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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
''' util functions for config, mainly for heron-cli'''
import argparse
import contextlib
import getpass
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import tarfile
import tempfile
import yaml
from heron.common.src.python.utils.log import Log
# pylint: disable=logging-not-lazy
# default environ tag, if not provided
ENVIRON = "default"
# directories for heron distribution
BIN_DIR = "bin"
CONF_DIR = "conf"
ETC_DIR = "etc"
LIB_DIR = "lib"
CLI_DIR = ".heron"
RELEASE_YAML = "release.yaml"
ZIPPED_RELEASE_YAML = "scripts/packages/release.yaml"
OVERRIDE_YAML = "override.yaml"
# mode of deployment
DIRECT_MODE = 'direct'
SERVER_MODE = 'server'
# directories for heron sandbox
SANDBOX_CONF_DIR = "./heron-conf"
# config file for heron cli
CLIENT_YAML = "client.yaml"
# client configs for role and env for direct deployment
# client config for role and env for server deployment
ROLE_KEY = "role.required"
ENVIRON_KEY = "env.required"
def create_tar(tar_filename, files, config_dir, config_files):
Create a tar file with a given set of files
with contextlib.closing(, 'w:gz', dereference=True)) as tar:
for filename in files:
if os.path.isfile(filename):
tar.add(filename, arcname=os.path.basename(filename))
raise Exception("%s is not an existing file" % filename)
if os.path.isdir(config_dir):
tar.add(config_dir, arcname=get_heron_sandbox_conf_dir())
raise Exception("%s is not an existing directory" % config_dir)
for filename in config_files:
if os.path.isfile(filename):
arcfile = os.path.join(get_heron_sandbox_conf_dir(), os.path.basename(filename))
tar.add(filename, arcname=arcfile)
raise Exception("%s is not an existing file" % filename)
def get_subparser(parser, command):
Retrieve the given subparser from parser
# pylint: disable=protected-access
subparsers_actions = [action for action in parser._actions
if isinstance(action, argparse._SubParsersAction)]
# there will probably only be one subparser_action,
# but better save than sorry
for subparsers_action in subparsers_actions:
# get all subparsers
for choice, subparser in subparsers_action.choices.items():
if choice == command:
return subparser
return None
def cygpath(x):
normalized class path on cygwin
command = ['cygpath', '-wp', x]
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
result = p.communicate()
output = result[0]
lines = output.split("\n")
return lines[0]
def identity(x):
identity function
return x
def normalized_class_path(x):
normalize path
if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
return cygpath(x)
return identity(x)
def get_classpath(jars):
Get the normalized class path of all jars
return ':'.join(map(normalized_class_path, jars))
def get_heron_dir():
This will extract heron directory from .pex file.
For example,
when __file__ is '/Users/heron-user/bin/heron/heron/tools/common/src/python/utils/config.pyc', and
its real path is '/Users/heron-user/.heron/bin/heron/tools/common/src/python/utils/config.pyc',
the internal variable ``path`` would be '/Users/heron-user/.heron', which is the heron directory
This means the variable `go_above_dirs` below is 9.
:return: root location of the .pex file
go_above_dirs = 9
path = "/".join(os.path.realpath(__file__).split('/')[:-go_above_dirs])
return normalized_class_path(path)
def get_zipped_heron_dir():
This will extract heron directory from .pex file,
with `zip_safe = False' Bazel flag added when building this .pex file
For example,
when __file__'s real path is
'/Users/heron-user/.pex/code/xxxyyy/heron/tools/common/src/python/utils/config.pyc', and
the internal variable ``path`` would be '/Users/heron-user/.pex/code/xxxyyy/',
which is the root PEX directory
This means the variable `go_above_dirs` below is 7.
:return: root location of the .pex file.
go_above_dirs = 7
path = "/".join(os.path.realpath(__file__).split('/')[:-go_above_dirs])
return normalized_class_path(path)
# Get the root of heron dir and various sub directories depending on platform
def get_heron_bin_dir():
This will provide heron bin directory from .pex file.
:return: absolute path of heron lib directory
bin_path = os.path.join(get_heron_dir(), BIN_DIR)
return bin_path
def get_heron_conf_dir():
This will provide heron conf directory from .pex file.
:return: absolute path of heron conf directory
conf_path = os.path.join(get_heron_dir(), CONF_DIR)
return conf_path
def get_heron_lib_dir():
This will provide heron lib directory from .pex file.
