_monitor = {}
# First start all the processes
for (name, command) in list(commands.items()):
p = self._run_process(name, command)
processes_to_monitor[] = ProcessInfo(p, name, command)
# Log down the pid file
with self.process_lock:
def start_process_monitor(self):
""" Monitor all processes in processes_to_monitor dict,
restarting any if they fail, up to max_runs times.
# Now wait for any child to die"Start process monitor")
while True:
if len(self.processes_to_monitor) > 0:
(pid, status) = os.wait()
with self.process_lock:
if pid in list(self.processes_to_monitor.keys()):
old_process_info = self.processes_to_monitor[pid]
name =
command = old_process_info.command"%s (pid=%s) exited with status %d. command=%s" % (name, pid, status, command))
# Log the stdout & stderr of the failed process
self._wait_process_std_out_err(name, old_process_info.process)
# Just make it world readable
if os.path.isfile("core.%d" % pid):
os.system("chmod a+r core.%d" % pid)
if old_process_info.attempts >= self.max_runs:"%s exited too many times" % name)
p = self._run_process(name, command)
del self.processes_to_monitor[pid]
self.processes_to_monitor[] =\
ProcessInfo(p, name, command, old_process_info.attempts + 1)
# Log down the pid file
def get_commands_to_run(self):
Prepare either TMaster or Streaming commands according to shard.
The Shell command is attached to all containers. The empty container plan and non-exist
container plan are bypassed.
# During shutdown the watch might get triggered with the empty packing plan
if len(self.packing_plan.container_plans) == 0:
return {}
if self._get_instance_plans(self.packing_plan, self.shard) is None and self.shard != 0:
retval = {}
retval['heron-shell'] = Command([
'%s' % self.heron_shell_binary,
'--port=%s' % self.shell_port,
'--log_file_prefix=%s/heron-shell-%s.log' % (self.log_dir, self.shard),
'--secret=%s' % self.topology_id], self.shell_env)
return retval
if self.shard == 0:
commands = self._get_tmaster_processes()
commands = self._get_streaming_processes()
# Attach daemon processes
return commands
def get_command_changes(self, current_commands, updated_commands):
Compares the current command with updated command to return a 3-tuple of dicts,
keyed by command name: commands_to_kill, commands_to_keep and commands_to_start.
commands_to_kill = {}
commands_to_keep = {}
commands_to_start = {}
# if the current command has a matching command in the updated commands we keep it
# otherwise we kill it
for current_name, current_command in list(current_commands.items()):
# We don't restart tmaster since it watches the packing plan and updates itself. The stream
# manager is restarted just to reset state, but we could update it to do so without a restart
if current_name in list(updated_commands.keys()) and \
current_command == updated_commands[current_name] and \
not current_name.startswith('stmgr-'):
commands_to_keep[current_name] = current_command
commands_to_kill[current_name] = current_command
# updated commands not in the keep list need to be started
for updated_name, updated_command in list(updated_commands.items()):
if updated_name not in list(commands_to_keep.keys()):
commands_to_start[updated_name] = updated_command
return commands_to_kill, commands_to_keep, commands_to_start
def launch(self):
''' Determines the commands to be run and compares them with the existing running commands.
Then starts new ones required and kills old ones no longer required.
with self.process_lock:
current_commands = dict(list(map((lambda process: (, process.command)),
updated_commands = self.get_commands_to_run()
# get the commands to kill, keep and start
commands_to_kill, commands_to_keep, commands_to_start = \
self.get_command_changes(current_commands, updated_commands)"current commands: %s" % sorted(current_commands.keys()))"new commands : %s" % sorted(updated_commands.keys()))"commands_to_kill: %s" % sorted(commands_to_kill.keys()))"commands_to_keep: %s" % sorted(commands_to_keep.keys()))"commands_to_start: %s" % sorted(commands_to_start.keys()))
self._start_processes(commands_to_start)"Launch complete - processes killed=%s kept=%s started=%s monitored=%s" %
(len(commands_to_kill), len(commands_to_keep),
len(commands_to_start), len(self.processes_to_monitor)))
# pylint: disable=global-statement
def start_state_manager_watches(self):
Receive updates to the packing plan from the statemgrs and update processes as needed.
""""Start state manager watches")
with open(self.override_config_file, 'r') as stream:
overrides = yaml.load(stream)
if overrides is None:
overrides = dict()
overrides["heron.statemgr.connection.string"] = self.state_manager_connection
statemgr_config = StateMgrConfig()
self.cluster, state_manager_config_file=self.state_manager_config_file,
self.state_managers = statemanagerfactory.get_all_state_managers(statemgr_config)
for state_manager in self.state_managers:
except Exception as ex:
Log.error("Found exception while initializing state managers: %s. Bailing out..." % ex)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def on_packing_plan_watch(state_manager, new_packing_plan):
Log.debug("State watch triggered for PackingPlan update on shard %s. Existing: %s, New: %s" %
(self.shard, str(self.packing_plan), str(new_packing_plan)))
if self.packing_plan != new_packing_plan:"PackingPlan change detected on shard %s, relaunching effected processes."
% self.shard)
self.update_packing_plan(new_packing_plan)"Updating executor processes")
"State watch triggered for PackingPlan update but plan not changed so not relaunching.")
for state_manager in self.state_managers:
# The callback function with the bound
# state_manager as first variable.
onPackingPlanWatch = functools.partial(on_packing_plan_watch, state_manager)
state_manager.get_packing_plan(self.topology_name, onPackingPlanWatch)"Registered state watch for packing plan changes with state manager %s." %
def stop_state_manager_watches(self):"Stopping state managers")
for state_manager in self.state_managers:
def setup(executor):
"""Set up log, process and signal handlers"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def signal_handler(signal_to_handle, frame):
# We would do nothing here but just exit
# Just catch the SIGTERM and then cleanup(), registered with atexit, would invoke'signal_handler invoked with signal %s', signal_to_handle)
def cleanup():
"""Handler to trigger when receiving the SIGTERM signal
Do cleanup inside this method, including:
1. Terminate all children processes
"""'Executor terminated; exiting all process in executor.')
# Kill child processes first and wait for log collection to finish
for pid in list(executor.processes_to_monitor.keys()):
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
# We would not wait or check whether process spawned dead or not
os.killpg(0, signal.SIGTERM)
# Redirect stdout and stderr to files in append mode
# The filename format is heron-executor-<container_id>.stdxxx
shardid = executor.shard
log.configure(logfile='heron-executor-%s.stdout' % shardid)
pid = os.getpid()
sid = os.getsid(pid)
# POSIX prohibits the change of the process group ID of a session leader
if pid != sid:'Set up process group; executor becomes leader')
os.setpgrp() # create new process group, become its leader'Register the SIGTERM signal handler')
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)'Register the atexit clean up')
def start(executor):
"""Set up environment and start executor"""
# Start state manager watches which are responsible for monitoring states and
# launch processes
# Start process monitor which are responsible for restarting processes when
# they are dead. This is the main loop of executor
def main():
"""Register exit handlers, initialize the executor and run it."""
# Since Heron on YARN runs as headless users, pex compiled
# binaries should be exploded into the container working
# directory. In order to do this, we need to set the
# PEX_ROOT shell environment before forking the processes
shell_env = os.environ.copy()
shell_env["PEX_ROOT"] = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), ".pex")
# Instantiate the executor, bind it to signal handlers and launch it
executor = HeronExecutor(sys.argv, shell_env)
if __name__ == "__main__":