blob: f5d776137b85d074d25716ef255176ee038952e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "errors/sperrimpl.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace heron {
namespace error {
Module_Errors::Module_Errors(const std::string& _modname, error_info_t* _errs,
error_info_t* _errstrs, sp_int32 _errcnt) {
if (_errcnt <= 0) {
// Copy the error base and count of the number of errors
errno_base_ = _errs[0].errnum_;
errno_count_ = _errcnt;
// Copy the module name
mod_name_ = _modname;
// Iterate through the error list and copy into the vector
for (sp_int32 i = 0; i < _errcnt; i++) {
mod_errors_.push_back(Error_Info(_errs[i].errnum_, std::string(_errs[i].errstr_),
Module_Errors::~Module_Errors() { mod_errors_.clear(); }
bool Module_Errors::is_in_range(sp_uint32 _errno) {
sp_uint32 start = errno_base_;
sp_uint32 end = start + errno_count_;
return (start <= _errno && _errno <= end) ? true : false;
const std::string& Module_Errors::get_error_msg(sp_uint32 _errno) {
return mod_errors_[_errno - errno_base_].get_errstr();
const std::string& Module_Errors::get_errno_msg(sp_uint32 _errno) {
return mod_errors_[_errno - errno_base_].get_errno_str();
bool Error_Store::load_module_errors(const std::string& _modname, error_info_t* _errs,
error_info_t* _errnostrs, sp_int32 _errcnt) {
// If the module exists, report error and exit
if (moderrs_.find(_modname) != moderrs_.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Errors for module " << _modname << " already loaded";
return false;
// Module does not exist...
// Get the start and end of error range for the module
sp_uint32 start = _errs[0].errnum_;
sp_uint32 end = start + _errcnt;
// Now check if there is an overlap of error space with other modules
for (auto it = moderrs_.begin(); it != moderrs_.end(); it++) {
// Get the start and end of error range for the current module
sp_uint32 mstart = it->second->get_errno_base();
sp_uint32 mend = mstart + it->second->get_errno_count();
// Check if the start of the range falls in the current module error range
if (start >= mstart && start <= mend) {
return false;
// Check if the end of the range falls in the current module error range
if (end >= mstart && end <= mend) {
return false;
// Everything is fine. Now create and insert the new error module
moderrs_[_modname] = new Module_Errors(_modname, _errs, _errnostrs, _errcnt);
return true;
bool Error_Store::unload_module_errors(const std::string& _modname) {
// If the module exists, delete its errors
auto it = moderrs_.find(_modname);
if (it != moderrs_.end()) {
delete it->second;
return true;
LOG(WARNING) << "Errors for module " << _modname << " does not exist";
return false;
bool Error_Store::unload_module_errors_all(void) {
while (!moderrs_.empty()) {
Module_Errors::Map::iterator it = moderrs_.begin();
delete it->second;
return false;
std::string Error_Store::get_error_msg(sp_uint32 _errno) {
std::string msg;
for (auto it = moderrs_.begin(); it != moderrs_.end(); it++) {
if (it->second->is_in_range(_errno)) {
const std::string& errstr = it->second->get_error_msg(_errno);
return (msg = errstr);
// Errno is not found in any of our modules. Check for OS errors.
msg = get_syserr_str(_errno);
return msg.empty() ? std::string() : msg;
std::string Error_Store::get_module_name(sp_uint32 _errno) {
Module_Errors::Map::iterator it;
std::string msg;
for (it = moderrs_.begin(); it != moderrs_.end(); it++) {
if (it->second->is_in_range(_errno)) {
const std::string& mname = it->second->get_module_name();
return (msg = mname);
// Errno is not found in any of our modules. Check for OS errors.
msg = get_syserr_str(_errno);
return msg.empty() ? std::string() : "OS";
std::string Error_Store::get_errno_str(sp_uint32 _errno) {
std::string msg;
for (auto it = moderrs_.begin(); it != moderrs_.end(); it++) {
if (it->second->is_in_range(_errno)) {
const std::string& errnostr = it->second->get_errno_msg(_errno);
return (msg = errnostr);
// Errno is not found in any of our modules. Check for OS errors.
msg = get_syserr_str(_errno);
return msg.empty() ? std::string() : "OS";
std::string Error_Store::get_syserr_str(sp_uint32 _errno) {
char err_msg[BUFSIZ];
std::string error_msg;
error_msg = ::strerror_r(_errno, err_msg, sizeof(err_msg));
return errno == EINVAL ? "" : error_msg;
} // namespace error
} // namespace heron