Deep clean heron-explorer (#3588)

* Deep clean heron-explorer

 * use click instead of argparse pattern
 * list all topologies instead of just 20
 * not strictly the same CLI argument names but same functionality
 * add smoke testes for heron-tracker and heron-explorer in local-test-runner

* heron-explorer clean PR feedback
diff --git a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/BUILD b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/BUILD
index 4fd76c1..6b10054 100644
--- a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/BUILD
+++ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/BUILD
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
     reqs = [
+        "click==7.1.2",
     deps = [
diff --git a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index c312c35..0000000
--- a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#  distributed with this work for additional information
-#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#  specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#  under the License.
-''' '''
-import os
-import as config
-# default parameter - url to connect to heron tracker
-# add argument for config file path
-def add_config(parser):
-  """ add config """
-  # the default config path
-  default_config_path = config.get_heron_conf_dir()
-  parser.add_argument(
-      '--config-path',
-      metavar='(a string; path to cluster config; default: "' + default_config_path + '")',
-      default=os.path.join(config.get_heron_dir(), default_config_path))
-  return parser
-# pylint: disable=protected-access
-def add_titles(parser):
-  """ add titles """
-  parser._positionals.title = "Required arguments"
-  parser._optionals.title = "Optional arguments"
-  return parser
-def insert_bool(param, command_args):
-  """ insert boolean """
-  index = 0
-  found = False
-  for lelem in command_args:
-    if lelem == '--' and not found:
-      break
-    if lelem == param:
-      found = True
-      break
-    index = index + 1
-  if found:
-    command_args.insert(index + 1, 'True')
-  return command_args
-def insert_bool_values(command_line_args):
-  """ insert boolean values """
-  args1 = insert_bool('--verbose', command_line_args)
-  return args1
-# add optional argument that sets log level to verbose
-def add_verbose(parser):
-  """ add optional verbose argument"""
-  parser.add_argument(
-      '--verbose',
-      metavar='(a boolean; default: "false")',
-      type=bool,
-      default=False)
-  return parser
-def add_tracker_url(parser):
-  """ add optional tracker_url argument """
-  parser.add_argument(
-      '--tracker_url',
-      metavar='(tracker url; default: "' + DEFAULT_TRACKER_URL + '")',
-      type=str, default=DEFAULT_TRACKER_URL)
-  return parser
-def add_container_id(parser):
-  """ add optional argument that specifies container id """
-  parser.add_argument(
-      '--id',
-      help='container ID',
-      type=int, metavar='ID')
-  return parser
-def add_component_name(parser):
-  """ add optional argument that specifies component name """
-  parser.add_argument(
-      '--component',
-      help='Component name',
-      metavar='COMP',
-      type=str)
-  return parser
-def add_spouts(parser):
-  """ add optional argument that displays spout only """
-  parser.add_argument(
-      '--spout', help='display spout', action='store_true')
-  return parser
-def add_bolts(parser):
-  """ add optional argument that displays bolts only """
-  parser.add_argument(
-      '--bolt', help='display bolt', action='store_true')
-  return parser
-def add_cluster_role_env(parser):
-  """ add argument that specifies topologies location """
-  parser.add_argument(
-      'cluster/[role]/[env]', help='Topologies location', type=str,
-      metavar='CLUSTER/[ROLE]/[ENV]')
-  return parser
-def add_topology_name(parser):
-  """ add argument that specifies topology name """
-  parser.add_argument(
-      'topology-name',
-      help='Topology name'
-  )
-  return parser
diff --git a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index bdd208f..0000000
--- a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#  distributed with this work for additional information
-#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#  specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#  under the License.
-''' '''
-from heron.common.src.python.utils.log import Log
-import as args
-import as tracker_access
-def create_parser(subparsers):
-  """ create argument parser """
-  parser = subparsers.add_parser(
-      'clusters',
-      help='Display existing clusters',
-      usage="%(prog)s [options]",
-      add_help=True)
-  args.add_verbose(parser)
-  args.add_tracker_url(parser)
-  parser.set_defaults(subcommand='clusters')
-  return subparsers
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument,superfluous-parens
-def run(command, parser, cl_args, unknown_args):
-  """ run command """
-  try:
-    clusters = tracker_access.get_clusters()
-  except:
-    Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker: \'%s\'", cl_args["tracker_url"])
-    return False
-  print('Available clusters:')
-  for cluster in clusters:
-    print('  %s' % cluster)
-  return True
diff --git a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6995849..0000000
--- a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#  distributed with this work for additional information
-#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#  specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#  under the License.
