blob: 4d2d14b4b24f38ac3612b4a93fb7dc7e176927a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Implements the HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse functions and some utility
// functions
#include "network/httputils.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <evhttp.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "glog/logging.h"
std::unordered_map<char, sp_string> PopulateEncodeMap() {
std::unordered_map<char, sp_string> retval;
retval[' '] = "%20";
retval['<'] = "%3C";
retval['>'] = "%3E";
retval['#'] = "%23";
retval['%'] = "%25";
retval['{'] = "%7B";
retval['}'] = "%7D";
retval['|'] = "%7C";
retval['\\'] = "%5C";
retval['^'] = "%5E";
retval['~'] = "%7E";
retval['['] = "%5B";
retval[']'] = "%5D";
retval['`'] = "%60";
retval[';'] = "%3B";
retval['/'] = "%2F";
retval['?'] = "%3F";
retval[':'] = "%3A";
retval['@'] = "%40";
retval['='] = "%3D";
retval['&'] = "%26";
retval['$'] = "%24";
retval['"'] = "%22";
return retval;
std::unordered_map<char, sp_string> BaseHTTPRequest::httpencodemap_ = PopulateEncodeMap();
static sp_string ExtractHostAndPort(const sp_string& _host, sp_int32& _port) {
size_t sz = _host.find(":");
if (sz == std::string::npos) {
_port = 80;
return _host;
} else {
sp_string retval = std::string(_host, 0, sz);
if (_host.size() == sz + 1) {
_port = 80;
} else {
_port = atoi(_host.c_str() + sz + 1);
return retval;
BaseHTTPRequest::BaseHTTPRequest(HTTPRequestType _type) { type_ = _type; }
BaseHTTPRequest::~BaseHTTPRequest() {}
BaseHTTPRequest::HTTPRequestType GetRequestType(evhttp_cmd_type _type) {
switch (_type) {
return BaseHTTPRequest::GET;
return BaseHTTPRequest::POST;
return BaseHTTPRequest::HEAD;
return BaseHTTPRequest::PUT;
return BaseHTTPRequest::DELETE;
return BaseHTTPRequest::UNKNOWN;
// decode a possibly encoded value passed via http. Based loosely on
// evhttp_decode_uri from libevent but is modified because of several
// bugs in the libevent code.
sp_string BaseHTTPRequest::http_decode(const sp_string& value) {
char c;
sp_string retval;
for (size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) {
c = value[i];
if (c == '+') {
retval.push_back(' ');
} else if (c == '%') {
if ((i + 2) < value.size() && isxdigit((unsigned char)value[i + 1]) &&
isxdigit((unsigned char)value[i + 2])) {
char tmp[] = {value[i + 1], value[i + 2], '\0'};
retval.push_back(static_cast<char>(strtol(tmp, NULL, 16)));
i += 2;
} else {
// if we got a '%' but there is not enough chars left in the string
// or it is not a encoded value
} else {
// retval.push_back('\0');
return std::string(retval);
sp_string BaseHTTPRequest::http_encode(const sp_string& _value) {
sp_string retval;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _value.size(); ++i) {
if (httpencodemap_.find(_value[i]) == httpencodemap_.end()) {
} else {
return retval;
// the evhttp code has a bug in it where it decodes the URI string before it
// checks for invalid line feeds... which stops us from handling 'textarea'
// form entries that are multi-line. So we will use our own. Based on the
// code in libevent/http.c but customised.
