blob: 593751bd093040c832ddf3e8289a9f8818def1ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// This file defines the Client class. All Heron clients should use the
// Client class to talk to other Heron servers. The Client class does the
// connection establishment/teardown, sending requests and receiving responses.
// Application classes derive from the Client class and implement methods
// to deal with connection establishment/teardown, query response handling
// and sending requests.
#ifndef CLIENT_H_
#define CLIENT_H_
#include <google/protobuf/message.h>
#include <google/protobuf/repeated_field.h>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <list>
#include <typeindex>
#include "basics/basics.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "network/connection.h"
#include "network/baseclient.h"
#include "network/baseconnection.h"
#include "network/event_loop.h"
#include "network/networkoptions.h"
#include "network/network_error.h"
#include "network/packet.h"
* Client class definition
* Given a host/port, the client tries to connect to the host port.
* It calls various virtual methods when events happen. The events are
* HandleConnect:- When the connect process completes, this method is invoked.
* Applications can send a greeting message, etc.
* HandleClose:- We call this function when the underlying connection closes.
* A connection can close either because the user explictly
* did a close using the Stop API or because of a read/write
* error encountered by the underlying connection.
* Derived classes can cleanup stuff in this method
* HandleResponse:- Whenever a response from the server arrives, this method
* is called. Derived classes can parse the response and
* use the response in this method.
* Derived classes can use the SendRequest method to send a request to the
* server. They can use the Stop to explicitly close a connection.
class Client : public BaseClient {
// Constructor/Destructor
// Note that constructor doesn't do much beyond initializing some members.
// Users must explicitly invoke the Start method to be able to send requests
// and receive responses.
Client(EventLoop* eventLoop, const NetworkOptions& options);
virtual ~Client();
// This starts the connect opereation.
// A return of this function doesnt mean that the client is ready to go.
// It just means that the connect operation is proceeding and we will
// be informed with the HandleConnect method how things went.
void Start();
// This one closes the underlying connection. No new responses will
// be delivered to the client after this call. The set of existing
// requests may not be sent by the client depending on whether they
// have already been sent out of wire or not. You might receive
// error notifications via the HandleSentRequest.
// A return from this doesn't mean that the underlying sockets have been
// closed. Merely that the process has begun. When the actual close
// happens, HandleClose will be called.
void Stop();
// Send a request to the server with a certain timeout
// This function doesnt return anything. After this function returns,
// does not mean that the request actually sent out, merely that the request
// was successfully queued to be sent out.
// Actual send occurs when the socket becomes readable and all prev
// requests are sent. If the packet cannot be sent
// out or the request is not retired by the client within the timeout
// period, the HandleResponse is called with the appropriate status.
// The _request is now owned by the Client class. The ctx is
// a user owned piece of context that is not interpreted by the
// client which is passed on to the HandleResponse
// A negative value of the msecs means no timeout.
void SendRequest(std::unique_ptr<google::protobuf::Message> _request, void* ctx, sp_int64 msecs);
// Convinience method of the above function with no timeout
void SendRequest(std::unique_ptr<google::protobuf::Message> _request, void* ctx);
// This interface is used if you want to communicate with the other end
// on a non-request-response based communication.
void SendMessage(const google::protobuf::Message& _message);
// Add a timer to be invoked after msecs microseconds. Returns the timer id.
sp_int64 AddTimer(VCallback<> cb, sp_int64 msecs);
// Removes a timer with timer_id
sp_int32 RemoveTimer(sp_int64 timer_id);
// For server type request handling
void SendResponse(REQID _id, const google::protobuf::Message& response);
// Tells if we are connected
inline bool IsConnected() const { return state_ == CONNECTED; }
// Tells us if we have caused backpressure
bool HasCausedBackPressure() const;
// Register a handler for a particular response type
template <typename S, typename T, typename M>
void InstallResponseHandler(std::unique_ptr<S> _request,
void (T::*method)(void* _ctx, M*, NetworkErrorCode status)) {
auto m = make_unique<M>();
T* t = static_cast<T*>(this);
responseHandlers[m->GetTypeName()] = std::bind(&Client::dispatchResponse<T, M>, this, t, method,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
requestResponseMap_[_request->GetTypeName()] = m->GetTypeName();
// Register a handler for a particular message type
template <typename T, typename M>
void InstallMessageHandler(void (T::*method)(M* _message)) {
google::protobuf::Message* m = new M();
T* t = static_cast<T*>(this);
messageHandlers[m->GetTypeName()] =
std::bind(&Client::dispatchMessage<T, M>, this, t, method, std::placeholders::_1);
delete m;
sp_int64 getOutstandingBytes() const {
if (conn_) {
return conn_->getOutstandingBytes();
} else {
return 0;
// Return the underlying EventLoop.