:return: absolute path of heron lib directory
lib_path = os.path.join(get_heron_dir(), LIB_DIR)
return lib_path
def get_heron_release_file():
This will provide the path to heron release.yaml file
:return: absolute path of heron release.yaml file
return os.path.join(get_heron_dir(), RELEASE_YAML)
def get_zipped_heron_release_file():
This will provide the path to heron release.yaml file.
To be used for .pex file built with `zip_safe = False` flag.
For example, `heron-ui'.
:return: absolute path of heron release.yaml file
return os.path.join(get_zipped_heron_dir(), ZIPPED_RELEASE_YAML)
def get_heron_cluster_conf_dir(cluster, default_config_path):
This will provide heron cluster config directory, if config path is default
:return: absolute path of heron cluster conf directory
return os.path.join(default_config_path, cluster)
def get_heron_sandbox_conf_dir():
This will provide heron conf directory in the sandbox
:return: relative path of heron sandbox conf directory
def get_heron_libs(local_jars):
"""Get all the heron lib jars with the absolute paths"""
heron_lib_dir = get_heron_lib_dir()
heron_libs = [os.path.join(heron_lib_dir, f) for f in local_jars]
return heron_libs
def get_heron_cluster(cluster_role_env):
"""Get the cluster to which topology is submitted"""
return cluster_role_env.split('/')[0]
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,superfluous-parens
def parse_cluster_role_env(cluster_role_env, config_path):
"""Parse cluster/[role]/[environ], supply default, if not provided, not required"""
parts = cluster_role_env.split('/')[:3]
if not os.path.isdir(config_path):
Log.error("Config path cluster directory does not exist: %s" % config_path)
raise Exception("Invalid config path")
# if cluster/role/env is not completely provided, check further
if len(parts) < 3:
cli_conf_file = os.path.join(config_path, CLIENT_YAML)
# if client conf doesn't exist, use default value
if not os.path.isfile(cli_conf_file):
if len(parts) == 1:
if len(parts) == 2:
cli_confs = {}
with open(cli_conf_file, 'r') as conf_file:
tmp_confs = yaml.load(conf_file)
# the return value of yaml.load can be None if conf_file is an empty file
if tmp_confs is not None:
cli_confs = tmp_confs
print("Failed to read: %s due to it is empty" % (CLIENT_YAML))
# if role is required but not provided, raise exception
if len(parts) == 1:
if (ROLE_REQUIRED in cli_confs) and (cli_confs[ROLE_REQUIRED] is True):
raise Exception("role required but not provided (cluster/role/env = %s). See %s in %s"
% (cluster_role_env, ROLE_REQUIRED, cli_conf_file))
# if environ is required but not provided, raise exception
if len(parts) == 2:
if (ENV_REQUIRED in cli_confs) and (cli_confs[ENV_REQUIRED] is True):
raise Exception("environ required but not provided (cluster/role/env = %s). See %s in %s"
% (cluster_role_env, ENV_REQUIRED, cli_conf_file))
# if cluster or role or environ is empty, print
if len(parts[0]) == 0 or len(parts[1]) == 0 or len(parts[2]) == 0:
print("Failed to parse")
return (parts[0], parts[1], parts[2])
def get_cluster_role_env(cluster_role_env):
"""Parse cluster/[role]/[environ], supply empty string, if not provided"""
parts = cluster_role_env.split('/')[:3]
if len(parts) == 3:
return (parts[0], parts[1], parts[2])
if len(parts) == 2:
return (parts[0], parts[1], "")
if len(parts) == 1:
return (parts[0], "", "")
return ("", "", "")
def direct_mode_cluster_role_env(cluster_role_env, config_path):
"""Check cluster/[role]/[environ], if they are required"""
# otherwise, get the client.yaml file
cli_conf_file = os.path.join(config_path, CLIENT_YAML)
# if client conf doesn't exist, use default value
if not os.path.isfile(cli_conf_file):
return True
client_confs = {}
with open(cli_conf_file, 'r') as conf_file:
client_confs = yaml.load(conf_file)
# the return value of yaml.load can be None if conf_file is an empty file
if not client_confs:
return True
# if role is required but not provided, raise exception
role_present = True if len(cluster_role_env[1]) > 0 else False
if ROLE_REQUIRED in client_confs and client_confs[ROLE_REQUIRED] and not role_present:
raise Exception("role required but not provided (cluster/role/env = %s). See %s in %s"
% (cluster_role_env, ROLE_REQUIRED, cli_conf_file))
# if environ is required but not provided, raise exception
environ_present = True if len(cluster_role_env[2]) > 0 else False
if ENV_REQUIRED in client_confs and client_confs[ENV_REQUIRED] and not environ_present:
raise Exception("environ required but not provided (cluster/role/env = %s). See %s in %s"
% (cluster_role_env, ENV_REQUIRED, cli_conf_file))
