blob: be94778eccab348ace1377287efecd9c92768b58 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
''' '''
class Graph(object):
Adjacency list of edges in graph. This will correspond to the streams in a topology DAG.
def __init__(self):
# graph adjecency list. Implemented as a map with key = vertices and
# values = set of Vertices in adjacency list.
self.edges = {}
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
def add_edge(self, U, V):
:param U:
:param V:
if not U in self.edges:
self.edges[U] = set()
if not V in self.edges:
self.edges[V] = set()
if not V in self.edges[U]:
def __str__(self):
return str(self.edges)
def bfs_depth(self, U):
Returns the maximum distance between any vertex and U in the connected
component containing U
:param U:
bfs_queue = [[U, 0]] # Stores the vertices whose BFS hadn't been completed.
visited = set()
max_depth = 0
while bfs_queue:
[V, depth] = bfs_queue.pop()
if max_depth < depth:
max_depth = depth
adj_set = self.edges[V]
for W in adj_set:
if W not in visited:
bfs_queue.append([W, depth + 1])
return max_depth
def diameter(self):
Returns the maximum distance between any vertex and U in the connected
component containing U
diameter = 0
for U in self.edges:
depth = self.bfs_depth(U)
if depth > diameter:
diameter = depth
return diameter
class TopologyDAG(Graph):
Creates graph from logical plan, a deeply nested map structure that looks
like -
'spouts' -> {
spout_name -> {
'outputs' -> ['stream_name' -> stream_name]
'bolts' -> {
bolt_name -> {
'outputs' -> ['stream_name'->sream_name],
'inputs' -> ['stream_name'->stream_name,
def __init__(self, logical_plan):
all_spouts = logical_plan['spouts'] # 'spouts' is required
all_bolts = dict()
if 'bolts' in logical_plan:
all_bolts = logical_plan['bolts']
stream_source = dict() # Stores the mapping from input stream to component
# Spout outputs
for spout_name in all_spouts:
for output_stream_data in all_spouts[spout_name]['outputs']:
stream_name = output_stream_data['stream_name']
stream_source[('%s,%s' % (spout_name, stream_name))] = spout_name
# Bolt outputs
for bolt_name in all_bolts:
for output_stream_data in all_bolts[bolt_name]['outputs']:
stream_name = output_stream_data['stream_name']
stream_source[('%s,%s' % (bolt_name, stream_name))] = bolt_name
# Add edges from stream_source to its destination.
for bolt_name in all_bolts:
for input_stream_data in all_bolts[bolt_name]['inputs']:
stream_name = input_stream_data['stream_name']
component_name = input_stream_data['component_name']
stream_hash = ('%s,%s' % (component_name, stream_name))
self.add_edge(stream_source[stream_hash], bolt_name)