-''' '''
-from heron.common.src.python.utils.log import Log
-import as config
-# pylint: disable=protected-access
-def create_parser(subparsers):
-  """ create parser """
-  parser = subparsers.add_parser(
-      'help',
-      help='Display help',
-      add_help=False)
-  parser._positionals.title = "Required arguments"
-  parser._optionals.title = "Optional arguments"
-  parser.add_argument(
-      'help-command',
-      nargs='?',
-      default='help',
-      help='provide help for a command')
-  parser.set_defaults(subcommand='help')
-  return parser
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument,superfluous-parens
-def run(command, parser, args, unknown_args):
-  """ run command """
-  # get the command for detailed help
-  command_help = args['help-command']
-  # if no command is provided, just print main help
-  if command_help == 'help':
-    parser.print_help()
-    return True
-  # get the subparser for the specific command
-  subparser = config.get_subparser(parser, command_help)
-  if subparser:
-    print(subparser.format_help())
-    return True
-  Log.error("Unknown subcommand \'%s\'" % command_help)
-  return False
diff --git a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
index 3b6fa48..e467dba 100644
--- a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
+++ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
@@ -19,47 +19,18 @@
 #  under the License.
 ''' '''
+import sys
 from collections import defaultdict
 from heron.common.src.python.utils.log import Log
-import as args
 import as tracker_access
 from tabulate import tabulate
-def create_parser(subparsers):
-  """ create parser """
-  components_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
-      'components',
-      help='Display information of a topology\'s components',
-      usage="%(prog)s cluster/[role]/[env] topology-name [options]",
-      add_help=False)
-  args.add_cluster_role_env(components_parser)
-  args.add_topology_name(components_parser)
-  args.add_spouts(components_parser)
-  args.add_bolts(components_parser)
-  args.add_verbose(components_parser)
-  args.add_tracker_url(components_parser)
-  args.add_config(components_parser)
-  components_parser.set_defaults(subcommand='components')
-  return subparsers
-# pylint: disable=misplaced-bare-raise
-def parse_topo_loc(cl_args):
-  """ parse topology location """
-  try:
-    topo_loc = cl_args['cluster/[role]/[env]'].split('/')
-    topo_loc.append(cl_args['topology-name'])
-    if len(topo_loc) != 4:
-      raise
-    return topo_loc
-  except Exception:
-    Log.error('Error: invalid topology location')
-    raise
-def to_table(components, topo_info):
+def to_table(components, topo_info, component_filter):
   """ normalize raw logical plan info to table """
   inputs, outputs = defaultdict(list), defaultdict(list)
   for ctype, component in list(components.items()):
@@ -76,6 +47,10 @@
     # stages is an int so keep going
     if ctype == "stages":
+    if component_filter == "spouts" and ctype != "spouts":
+      continue
+    if component_filter == "bolts" and ctype != "bolts":
+      continue
     for component_name, component_info in list(component.items()):
       row = [ctype[:-1], component_name]
       if ctype == 'spouts':
@@ -89,59 +64,13 @@
   return info, header
-def filter_bolts(table, header):
-  """ filter to keep bolts """
-  bolts_info = []
-  for row in table:
-    if row[0] == 'bolt':
-      bolts_info.append(row)
-  return bolts_info, header
-def filter_spouts(table, header):
-  """ filter to keep spouts """
-  spouts_info = []
-  for row in table:
-    if row[0] == 'spout':
-      spouts_info.append(row)
-  return spouts_info, header
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument,superfluous-parens
-def run(cl_args, compo_type):
+def run(component_type: str, cluster: str, role: str, environment: str, topology: str):
   """ run command """
-  cluster, role, env = cl_args['cluster'], cl_args['role'], cl_args['environ']
-  topology = cl_args['topology-name']
-  spouts_only, bolts_only = cl_args['spout'], cl_args['bolt']
-    components = tracker_access.get_logical_plan(cluster, env, topology, role)
-    topo_info = tracker_access.get_topology_info(cluster, env, topology, role)
-    table, header = to_table(components, topo_info)
-    if spouts_only == bolts_only:
-      print(tabulate(table, headers=header))
-    elif spouts_only:
-      table, header = filter_spouts(table, header)
-      print(tabulate(table, headers=header))
-    else:
-      table, header = filter_bolts(table, header)
-      print(tabulate(table, headers=header))
-    return True
+    components = tracker_access.get_logical_plan(cluster, environment, topology, role)
+    topo_info = tracker_access.get_topology_info(cluster, environment, topology, role)
-    Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker: \'%s\'", cl_args["tracker_url"])
-    return False
-def run_components(command, parser, cl_args, unknown_args):
-  """ run components command """
-  return run(cl_args, 'all')
-def run_spouts(command, parser, cl_args, unknown_args):
-  """ run spouts command """
-  return run(cl_args, 'spouts')
-def run_bolts(command, parser, cl_args, unknown_args):
-  """ run bolts command """
-  return run(cl_args, 'bolts')
+    Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker")
+    sys.exit(1)
+  table, header = to_table(components, topo_info, component_type)
+  print(tabulate(table, headers=header))
