blob: 7f8c2dd0e5e693c02cd0abad56361de715f8841d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from userale.version import __version__
from userale.format import StructuredMessage
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QEvent
import datetime
import logging
_ = StructuredMessage
class Ale (QObject):
def __init__(self,
:param output: [str] The file or url path to which logs will be sent
:param interval: [int] The minimum time interval in ms betweeen batch transmission of logs
:param user: [str] Identifier for the user of the application
:param session: [str] Optional session tag to track same user with multiple sessions
:param version: [str] The application version
:param keylog: [bool] Should detailed key logs be recorded. Default is False
:param resolution: [int] Delay in ms between instances of high frequency logs like mouseovers, scrolls, etc
:param shutoff: [list] Turn off logging for specific events
An example log will appear like this:
.. code-block:: python
'target': 'testLineEdit',
'path': ['Example', 'testLineEdit'],
'clientTime': ,
'location': {'x': 82, 'y': 0},
'type': 'mousemove',
'userAction': 'true',
'details' : [],
'userId': 'userABC1234',
'toolVersion': 'myApplication',
'useraleVersion': '1.0.0 alpha'
# UserAle Configuration
self.output = output
self.interval = interval
self.user = user
self.version = version
self.keylog = keylog
self.resolution = resolution
self.shutoff = shutoff
# Store logs
self.logs = []
# Configure logging
self.logger = logging
# Drag/Drop - track duration
self.dd = 0
self.timer = False
# Mapping of all events to methods = {
QEvent.MouseButtonPress: {'mousedown': self.handleMouseEvents},
QEvent.MouseButtonRelease: {'mouseup': self.handleMouseEvents},
QEvent.MouseMove: {'mousemove': self.handleMouseEvents},
QEvent.Enter: {'mouseenter': self.handleMouseEvents},
QEvent.Leave: {'mouseleave': self.handleMouseEvents},
QEvent.DragEnter: {'dragenter': self.handleDragEvents},
QEvent.DragLeave: {'dragleave': self.handleDragEvents},
QEvent.DragMove: {'dragmove': self.handleDragEvents},
QEvent.Drop: {'dragdrop': self.handleDragEvents},
QEvent.KeyPress: {'keypress': self.handleKeyEvents},
QEvent.KeyRelease: {'keyrelease': self.handleKeyEvents}
# Turn on/off keylogging & remove specific filters
for key in list (
name = list ([key]) [0]
if name in self.shutoff or (not self.keylog and (name == 'keypress' or name == 'keyrelease')):
del [key]
def eventFilter(self, object, event):
:param object: [QObject] The object being watched.
:param event: [QEvent]
:return: [bool] Return true in order to filter the event out (stop it from being handled further). Otherwise return false.
Filters events for the watched object (in this case, QApplication)
data = None
t = event.type ()
if len (object.children ()) > 0 and t in
name = list ( [t].keys())[0]
method = list ( [t].values())[0]
data = method (name, event, object)
# self.logs.append (data)
if data is not None: (_(data))
return super(Ale, self).eventFilter (object, event)
def getSelector (self, object):
:param object: [QObject] The base class for all Qt objects.
:return: [str] The Qt object's name
Get target object's name (object defined by user or object's meta class name)
return object.objectName () if object.objectName () else object.staticMetaObject.className ()
def getLocation (self, event):
:param event: [QEvent] The base class for all event classes.
:return: [dict] A dictionary representation of the x and y positions of the mouse cursor.
Grab the x and y position of the mouse cursor, relative to the widget that received the event.
return {"x" : event.pos ().x (), "y" : event.pos ().y ()}
return None
def getPath (self, object):
:param object: [QObject] The base class for all Qt objects.
:return: [list] List of QObjects up to the child object.
Fetch the entire path up the root of the tree for a leaf node object.
Recursive operation.
if object.parent() is not None:
return self.getPath (object.parent()) + [self.getSelector (object)]
return [self.getSelector (object)]
def getClientTime (self):
:return: [str] String representation of the time the event was triggered.
Capture the time the event was captured.
return str ( ())
def handleMouseEvents (self, event_type, event, object):
:param event_type: [str] The string representation of the type of event being triggered by the user.
:param event: [QEvent] The base class for all event classes.
:param object: [QObject] The base class for all Qt objects.
:return: [dict] A userale log describing a mouse event.
Returns the userale log representing all mouse event data.
.. code-block:: python
return self.__create_msg (event_type, event, object)
def handleKeyEvents (self, event_type, event, object):
:param event_type: [str] The string representation of the type of event being triggered by the user.
:param event: [QEvent] The base class for all event classes.
:param object: [QObject] The base class for all Qt objects.
:return: [dict] A userale log describing a key event.
Returns the userale log representing all key events, including key name and key code.
details = {'key' : event.text (), 'keycode' : event.key ()}
return self.__create_msg (event_type, event, object, details=details)
def handleDragEvents (self, event_type, event, object):
:param event_type: [str] The string representation of the type of event being triggered by the user.
:param event: [QEvent] The base class for all event classes.
:param object: [QObject] The base class for all Qt objects.
:return: [dict] A userale log describing a drag event.
Returns the userale log representing all drag events.
details = {}
if event_type == 'dragenter':
if self.timer == False:
# Only start the timer on the first dragenter encountered
self.dd = ()
self.timer = True
details = {"source" : self.getSelector (event.source())}
elif event_type == 'dragdrop':
details = {"elapsed" : str ( () - self.dd),
"source" : self.getSelector (event.source())}
self.dd = 0
self.timer = False
# drag move/leave event - ignore
return self.__create_msg (event_type, event, object, details=details)
def handleMoveEvents (self, event_type, event, object):
:param event_type: [str] The string representation of the type of event being triggered by the user.
:param event: [QEvent] The base class for all event classes.
:param object: [QObject] The base class for all Qt objects.
:return: [dict] A userale log describing a drag event.
Returns the userale log representing all move events.
def handleResizeEvents (self, event_type, event, object):
:param event_type: [str] The string representation of the type of event being triggered by the user.
:param event: [QEvent] The base class for all event classes.
:param object: [QObject] The base class for all Qt objects.
:return: [dict] A userale log describing a resize event.
Returns the userale log representing all resize events.
def handleScrollEvents (self, event_type, event, object):
:param event_type: [str] The string representation of the type of event being triggered by the user.
:param event: [QEvent] The base class for all event classes.
:param object: [QObject] The base class for all Qt objects.
:return: [dict] A userale log describing a scroll event.
Returns the userale log representing all scroll events.
def __create_msg (self, event_type, event, object, details={}):
Geneate UserAle log describing an event.
data = {
'target': self.getSelector (object) ,
'path': self.getPath (object),
'clientTime': self.getClientTime (),
'location': self.getLocation (event),
'type': event_type ,
'userAction': 'true',
'details' : details,
'userId': self.user,
'toolVersion': self.version,
'useraleVersion': __version__
return data