sp_string BaseHTTPRequest::parse_query(const char* _uri) {
std::string parsed_uri;
if (strchr(_uri, '?') == NULL)
parsed_uri = http_decode(std::string(_uri));
parsed_uri = http_decode(std::string(_uri, strchr(_uri, '?') - _uri));
return parsed_uri;
void BaseHTTPRequest::parse_keyvalues(HTTPKeyValuePairs& _params, const char* _data) {
const char* argument = _data;
while (argument != NULL && *argument != '\0') {
const char* value = strchr(argument, '=');
if (!value) return;
sp_string key = std::string(argument, value - argument);
key = http_decode(key);
value++; // move past =
if (!value || *value == '\0') {
_params.push_back(make_pair(key, ""));
const char* next = strchr(value, '&');
if (!next) {
sp_string val = http_decode(value);
_params.push_back(make_pair(key, val));
sp_string val = http_decode(std::string(value, next - value));
_params.push_back(make_pair(key, val));
argument = next + 1;
sp_string BaseHTTPRequest::encode_keyvalues(std::unordered_map<sp_string, sp_string>& _kv) {
std::ostringstream encoded;
auto kvpair = _kv.begin();
encoded << http_encode(kvpair->first) << "=" << http_encode(kvpair->second);
for (; kvpair != _kv.end(); kvpair++) {
encoded << "&" << http_encode(kvpair->first) << "=" << http_encode(kvpair->second);
return encoded.str();
bool BaseHTTPRequest::ExtractHostNameAndQuery(const sp_string& _url, sp_string& _host,
sp_int32& _port, sp_string& _uri) {
const sp_string prefix = "http://";
size_t sz = _url.find(prefix);
if (sz != 0) return false;
sz += prefix.size();
sz = _url.find("/", sz);
if (sz == std::string::npos) {
_host = std::string(_url, prefix.size(), _url.size() - prefix.size());
_uri = "/";
_host = ExtractHostAndPort(_host, _port);
if (_host.empty()) return false;
return true;
} else {
_host = std::string(_url, prefix.size(), sz - prefix.size());
_uri = std::string(_url, sz, _url.size() - sz);
_host = ExtractHostAndPort(_host, _port);
if (_host.empty()) return false;
return true;
IncomingHTTPRequest::IncomingHTTPRequest(struct evhttp_request* _request)
: BaseHTTPRequest(GetRequestType(_request->type)) {
request_ = _request;
query_ = parse_query(request_->uri);
if (request_->type == EVHTTP_REQ_POST || request_->type == EVHTTP_REQ_PUT) {
const char* content_type = evhttp_find_header(_request->input_headers, "Content-Type");
if (!content_type || strcmp(content_type, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") == 0) {
char* bufdata = reinterpret_cast<char*>(EVBUFFER_DATA(request_->input_buffer));
size_t buflen = EVBUFFER_LENGTH(request_->input_buffer);
std::string body = std::string(bufdata, buflen);
parse_keyvalues(kv_, body.c_str());
} else {
// Unlike most HTTP Servers, we still will parse post's parameters
if (strchr(request_->uri, '?') != NULL) {
parse_keyvalues(kv_, strchr(request_->uri, '?') + 1);
} else {
if (strchr(request_->uri, '?') != NULL) {
parse_keyvalues(kv_, strchr(request_->uri, '?') + 1);
IncomingHTTPRequest::~IncomingHTTPRequest() {}
const sp_string& IncomingHTTPRequest::GetQuery() const { return query_; }
const sp_string& IncomingHTTPRequest::GetValue(const sp_string& _key) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kv_.size(); ++i) {
if (kv_[i].first == _key) {
return kv_[i].second;
bool IncomingHTTPRequest::GetAllValues(const sp_string& _key,
std::vector<sp_string>& _values) const {
bool retval = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kv_.size(); ++i) {
if (kv_[i].first == _key) {
retval = true;
return retval;
void IncomingHTTPRequest::AddValue(const sp_string& _key, const sp_string& _value) {