diff --git a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
index a1c8224..be35780 100644
--- a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
+++ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
@@ -19,191 +19,186 @@
 #  under the License.
 ''' '''
-import argparse
+import logging
+import os
 import sys
-import time
 import heron.common.src.python.utils.log as log
+import as tracker_access
 import as config
-import as parse
-import as clusters
-# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
-import as help
 import as logicalplan
-import as opts
 import as physicalplan
 import as topologies
-import as version
+import click
+from tornado.options import define
 Log = log.Log
-# pylint: disable=bad-super-call
-class SubcommandHelpFormatter(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):
-  """ subcommand help message formatter """
-  def _format_action(self, action):
-    parts = super(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
-                  self)._format_action(action)
-    if action.nargs == argparse.PARSER:
-      parts = "\n".join(parts.split("\n")[1:])
-    return parts
+  click_extra = {"max_content_width": os.get_terminal_size().columns}
+except Exception:
+  click_extra = {}
-# Main parser
-def create_parser():
-  """ create parser """
-  help_epilog = '''Getting more help:
-  heron-explorer help <command>     Display help and options for <command>\n
-  For detailed documentation, go to'''
+def config_path_option():
+  return click.option(
+      "--config-path",
+      default=config.get_heron_conf_dir(),
+      show_default=True,
+      help="Path to heron's config clusters config directory"
+  )
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-      prog='heron-explorer',
-      epilog=help_epilog,
-      formatter_class=SubcommandHelpFormatter,
-      add_help=False)
+def tracker_url_option():
+  return click.option(
+      "--tracker-url",
+      default=DEFAULT_TRACKER_URL,
+      show_default=True,
+      help="URL to a heron-tracker instance"
+  )
-  # sub-commands
-  subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
-      title="Available commands",
-      metavar='<command> <options>')
+def show_version(_, __, value):
+  if value:
+    config.print_build_info()
+    sys.exit(0)
-  # subparser for subcommands related to clusters
-  clusters.create_parser(subparsers)
+    "--version",
+    is_flag=True,
+    is_eager=True,
+    expose_value=False,
+    callback=show_version,
+@click.option("-v", "--verbose", count=True)
+def cli(verbose: int):
+  levels = {
+      0: logging.WARNING,
+      1: logging.INFO,
+      2: logging.DEBUG,
+  }
+  log.configure(levels.get(verbose, logging.DEBUG))
-  # subparser for subcommands related to logical plan
-  logicalplan.create_parser(subparsers)
-  # subparser for subcommands related to physical plan
-  physicalplan.create_parser(subparsers)
-  # subparser for subcommands related to displaying info
-  topologies.create_parser(subparsers)
-  # subparser for help subcommand
-  help.create_parser(subparsers)
-  # subparser for version subcommand
-  version.create_parser(subparsers)
-  return parser
-# Run the command
-# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
-def run(command, *args):
-  """ run command """
-  # show all clusters
-  if command == 'clusters':
-    return, *args)
-  # show topologies
-  if command == 'topologies':
-    return, *args)
-  # physical plan
-  if command == 'containers':
-    return physicalplan.run_containers(command, *args)
-  if command == 'metrics':
-    return physicalplan.run_metrics(command, *args)
-  # logical plan
-  if command == 'components':
-    return logicalplan.run_components(command, *args)
-  if command == 'spouts':
-    return logicalplan.run_spouts(command, *args)
-  if command == 'bolts':
-    return logicalplan.run_bolts(command, *args)
-  # help
-  if command == 'help':
-    return, *args)
-  # version
-  if command == 'version':
-    return, *args)
-  return 1
-# pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
-def extract_common_args(command, parser, cl_args):
-  """ extract common args """
+def cli_clusters(tracker_url: str):
+  define("tracker_url", tracker_url)
-    # do not pop like cli because ``topologies`` subcommand still needs it
-    cluster_role_env = cl_args['cluster/[role]/[env]']
-    config_path = cl_args['config_path']
-  except KeyError:
-    # if some of the arguments are not found, print error and exit
-    subparser = config.get_subparser(parser, command)
-    print(subparser.format_help())
-    return dict()
-  cluster = config.get_heron_cluster(cluster_role_env)
-  config_path = config.get_heron_cluster_conf_dir(cluster, config_path)
+    clusters = tracker_access.get_clusters()
+  except:
+    Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker")
+    sys.exit(1)
+  print("Available clusters:")
+  for cluster in clusters:
+    print(f"  {cluster}")
-  new_cl_args = dict()
-  try:
-    cluster_tuple = config.parse_cluster_role_env(cluster_role_env, config_path)
-    new_cl_args['cluster'] = cluster_tuple[0]
-    new_cl_args['role'] = cluster_tuple[1]
-    new_cl_args['environ'] = cluster_tuple[2]
-    new_cl_args['config_path'] = config_path
-  except Exception as e:
-    Log.error("Unable to get valid topology location: %s", str(e))
-    return dict()
+@click.argument("cre", metavar="CLUSTER[/ROLE[/ENV]]")
+def cli_topologies(tracker_url: str, cre: str):
+  """Show the topologies under the given CLUSTER[/ROLE[/ENV]]."""
+  define("tracker_url", tracker_url)
+      cre=cre,
+  )
-  cl_args.update(new_cl_args)
-  return cl_args
+    "--component-type",
+    type=click.Choice(["all", "spouts", "bolts"]),
+    default="all",
+    show_default=True,
+@click.argument("cre", metavar="CLUSTER[/ROLE[/ENV]]")
+def logical_plan(
+    config_path: str,
+    cre: str,
+    topology: str,
+    component_type: str,
+    tracker_url: str,
+) -> None:
+  """Show logical plan information for the given topology."""
