blob: 943dcbd4f726c84f475b714fa57402a1e81de3a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This file defines the IncomingPacket and OutgoingPacket classes.
// All communication between different heron servers occurs in Packets.
// Senders prepare an OutgoingPacket, pack it up with stuff they want to send
// and then send it. Recievers receive an IncomingPacket, unpack the stuff
// and use it.
// Heron Packets have the following format
// |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
// | Header | Data |
// |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
// The Header is a simple 4 byte unsigned int
#ifndef PACKET_H_
#define PACKET_H_
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include "basics/basics.h"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
class Message;
* The PacketHeader class defines a bunch of methods for the manipulation
* of the Packet Header. Users pass the start of the header to its
* functions. Always use PacketHeader class in dealing with a packet's
* header instead of directly accessing the buffer.
const sp_uint32 kSPPacketSize = sizeof(sp_uint32);
class PacketHeader {
static void set_packet_size(char* header, sp_uint32 size);
static sp_uint32 get_packet_size(const char* header);
static sp_uint32 header_size();
* Class IncomingPacket - Definition of incoming packet
* Servers and clients use this structure to receive request/respones.
* The underlying implementation uses two buffers. One for the header
* and one for the actual data. We first read the header(since it is of
* a fixed size. The header contain the data length information that allows
* us to read the right amount of data. This implementation has the side
* effect that we will need atleast two read calls to completely read a
* packet.
class IncomingPacket {
//! Constructor
// We will read a packet of maximum max_packet_size len. A value of zero
// implies no limit
explicit IncomingPacket(sp_uint32 max_packet_size);
// Form an incoming packet with raw data buffer - used for tests only
explicit IncomingPacket(char* _data);
//! Destructor
// UnPacking functions
// Unpacking functions return a zero on successful operation. A negative value
// implies error in unpacking. This could indicate a garbled packet
// unpack an integer
sp_int32 UnPackInt(sp_int32* i);
// unpack a string
sp_int32 UnPackString(sp_string* i);
// unpack a protocol buffer
sp_int32 UnPackProtocolBuffer(google::protobuf::Message* _proto);
// unpack a request id
sp_int32 UnPackREQID(REQID* _rid);
// resets the read pointer to the start of the data.
void Reset();
// gets the header
char* get_header() { return header_; }
// Get the total size of the packet
sp_uint32 GetTotalPacketSize() const;
// Only Connection class can use the Read method to have
// the packet read itself.
friend class Connection;
// Read the packet from the file descriptor fd.
// Returns 0 if the packet has been read completely.
// A > 0 return value indicates that the packet was
// partially read and there was no more data. Further read
// calls are necessary to completely read the packet.
// A negative return value implies an irreovrable error
sp_int32 Read(sp_int32 fd);
// Helper method for Read to do the low level read calls.
sp_int32 InternalRead(sp_int32 fd, char* buffer, sp_uint32 size);
// The maximum packet length allowed. 0 means no limit
sp_uint32 max_packet_size_;
// The current read position.
sp_uint32 position_;
// The pointer to the header.
char header_[kSPPacketSize];
// The pointer to the data.
char* data_;
* Class OutgoingPacket - Definition of outgoing packet
* The outgoing buffer is a contiguous stretch of data containing the header
* and data. The current implementation mandates that user know the size of
* the packet that they are sending.
class OutgoingPacket {
// Constructor/Destructors.
// Constructor takes in a packet size parameter. The packet data
// size must be exactly equal to the size specified.
explicit OutgoingPacket(sp_uint32 packet_size);
// Packing functions
// A zero return value indicates a successful operation.
// A negative value implies packing error.
// pack an integer
sp_int32 PackInt(const sp_int32& i);
// helper function to determine how much space is needed to encode a string
static sp_uint32 SizeRequiredToPackString(const std::string& _input);
// pack a string
sp_int32 PackString(const sp_string& i);
// helper function to determine how much space is needed to encode a protobuf
// The paramter byte_size is the whats reported by the ByteSize
static sp_uint32 SizeRequiredToPackProtocolBuffer(sp_int32 _byte_size);
// pack a proto buffer
sp_int32 PackProtocolBuffer(const google::protobuf::Message& _proto, sp_int32 _byte_size);
sp_int32 PackProtocolBuffer(const char* _message, sp_int32 _byte_size);
// pack a request id
sp_int32 PackREQID(const REQID& _rid);
// gets the header
char* get_header() { return data_; }
// gets the packet as a string
const sp_string toRawData();
// Get the total size of the packet
sp_uint32 GetTotalPacketSize() const;
// get the current length of the packet
sp_uint32 GetBytesFilled() const;
// get the number of bytes left
sp_uint32 GetBytesLeft() const;
// Only the Connection class can call the following functions
friend class Connection;
// Once the data has been packed, the packet needs to be prepared before sending.
void PrepareForWriting();
// This call writes the packet into the file descriptor fd.
// A return value of zero implies that the packet has been
// completely sent out. A positive return value implies that
// the packet was sent out partially. Further calls of Send
// are required to send out the packet completely. A negative
// value implies an irrecoverable error.
sp_int32 Write(sp_int32 fd);
// The current position of packing/sending.
sp_uint32 position_;
// The header + data that makes the packet.
char* data_;
// The packet size as specified in the constructor.
sp_uint32 total_packet_size_;
#endif // PACKET_H_