EventLoop* getEventLoop() { return eventLoop_; }
// Derived class should implement this method to handle Connection
// establishment. a status of OK implies that the Client was
// successful in connecting to hte client. Requests can now be sent to
// the server. Any other status implies that the connect failed.
virtual void HandleConnect(NetworkErrorCode status) = 0;
// When the underlying socket is closed(either because of an explicit
// Stop done by derived class or because a read/write failed and
// the connection closed automatically on us), this method is
// called. A status of OK means that this was a user initiated
// Close that successfully went through. A status value of
// READ_ERROR implies that there was problem reading in the
// connection and thats why the connection was closed internally.
// A status value of WRITE_ERROR implies that there was a problem writing
// in the connection. Derived classes can do any cleanups in this method.
virtual void HandleClose(NetworkErrorCode status) = 0;
// friend classes that can access the protected functions
friend void CallHandleSentRequestAndDelete(Client*, google::protobuf::Message*, void* ctx,
// Backpressure handler
virtual void StartBackPressureConnectionCb(Connection* connection);
// Backpressure Reliever
virtual void StopBackPressureConnectionCb(Connection* _connection);
//! Imlement methods of BaseClient
virtual BaseConnection* CreateConnection(ConnectionEndPoint* endpoint, ConnectionOptions* options,
EventLoop* eventLoop);
virtual void HandleConnect_Base(NetworkErrorCode status);
virtual void HandleClose_Base(NetworkErrorCode status);
//! Handle most of the init stuff
void Init();
void InternalSendRequest(std::unique_ptr<google::protobuf::Message> _request, void* _ctx,
sp_int64 _msecs);
void InternalSendMessage(const google::protobuf::Message& _message);
void InternalSendResponse(OutgoingPacket* _packet);
// Internal method to be called by the Connection class
// when a new packet arrives
void OnNewPacket(IncomingPacket* packet);
// Internal method to be called by the EventLoop class
// when a packet timer expires
void OnPacketTimer(REQID _id, EventLoop::Status status);
template <typename T, typename M>
void dispatchResponse(T* _t, void (T::*method)(void* _ctx, M*, NetworkErrorCode),
IncomingPacket* _ipkt, NetworkErrorCode _code) {
void* ctx = nullptr;
M* m = nullptr;
NetworkErrorCode status = _code;
if (status == OK && _ipkt) {
REQID rid;
CHECK(_ipkt->UnPackREQID(&rid) == 0) << "REQID unpacking failed";
if (context_map_.find(rid) != context_map_.end()) {
// indeed
ctx = context_map_[rid].second;
m = __global_protobuf_pool_acquire__(m);
} else {
// This is either some unknown message type or the response of an
// already timed out request
std::cerr << "Dropping an incoming packet because either the message type is unknown "
<< " or it was a response for an already timed out request" << std::endl;
std::function<void()> cb = std::bind(method, _t, ctx, m, status);
template <typename T, typename M>
void dispatchMessage(T* _t, void (T::*method)(M*), IncomingPacket* _ipkt) {
M* m = nullptr;
m = __global_protobuf_pool_acquire__(m);
if (_ipkt->UnPackProtocolBuffer(m) != 0) {
// We could not decode the pb properly
std::cerr << "Could not decode protocol buffer of type " << m->GetTypeName();
std::function<void()> cb = std::bind(method, _t, m);
//! Map from reqid to the response/context pair of the request
std::unordered_map<REQID, std::pair<sp_string, void*> > context_map_;
typedef std::function<void(IncomingPacket*)> handler;
std::unordered_map<std::string, handler> messageHandlers;
typedef std::function<void(IncomingPacket*, NetworkErrorCode)> res_handler;
std::unordered_map<std::string, res_handler> responseHandlers;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> requestResponseMap_;
// REQID generator
REQID_Generator* message_rid_gen_;
#endif // CLIENT_H_