+  define("tracker_url", tracker_url)
+  cluster = config.get_heron_cluster(cre)
+  cluster_config_path = config.get_heron_cluster_conf_dir(cluster, config_path)
+  cluster, role, environment = config.parse_cluster_role_env(cre, cluster_config_path)
+      component_type=component_type,
+      cluster=cluster,
+      role=role,
+      environment=environment,
+      topology=topology,
+  )
-# Run the command
-def main(args):
-  """ main """
-  # create the argument parser
-  parser = create_parser()
+def physical_plan():
+  pass
-  # if no argument is provided, print help and exit
-  if not args:
-    parser.print_help()
-    return 0
+@click.option("--component", help="name of component to limit metrics to")
+@click.argument("cre", metavar="CLUSTER[/ROLE[/ENV]]")
+def metrics(
+    config_path: str,
+    cre: str,
+    tracker_url: str,
+    topology: str,
+    component: str,
+) -> None:
+  define("tracker_url", tracker_url)
+  cluster = config.get_heron_cluster(cre)
+  cluster_config_path = config.get_heron_cluster_conf_dir(cluster, config_path)
+  cluster, role, environment = config.parse_cluster_role_env(cre, cluster_config_path)
-  # insert the boolean values for some of the options
-  all_args = parse.insert_bool_values(args)
+  physicalplan.run_metrics(
+      cluster=cluster,
+      role=role,
+      environment=environment,
+      component=component,
+      topology=topology,
+  )
-  # parse the args
-  args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args(args=all_args)
-  command_line_args = vars(args)
-  command = command_line_args['subcommand']
+def validate_container_id(_, __, value):
+  if value is None:
+    return None
+  if value <= 0:
+    raise click.BadParameter("container id must be greather than zero")
+  return value - 1
-  if unknown_args:
-    Log.error('Unknown argument: %s', unknown_args[0])
-    # show help message
-    command_line_args['help-command'] = command
-    command = 'help'
+@click.option("--id", "container_id", type=int, help="container id", callback=validate_container_id)
+@click.argument("cre", metavar="CLUSTER[/ROLE[/ENV]]")
+def containers(
+    config_path: str,
+    cre: str,
+    tracker_url: str,
+    topology: str,
+    container_id: int,
+) -> None:
+  define("tracker_url", tracker_url)
+  cluster = config.get_heron_cluster(cre)
+  cluster_config_path = config.get_heron_cluster_conf_dir(cluster, config_path)
+  cluster, role, environment = config.parse_cluster_role_env(cre, cluster_config_path)
-  if command not in ['help', 'version']:
-    opts.set_tracker_url(command_line_args)
-    log.set_logging_level(command_line_args)
-    if command not in ['topologies', 'clusters']:
-      command_line_args = extract_common_args(command, parser, command_line_args)
-    if not command_line_args:
-      return 1
-"Using tracker URL: %s", command_line_args["tracker_url"])
-  # timing command execution
-  start = time.time()
-  ret = run(command, parser, command_line_args, unknown_args)
-  end = time.time()
-  if command != 'help':
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-'Elapsed time: %.3fs.', (end - start))
-  return 0 if ret else 1
+  physicalplan.run_containers(
+      cluster=cluster,
+      role=role,
+      environment=environment,
+      container_id=container_id,
+      topology=topology,
+  )
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-  sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
+  cli() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
diff --git a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 47c91f0..0000000
--- a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#  distributed with this work for additional information
-#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#  specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#  under the License.
-''' '''
-from tornado.options import define
-def set_tracker_url(cl_args):
-  """ define global Tornado variable """
-  define("tracker_url", cl_args["tracker_url"])
diff --git a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
index a577ee2..e647ca4 100644
--- a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
+++ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
@@ -22,62 +22,18 @@
 import sys
 from heron.common.src.python.utils.log import Log
 import as tracker_access
-import as args
 from tabulate import tabulate
-def create_parser(subparsers):
-  """ create parser """
-  metrics_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
-      'metrics',
-      help='Display info of a topology\'s metrics',
-      usage="%(prog)s cluster/[role]/[env] topology-name [options]",
-      add_help=False)
-  args.add_cluster_role_env(metrics_parser)
-  args.add_topology_name(metrics_parser)
-  args.add_verbose(metrics_parser)
-  args.add_tracker_url(metrics_parser)
-  args.add_config(metrics_parser)
-  args.add_component_name(metrics_parser)
-  metrics_parser.set_defaults(subcommand='metrics')
-  containers_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
-      'containers',
-      help='Display info of a topology\'s containers metrics',
-      usage="%(prog)s cluster/[role]/[env] topology-name [options]",
-      add_help=False)
-  args.add_cluster_role_env(containers_parser)
-  args.add_topology_name(containers_parser)
-  args.add_verbose(containers_parser)
-  args.add_tracker_url(containers_parser)
-  args.add_config(containers_parser)
-  args.add_container_id(containers_parser)
-  containers_parser.set_defaults(subcommand='containers')
-  return subparsers
-# pylint: disable=misplaced-bare-raise
-def parse_topo_loc(cl_args):
-  """ parse topology location """
-  try:
-    topo_loc = cl_args['cluster/[role]/[env]'].split('/')
-    topo_name = cl_args['topology-name']
-    topo_loc.append(topo_name)
-    if len(topo_loc) != 4:
-      raise
-    return topo_loc
-  except Exception:
-    Log.error('Invalid topology location')
-    raise
 def to_table(metrics):
   """ normalize raw metrics API result to table """
   all_queries = tracker_access.metric_queries()
   m = tracker_access.queries_map()
-  names = list(metrics.values())[0].keys()
+  header = ['container id'] + [m[k] for k in all_queries if k in list(metrics.keys())]
   stats = []
+  if not metrics:
+    return stats, header
+  names = list(metrics.values())[0].keys()
   for n in names:
     info = [n]
     for field in all_queries:
@@ -86,120 +42,79 @@
       except KeyError:
-  header = ['container id'] + [m[k] for k in all_queries if k in list(metrics.keys())]
   return stats, header
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument,superfluous-parens
-def run_metrics(command, parser, cl_args, unknown_args):
-  """ run metrics subcommand """
-  cluster, role, env = cl_args['cluster'], cl_args['role'], cl_args['environ']
-  topology = cl_args['topology-name']
+def run_metrics(
+    cluster: str,
+    role: str,
+    environment: str,
+    topology: str,
+    component: str,
+) -> None:
+  """Render a table of metrics."""