kv_.push_back(make_pair(_key, _value));
// returns the value of the given header attribute
const sp_string IncomingHTTPRequest::GetHeader(const sp_string& _key) {
const char* header = evhttp_find_header(request_->input_headers, _key.c_str());
if (header) {
return header;
} else {
unsigned char* IncomingHTTPRequest::ExtractFromPostData(sp_int32 _start, sp_uint32 _len) {
unsigned char* contig_buffer = evbuffer_pullup(request_->input_buffer, _start + _len);
return contig_buffer + _start;
// IP address of the source endpoint of this request
sp_string IncomingHTTPRequest::GetRemoteHost() {
sp_string x_forwarded_for = GetHeader("X-Forwarded-For");
if (x_forwarded_for.empty()) {
return request_->remote_host;
} else {
if (x_forwarded_for.find(',') == std::string::npos) {
return x_forwarded_for;
} else {
return std::string(x_forwarded_for, 0, x_forwarded_for.find(','));
// Port of the source endpoint of this request
sp_int32 IncomingHTTPRequest::GetRemotePort() { return request_->remote_port; }
// Calculate the total payload size for the request
sp_int32 IncomingHTTPRequest::GetRequestSize() {
std::string uri = request_->uri;
sp_int32 uri_size = uri.length() * sizeof(char);
evkeyval* p;
p = TAILQ_FIRST(request_->input_headers);
sp_int32 headers_size = 0;
while (p) {
std::string hkey = p->key;
std::string hval = p->value;
headers_size += (hkey.length() * sizeof(char)) + (hval.length() * sizeof(char));
p = TAILQ_NEXT(p, next);
return uri_size + headers_size + EVBUFFER_LENGTH(request_->input_buffer);
sp_int32 IncomingHTTPRequest::GetPayloadSize() { return EVBUFFER_LENGTH(request_->input_buffer); }
OutgoingHTTPRequest::OutgoingHTTPRequest(const sp_string& _host, sp_int32 _port,
const sp_string& _uri,
BaseHTTPRequest::HTTPRequestType _type,
const HTTPKeyValuePairs& _kvs)
: BaseHTTPRequest(_type) {
host_ = _host;
port_ = _port;
query_ = _uri;
kv_ = _kvs;
OutgoingHTTPRequest::~OutgoingHTTPRequest() {}
void OutgoingHTTPRequest::AddValue(const sp_string& _key, const sp_string& _value) {
kv_.push_back(make_pair(_key, _value));
void OutgoingHTTPRequest::SetHeader(const sp_string& _key, const sp_string& _value) {
header_[_key] = _value;
void OutgoingHTTPRequest::ExtendQuery(const sp_string& _body) { query_ += "?" + _body; }
OutgoingHTTPResponse::OutgoingHTTPResponse(IncomingHTTPRequest* _request)
: response_(_request->request_) {}
OutgoingHTTPResponse::~OutgoingHTTPResponse() {}
void OutgoingHTTPResponse::AddResponse(const sp_string& _str) {
CHECK_GE(evbuffer_add_printf(response_->output_buffer, "%s", _str.c_str()), 0);
void OutgoingHTTPResponse::AddHeader(const sp_string& _key, const sp_string& _value) {
CHECK_EQ(evhttp_add_header(response_->output_headers, _key.c_str(), _value.c_str()), 0);
IncomingHTTPResponse::IncomingHTTPResponse(struct evhttp_request* _response) {
response_code_ = -1;
if (_response) {
response_code_ = _response->response_code;
char* bufdata = reinterpret_cast<char*>(EVBUFFER_DATA(_response->input_buffer));
size_t buflen = EVBUFFER_LENGTH(_response->input_buffer);
body_ = std::string(bufdata, buflen);
struct evkeyval* header;
TAILQ_FOREACH(header, _response->input_headers, next) {
sp_string hdr = header->key;
for (size_t i = 0; i < hdr.size(); ++i) {
hdr[i] = tolower(hdr[i]);
headers_[hdr] = header->value;
IncomingHTTPResponse::~IncomingHTTPResponse() {}
sp_string IncomingHTTPResponse::header(const sp_string& _key) {
sp_string key;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _key.size(); ++i) {
if (headers_.find(key) == headers_.end()) return EMPTY_STRING;
return headers_[key];