return True
def server_mode_cluster_role_env(cluster_role_env, config_map):
"""Check cluster/[role]/[environ], if they are required"""
cmap = config_map[cluster_role_env[0]]
# if role is required but not provided, raise exception
role_present = True if len(cluster_role_env[1]) > 0 else False
if ROLE_KEY in cmap and cmap[ROLE_KEY] and not role_present:
raise Exception("role required but not provided (cluster/role/env = %s)."\
% (cluster_role_env))
# if environ is required but not provided, raise exception
environ_present = True if len(cluster_role_env[2]) > 0 else False
if ENVIRON_KEY in cmap and cmap[ENVIRON_KEY] and not environ_present:
raise Exception("environ required but not provided (cluster/role/env = %s)."\
% (cluster_role_env))
return True
def defaults_cluster_role_env(cluster_role_env):
if role is not provided, supply userid
if environ is not provided, supply 'default'
if len(cluster_role_env[1]) == 0 and len(cluster_role_env[2]) == 0:
return (cluster_role_env[0], getpass.getuser(), ENVIRON)
return (cluster_role_env[0], cluster_role_env[1], cluster_role_env[2])
# Parse the command line for overriding the defaults
def parse_override_config_and_write_file(namespace):
Parse the command line for overriding the defaults and
create an override file.
overrides = parse_override_config(namespace)
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
override_config_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, OVERRIDE_YAML)
with open(override_config_file, 'w') as f:
return override_config_file
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("Failed to parse override config: %s" % str(e))
def parse_override_config(namespace):
"""Parse the command line for overriding the defaults"""
overrides = dict()
for config in namespace:
kv = config.split("=")
if len(kv) != 2:
raise Exception("Invalid config property format (%s) expected key=value" % config)
if kv[1] in ['true', 'True', 'TRUE']:
overrides[kv[0]] = True
elif kv[1] in ['false', 'False', 'FALSE']:
overrides[kv[0]] = False
overrides[kv[0]] = kv[1]
return overrides
def get_java_path():
"""Get the path of java executable"""
java_home = os.environ.get("JAVA_HOME")
return os.path.join(java_home, BIN_DIR, "java")
def check_java_home_set():
"""Check if the java home set"""
# check if environ variable is set
if "JAVA_HOME" not in os.environ:
Log.error("JAVA_HOME not set")
return False
# check if the value set is correct
java_path = get_java_path()
if os.path.isfile(java_path) and os.access(java_path, os.X_OK):
return True
Log.error("JAVA_HOME/bin/java either does not exist or not an executable")
return False
def check_release_file_exists():
"""Check if the release.yaml file exists"""
release_file = get_heron_release_file()
# if the file does not exist and is not a file
if not os.path.isfile(release_file):
Log.error("Required file not found: %s" % release_file)
return False
return True
def print_build_info(zipped_pex=False):
"""Print build_info from release.yaml
:param zipped_pex: True if the PEX file is built with flag `zip_safe=False'.
if zipped_pex:
release_file = get_zipped_heron_release_file()
release_file = get_heron_release_file()
with open(release_file) as release_info:
release_map = yaml.load(release_info)
release_items = sorted(release_map.items(), key=lambda tup: tup[0])
for key, value in release_items:
print("%s : %s" % (key, value))
def get_version_number(zipped_pex=False):
"""Print version from release.yaml
:param zipped_pex: True if the PEX file is built with flag `zip_safe=False'.
if zipped_pex:
release_file = get_zipped_heron_release_file()
release_file = get_heron_release_file()
with open(release_file) as release_info:
for line in release_info:
trunks = line[:-1].split(' ')
if trunks[0] == '':
return trunks[-1].replace("'", "")
return 'unknown'
def insert_bool(param, command_args):
:param param:
:param command_args:
index = 0
found = False
for lelem in command_args:
if lelem == '--' and not found:
if lelem == param:
found = True
index = index + 1
if found:
command_args.insert(index + 1, 'True')
return command_args
def insert_bool_values(command_line_args):
:param command_line_args:
args1 = insert_bool('--verbose', command_line_args)
args2 = insert_bool('--deploy-deactivated', args1)
return args2
class SubcommandHelpFormatter(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):
def _format_action(self, action):
# pylint: disable=bad-super-call
parts = super(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, self)._format_action(action)
if action.nargs == argparse.PARSER:
parts = "\n".join(parts.split("\n")[1:])
return parts