-    result = tracker_access.get_topology_info(cluster, env, topology, role)
-    spouts = list(result['physical_plan']['spouts'].keys())
-    bolts = list(result['physical_plan']['bolts'].keys())
-    components = spouts + bolts
-    cname = cl_args['component']
-    if cname:
-      if cname in components:
-        components = [cname]
-      else:
-        Log.error('Unknown component: \'%s\'' % cname)
-        raise
+    result = tracker_access.get_topology_info(cluster, environment, topology, role)
   except Exception:
-    Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker: \'%s\'", cl_args["tracker_url"])
-    return False
+    Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker")
+    sys.exit(1)
+  spouts = list(result['physical_plan']['spouts'].keys())
+  bolts = list(result['physical_plan']['bolts'].keys())
+  components = spouts + bolts
+  if component:
+    if component in components:
+      components = [component]
+    else:
+      Log.error(f"Unknown component: {component!r}")
+      sys.exit(1)
   cresult = []
   for comp in components:
-      metrics = tracker_access.get_component_metrics(comp, cluster, env, topology, role)
+      metrics = tracker_access.get_component_metrics(comp, cluster, environment, topology, role)
-      Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker: \'%s\'", cl_args["tracker_url"])
-      return False
+      Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker")
+      sys.exit(1)
     stat, header = to_table(metrics)
     cresult.append((comp, stat, header))
-  for i, (comp, stat, header) in enumerate(cresult):
+  for i, (c, stat, header) in enumerate(cresult):
     if i != 0:
-    print('\'%s\' metrics:' % comp)
+    print(f"{c!r} metrics:")
     print(tabulate(stat, headers=header))
-  return True
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument,superfluous-parens
-def run_bolts(command, parser, cl_args, unknown_args):
-  """ run bolts subcommand """
-  cluster, role, env = cl_args['cluster'], cl_args['role'], cl_args['environ']
-  topology = cl_args['topology-name']
+def run_containers(
+    cluster: str,
+    role: str,
+    environment: str,
+    topology: str,
+    container_id: str,
+) -> None:
+  """Render a table of container information."""
-    result = tracker_access.get_topology_info(cluster, env, topology, role)
-    bolts = list(result['physical_plan']['bolts'].keys())
-    bolt_name = cl_args['bolt']
-    if bolt_name:
-      if bolt_name in bolts:
-        bolts = [bolt_name]
-      else:
-        Log.error('Unknown bolt: \'%s\'' % bolt_name)
-        raise
-  except Exception:
-    Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker: \'%s\'", cl_args["tracker_url"])
-    return False
-  bolts_result = []
-  for bolt in bolts:
-    try:
-      metrics = tracker_access.get_component_metrics(bolt, cluster, env, topology, role)
-      stat, header = to_table(metrics)
-      bolts_result.append((bolt, stat, header))
-    except Exception:
-      Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker: \'%s\'", cl_args["tracker_url"])
-      return False
-  for i, (bolt, stat, header) in enumerate(bolts_result):
-    if i != 0:
-      print('')
-    print('\'%s\' metrics:' % bolt)
-    print(tabulate(stat, headers=header))
-  return True
-# pylint: disable=too-many-locals,superfluous-parens
-def run_containers(command, parser, cl_args, unknown_args):
-  """ run containers subcommand """
-  cluster, role, env = cl_args['cluster'], cl_args['role'], cl_args['environ']
-  topology = cl_args['topology-name']
-  container_id = cl_args['id']
-  try:
-    result = tracker_access.get_topology_info(cluster, env, topology, role)
+    result = tracker_access.get_topology_info(cluster, environment, topology, role)
-    Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker: \'%s\'", cl_args["tracker_url"])
-    return False
+    Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker")
+    sys.exit(1)
   containers = result['physical_plan']['stmgrs']
   all_bolts, all_spouts = set(), set()
-  for _, bolts in list(result['physical_plan']['bolts'].items()):
-    all_bolts = all_bolts | set(bolts)
-  for _, spouts in list(result['physical_plan']['spouts'].items()):
-    all_spouts = all_spouts | set(spouts)
-  stmgrs = list(containers.keys())
-  stmgrs.sort()
+  for bolts in result['physical_plan']['bolts'].values():
+    all_bolts |= set(bolts)
+  for spouts in result['physical_plan']['spouts'].values():
+    all_spouts |= set(spouts)
+  stmgrs = sorted(containers.keys())
   if container_id is not None:
-    try:
-      normalized_cid = container_id - 1
-      if normalized_cid < 0:
-        raise
-      stmgrs = [stmgrs[normalized_cid]]
-    except:
-      Log.error('Invalid container id: %d' % container_id)
-      return False
+    stmgrs = [stmgrs[container_id]]
   table = []
-  for sid, name in enumerate(stmgrs):
-    cid = sid + 1
-    host = containers[name]["host"]
-    port = containers[name]["port"]
-    pid = containers[name]["pid"]
+  for cid, name in enumerate(stmgrs, (container_id + 1 if container_id else 1)):
     instances = containers[name]["instance_ids"]
-    bolt_nums = len([instance for instance in instances if instance in all_bolts])
-    spout_nums = len([instance for instance in instances if instance in all_spouts])
-    table.append([cid, host, port, pid, bolt_nums, spout_nums, len(instances)])
+    table.append([
+        cid,
+        containers[name]["host"],
+        containers[name]["port"],
+        containers[name]["pid"],
+        len([1 for instance in instances if instance in all_bolts]),
+        len([1 for instance in instances if instance in all_spouts]),
+        len(instances),
+    ])
   headers = ["container", "host", "port", "pid", "#bolt", "#spout", "#instance"]
-  sys.stdout.flush()
   print(tabulate(table, headers=headers))
-  return True
diff --git a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
index ecb0dfc..d341ec6 100644
--- a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
+++ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
@@ -19,112 +19,42 @@
 #  under the License.
 ''' '''
+import sys
 from heron.common.src.python.utils.log import Log
-import as args
 import as tracker_access
 from tabulate import tabulate
-def create_parser(subparsers):
-  ''' create parser '''
-  parser = subparsers.add_parser(
-      'topologies',
-      help='Display running topologies',
-      usage="%(prog)s cluster/[role]/[env] [options]",
-      add_help=True)
-  args.add_cluster_role_env(parser)
-  args.add_verbose(parser)
-  args.add_tracker_url(parser)
-  args.add_config(parser)
-  parser.set_defaults(subcommand='topologies')
-  return subparsers
 def to_table(result):
-  ''' normalize raw result to table '''
-  max_count = 20
-  table, count = [], 0
-  for role, envs_topos in list(result.items()):
-    for env, topos in list(envs_topos.items()):
+  table = []
+  for role, envs_topos in result.items():
+    for env, topos in envs_topos.items():
       for topo in topos:
-        count += 1
-        if count > max_count:
-          continue
         table.append([role, env, topo])
   header = ['role', 'env', 'topology']
-  rest_count = 0 if count <= max_count else count - max_count
-  return table, header, rest_count
+  return table, header
-# pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
-def show_cluster(cl_args, cluster):
-  ''' print topologies information to stdout '''
+def run(cre: str) -> None:
+  """Print all topologies under the given CRE."""
+  cluster, *role_env = cre.split('/')
+  if not role_env:
+    get_topologies = tracker_access.get_cluster_topologies
+  elif len(role_env) == 1:
+    get_topologies = tracker_access.get_cluster_role_topologies
+  elif len(role_env) == 2:
+    get_topologies = tracker_access.get_cluster_role_env_topologies
+  else:
+    Log.error("Invalid topologies selection")
+    sys.exit(1)
-    result = tracker_access.get_cluster_topologies(cluster)
-    if not result:
-      Log.error('No topologies in cluster \'%s\'' % cluster)
-      return False
-    result = result[cluster]
+    result = get_topologies(cluster, *role_env)
   except Exception:
-    Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker: \'%s\'", cl_args["tracker_url"])
-    return False
-  table, header, rest_count = to_table(result)
-  print('Topologies running in cluster \'%s\'' % cluster)
-  if rest_count:
-    print('  with %d more...' % rest_count)
+    Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker")
+    sys.exit(1)
+  topologies = result[cluster]
+  table, header = to_table(topologies)
+  print(f"Topologies in {cre}:")
   print(tabulate(table, headers=header))
-  return True
-# pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
-def show_cluster_role(cl_args, cluster, role):
-  ''' print topologies information to stdout '''
-  try:
-    result = tracker_access.get_cluster_role_topologies(cluster, role)
-    if not result:
-      Log.error('Unknown cluster/role \'%s\'' % '/'.join([cluster, role]))
-      return False
-    result = result[cluster]
-  except Exception:
-    Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker: \'%s\'", cl_args["tracker_url"])
-    return False
-  table, header, rest_count = to_table(result)
-  print('Topologies running in cluster \'%s\' submitted by \'%s\':' % (cluster, role))
-  if rest_count:
-    print('  with %d more...' % rest_count)
-  print(tabulate(table, headers=header))
-  return True
-# pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
-def show_cluster_role_env(cl_args, cluster, role, env):
-  ''' print topologies information to stdout '''
-  try:
-    result = tracker_access.get_cluster_role_env_topologies(cluster, role, env)
-    if not result:
-      Log.error('Unknown cluster/role/env \'%s\'' % '/'.join([cluster, role, env]))
-      return False
-    result = result[cluster]
-  except Exception:
-    Log.error("Fail to connect to tracker: \'%s\'", cl_args["tracker_url"])
-    return False
-  table, header, rest_count = to_table(result)
-  print('Topologies running in cluster \'%s\', submitted by \'%s\', and\
- under environment \'%s\':' % (cluster, role, env))
-  if rest_count:
-    print('  with %d more...' % rest_count)
-  print(tabulate(table, headers=header))
-  return True
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument
-def run(command, parser, cl_args, unknown_args):
-  """ run command """
-  location = cl_args['cluster/[role]/[env]'].split('/')
-  if len(location) == 1:
-    return show_cluster(cl_args, *location)
-  if len(location) == 2:
-    return show_cluster_role(cl_args, *location)
-  if len(location) == 3:
-    return show_cluster_role_env(cl_args, *location)
-  Log.error('Invalid topologies selection')
-  return False
diff --git a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/ b/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 84773f5..0000000
--- a/heron/tools/explorer/src/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#  distributed with this work for additional information
-#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#  specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#  under the License.
-''' '''
-import as config
-import as args
-def create_parser(subparsers):
-  """ create parser """
-  parser = subparsers.add_parser(
-      'version',
-      help='Display version',
-      usage="%(prog)s",
-      add_help=False)
-  args.add_titles(parser)
-  parser.set_defaults(subcommand='version')
-  return parser
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument
-def run(command, parser, known_args, unknown_args):
-  """ run command """
-  config.print_build_info()
-  return True
diff --git a/heron/tools/explorer/tests/python/ b/heron/tools/explorer/tests/python/
index 72e8b5e..830f773 100644
--- a/heron/tools/explorer/tests/python/
+++ b/heron/tools/explorer/tests/python/
@@ -24,35 +24,13 @@
 import unittest
 from unittest.mock import Mock
-import as tracker_access
 import as topologies
-import as main
-import as args
+from import cli
 # pylint: disable=missing-docstring, no-self-use
 class ExplorerTest(unittest.TestCase):
   ''' unit tests '''
-  def setUp(self):
-    base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-    info_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'info.json')
-    lp_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'logicalplan.json')
-    topo_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'topologies.json')
-    metrics_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'metrics.json')
-    with open(info_path) as f:
-      tracker_access.get_topology_info = Mock(return_value=json.load(f))
-    with open(lp_path) as f:
-      tracker_access.get_logical_plan = Mock(return_value=json.load(f))
-    with open(topo_path) as f:
-      j = json.load(f)
-      tracker_access.get_cluster_topologies = Mock(return_value=j)
-      tracker_access.get_cluster_role_topologies = Mock(return_value=j)
-      tracker_access.get_cluster_role_env_topologies = Mock(return_value=j)
-    with open(metrics_path) as f:
-      tracker_access.get_topology_metrics = Mock(return_value=json.load(f))
-    clusters = ['nyc', 'london', 'tokyo']
-    tracker_access.get_clusters = Mock(return_value=clusters)
   def sample_topo_result(self):
     info = []
     info.append(['a1', 'a2', 'a3'])
@@ -72,106 +50,9 @@
     return d, info
-  def acc_with_optional_args(self, cl, acc):
-    clv = cl + ['--verbose']
-    clt = cl + ['--tracker-url=""']
-    cltv = clv + ['--tracker-url=""']
-    for cl in clv, clt, cltv:
-      acc.append(args.insert_bool_values(cl))
-  def sample_topo_cls(self):
-    clt1 = ['topologies', 'local']
-    clt2 = ['topologies', 'local/foo']
-    clt3 = ['topologies', 'local/foo/bar']
-    all_cl = []
-    for cl in clt1, clt2, clt3:
-      self.acc_with_optional_args(cl, all_cl)
-    return all_cl
-  def sample_lp_cls(self):
-    clco = ['components', 'local/rli/default', 'ExclamationTopology']
-    clsp = ['components', 'local/rli/default', 'ExclamationTopology', '--spout']
-    clbo = ['components', 'local/rli/default', 'ExclamationTopology', '--bolt']
-    good_cls = []
-    for cl in clsp, clbo, clco:
-      self.acc_with_optional_args(cl, good_cls)
-    bad_cl1 = ['spouts', 'local/rli/defult', 'ExclamationTopology']
-    return good_cls, bad_cl1
-  def sample_pp_cls(self):
-    clsp = ['metrics', 'local/rli/default', 'ExclamationTopology']
-    clco = ['containers', 'local/rli/default', 'ExclamationTopology']
-    good_cls = []
-    for cl in clsp, clco:
-      self.acc_with_optional_args(cl, good_cls)
-    good_cls.append(clco + ['--cid 1'])
-    bad_cl1 = ['metrics', 'local/rli/defult', 'ExclamationTopology']
-    return good_cls, bad_cl1
-  def sample_cluster_cls(self):
-    cl = ['clusters']
-    good_cls = []
-    self.acc_with_optional_args(cl, good_cls)
-    return good_cls
-  def sample_cli(self):
-    clt1 = ['topologies', 'local']
-    clt2 = ['topologies', 'local/foo']
-    clt3 = ['topologies', 'local/foo/bar']
-    clb2 = ['metrics', 'local/foo/bar', 'topo']
-    clc1 = ['components', 'local/foo/bar', 'topo']
-    clc1 = ['components', 'local/foo/bar', 'topo', '--spout']
-    clc1 = ['components', 'local/foo/bar', 'topo', '--bolt']
-    clc2 = ['containers', 'local/foo/bar', 'topo']
-    cll = [clt1, clt2, clt3, clb2, clc1, clc2]
-    all_cl = []
-    for cl in cll:
-      self.acc_with_optional_args(cl, all_cl)
-    # help subcommand
-    for sub in ['clusters', 'topologies',
-                'metrics', 'components', 'containers', 'help']:
-      all_cl.append(['help', sub])
-    return all_cl
-  def test_topo(self):
-    for cl in self.sample_topo_cls():
-      self.assertEqual(0, main.main(cl))
-  def test_lp(self):
-    good, _ = self.sample_lp_cls()
-    for cl in good:
-      self.assertEqual(0, main.main(cl))
-    #self.assertEqual(1, main.main(bad))
-  def test_help(self):
-    all_cl = []
-    for sub in ['clusters', 'topologies', 'metrics',
-                'components', 'containers', 'help']:
-      all_cl.append(['help', sub])
-    for cl in all_cl:
-      self.assertEqual(0, main.main(cl))
-  def test_pp(self):
-    good, bad = self.sample_pp_cls()
-    for cl in good:
-      self.assertEqual(0, main.main(cl))
-    self.assertEqual(1, main.main(bad))
-  def test_sample_clusters(self):
-    good = self.sample_cluster_cls()
-    for cl in good:
-      self.assertEqual(0, main.main(cl))
   def test_topo_result_to_table(self):
     d, told = self.sample_topo_result()
-    tnew, _, _ = topologies.to_table(d)
+    tnew, _ = topologies.to_table(d)
     self.assertEqual(told, tnew)
-  def test_cli_parsing(self):
-    parser = main.create_parser()
-    clis = self.sample_cli()
-    for cli in clis:
-      _, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args(cli)
-      self.assertTrue(unknown_args is not None)
diff --git a/integration_test/src/python/local_test_runner/ b/integration_test/src/python/local_test_runner/
index 9c4d9c8..5d51937 100644
--- a/integration_test/src/python/local_test_runner/
+++ b/integration_test/src/python/local_test_runner/
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 from . import test_kill_tmaster
 from . import test_scale_up
 from . import test_template
+from . import test_explorer
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@
     # test_kill_bolt.TestKillBolt,
+    test_explorer.TestExplorer,
 # The location of default configure file
diff --git a/integration_test/src/python/local_test_runner/ b/integration_test/src/python/local_test_runner/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bf6e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integration_test/src/python/local_test_runner/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#  distributed with this work for additional information
+#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#  specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#  under the License.
+import logging
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from subprocess import run, Popen
+from time import sleep
+from . import test_template
+def bound_subprocess(popen: Popen) -> None:
+  with popen:
+    logging.debug(f"starting {popen!r}")
+    try:
+      yield
+    finally:
+      logging.debug(f"killing {popen!r}")
+      popen.kill()
+      popen.communicate()
+def run_explorer(*args):
+  cmd = ["heron-explorer", *args]
+  logging.debug(f"running command {cmd!r}")
+  run(cmd, check=True, timeout=5)
+  logging.debug(f"finished command {cmd!r}")
+class TestExplorer(test_template.TestTemplate):
+  def execute_test_case(self):
+    from getpass import getuser
+    cre = f"{self.params['cluster']}/{getuser()}/default"
+    topology = self.params["topologyName"]
+    # heron-explorer depens on heron-tracker, so start an instance as it is not started
+    # by heron-cli when running against the local "cluster"
+    with bound_subprocess(Popen(["heron-tracker"])):
+      sleep(2)
+      run_explorer("clusters")
+      cre_parts = cre.split("/")
+      for i in range(len(cre_parts)):
+        run_explorer("topologies", "/".join(cre_parts[:i+1]))
+      run_explorer("logical-plan", cre, topology)
+      run_explorer("logical-plan", cre, topology, "--component-type=bolts")
+      run_explorer("logical-plan", cre, topology, "--component-type=spouts")
+      run_explorer("physical-plan", "containers", cre, topology)
+      run_explorer("physical-plan", "containers", cre, topology, "--id=1")
+      run_explorer("physical-plan", "metrics", cre, topology)